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Transcriptions and Caryl's Catalogue

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/1/3
  • Item
  • 1600-1781 (These are rough covering dates; Caryl died in 1781)
  • Part of College Archives

This volume was worked from both ends. At the (original) front are copies of deeds and other college documents in a variety of 17C and 18C hands. The (original) back was then used by Lynford Caryl for his catalogue of nunnery and college archives [a draft of which appears in JCHR/3/3/GEN/1]. The volume is now bound as though the latter were at the front


Copy of letters patent of Elizabeth I. Grant to George Lazenby who has been despoiled of his goods by order of the King of Spain in time of war, of the lease of the Rectory of Elmstede in Essex with all its appurtenances formerly belonging to the Monastery of St. Osyth, Essex, and formerly parcel of the possessions of George Harte by letters patent 18th July 1567 for term 21 years from Michaelmas 1582. Rent £9 6s 8d. Except for timber, wardships, marriages etc Court Leet and view of frankpledge, requisitions, profits of courts, etc and the advowson of the Church. Term of this lease Michaelmas 1603 for 31 years. Rent £9 6s 8d. Attached is list of documents removed from and returned to the Treasury of John Sherman and others.


The advowson and lands were bought in the early years of James I, to provide extra revenue for the College.

Covenant to pass a Recovery

John Brown of Leiston, Suffolk, and his wife Agnes (formerly Gardyner) to Peter Golding, Yeoman, and Philp Carne, the lands and Cevnedish Place and the advowson, to the use of John Brown and Agnes for life, and then to the issue of Agnes, and in default to the use of Brian Smith and his heirs. In english

Licence in Mortmain granted by James I

Licence granted to acquire lands to the annual value of £200 including the Rectory of Harlton, Cambs.

In Latin. Ornamented capital letter, with a portrait of the King in pen and ink. With a great seal, green wax with red and white silk cords.

In Steel Press, shelf 10.

Counterpart Lease [23 and 24 Jesus Lane]

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Elizabeth Haylocke (spinster)

Lease of tenement abutting south on Jesus Lane and north on Jesus College Close, west on the tenement of Alderman Thomas Kymbolde and east on a tenement in the occupation of William Ogden (yeoman)

Term: 40 years. Rent: 10s.

Lessee to repair buildings and pave the street
Lessee covenants that there shall be only one family dwelling in the house
No gate or stile shall be made into the close

Counterpart Lease [27-31 Jesus Lane]

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/18/1/1609
  • Item
  • 10th February 1609
  • Part of College Archives

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Edmund Lyon and Emma his wife (cook). Lease of three tenements lying between one in the occupation of William Ogden to the west and one in the occupation of Robert Litle on the east. Term: 40 years from Michaelmas 1609. Rent: 18s.

Counterpart Lease [13-15 Jesus Lane]

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Alexander Bond and Mary his wife

Lease of the house with the yard adjoining now occupied by them. Term: 40 years. Rent: £1 0s 0d

Counterpart Lease of area now 19-22 Jesus Lane

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Grace Baker alias Kymbold (widow)

Lease of a mansion house with yard, barn and appurtenances called Knowles tenement the east side lying next to a tenement in the occupation of William Watson, labourer. Term: 40 years. Rent: £1 10s 0d.

Lessee to repair etc
Not to lodge any persons of bad behaviour etc

Royal confirmation of grant, James I

Confirmation of the presentation of William Feniers, M.A., to the Rectory of Canvendish, by Brian Smith, gent. With Great Seal of James I, white wax. [Not found, August 2012]


The Very Revd Cuthbert Norris, Archdeacon of Norwich, to Edward Harper, apparitor, to induct the Revd Brian Smith, M.A., into the Rectory of Cavendish (in Latin).

Norris, Cuthbert


The College purchased Elmstead Rectory including the advowson on 30 May 1613 from Francis Morice and Francis Phelips. See the conveyance in the steel press, shelf 10.

