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JCARCH/JES98/036 · 2nd millenium BC
Part of Archaeological Finds

Primary flake with marginal retouch on the distal end

Caius College Quit Rent
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1816/38 · 9th November
Part of College Archives

Received of the Bursar of Jesus College 16s 6d due to Caius College at Michaelmas 1816.
Signed by Robert Woodhouse, Bursar.

Woodhouse, Robert
Bill to the Smith (Coe)
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1767/40 · 9 June
Part of College Archives

Paid £0 17s 0d to the smith Thomas Coe given by B. Fuller for work done in the kitchen: new great jack (?), laying pooker, lock and hoy, mending the spitts (?), meat hooks, mending and laying rang and bair, lach and a crying (?) outdoor.
Signed by B. Fuller.

Coe, Thomas
JCARCH/JCW04/004 · Roman
Part of Archaeological Finds

21 shards, including one Central Gaulish Samian dish dated mid 2nd century AS and four sherds from a Hadham oxidised ware vessel dated mid 3rd-4th century AD. A black slipped dog dish from this context dates to the 2nd-4th century AD and the remaining sherds are also probably of this date range.
Two sherds probably post-Roman are separated.

JCARCH/JCW04/033 · Roman
Part of Archaeological Finds

Two sherds of Nene Valley colour coated ware and one Hadham oxidised ware. None of the sherds were diagnostic but the Hadham ware is dated mid 3rd-4th century AD and the Nene Valley ware is dates AD 150-300.

JCPP/French/1/1/1844/5 · Item · 27th September 184
Part of Personal Papers

Written from College, Ely. Hopes French's health is improving and says he will send a remedy recommended by one of his friends, Mr Fardall, He cured Dr. Wilson of Walthamstow. Hopes that his health recovers quickly, whether or not he takes his friend's remedy. Greatly felt the deans absence whilst the Bishop and Mrs Allen also aren't looking very robust. The son and daughter have just returned to, presumably, where they live. On 3rd November he must appear at the Chapel Royal.

Maddy, P.
Ironmonger's bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1864/148 · Item · September 186[3/4?]
Part of College Archives

Ironmonger's bill addressed to Mrs Feilding's account, from R. Underwood, 'General Ironmongery Establishment', on the High Street, Huntingdon. Total payment of 6s for two stone nails. Signed by O. Baines on behalf of R. Underwood. Year not given, presumably 1863 or 1864.

Baines, O.
Diary, Jun - Oct 1928
JCPP/Curzon/1/5 · File · 20 June 1928 - 29 October 192
Part of Personal Papers

Contains pencilled notes of daily events, with a few poems and school notes.

JCARCH/JES98/056 · Roman to 14th/15th century
Part of Archaeological Finds

Romans and St Neots and 14th/15th century

JCARCH/JES98/019 · Late Roman and 16th century
Part of Archaeological Finds

Some with green glaze. Late Roman and 16th century Surrey.

Old Library Manuscripts
JCOL · Collection · 1000-2000

Medieval ms. volumes and some later material.

JCOL/Q/A/15 · File · 1000-1400 (The main text is 14C, the added leaves 11C.)
Part of Old Library Manuscripts

Peter Lombard's Sentences; M. R. James's no. 15. Rated "an unremarkable copy", with marginal notes in various hands. Bound at the front and back several Anglo-Saxon semi-palimpsest leaves originally containing a Durham version of Aelfric's Homilies; ff. 4-9 have been used for a 14-15C tract, "Cum summa teologice discipline diuiditur in duas partes".

JCOL/Q/B/11 · File · 1000-1100 (There is an annotation in French on the first folio and James judged it of early 13C date. He also identifies three replacement leaves of 13-14C date.)
Part of Old Library Manuscripts

Priscian's "De grammatica libri xvi" and "De accentibus" (by Priscianus Caesariensis), the latter ending imperfectly; M. R. James's no. 28. Includes a few later leaves, decorated initials and, at the start, a Greek alphabet matched against numerals. The margins bear many pointing hands and sketches of faces.

Beda super Genesim et Exodum
JCOL/Q/A/14 · File · 1100-1200
Part of Old Library Manuscripts

Bede on Genesis and "on Exodus"; M. R. James's no. 14. Two separate works, in different hands of similar date. Item (2) is Bede's "De tabernaculo"; it ends abruptly while discussing Exodus 26. James judged the writing "beautiful"; there is a fine decorated initial at f. 1v. Attached to the binding at the beginning and end are partially erased leaves from another copy of Bede on Genesis, of about the same date.

