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Ironmongers Receipt for Work in Buttery

Receipt for repairs and minor works carried out by Edward Beales & Co between April and August 1874. Work includes repairing knife machine (Emery to do), 1 bottle rack, wrought iron frame and doors for wine bin as per estimate, and 2 padlocks for the same. Total cost £25 4s, invoiced to the college's buttery account. Signed off by Edward Beale.

Edward Beales & Co.

Plumbing Receipt

By order of Mr Newberry to Owen Rowe, Plumber, Glazier, and Gas Fitter (22 Sussex Street, Cambridge). Receipt for repairing pump in August 1874, costing £2. Signed by Joseph Rowe.

Rowe, Owen

Receipt for Printing Examination Papers

Receipt for printing exam papers for Lent and Easter terms, costing £20 18s in total. Topics include Latin, Greek, and English prose translation, Cicero, Herodotus, algebra, mathematics, trigonometry, natural philosophy, Newton and dynamics, statistics, rigid dynamics, hydrostatics, and optics. Some exams are intercollegiate. Signed by A Mason on behalf of C.J. Clay.

Cambridge University Press

Water Statements and Receipts

Bill for cost of time of man examining and testing 5 hydrants, and of raising the hydrant, including materials. Total cost £1 8s 6d. Bill for water in lodge, 2 WCs, garden, and arrears, costing £2 12s 10d. Separate bill for water in 74 sets of rooms, 4 WCs, and 5 hydrants, costing £13 16s 6d.
Tucked inside, two bills for water supply in the quarter ending on 6th Oct 1874, one for the amount of £12 14s, the other for £12 11s 6d, with less charged for the cost of the hydrant carried forward. Also a receipt for £1 8s 6d for repairs [to the hydrant] as per statement. All signed off by W.L. Dickson, collector.

Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company

Wallpapering Bill

Bill for shaving wallpaper in Hughes Keeping Room; preparing, sizing, and papering walls of bedrooms in L3 and B4; preparing and sizing walls of Mr Morgan's WC with own paper; stripping walls in sitting room and bedroom of L5 and lining them with new paper. Total cost £8 7s.

John Swan and Son

Bookbinders Receipt

£1 3s 6d paid to John Gray for binding - in 1872 - the Statuta Collegii Jesus (quarto), calf half extra, and 11 Psalms and Hymns, cloth letters. Receipt written out in 1873, and paid on 9th February 1874,

John P. Gray, Bookbinders

Receipt for Building, Tiling and Plastering

By order of Mr R. Reynolds Rowe, architect and surveyor, for building works to be carried out in August 1874 by William Burbage, Bricklayer, Plasterer and Slater (104 King Street, Cambridge). Mr Pratt to build kitchen and bedroom and repair closet, fixing trap and pan. Also for repairing tiling and plastering at Belmont Place, including 1 day's pay for bricklayer and labourer, and costs for mortar, tiles, and bricks. Total cost £14 11s. Signed off by Mr Burbage and Mr Rowe.

Burbage, William

Ironmongers Bill

Bill from Edward Beales & Co., wholesalers, retailers, ironmongers, iron and brass founders, iron merchants, whitesmiths, and bell hangers, for 1 weighing machine and 2 weights, costing £3 4d. Signed by E. Beales.

Edward Beales & Co.

Let of Grove Cottage

Letter from R. Reynolds Rowe, college surveyor, to the Master, enclosing a receipt (not present) relating to Mrs Whelton the bedmaker, who has been married 5 years and has no family. Reynolds Rowe has let Grove Cottage to her with the understanding that a month's notice to quit will suffice. Maths workings scribbled on back of letter.

Rowe, Richard Reynolds (1824-1899), Architect, Surveyor and Engineer

Licence to wear and use armorial bearings

Licence from inland revenue for Dr Corrie to wear or use armorial bearings anywhere other than on a carriage, with agreement from college. Total cost £7 10s. Signed by W. Bradley in Cambridge.

Bradley, W.

Receipt for Copper Lamps

Receipt from Robert Jones, art metal worker, for four new copper lamps, and for altering brackets on packing case. Total cost £5-8-0. Signed by Robert Jones, and confirmed as correct by Mr Tuft and Mr Waterhouse.

Jones, Robert

Lease Plan for 37 Jesus Lane

Lease plan for 37 Jesus Lane. Gives the dimensions of the property and the names of the neighbouring lessees/tenants - Susan Webster (lessee of No. 36) and William Walker (tenant of No. 38)

Wallpapering Bill

Bill for stripping, preparing, and sizing walls in sitting room and gyp room for papering, and cloisters for Fairbairn
3 pieces of lining paper and glass paper;
10 pieces of paper for sitting room, and 4 for gyp room, and hanging, pasting, and sizing these.
Total cost £7 9s. Paid by cheque. Signed by C.S. Bulstrode.

Bulstrode, C. S.

Building Works Receipt

Receipt for building works carried out by John Loveday, builder, joiner, cabinet maker, etc.
Work includes: fixing cradles round trees; circle posts; poles; nails; oak posts; ficxing posts to iron gate; gallows; deal; headleys for ironwork; stones; cement; time for labourer and carpenter. Total cost £12-0-5.
Received by Dr Morgan, and signed by John Loveday.

Loveday, John

Waterworks Receipts

1) Receipt for various repairs around college, costing £2 19s 11d. Details of repairs covered in fifth item. Signed by W.L. Dickson, collector, on 10th February.

2) Receipt for water bill as per meter for the quarter ending 6th January 1876, covering 74 sets/rooms, 5 hydrants, and 4 WCs. Total £13 16s 6d, received of Jesus College and signed off by W.L. Dickson, 10th February.

