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Unstratified Glass

Trench 2: a number of fragments derived from a large onion bottle (of 17th/18th century date) were identified, along with the stems and the base of the bowls of two 18th century wine glasses. The stem of a 19th century wine glass was also identified, along with a near complete small rectangular 19th century bottle marked ‘Judson / London’. Finally, a minimum of two 19th century Codd bottles were present, each marked with the name of a Cambridge manufacturer (Woods, 1858+ and Ekin, c. 1841-57) as well as two local Lincoln beer bottles (1870+).

(partially discarded)

Clay Pipe

<006> 2 type 5 bowls c.1640-60. plus one fragment no earlier than c.1660-80 (plus 2 heel/spurs) MNI 4

Glazed floor tile

[016], F.19, <054>: a fragment near identical to those described above, with a similar dark
green glaze. It measures 30mm thick, and weighs 146g.

Worked Stone

A single worked stone fragment was recovered from a stratified context. This consisted of a fine-grained bluish grey vesicular quernstone fragment that is identifiable as Niedermendig Műlstein lava (also known as Rhenish or Mayen lava) from the Eifel region in Germany (Kars 1983). Although such querns were frequently used during the Roman period, and are common finds on Middle and Late Saxon sites, they are much rarer in the Medieval period as their use was controlled following the Norman Conquest and many people were instead compelled to use centrally regulated mills (Watts 2002, 38-42). Therefore, although it occurred residually in a later context, this example is likely to be pre-12th century in origin.

[016], F.19, <058>: a Niedermendig Műlstein lava quern fragment. It measures 105mm by 96mm in extent and 30mm thick, and weighs 414g.

Results 551 to 600 of 2335