- JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 22...29, 50-78/59a
- Item
- 26 August 1359 (Dat' apud Cantebr' die Lune p[ro]x[ima] post festu[m] S[an]c[t]i Barth[olome]i ap[osto]li Anno regni Regis Edwardi T[er]cii post conquestu[m] Angl[ie] Tricesimo tercio.)
Prioress Eva Wasteneys and the nuns to Thomas de Revede, Serjeant-at-arms, Alice, his wife, and John, William and George, their sons, and Isabel and Margaret, their daughters, a tenement in Radegund's Lane, lying between a tenement of the nuns on the east and another tenement of the nuns and the garden of the Friars Minor on the west, abutting on the Friars' garden and a messuage of the nuns on the south, and on the lane to the north. Term: their joint lives in survivorship and one year and one day after the death of the survivor of them. Rent: 6s. 8d. Covenants: Lessees to build, repair etc. Witnesses: Stephen, son of Bartholomew Moriz, Mayor of Cambridge, Roger de Harleston, William de Horwode, John de Caldecote, Roger le Chaundeler et aliis.
Wasteneys, Eva (fl 1359 mid - 2nd half of 14c) Prioress of St Radegund