Tractatus de Astronomia etc
JCOL/Q/B/8 · File · 1100-1200 ((1) is in an early 12C hand, according to James; (2) is also 12C. Bound in two leaves of a 13C psalter.)
Part of Old Library Manuscripts

Treatises on astronomy, etc.; M. R. James's no. 25. Contains: (1) an anonymous tract on celestial phenomena (apparently derived from Isidore's De naturis rerum), lacking initials and diagrams; (2) Sermones S. Augustini (96 sermons, most untitled). James gives detailed contents lists of both.

JCOL/Q/B/10 · File · 1100-1200 (12C ms. with 15C annotations)
Part of Old Library Manuscripts

Writings of saints Ambrosius and Jerome; M. R. James's no. 27. Probably English work. Contains: (1) Liber ualde utilium preceptorum atque consiliorum de libris officiorum Beatissimi pape [erased] Ambrosii mediolanensis collectus; (2) Liber S. Jeronimi presbyteri contra Iovinianum; (3) Liber beati Ambrosii Mediolanensis episcopi de misteriis sine iniciandis; (4) Sermo primus de sacramentis ambrosii. Includes, at the front, a 15C list of herbs and a recipe in English.

Selecta ex Augustino
JCOL/Q/G/1 · File · 1100-1200 (The contents table inside the front cover is of 15C date.)
Part of Old Library Manuscripts

Selections from Augustine: M. R. James's no. 49. Contains: 1) Augustinus super Genesim ad literam libri xii (ff. 1-99); 2) Augustinus de gratia novi testamenti (ff. 100-123; at f. 100 an initial has been cut out); 3) Prologus ex libro primo retractatus S. Augustini (f. 124); 4) Liber S. Augustini ad Honoratum de utilitate credendi (ff. 125-140); 5) Sermo S. Augustini de laude karitatis, incipit: Divinarum scripturarum mulitplicem (ff. 141-42); 6) An untitled tract, incipit: (O)mnis diuina scriptura circa triplicem intellectum, ends imperfectly (ff. 143-47).

Expositio missae, etc.
JCOL/Q/G/17 · File · 1100-1200 (Binding elements are of 13C date)
Part of Old Library Manuscripts

A collection of sermons and extracts; M. R. James's no. 65. Contains: 1) Expositio missae. In virtute sancte crucis; 2) extracts on leprosy and on the Holy Ghost; 3) Sermo Gibuini de filio prodigo and three other sermons; 4) extracts; 5) - 13) sermons for particular days in the church calendar; 14) extracts; sermons: 15) Omnis caro corruperat; 16) Vie syon lugent; 17) In hunc modum loquitur patres; 18) De institutione misse et de intellectu eorum 19) Ut intinguatur pes tuus; 20) Oritur sol et occidit; 21) sermo in dedicatione ecclesia; 22) Intravit ihesus in quoddam castellum; sermons: 23) on the parable of the vineyard; 24) Ite baptizate; 25) Cum invitatus fueris ad nuptias; 26) for the first Sunday after Pentecost (Temptatus est ihesus); 27) for the third Sunday after Pentecost (Que mulier habens dragmas); 28) extracts; 29) sermo in Quadragesima; 30) for the 13th Sunday (Et approprians samaritanus); 31) Quid sit fides; 32) Exposition of some Levitical ceremonies; sermons: 33) for Palm Sunday; 34) magistri Petri in ... (Surge aquilo); 35) extracts; 36) sermon on the blood of the Lamb; 37) extracts; 38) Incipit de xij apostolis ubi nati fuerint ... ; 39)Questiones de diversitate in officiis ecclesiasticis. Ends imperfectly. The binding has a leaf of a 13C folio psalter in double columns, the same as in Q.B.3. and Q.B.8, with flyleaves from the smaller psalter used to bind Q.G.4 and 5. The latter include parts of psalms 42-45 and 23 and 26.

JCOL/Q/G/29 · File · 1100-1200
Part of Old Library Manuscripts

M. R. James's no. 76. Contains: Epistola Hieronymi ad Demetriadum Virginem; Dicta Anselmi Archiepiscopi; Sermo S. Augustini de penitentia; Collaterales iiiior virtutum; De xii lapidibus; Orationes seu meditationes Anselmi Archiepiscopi; Expl. monologion Anselmi arch.: Inc. prologus in proslogion eiusdem; Proslogion Anselmi; Liber B. Augustini de presentia summi et veri ac omnipotentis dei; Seneca de institutione morum; Collatio Serapionis; De vestimentis sacerdotalibus; an exposition of the canon of the mass; a tract on prosody (wanting the first leaf); elegiac verses on death (30 lines); a dialogue on prosody; verses in another hand (wanting a quire); hymn to the Virgin; two unconnected lines of verse; prologue to a treatise on astronomy, with treatise beginning "Spera est rotundum et globosum corpus" and ending with instructions on making an astrolabe; and a gloss on the Lamentations.