Conveyance of the impropriate rectory

Indenture of bargain and sale (English). Francis Morice and Francis Phelips convey to the College the Rectory, annual value £9.6.8. The vendors were the grantees of the Crown by deed dated 18.4. 1613, holding of the manor of East Greenwich, Kent, in free socage. Enrolled in Chancery 15.6.1613. In Steel Press, shelf 10.


Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Henry Wray, stationer and bookseller. A house of tenement in Walls Lane [King Street], late in the tenure of John Richmond. For a term of 40 years

Counterpart Lease

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Reuben Fitches (cook and servant of the said College). The messuage late in the occupation of Robert Little, between a messuage house late occupied by Peter Lion in the west, and that now garden of the Fellows of the College. Term: 40 years

Condition: that Fitches shall sweep the Hall, Cloisters, and Chapel every year in the manner following viz.
The Hall every week three times i.e. Sunday, Wednesday and Friday morning, and during the twelve days of Christmas every day; the Cloisters once a week; and the Chapel once a month. Receiving 4d worth of bread or beer every quarter, or else pay a rent of 8s p.a.

Covenants: Lessee to maintain and repair building and pavement. Not to underlet or alien.

Statua Coll. Jes. Cant.

  • JCCA/JCGB/4/3/3
  • Item
  • 1618-1638 (The first date above is conjectural, but it seems highly likely that this copy was commissioned by Roger Andrewes soon after his appointment as Master (1618).)
  • Part of College Archives

Copy of Bishop West's statutes after the 1549 revision and with the Elizabethan extra statute, in an early 17th century formal hand with marginal notes by Roger Andrewes (Master 1618-32). The signatures at f.123 are also copies and have been annotated in another hand, probably Andrewes'. The preliminary leaves have notes in Latin about the geographical origins of Fellows, an index to the statutes, and notes about Fellows elected "in my predecessors tyme", which phrase indicates that this is Roger Andrewes' hand.

The later part of the volume has a copy of the interpretation of the Statute "De Numero Sociorum" by King Charles I, 1635, and copies of letters and other documents concerning appointments to and tenure of fellowships, 1614-1638. The last leaf has rough notes by Andrewes similar to those at the start of the volume. A Christmas reading from the Gospel of St Matthew ch.1 appears loose at fol. 95, apparently used as a bookmark.

College Register I

The first ever register of college business. It opens with a statement about the reasons for its creation and a table of the fees charged by the compiler, signed by the Master, Roger Andrewes, and fellows.

The contents, in one chronological sequence, include: admissions of fellows, fellow-commoners, commoners and sizars, with the names of their tutors; licences to supplicate for degrees; testimonials; elections of college officers; resolutions of college meetings; grants of leave of absence; notices of property transactions. There is an index in the form of a list of decrees of the college in the hand of Dr Ashton (Master 1701-52).


These constituted the principal record of college business until the decisions of meetings began to be noted separately in 1753.

Admissions register

Copy of admissions entries extracted from the college register by Lynford Caryl (Master 1758-81) then continued, eventually, to become the primary record of admissions. The entries are grouped by year. Before 1790 they give surname, forename, county and college status (fellow-commoner, commoner or sizar); from 1790 they give surname, forename, father's profession, birthplace, birth date, place of education, and by whom recommended.

Also includes: a list of names [admissions] with counties (c.1806-1814); an index to the admissions register organised alphabetically by surname and giving date [of admission]; a certificate from the University Board for admitting and superintending non-collegiate students for Edwin Arthur Barraclough (Jun 1883); and notes about Reverend John Flamsteed and Robert Malthus.


For the acquisition of this living, see the Grant by Letters Patent of Philip and Mary 5 March 1558, in the Steel Press, shelf 8, labelled Dr Fuller's foundation. The advowson was conferred on the College by Thomas Thirlby, Bishop of Ely 1554-59, who purchased It from the Crown for £100. The files contain one document of 1619, and others from 1839-1945.


Thomas Smith, of Hempstead, Essex, releases to Brian Smith, clerk, of Bures St Mary, Suffolk, all his rights in the messuage called Cavendish Place and other lands there.