3) Receipt for water bill covering the 2 WCs in the Master's Lodge and the garden, for the quarter ending 6th January. Total £1 6s 5d, received of Dr Corrie and signed off by W.L, Dickson, 10th February.

4) Receipt for water bill as per meter for the quarter ending 6th January 1876. Total £17 2s 6d, received of Jesus College and signed off by W.L. Dickson, 10th February.

5) Detailed list of the repairs carried out by the Waterworks Company between April 1875 and January 1876, costing £2 19s 11d, billed to the college in item 1. Items on receipt include: 12 1/2'' leather collars for India rubber hose; opening out ground at the cottages on Jesus Grove, repairing stop tap and fixing new bib tap in kitchen; lead pipe, bib tap, joints, hooks, India rubber collar, men's time; by the old tap, cutting off service and soldering over end of pipe and reconnecting service in another position in kitchen; lowering hydrants; screw-neck fends, hydrant fend; gaskin and lead for joints.

Dickson, W. L.

Chapel Printing Receipt

Receipt for printing work carried out for Jesus College chapel by Jonathan Palmer (23 Jesus Lane) on behalf of Rev E.H. Morgan. Includes 200 copies of 'Subscription List of Window Fund', 4pp, L post, cream laid, including corrections (Nov 1875). 200 copies reprinted in March 1876 with corrections, and again in May with additions. Total cost £2 10s.

Palmer, Jonathan

Wallpapering Receipt

Receipt for preparing and sizing rooms for wallpaper, and for the papering and canvasing of walls, including the costs of wallpaper and lining paper. Work carried out in bedroom of K1 and K2, sitting room of H4, lobby and sitting room of F1. Total cost £7 4s, paid by cheque.

Bulstrode, C. S.

Design for a window

Coloured design for a possible window, probably for the Chapel. Indistinctly signed

Upholsterer's bill

Paid to Morris and Company for work done in the SCR, including payments for supplying an Axminster carpet, supplying two pairs of stamped velvet curtains with frings on centre and bottom edges, two pairs of silk and worsted loops, mahognay pole with rings, supplying a standard grate, design for fireplace and instructions, lustre sunflorren tiles, red hearth, four sets of finger plates pierced and engraved, two sets of oval door handles, two single door handles, six roses for the door handles, four key hole plates, plated screws, red merino, a second visit to Cambridge and expenses

Painting restorer's bill

Paid to F. R. Leach for work done in the SCR, including payments for picture stretching, cleaning and varnishing, gilding of picture frames, cleaning all the frames of any other pictures hanging in the room. Signed by Leach

Painter and glazier's bill

Paid to F. R. Leach for work done in SCR, including payments for working on old ceiling, preparing and repainting woodwork, whitening ceilings, repainting new woodwork in the lobby, recanvassing and repapering the side room, reglazing two windows with best British plate glass and painting the exterior of the sashes in white, mosaic glazing and fixing door in side room, fixing new curtain pole, taking down, replaiting and rehanging curtains. Signed by Leach.

China supplier's bill

Paid to Howell, James and Co for work done in SCR, including payments for small vases, one Lambeth faience jug and a pair of Lambeth faience vases.

Fabric bill

Paid to A. Lasenby Liberty and Co for work done in the SCR, including payment for pre coloured silk

Painter, carpenter and carpeter's bill

Paid to F. R. Leach for work done in SCR, including payments for whiting ceiling, painting woodwork panels, unpacking cabinet and brasswork, fixing sconces with brass screws, repairing carpet, carriage of empty case to Hollands' (London) and for polishing the top of a large new table. Signed by Leach.

Lease Plan for 55 Jesus Lane

Lease plan for 55 Jesus Lane. Gives the dimensions of the property and the names of the neighbouring lessees - Mrs Henry Mutton (No. 54) and Rev'd M. Gibbs (No. 56)

Ground floor of Chapel showing seating plan

Plan showing possible seating plan in chapel extending into area to the east of the south transept and south of the choir.

G. F. Bodley & T. Garner Architects, 14 South Square, Gray's Inn

Detail Sections and Elevations of the Chapel Interior

Three sections showing the detailed interior elevations of the chapel looking east, south and north and one elevation of the screen; showing the decorative features in detail. Hand-drawn in black ink.

G. F. Bodley & T. Garner Architects, 14 South Square, Gray's Inn

Elevation of Screen to 3/4" Scale

Measured drawing of the chapel screen in elevation in black ink; showing the decorative features in detail. Two brown stain marks on the drawing.

G. F. Bodley & T. Garner Architects, 14 South Square, Gray's Inn

Lease and Counterpart [25-31 Jesus Lane]

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Mr John Death. Lease of messuages stables and premises in Jesus Lane for the term of 40 years from 29 September 1879. Includes a plan.

Brewers bill

Bill for red bricks and splays to John Price, wholesale and retail brewer and malteaser and hop, wine and spirit dealer, paid by C Deeks for £1 15d 9s. Signed by William Sargant and John Price.

Deeks, Charles

Receipt for building supplies

Receipt for Mr. C Deeks, signed by W. C. Miller of Nicholl and Co. Slate Merchants for materials, paid £12 12s 11d for: pieces of weatherboards, gel, and deals. Labelled for Hundon.

Deeks, Charles

Brick and tile maker bill

Bill for pipes made by William Bird, brick and tile maker, between December 21st 1878 and July 22nd 1879, paid by Mr Deeks for Hundon. Signed by William Bird and on the back by Mr Deeks.

Deeks, Charles

Receipt for the Borough Police Annual Dinner

Note account of Dr Westmorland paying 5s to the Borough Police's annual dinner, signed by Elyah Frisby. On the reverse is rough work totalling £100 7s 8d and £405 10s 9d.

Frisby, Elyah

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