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Lease for lives (indenture)
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 22...29, 50-78/59a · Item · 26 August 1359 (Dat' apud Cantebr' die Lune p[ro]x[ima] post festu[m] S[an]c[t]i Barth[olome]i ap[osto]li Anno regni Regis Edwardi T[er]cii post conquestu[m] Angl[ie] Tricesimo tercio.)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Prioress Eva Wasteneys and the nuns to Thomas de Revede, Serjeant-at-arms, Alice, his wife, and John, William and George, their sons, and Isabel and Margaret, their daughters, a tenement in Radegund's Lane, lying between a tenement of the nuns on the east and another tenement of the nuns and the garden of the Friars Minor on the west, abutting on the Friars' garden and a messuage of the nuns on the south, and on the lane to the north. Term: their joint lives in survivorship and one year and one day after the death of the survivor of them. Rent: 6s. 8d. Covenants: Lessees to build, repair etc. Witnesses: Stephen, son of Bartholomew Moriz, Mayor of Cambridge, Roger de Harleston, William de Horwode, John de Caldecote, Roger le Chaundeler et aliis.

Wasteneys, Eva (fl 1359 mid - 2nd half of 14c) Prioress of St Radegund
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 22...29, 50-78/59b · Item · 26 August 1359 (Dat' apud Cantebr' die Lune p[ro]x[ima] post festu[m] S[an]c[t]I Barth[olome]i ap[osto]li Anno regni Regis Edwardi T[er]cii post conquestu[m] Angl[ie] Tricesimo tercio.)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Prioress Eva Wasteneys and the nuns to Thomas de Revede, Serjeant-at-arms, Alice, his wife, and John, William and George, their sons, and Isabel and Margaret, their daughters, a tenement in Radegund's Lane, lying between a tenement of the nuns on the east and another tenement of the nuns and the garden of the Friars Minor on the west, abutting on the Friars' garden and a messuage of the nuns on the south, and on the lane to the north. Term: their joint lives in survivorship and one year and one day after the death of the survivor of them. Rent: 6s. 8d., to be paid in two equal parts on the Easter day and on St Michael's day. Covenants: Lessees to build, repair etc. Witnesses: Stephen, son of Bartholomew Moriz, Mayor of Cambridge, Roger de Harleston, William de Horwode, John de Caldecote, Roger le Chaundeler et aliis.

Wasteneys, Eva (fl 1359 mid - 2nd half of 14c) Prioress of St Radegund
Gift with royal licence
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 31-49/32e · Item · 27 February 1343 (''Dat' apud Cantebr' die Jovis p[ro]x[ima] post festu[m] s[an]c[t]i Mathie Ap[osto]li Anno regni Regis Edward t[er]cii post Conquestu[m] Septimodecimo'.)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

John de Tryppelowe, Rector of Hardwick, to the nuns a piece of arable land in Swynecroft between the land of the Nuns and that formerly of Reginald de Trumpington, now John Drake's, extending from Hadstock Way to land of Margaret Godman. Witnesses: Bartholomew Morice, Mayor of Cambridge, Richard Tuyllet, John Pyttok senior, Richard Pawe, John de Bromholm et aliis.

Trippelowe, John de
General release
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 31-49/33b · Item · 26 March 1343 ('Dat' apud Cantebr' die Mercurii p[ro]x[ima] post festu[m] Annunciac[i]o[n]is be[atae] Marie virginis Anno regni Regis Edwardi t[er]cii post conquestu[m] Septimodecimo')
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

John de Tryppelowe, rector of Hardwick, to the nuns, 6 1/2 acres (33a) in Cambridge and Barnwell fields. Witnesses: Bartholomew Morice, Mayor of Cambridge, Richard Tuylett, John Pyttok, senior, Edmund de Ovyngton, John Mareschal et aliis.

Trippelowe, John de
Feoffment in French
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 31-49/34c · Item · 16 December 1348 ('Done a Cantebrig' le jour de Mardy proscheyn a pris la ffeste Seynte Lucie la virgine lan du regne le Roy Edward tierce a pris le Conqueste vynte et seconnde'.)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

William de Lavenham to John de Trippelowe, rector of Hardwick, Richard de Dyttone, vicar of St Clement's, William de Bodekesham, vicar of All Saints', Robert de Sydestone, clerk (chaplain 34b), and John Purry (Porry 34b) of Wivelingham, the reversion of all the tenements, shops, rents etc., i.e. the third which Stephen, son of Bartholomew Morice, and his wife, Margaret, widow of William de Trippelowe, hold as dower of the said Margaret. Witnesses: Master Robert de Birgham, Mayor of Cambridge, Thomas, son of John Morice, Andrew Hardy, Stephen, son of John Morice, John Purry, bailiffs of Cambridge, Henry de Beche, John de Repham, John de Berneye, Yvon le Clerk et autres.

