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Press Cuttings and News Articles


original and digital copies of article from Country Life magazine, 24 November and 1 December 1928;

copy of article from Country Life magazine focusing on the creation of the War Memorial Library, 17 October 1952;
mention of North Court in article in the Illustrated London News, 5 June 1965;

article from The Architect and Building News concerning the construction of North Court, 24 January 1968;
copy of article from the Garden News relating to the College Gardens, 28 May 1971;

article relating to the development of the College site and buildings to coincide with the Quincentenary in 1996, Financial Times 27 April 1992;

article from the Cambridge News showing Lord Renfrew cutting the turf for the Quincentenary Library, 1993;

article from the Cambridge Town Crier relating to discovery of skeleton in excavations in the Master's Garden, 7 August 1993;

Jesus College Quincentenary Library in the Architects Journal, April 1996;

'Rounded Education' article about the Quincentenary Library in Sunday Times magazine, 4 May 1996;

'Building for Jesus' article concerning the construction of the Quincentenary Library and the adjoining accommodation block reprint from Building Design, 3rd November 2000;

review of 'Closer' from The Cambridge Student and Varsity, which took place in Jesus College forum between 19th and 22nd January 2005 and starred Jesuan Laura Allsop;

article from Varsity relating to harassment of unidentified Jesuan student by David Atkinson, the murderer of Sally Gleeson, 21st January 2005;

article from the Town Crier detailing invitation by Jesus College to Park Street Primary School to paint hoarding in North Court, 29th April 2005;

article from Varsity magazine showing the University Blues Water Polo team modelling underwear in the Quincentenary Library, 10th February 2006;

newspaper cutting from the Cambridge Evening News concerning the development of Bradwells Court into Christ's Lane, 18th May 2006;

'A subterranean mystery', article on Jesus College Air Raid Shelters from Cam Magazine, number 60, 2010;
interviews with Jesus students Beth Jones, Nicole Bryan-Quanima, Lowell Bellfield, Fliss Davies, Finlay O'Duffin, Chris Hannaby, Dan Burnard and Bani Kahai concerning their experience of College accommodation from 'the Fresher', August 2010;

article on the Chapterhouse development by Donald Insall Associates from Cambridge Business, March/April 2012;

reviews from December 2012 relating to release of new choir CD 'My Beloved's Voice'; Article in Newsletter, the magazine for staff of Cambridge University, concerning sculpture in Colleges and including reference to sculpture in the close and showing image of Barry Flanagan's bronze horse, summer 2013;

article detailing visit by Lisa Jardine to the Bronowski Archive, Financial Times magazine, November 2014;
Numerous articles from 2015;

feature relating to 51 Hills Road in Cambridge Architecture magazine, spring/summer 2016;

article from the Cambridge News concerning recruitment of staff for West Court via an open day, 15th March 2017;

interview with Helen MacDonald relating to her interest in falconry and book H is for Hawk, The Times 9th October 2017;

Fairbairn Cup results in Cambridge Independent, December 2017;

Opening of West Court, 2017;

Jesus College listed as a garden to visit in Daily Telegraph, 14th July 2018;

College takes part in National Garden Scheme, Cambridge Independent, July 2018;

advert for conference and accommodation options in West Court and Jesus College from Cambridge News, 20th August 2018;

copies of obituaries from the Daily Telegraph and the Guardian for David Shalev, one of the architects of the Quincentenary Library, 2018;

article on West Court in Cambridge Association of Architects gazette, spring/summer 2018;

Ian White leaving as Master and moving to be Vice-Chancellor of Bath from Cambridge Independent, September 2018;

Robert Mair debates off-site construction, in Cambridge Architecture, Spring 2019;

Anna Vignoles joins Cambridge Enterprise, Cambridge Independent, April 2019;

notice that 'Any Questions' by the BBC will be broadcast from the Frankopan Hall, April 2019;

newspaper cuttings relating to the appointment of Sonita Alleyne as Master of Jesus College, May 2019;

interviews with Chelsea Kwakye and Ore Ogunbiyi relating to their book and connections to Jesus College, June 2019;

cutting relating to proposal of removal of Rustat memorial from College Chapel in Daily Telegraph, 7th November 2020;

student rent strikes at Jesus called off, Cambridge Independent, May 2021;

article "Cambridge don tried to shut down debate on Uighurs" from the Times, 6th June 2021;

press articles relating to return of Benin Bronze, October 2021;

article "Cambridge college seeks to shift memorial with slave trade link" relating to Tobias Rustat Memorial in College Chapel, from the Guardian, 16th November 2021;

articles relating to Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, commenting on Rustat memorial in College Chapel, 9 Feb 2022;

articles relating to the legal decision to leave the Rustat Memorial in Chapel, March 2022;

article on Jesus College and the China Centre, 2022

article "The real story behind college's skeleton in the cupboard...", Cambridge News, 20 Feb 2012

Intellectual Forum

Includes publications relating to the Yidan Prize at the 2018 conference 'Education for the Future', January 2018;

College Events

Items in this series tend to relate to one off events or lectures that occurred somewhere within the main College site and not events organised by College Clubs or Societies.


Including minutes, notices and associated papers


Papers relating to the domestic side of College life, including housekeeping, kitchens, buttery, cleaning, paintings and silver.