Smith, Thomas

Counterpart Lease [25 and 26 Jesus Lane]

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/16/1/1621
  • Item
  • 16th October 1621
  • Part of College Archives

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Margaret Ogden (widow). Two tenements with a garden. Term: 40 years.

Covenants: Lessee to do repairs and to pave the street. Not to alien or to underlet. Lessee to appear in the Manor Court of the Master and fellows to do such suit and services as assigned to him

Counterpart Lease

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/23/1/1622
  • Item
  • 27th January 1622
  • Part of College Archives

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Reuben Fitches (cook and servant of the said College). The messuage late in the occupation of Robert Little and now of Reuben Fitches, between a messuage house late occupied by Peter Lion in the west, and that now garden of the Fellows of the College. Term: 40 years. Rent: 13s 4d


Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Joan Smith, widow, and Richard Pettit, scrivener, her son. A piece of ground, sometime a garden ground in Walls Lane [Hobson Street], now in the occupation of Joan Smith, Widow Bearnes and Nicholas Turner, the east side lying next to ground in the occupation of Thomas Walden, the west side next to the lane, the south side abutting on a malthouse of the said Richard Pettit and the north side abutting upon tenements of the town of Cambridge. For a term of 40 years. Covenants: Lessees to repair the walls and grave the lane. Lessees covenant tobuild a house that shall cost at least £13. 6. 8.

Stipend and Dividend Accounts

Contains rental, 1623-33 (incomplete), listing by tenant the reserved money rent, wheat, malt, total money rent and college commons; there follow lists of stipends, 1623-1723, for which Fellows sign receipts to 1665. From 1666 the Steward signs for all the Fellows and the Cook for all the servants.

Counterpart Lease [27-31 Jesus Lane]

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Emma Holmes (widow). Lease of three tenements lying between one in the occupation of William Ogden to the west and one in the occupation of Robert Litle on the east. Term: 40 years. Rent: 18s.

Hundon, Suffolk

The advowson of Hundon was acquired by the Proby Trustees under the provisions of the will of Edmund Proby, D.D., proved 5.2.1585 (NS). Dr Proby's executors bought the impropriate rectory of Hundon with the advowson from Bartholomew Soame, citizen and woollen draper of London (see Proby Trust 1). The Proby Trustees, who were the Master and six senior Fellows of Jesus College, continued to prresent to the living until in 1909 the Ecclesiastical Commissioners pointed out that by the Proby Act 1853 (a private Act to enable the College to vary the Trust) the patronage now belonged to the College.

Collection of terriers

Copies of documents collected by the Revd T.P. Foley, Vicar, as evidence in his case against the Rectory 1799. He claimed the small tithes from four farms on the estate. The documents include extracts from the Registry of the Bishop of Norwich giving terriers of 1627 and 1725. There is a copy of the 1627 terrier, and of one of 1754. There are further copies of terriers of 1716 and 1784, and an incomplete letter from the Bishop's Registry, 1722, listing dates of documents relating to Hundon 1627-1716, There are further rough notes of land and values, mostly undated.

List of glebe lands

Certificate made of all the glebe lands belonging to the Rectory of Cavendish, a list of 28 numbered items, with the value of each. Signed by the Churchwardens and the Rector.

Churchwardens of Cavendish

Jesus College, Old Plate Book and Bills for Plate

Contains: Fellows' receipts for plate, documents and other items taken out of the treasury; accounts of money and documents put into the treasury; an inventory of plate sent to Charles I, 29 July 1642, with a list of plate kept back; a list of chimneys in the college (67); a memorandum by the intruded Fellows as to what they found in the treasury in 1644; accounts of the college debt, 1655-60 and 1662-63; a list of the plate found buried in the Master's orchard, 1652; a list of old communion plate exchanged for new, 1664. At the end of the book: starting from 25 June 1666, a weekly allowance, in lieu of commons, to Fellows given leave to be absent until November because of the plague; receipts for Hearth Tax, Marshall's Exhibtion, and other payments; loose receipts pasted in, for sale of old plate in 1744; list of plate sold in 1744; list of plate in a late-17th-century hand; another list of plate in the treasury, in the Master's hands, in the hands of various Fellows, and old plate exchanged for new; an earlier account of an exchange of plate, in a 17th-century hand.


