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Introduction Letter for Ladyday Report

Besides introducing the quarterly report, the letter concludes with, "We regret we have up to now been unsuccessful in obtaining the rent due from Mr. White, but hope to receive same shortly."

St. Quintin Son & Stanley

Rectory Receipt

Rev. C. H. Crossley, Willingham Rectory, Cambridge postcard receipt to J. H. H. Goodwin, Jesus College, Cambridge.

Crossley, C. H.


List of names and corresponding payment owed and written on an unposted post card. Listed names are Gates, Christian, Catling, Homes, Boyce, Johnsons, Saunders. "Morlin taken over. Aldens ground and has paid the rent."

Mead, A. M.

Match Day Programme, 2022

Lists teams for the Plate Final Jesus v Gonville & Caius and for the Cup Final Fitzwilliam/Sidney Sussex v St John's.

Special Reception

List of attendees at the JCCS Special Reception held in celebration of the Master, Professor Ian White and Mrs Margaret White

New Square

Includes notes by Peter Glazebrook concerning the development of New Square and the Barnwell Enclosure.

Boat Naming

Includes photographs relating to the boat naming ceremony of 'Lisa Jardine' at the College Boat House on 13 May 2018.
Photographs show Charlotte Jackson, Guy Pearson, Lilly Lesser, Bee Fonseka, Ella Inwald, Poppy Hill, Ollie Rose, Charlotte McDonald, Amir Akbari, Celia Kessler, Harry Roach, Hena McGee, Michael Waring, Sir David Wootton and Peter Howle; Photographs relating to the boat naming ceremony of 'Chris McDouall' at the College Boat House on 9 June 2018;

Air Raid Shelter

Includes survey and report by Andrew Firebrace Partnership on condition of air raid shelter after slight damage incurred by tree falling onto roof during storm on 18th January 2018; and notes on history of air raid shelter compiled by Peter Glazebrook, 2018

Praise my Soul - favourite hymns from Jesus College Cambridge

Songs performed by the Choir of Jesus College Cambridge. Richard Pinel, director, Jordan Wong and Dewi Rees, organists.

  1. Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven
  2. Glory to thee, my God (semi-chorus: Nathan Bennett, Arthur Beresford-Jones, Olly Dunlop, Tobias Fitzgerald, Toby Hadden, Oliver Norfolk, Massimiliano Rigatti-Luchini, Eddie Smith)
  3. O God, our help in ages past
  4. Rock of ages, cleft for me
  5. There's a witness in God's mercy
  6. The day thou gavest
  7. Holy, Holy, Holy
  8. Glory in the highest
  9. Joyful, joyful we adore thee
  10. All my hope on God is founded
  11. For the fruits of his creation
  12. He who would valiant be
  13. When I survey the wondrous cross
  14. My song is love unknown
  15. Sing we of the blessed Mother
  16. Drop, drop slow tears (Treble soloists: Theo Amies and Tobias Fitzgerald)
  17. The Lord's my shepherd
  18. Come down, O love divine
  19. How shall we sing salvation's song?
  20. Abide with me (baritone solo: George Raikes)
  21. Christ triumphant, ever reigning

Signum Classics

May Ball 2018 - 'Aurora'

Includes both versions of general May Ball poster, poster advertising ents, programme, ticket, local resident information flier, launch night (20th February) dinner menu and tickets, proposal paper for Council, beer pump 'badge' for 'evening star' beer which was brewed in the College brewery specially for the May Ball, wristbands. Gold wristbands for May Ball committee, Purple wristbands for guests (with UV sensitive yellow writing), White wristbands for ents and pink wristbands for staff. Also correspondence, organisational papers and documents, notes and minutes of meetings of May Ball committee; photographs showing ball set up


  • JCCA/JCCS/5/1/2017/1
  • Item
  • 6th October - 1st December 2017
  • Part of College Archives

Programme for a series of organ recitals during Michaelmas term. The booklet includes short biographies and photographs of performers - Richard Pinel (JC), Dewi Rees (JC), Timothy Byram-Wigfield (All Saints, Margaret Street), Jordan Wong (JC), James O'Donnell (Westminster Abbey), Benjamin Morris (York Minster), Mark Williams (Magdalen College, Oxford) and Bertie Baigent (Royal Academy of Music)

Wellness week

Fliers and wellness week 'reward cards' relating to 'wellness week', 17-23 February 2017.

Jesus College Men's Football

Cuppers Winners 2017 - 2018

Names on the board read: G. R. Jones, G. W. Raikes, C. J. C. McCarthy, W. R. C. Clark-Maxwell, H. A. J. MacGregor, J. F. M. Brannigan, C. J. Moran, J. T. Sandham, J. C. S. Neaman, E. Fricker, D. B. Vickers, C. J. Staveley, M. A. Stopher, P. J. Burn, A. N. Osborne, C. W. Barclay

May Ball 2017 - 'Between the Lines'


(1) programme
(2) ticket
(3) local resident information
(4) commemorative pen
(5) wristbands - gold wristband is for committee members, black for guests and blue for staff and entertainers
(6) photograph showing ball set up
(7) photograph showing May Ball Committee 2017 with names on board reading:
Matthew Seccombe, Ted Roberts, James Kendall, David Adeboye, Addy Mettrick, Sofia Clini, Danielle Forster, Amy Smith, Daniel
Patton, Elle Prince, Nick Pearson, Kayleigh Dawson, Lisa Chan, Edward Parker Humphreys, Lizzie Reeves, Izaak Jephson, Josh
Bambrick, Lara Sullivan and Hefer Theron.

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