Ysaias, Tobit, Ruth, Glosati
JCOL/Q/G/2 · File · 1100-1300
Part of Old Library Manuscripts

Glosses on Isaiah (ff. 1-116), Tobit (ff. 117-129) and Ruth (ff. 129-34); M. R. James's no. 50. Parts of two leaves from a large 13C missal are attached to the covers. The gloss on Isaiah is in a different hand from the other two and has "a good rough initial".

Augustini quaedam
JCOL/Q/A/16 · File · 1100-1300 (12C ms. bound in 13C psalter leaves)
Part of Old Library Manuscripts

Works of Augustine; M. R. James's no. 16. Contains: (1) Augustinus in libro ii Retractionum, Contra donatistas auctoritate beatissimi episcopi et martyris cipriani; (2) Aurelii Augusti ypponensis episcopi contra Donatistas de Baptismo libri septem; (3) Augustinus in libro ii Retractionum, Uenit etiam tunc; (4) Aur. Augustini Doctoris ypponensis Ep. Liber de Natura et Gratia; (5) Epistola Prosperi ad B. Augustinum Ep. ; (6) Epistola S. Hylarii Arelatensis Ep. Ad S. Augustinum ypponensem Ep. ; (7) Aur. Augustini Doctoris ypponensis Ep. Libri duo de predestinatione Sanctorum et de Bono perseuerantie ad Prosperum et Hylarium. The text is well written, with coloured initials. Bound in two consecutive sheets of a psalter containing parts of psalms 34-38 and 43-49. A piece of a 15C table appears in the binding. The flyleaf has a 12C table of contents and a 15C pressmark: "Augustinus de baptismo et de natura et gracia et alia litera. B".

Psalterium etc
JCOL/Q/B/6 · File · 1100-1500 (12C and 15C)
Part of Old Library Manuscripts

Psalter with miscellaneous ecclesiatical collection; M. R. James's no. 23. Contains: (1) Ieronimus de camera Christi; (2) Origenes; (3) ; (4) table of days and seasons; (5) a beautifully written Kalendar, with 15C insertions; (6) Libellus b. Martini episcopi de quattuor virtutibus; (7) a sermon, incipit: Sermo iste docet quales boni vel qualed mali sint xristiani; (8) preliminary matter to the psalter; (9) psalter, in double columns of 26 lines each, with a fine initial at f.15 and a collect after each psalm; (10) prayers; (11) cantica for particular occasions; (12) office of the dead, in a 15C hand; (13) collects and antiphons, in a 15C hand; (14) end of a Diurnal in a 12C hand; (15) a sermon of St Augustine, "de dedicatione ecclesie"; (16) another sermon on the same subject; (17) a tract: De corpore vel sanguine domini vel quid significet; (18) Isidore: De homine erumpnas presentis seculi defiente; (19) De quindecim signas; (20) a 15C table of Easter.

P. Vergilii Maronis Aeneis
JCOL/Q/B/16 · File · 1100-1500 (12C and 15C text with glosses in 12C-16C hands.)
Part of Old Library Manuscripts

Virgil's Aeneid; M. R. James's no. 33. James suggests the text was copied from an imperfect archetype. He identifies two hands in the text and at least four more in the marginal and interlinear glosses.

Tractatus miscellanei
JCOL/Q/B/17 · File · 1100-1300 (James identifies items 5) - 9) and 13) as of 13C date.)
Part of Old Library Manuscripts

Miscellaneous tracts; M. R. James's no. 34. Contains: 1) a catalogue of Rievaulx library, in two lists the second being approximately a shorter replica of the first [James transcribes both]; 2) Introductiones in Theologiam; 3) Fallacie [incipit: Fallacia apud logicos dicitur]; 4) Loci [incipit: Locus argumenti est sedes argumenti]; 5) Summa de diuersa uocabulorum significacione edita a mag. Will. De monte (called at the end Tropi theologici); 6) notes on vices; 7) Excerpta moralia [incipit: Ad edificacionem animarum et morum informacionem]; 8) Sermons without heading (incipits: Hora est iam uos de sompno surgere; Excitare volens apostolus; Deus manifeste veniet deus noster non silebit]; 9) Aelredi Abbatis Rievallensis oracio pastoralis, with an extract from a letter by Aelred and his dying words; 10) Consuetudines Cisterciensium, ending with the Privilege of pope Innocent in a different hand; 11) Letter by "Stephanus cisterciensis ecclesie servus" [Stephen Harding] to T. abbot of Sherborne; 12) Bernardi Antiphonarium sive liber de musica, and Tonale, ending with verses on the numbers of chapters in each book of the Bible; 13) Bernardi silvestris liber de creatione rerum, interspersed with verses after the manner of Boethius and Martianus Capella; 14) Lines on prosody with interlinear notes [incipit: Regula splendescit quia sillaba longa patescit].

S. Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera
JCOL/Q/B/21 · File · 1100-1200
Part of Old Library Manuscripts

Works of St Greory, Bishop of Nazianzus, bearing on the flyleaf the old title "Apologij gregorii cum aliis"; M. R. James's no. 38. A preface (Rufini ad Apronianum ... ) is followed by eight books: Apologeticus; De epiphaniis sive de natali domini; De luminibus sive secundis epiphaniis; De pentecosten de spiritu sancto; In semet ipso de agro; De ieremie dictis presente imperatore ... ; De reconciliatione monachorum; and De grandinis vastatione cum pater episcopus reticeret. There follows a separate treatise: Incipit tractatus in canone misse et de differentiis in faciendis crucibus ... a Ricardo abbate ecclesie premonstrati ordinis editus.

Dioscorides etc.
JCOL/Q/D/2 · File · 1100-1300 (With contents note in a 15C-16C hand and a 17C index.)
Part of Old Library Manuscripts

A miscellany including Dioscorides' De virtutibus herbarum and De natura lapidum; M. R. James's no. 44. Contains: 1) Paula liber de cura egritudinem parcium totius corporis [on the hair only]; 2) Dicta philosophorum, per Petrum Alfunsum [Alfonso], without title; 3) Priscianus de accentibus; 4) Dioscorides, De virtutibus herbarum; Dioscorides, Liber de natura lapidum, in French verse; 5) some paragraphs on the polishing of precious stones. The cover is lined with part of a leaf of a 13C servce book, containing lessons and antiphons from Isaiah.

Elucidarius, etc.
JCOL/Q/D/4 · File · 1100-1500 (James identifies 12C, 13C and 15C contents, and a 16C hand on the flyleaf.)
Part of Old Library Manuscripts

A theological miscellany; M. R. James's no. 46. The heading of a 15C contents list refers to five books of Elucidarius, sermons and chapters. The volume falls into two parts, which are listed separately below. The last flyleaf is part of a 15C will with Northampton connections, but not fully legible.

JCOL/Q/G/4 · File · 1100-1200
Part of Old Library Manuscripts

Sermons of Ivo of Carnot and others; M. R. James's no. 52. Contains: 1) fifteen sermons of Ivo of Carnot; 2) Liber B. Augustini de vita Christiani ad sororem suam viduam (identified in the 17C as by Fastidius Britannus); 3) an untitled tract, incipit: Exceptiones ecclesiaticarum regularum, partim ex epistolis romanorum pontificum;4) Sermo B. Augustini ep. de decem preceptis legis et de decem plagis egyptorum; 5) Libellus de iiiior virtutibus id est prudentia fortitudine temperantia et iustitia martini episcopiad mironem regem. 1) and 2) make up the first original volume, 3) the second, 4) and 5) the third.The volume is bound in a leaf of a folio psalter of 13-14C date, related to leaves found in Q.G.5, with two leaves of a smaller psalter.

Ivonis Carnotensis Epistolae
JCOL/Q/G/5 · File · 1100-1200
Part of Old Library Manuscripts

Letters of Ivo of Carnot; M. R. James's no. 53. Contains 54 letters with (after letter 11) a sermon of St Augustine: Quomodo homo ad imaginem dei creatus est. At the beginning of the volume appear leaves from the same psalter as appears in hte binding of Q.G.4.

Boethius de trinitate, etc.
JCOL/Q/G/16 · File · 1100-1200 (The tables of contents are of 17C and 13C dates.)
Part of Old Library Manuscripts

Boethius' treatises and other tracts; M. R. James's no. 64. Ocontains: 1) Boetii liber de trinitate, preceded by a table of contents and extracts about Boethius; the next four by the same: 2) Epistola ad S. Joannem Diaconum eccl. Rom. an tres pesonae de divinitate substantialiter praedicentur; 3) Epistola ad eundem quomodo substantie in eo quod sint ... ; 4) Confessio fidei christiani; 5) De Persona et Natura; the rest by Anselm: 6) Monologion; 7) Proslogion; 8) De incarnatione verbi; 9) Prefacio in subditos tractatus; 10) Tractatus de veritate; 11) Le libertate arbitrii; 12) De casu diaboli; 13) Libri ii contra gentiles, cur deus homo; 14) De conceptu virginali et originali peccato. Between 12) and 13) are 2 pp. of pencil notes (14-15C).