Parties: Jesus College, (2) Rose Conaway and William Conaway

Lease of the house and garden between a new built tenement on the west and a plot of ground sometime belonging to Alderman Thomas Kimball on the east. Term: 40 years. Rent: £1 0s 0d

Lessees to repair premises and the pavement of the street
Lessees not to build any other dwelling house, barn or stable without licence, nor to suffer any dung or filth to be laid on the land

Lease and Counterpart

Parties: Jesus College, (2) Mary Hammond

Lease of the house and garden in the occupation of Rose Conway and William Conway [see: JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/4/1/1631]
Term: 40 years. Rent: £1 0s 0d

Lessee covenants not to admit inmates nor suffer any common or private alehouse to be kept
Not to thatch with straw

Counterpart Lease

Parties: (1) Jesus College (2) John Seale (apothecary). Lease of the Dovehouse now in the occupation of the said College, lying in a close adjoining the said College, commonly known by the name of the Dovehouse Close.

Term: 13 years from Christmas 1633. Rent: £3 10s 0d
Covenants - Lessee to repair and cleanse the Dovehouse

Counterpart Lease of area now 19-22 Jesus Lane

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/10/1/1634
  • Item
  • 19th February 1634
  • Part of College Archives

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Reuben Fitches

Lease of a mansion house with yard, barn and appurtenances called Knowles tenement, adjoining on the west a tenement of Fitches' for which he pays a quit rent of 10d p.a.
Term: 40 years. Rent: £1 10s 0d and 4 capons or 6s 8d.

Lessee to repair etc
Not to lodge any persons of bad behaviour etc

Lease and Counterpart [13-15 Jesus Lane]

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/1/1/1634
  • Item
  • 19th February 1634
  • Part of College Archives

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Mary Bleethorne and Henry her child

Lease of the house for 40 years from Michaelmas 1633. Rent: £1 0s 0d and 4 capons or 4s at Lady Day

Lease and Counterpart [27-31 Jesus Lane]

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/18/1/1634
  • Item
  • 19th February 1634
  • Part of College Archives

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Robert Sharpe. Lease of three tenements. Term: 40 years. Rent: 18s plus 2 capons or 3s.

Covenants: Lessee to deliver to the College a true and perfect terrar. Not to harbour any persons of bad behaviour or suspected to be of an evil life. Not to keep hogs or unreasonable cattle. Not to take inmates without leave of the College

Grant of patronage to College

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/9/4
  • File
  • 6 February 1636-16 April 1636
  • Part of College Archives

Grant by Richard Duport to the College of his right and interest in the patronage of Harlton Rectory, and an official confirmation of the grant.

Duport, Richard

Grant of patronage

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/9/4/1
  • Item
  • 6 February 1636 (Date written as 6 February 1635)
  • Part of College Archives

Richard Duport, son of Dr Duport, sometime Master of the College, gives up to the College, for £10, his right and interest in the patronage of the Rectory of Harlton, and binds himself to confirm this right by next Easter, 1636, for a further £10. Statement witnessed by Philip Cromwell and George Conway.

Duport, Richard

Lease and Counterpart

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Richard Pettit, notary public. Three tenements late newly built by Ricahrd Pettit with the yards and backhouses belonging to them, in the several occupations of Robert Osborne and Francis Bardell. The east side lies next to the houses and ground of Laurence Ewsden, the west side next Walls Lane, the north side abuts on premises belonging to the town of Cambridge, the south side abuts a malthouse of Richard Pettit. For a term of 40 years


Papers relating to the domestic side of College life, including housekeeping, kitchens, buttery, cleaning, paintings and silver.

Results 51 to 100 of 14261