Material gathered in the preparation of College plays, including May Week, Nativity plays and other events. Includes some full sets of costume designs, notes from directors re: staging, rehearsal schedules, annotated scripts, posters, photographs and scores

Jesus College Cambridge Society

This is the society for alumni of Jesus College, Cambridge. It exists to support the College by providing opportunities for Jesuans to meet each other and to keep in touch with the College through a variety of social events. Constitutionally, it is independent of the College with its own rules and objects.

Since 1897 a group of Jesuans had been dining annually together rising in number from 14 to 16. It was 'felt that something besides a dinner should be arranged to bind Jesus men throughout the world together....a more permanent organisation was needed'. People were invited to the inaugural meeting on 15 December 1903 at the Hotel Cecil in London. 70 members attended and 110 sent apologies and messages of support. It was decided that the formation of the JCCS was not only desirable but practicable.

Medical Society

  • JCCA/JCCS/46
  • Series
  • 1929-2010 (1929, 1934, 1936, 1951-4, 1956-60, 1961-72, 1974-6, 1978, 1982, 1984, 1996, 2010)
  • Part of College Archives

Menus and attendance list from the Alumni Dinner, June 2010, menu for the Medics & Vets 3rd year dinner, 11 June 2010

Also a Medical and Veterinary Society Newsletter, 2016


Records of tutors, the praelector and tutorial offices; for bursarial records relating to students see ACC 8 - ACC 15.

College bequests

Papers and correspondence relating to Bawden's bequest to the College including correspondence relating to a watercolour painting of the chimney by Hugh Casson.

Profiles and obituaries for Laurence Picken

Obituaries and other printed profiles of Laurence Picken, collected by Anthea Smith. Includes printout of Independent Online obituary (published 31 Mar 2007), cutting of The Times obituary (24 Mar 2007), Who's Who entry (1991).

Family and personal

Papers relating to Bawden's family. Includes papers relating to the death of his sister, 2007; Papers and correspondence with his sister and solicitors concerning the administration of his parents estate when they had died, 1971-1994; Miscellaneous items including copies of brother's and sister's wills, retirement cards, certificates of his freedom of the city of London, 2nd June 1995 and 28th February 1996, father's certificate proving qualified teacher with related correspondence, 1913-15, miscellaneous family letters, 1920s and 30s;


Records and ephemera from the Porter's Lodge


One folder containing correspondence with College staff and invitations to reunion dinners in 1967 and 1984 and an annual dinner in 2011.


Includes papers relating to Bawden's volunteering at St. Paul's Cathedral

Whitman Songs (1934)

  • JCPP/Picken/2/1
  • Series
  • 1996-2000 (Individual songs composed in 1934 (according to dates on fair copy). No original manuscript materials exist in this collection - all later reproductions.)
  • Part of Personal Papers

Song cycle for high voice and piano composed by Laurence Picken, to texts from Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass (1900).

  • Look down fair moon (composed 31 August 1934)

  • O Tan-faced Prairie-Boy (composed 6 July 1934) - missing from manuscript

  • Sometimes with one I love (composed 7 September 1934)

  • No labour saving machine (composed 18 September 1934)

  • Not heat flames up and consumes (composed 26 September 1934)

Red Herrings

Includes correspondence, 'Fillets being the records of the most loquacious order of the red herring, 1922-1951', a watercolour of 'the Cock herring' by V. Robinson 1932; Copies of Liber Harengarum or rules of the most loquacious order of the red herring, 1949, c. 1960 and c.1980

Appointment diaries

  • JCPP/Picken/1/1
  • Series
  • 1950-1999 (1950, 1951, 1961, 1965 x 2, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1991 x 2, 1992, 1993, 1994 x 2, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998)
  • Part of Personal Papers

Cambridge Pocket Diaries kept by Laurence Picken, detailing appointments and travel details. Many have personal phone numbers and other annotations in the front/back.

Songs for Mary (1925-30), [or, Laurie's Songs]

  • JCPP/Picken/2/2
  • Series
  • 1987-1996 (Individual songs composed throughout 1920s-1930 (according to dates on fair copy). No original manuscript materials exist in this collection - all later reproductions.)
  • Part of Personal Papers

Song cycle for soprano and piano, dedicated to LP's cousin, Mary.

  1. The Jolly Shepherd (John Wootton, 16th century), composed 1 September 1925

  2. All That's Past (Walter de la Mare), composed 16-17 September 1929

  3. The Faithless Shepherdess (Anon, 1589), composed September 1929

  4. Now Welcome Somer (Geoffrey Chaucer)

  5. Pleasure It Is (William Cornish, 1510), composed 19 December 1925

  6. God's Likeness (John Bannister Tabb), composed 17 August 1930

  7. May in the Green-Wood (Anon, 16th century), composed 28 August 1930


Administrative records of church livings owned by Jesus College. Most material runs to about the 1940s, there is some later correspondence about the history of various livings, e.g. by the church recordeers NADFAS (National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Societies).

Women's Football Club

in 1984-1985 Jesus College competed in the newly-formed Ladies' League and Cuppers competitions. First reference Women's Football in the Jesuan.


The College purchased Elmstead Rectory including the advowson on 30 May 1613 from Francis Morice and Francis Phelips. See the conveyance in the steel press, shelf 10.


A collection of miscellaneous items listed individually

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