Menus and attendance list from the Alumni Dinner, June 2010, menu for the Medics & Vets 3rd year dinner, 11 June 2010
Also a Medical and Veterinary Society Newsletter, 2016
Menus and attendance list from the Alumni Dinner, June 2010, menu for the Medics & Vets 3rd year dinner, 11 June 2010
Also a Medical and Veterinary Society Newsletter, 2016
Includes publications relating to the Yidan Prize at the 2018 conference 'Education for the Future', January 2018;
Papers and correspondence relating to Bawden's bequest to the College including correspondence relating to a watercolour painting of the chimney by Hugh Casson.
Song cycle for high voice and piano composed by Laurence Picken, to texts from Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass (1900).
Look down fair moon (composed 31 August 1934)
O Tan-faced Prairie-Boy (composed 6 July 1934) - missing from manuscript
Sometimes with one I love (composed 7 September 1934)
No labour saving machine (composed 18 September 1934)
Not heat flames up and consumes (composed 26 September 1934)
in 1984-1985 Jesus College competed in the newly-formed Ladies' League and Cuppers competitions. First reference Women's Football in the Jesuan.
Obituaries and other printed profiles of Laurence Picken, collected by Anthea Smith. Includes printout of Independent Online obituary (published 31 Mar 2007), cutting of The Times obituary (24 Mar 2007), Who's Who entry (1991).
Piece for solo piano.
Sonatina in three movements for piano
Movement for a piano sonata, composed by Laurence Picken.
Piece for solo piano.
Song for high voice and piano, text in French.
Includes menu
Song cycle for soprano and piano, dedicated to LP's cousin, Mary.
The Jolly Shepherd (John Wootton, 16th century), composed 1 September 1925
All That's Past (Walter de la Mare), composed 16-17 September 1929
The Faithless Shepherdess (Anon, 1589), composed September 1929
Now Welcome Somer (Geoffrey Chaucer)
Pleasure It Is (William Cornish, 1510), composed 19 December 1925
God's Likeness (John Bannister Tabb), composed 17 August 1930
May in the Green-Wood (Anon, 16th century), composed 28 August 1930
Items in this series tend to relate to one off events or lectures that occurred somewhere within the main College site and not events organised by College Clubs or Societies.
Includes photograph of the 1979 Jesus College University Challenge team. Christopher Artemiou, William Coales, John (David) Jeffcock, John Withrington with mascot 'Gladly', clothes in College colours for which were made by Gail Mills for the occasion.
Includes papers relating to Bawden's volunteering at St. Paul's Cathedral
Includes menu for 25th, 28th and 50th Reunion Dinners
Includes dinner menu
Comprises recordings of an interview of Bronowski by James Day. Subjects include Bronowski's view that science should be relevant to the needs of society, and ideas on poetry.
This was a College music group that formed in 1974 and was directed by Andrew Parkinson. It quickly became one of the leading Cambridge ensembles in the field of Medieval music and its termly concerts were well attended. When its members left College in 1976 it did not continue. Records relating to its performances have been catalogued under the Musical Society
Includes menus
Comprises a film labelled "Dienst Televisie Programma, Profile dr. J Bronowski", 15 minutes and 35 seconds long. Contains several statements by Bronowski, photographs and a clip from 'The Face of Violence'. There is also a separate soundtrack and transcript of the programme.
The narration is in Dutch, with clips in English.
Includes menu for squash club dinner May 1972 and photograph of Jesus College squash Club 1972. Names on board read M. Raghupathi, G. J. V. Volleymore, D. R. Dosseter, R. H. Briance, M. M. Brown, J. W. Field, E. H. Schumann, P. J. D. Allen, A. B. Beckingsale; J. F. Casson, R. D. Parker
Comprises a series of four television programmes made for KPBS-TV, San Diego. Each programme is just under 30 minutes.
Includes menu, 20th March 1970
Includes menus, 1970-3
Comprises material relating to a collection of selected essays in Art and Science, posthumously published.
Consists of a film for television showing a dialogue between Bronowski and Dr Paul Saltman of the University of California, San Diego. The film was part of the 'Science and Society' series produced by Peter Kaye for National Educational Television. It was filmed at the Salk Institute in August 1969 and broadcast nationwide in the United States on 19 July 1970.
Comprises recordings of broadcasts made by Bronowski which were based on his articles and lectures.
Comprises audio recordings of a series of 4 lectures that Bronowski gave for the Bampton lectures in America (1969) at Columbia University, New York.
Comprises audio recordings of a series of 6 lectures that Bronowski gave for the A W Mellon lectures in Fine Arts (1969) at the National Gallery of Art, Washington D C.
Television film on William Blake.