Lavenham, William de
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 31-49/35 · Item · 17 February 1336 ('Dat' Cantebr' t[er]ciodecio kal[e]n[d] martii Anno regni reg[is] Edward t[er]cii a conquestu veci[si]mo')
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Robert Dunning of Cambridge, as overlord, to John de Trippelowe, rector of Reymerston, to convey to the Nuns of St Radegund 5 acres in Barnwell fields which he acquired from John de Caam of Longstanton, and Joan, his wife, and from Bartholomew Morice and Margaret, his wife, with reservation to Robert Dunning of rent of 4s. Wintesses: John Pittok, Mayor of Cambridge, Thomas de Welle, Henry de Brunne, bailiffs of Cambridge, Bartholomew Morice, Robert Tuillet, Richard Tuillet, Walter de Lolleworth et aliis.

Dunning, Robert (fl 1336) sometime mayor of Cambridge
Gift with warranty
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 31-49/39 · Item · 26 March 1343 ('Dat' apud Bernewell die mercurii p[ro]x[ima] festu[m] Annunciacio[n]is be[atae] Marie virginis anno regni Regis Edwardi t[er]cii post conquestu[m] septimodecimo')
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Richard de Dytton, vicar of St Clement's, to John de Tryppelowe, rector of Herdewyk, land in Barnwell Middylfeld, near Pysshwel Way and between lands of Barnwell Priory. Witnesses: Bartholomew Morice, Mayor of Cambridge, Richard Tuylett, Richard le Tableter, Hugh le Smyth, John Porter et aliis.

Dytton, Richard de
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 31-49/38b · Item · 13 October 1345 ('Dat' apud Cantebr' die Lune p[ro]x[ima] post festu[m] s[an]c[t]I Dyonisii martir' Anno regni Regis Edwardi t[er]cii post conquestu[m] decimo Nono')
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

John de Malbyrthorp and William de Hynxton, citizens of Cambridge and executors of Adam de Clifford, to John de Tryppelowe, parson of Herdewyck, 2 selions in Barnwell fields, one next the land of the Prior of St Edmund's Chapel in Cambridge and abutting on Horspath, the other next to land of the nuns and abutting on Hynton Way. Witnesses: John Pyttok, Bartholomew Morice, Edmund de Ovyngton, John Porter, Hugh le Smyth, Thomas Joachym et aliis.

Clifford, Executors of Adam de
Gift with royal licence
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 31-49/41 · Item · 18 January 1344 ('Dat' apud Cantebr' die D[ome]nica p[ro]x[ima] post festu[m] s[an]c[t]i Hillar' Confessor' anno regni regis Edwardi t[er]cii post conquestu[m] deci[m]o septimo'.)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

John de Tryppelowe, rector of Herdewyk, to the nuns 18 selions, i.e. 8 acres in Barnwell Myddylfield, 14 selions of it being near Pysshwell Way and the rest near land of the Chapel of St Edmund's. Witnesses: Bartholomew Morice, Mayor of Cambridge, Richard Tuyllet, John Pittok, Edmund de Ovington, Hugh le Smyth, John Porter, Thomas Joachim et aliis.

Trippelowe, John de
Gift with royal licence
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 31-49/43a · Item · 12 October 1345 ('Dat' apud Cantebr' (die) mercurii p[ro]x[ima] post festu[m] s[an]c[t]i Dyonisii martir' anno regni Regis Edwardi t[er]cii post conquestu[m] decimo Nono'.)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

John de Tryppelowe, rector of Herdewyk, to the Prioress and the nuns a messuage acquired by him from John Friday, burgess and cutler (cultellar), situated in St Radegund Street, between a tenement of John de Lincoln and one of Robert Gome, chaplain, abutting on the highway and on a croft of the nuns called Eldested croft. Witnesses: Richard Tuylett, Mayor of Cambridge, John Pittok, Bartholomew Morice, Edmund de Ovington, John Mareschal et aliis.

Trippelowe, John de
Gift with licence (damaged)
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 31-49/38c · Item · 13 October 1345 ('Dat' apud Bernewell die Jovis p[ro]x[ima] post festu[m] s[an]c[t]i Dyonisii martir anno regni regis Edwardi t[er]cii post conquestu[m] decimo Nono'.)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

John de Tryppelowe, rector of Herdewyk, to the Prioress and the nuns of St Radegund 2 selions (38b) in Barnwell fields. Witnesses: Richard Tuylett, Mayor of Cambridge, John Pyttok, Bartholomew Morice, Hugh le Smyth, Thomas Joachym et aliis.

Trippelowe, John de
Gift with warranty (damaged)
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 31-49/40 · Item · 11 November 1331 ('Da . . . Cantebr' die Lune in Festo s[an]c[t]I martinii Ep[iscop]i anno regni Reg[is] Edwardi t[er]cii a conquest; q[ui]nto')
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Bartholomew Moriz and Margaret, his wife, to John de Trippelowe 3 acres in Barnwell fields: 2 acres next land of said John and land of the Priory of St Radegund; 1/2 acre between the latter and land of the Priory of St. Radegund; 1/2 acre between the land of Sir John de Cambridge and that of John de Trippelowe.Witnesses: Gilbert de London, Simon Gerard, Pobert de Tachewell, Richard Tuylet, Stephen Godsone et aliis.