Acta Apostolorum cum Glossa
JCOL/Q/B/24 · File · 1100-1200
Part of Old Library Manuscripts

Acts of the Apostles with glosses; M. R. James's no. 40. Begins (f. 2): Quibus et (gloss: humanitate a divinitate). Ends: Explicit liber actuum apostolorum liber VIII [with symbol over]. D. C., which James says is thus written for "habet versus III. D. C.".

JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 1-10/1 · Item · 1144-1145 (This is probably the earliest of the nuns' charters, written before Gray 2a: see Gray, Priory (Cambridge, 1898), p. 3, for discussion; also Nuns and goldsmiths, p.61, n.11.)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Nigel, Bishop of Ely, gives to the nuns of the newly founded cell outside the town of Cambridge a piece of land (4 acres) lying near to the said cell, free of all customs, for a rent of 12d per annum. Witnesses: Radulf Olaf; Petrus clericus (Peter the clerk); Gilebertus capellanus de horn[u]ningesheia (Gilbert the chaplain of Horningsea).

Nigel (d 1169) Bishop of Ely
JCMR · Collection · 1144-1496 (The earliest dated document comes from 1144; there are also undated items from around that time.)

The collection comprises property deeds and some administrative records of the Benedictine nunnery that formerly occupied the Jesus College site.

Charter of King Stephen
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 1-10/2a · Item · 1149-1150 ("[Given] during the siege of Mapperhall" (Apud Mapertes halam in obsidione), 1149-50. For the date, see appendix A in Nuns and goldsmiths.)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Stephen confirms to the church and nuns of St Mary the grant by William Monachus [le Moyne], goldsmith, of 2 virgates of land and 6 acres of pasture and 4 cottars with their holdings, at (Great) Shelford, in free alms, for the soul of Henry (I) and for all God's faithful. Witnesses: William Martell and Rainer de Warenne.

Stephen I (c 1096-1154) King of England
Grant of rent in free alms
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 18-28/18 · Item · 1150-1199 (The grant is given to 'the Church of St Radegund' (ad eclesiam s[an]c[t]e Radegunde).)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Richard Wastinel addresses all his friends, French and English, and grants to the nuns in free alms a rent of 2 pence (duos nummos) of the service of Everad de Batford. No witnesses.

Wastinel, Richard
Gift with warranty
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 192-209/192 · Item · 1150-1180
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Stephen de Scalaris (Scaler, or Scales, see Gray 5) to Absalon, son of Roger of Cambridge 3 shops in Cambridge market, one a corner shop, rent 5s 8d; hagabel 4d; the adjoining one 4s and the third 3s 8d. Consideration: 100s ("ad magnun negocium meum perficiendum" - to accomplish his great work). Donor covenants to use no art or ingenuity to get out of this agreement. Witnesses: Geoffrey Poteckin, Richard, Eustace (?), brothers, Henry Elyot, John, son of Hugh, Roger Parleben, John, son of Henry le Tablur, Godfrid, son of William, __ Potekin, (Laurence?) Potekin, Ralph, son of Edmund(?) et multis aliis.

Scalaris, Stephen de
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 1-10/3a · Item · August 1153-October 1154 (The grant includes prayers for the soul of Eustace and the good estate of King Stephen, so must be between Eustace's death in Aug. 1153 and Stephen's death in Oct. 1154.)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Grant of exemption from hagable and langable within and without the borough of Cambridge, also fishery and waters which belong to the said borough, as they were held by herself and her late husband Eustace, for the soul of the said Count Eustace, of all her ancestors, also for the soul of Queen Matilda, and for the good estate of King Stephen. Witnessed by N[igel], bishop of Ely, G[eoffrey] de Waterville, [Roger le Equaham?] with his brother Rodbertus (Robert), Radulf vicecomitus (Ralph the sheriff), Alexander pincerna (the butler), Eustace de Bans, William Monachus (le Moyne) of Shelford, Rodbertus (Robert) Grim, Gilbert son of Dunning, Herbert, Hervey son of Warin.

Constance (c 1126-post 1174) Countess of Toulouse from 1154