Bartholomew and Margaret Morice
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 31-49/48 · Item · 17 December 1342 ('Dat' apud Cantebr' die marcis p[ro]x[ima] post festu[m] s[an]c[t]e Lucie virginis septimodecimo die Mensis Decembr' Anno regni Regis Edwardi t[er]cii post conquestu[m] sextodecimo'.)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

John de Tryppelowe, rector of Herdewik, to John Purry of Wyvelyngham a piece of land with buildings and a garden in St Radegund Street, lying between a tenement of the nuns and one of Lina le Gome, abutting on the highway. Witnesses: Bartholomew Morice, Mayor of Cambridge, John de Schadeworth, Edmund de Ovyngton, John le Marschal, John Fryday et aliis.

Trippelowe, John de
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 121-155, 361/140 · Item · 18 January 1344 ("Dat' apud Cantebr' die D[ome]nica p[ro]x[ima] post festu[m] s[an]c[t]i Hillari Co[n]fessor[i] Anno r[e]gni Regis Edwardi t[er]cii post conquiesu[m] decimo septimo.")
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Prioress and the nuns of St Radegund to Thomas Engayne, burgess of Cambridge, his wife, Katherine, and their son Thomas, a garden in St Andrew's parish at the south end of the town, between a tenement of Reginald de Trumpington and land of the nuns, abutting on the highway and on the nun's land. Rent: 4s; term: their three lives in survivorship, and one day. Witnesses: Bartholomew Morice, mayor of Cambridge, Stephen de Pannfeld, John de Renton, John de Thacsted, Richard Pawe, John de Bernewell et aliis.

Prioress and the nuns
Feoffment to users
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 362-382/373 · Item · 8 April 1359 ("Dat' apud Cantebr' die Lune proxima post festum sancti Ambrosii Anno Regni Regis Edwardi tercii post conquestum tricesimo tercio".)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

William de Gode to Stephen, son of John Morize, Roger de Harleston, Richard Martyn and Robert de Chesterton: 1) a dovehouse with a garden; 2) a grange on the river bank at Cambridge, and 3) a messuage with 1 acre of land at Waterbeach. Witnesses: Stephen, son of Bartholomew Morize, mayor of Cambridge, William Horwode, John Baldok, Richard de Arderne, Andrew de Cotenham et aliis.

Gode, William le
Gift with warranty
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 31-49/37a · Item · 15 December 1325 ('Dat' Cantebr' die D[ome]nica p[ro]x[ima] festu[m] s[an]c[t]e Lucie virg[in]is Anno r[e]gni Reg[is] Edwardi fil[ii] Reg[is] Edward decimonono'.)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

John de Cadam of Long Stanton and Joan, his wife, to John de Trippelowe and John de Bodekysham, chaplains, 8 acres in Cambridge and Barnwell fields, viz. 2 acres in Middlefield between lands of Bartholomew Morice and Bartholomew Peryn, abutting on tenement of Edward de Cayley towards Hinton Fen; 1/2 acre near Hinton fields, next land of the nuns, abutting on Hadestock Way (Regent St.); 3 roods in Swinecroft next the highway abutting on London Way; 1 1/2 acres in Newnham Croft extending from the highway to land of Nicholas Crocheman; 1 rood in Carmefield abutting on Freshlake Way, 2 acres together, these between land of the hospital of St John abutting on the Brode walk (Brodebalke); 1 acre in Carmefield, next land of the University, abutting on land of the scholars of Merton. Witnesses: Eudo de Helpringham, Mayor of Cambridge, John Moryz, Edmund de Cayly, Bartholomew Moriz, Henry de Tofte et aliis.

Cadam, John de
Feoffment to uses
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 274-360, 378/348 · Item · 8 April 1359-9 December 1359 ("Dat' apud Cant' die Lune proxima post festum sancti Ambros' Anno Regni Regis Edwardi tercii post conquestum tricesimo tercio".)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

William Lavenham to Stephen, son of John Morice, Reginald de Harlaston (Harlaxton?), Richard Martyn and Robert de Chesterton, all his lands in Cambridge and Barnwell fields, in which he was enfeoffed by John Purr. Witnesses: Stephen, son of Bartholomew Morice, William Horwode, John Baldok, Richard Arderum and Andrew de Corenham et aliis.

Lavenham, William de
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 31-49/48c* · Item · 1342-December 1342 (Shortly before 48 and 48b*; same scribe. 'Dat' apud Cantebr' die Lune p[ro]x[ima] festu[m] s[an]c[t]i T_ (Anno regni Regis) Edwardi t[er]cii post conquestu[m] __mo)')
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

John le Gome, of Cambridge, to (John de) Trypellowe, rector of Herdewik, a messuage in Ragegund Lane with a garden adjacent to it. Witnesses: Bartholomew Morice, Mayor of Cambridge, John (Marschal?), John de Shadeworth, Richard de Weston, bailiffs, John Fryday et aliis.

Gome, John le