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Counterpart Lease [25 and 26 Jesus Lane]

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/16/1/1621
  • Item
  • 16th October 1621
  • Part of College Archives

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Margaret Ogden (widow). Two tenements with a garden. Term: 40 years.

Covenants: Lessee to do repairs and to pave the street. Not to alien or to underlet. Lessee to appear in the Manor Court of the Master and fellows to do such suit and services as assigned to him


Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Joan Smith, widow, and Richard Pettit, scrivener, her son. A piece of ground, sometime a garden ground in Walls Lane [Hobson Street], now in the occupation of Joan Smith, Widow Bearnes and Nicholas Turner, the east side lying next to ground in the occupation of Thomas Walden, the west side next to the lane, the south side abutting on a malthouse of the said Richard Pettit and the north side abutting upon tenements of the town of Cambridge. For a term of 40 years. Covenants: Lessees to repair the walls and grave the lane. Lessees covenant tobuild a house that shall cost at least £13. 6. 8.

Counterpart Lease

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/23/1/1622
  • Item
  • 27th January 1622
  • Part of College Archives

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Reuben Fitches (cook and servant of the said College). The messuage late in the occupation of Robert Little and now of Reuben Fitches, between a messuage house late occupied by Peter Lion in the west, and that now garden of the Fellows of the College. Term: 40 years. Rent: 13s 4d

Counterpart Lease [27-31 Jesus Lane]

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Emma Holmes (widow). Lease of three tenements lying between one in the occupation of William Ogden to the west and one in the occupation of Robert Litle on the east. Term: 40 years. Rent: 18s.

List of glebe lands

Certificate made of all the glebe lands belonging to the Rectory of Cavendish, a list of 28 numbered items, with the value of each. Signed by the Churchwardens and the Rector.

Churchwardens of Cavendish


Parties: Jesus College, (2) Rose Conaway and William Conaway

Lease of the house and garden between a new built tenement on the west and a plot of ground sometime belonging to Alderman Thomas Kimball on the east. Term: 40 years. Rent: £1 0s 0d

Lessees to repair premises and the pavement of the street
Lessees not to build any other dwelling house, barn or stable without licence, nor to suffer any dung or filth to be laid on the land

Treasury Book, 1588-1632

Similar to JCAD/2/2/5/1, but with fuller lists of plate. At the end of the book are notes by John Sherman of documents he borrowed.

Lease and Counterpart

Parties: Jesus College, (2) Mary Hammond

Lease of the house and garden in the occupation of Rose Conway and William Conway [see: JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/4/1/1631]
Term: 40 years. Rent: £1 0s 0d

Lessee covenants not to admit inmates nor suffer any common or private alehouse to be kept
Not to thatch with straw

Counterpart Lease

Parties: (1) Jesus College (2) John Seale (apothecary). Lease of the Dovehouse now in the occupation of the said College, lying in a close adjoining the said College, commonly known by the name of the Dovehouse Close.

Term: 13 years from Christmas 1633. Rent: £3 10s 0d
Covenants - Lessee to repair and cleanse the Dovehouse

Counterpart Lease of area now 19-22 Jesus Lane

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/10/1/1634
  • Item
  • 19th February 1634
  • Part of College Archives

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Reuben Fitches

Lease of a mansion house with yard, barn and appurtenances called Knowles tenement, adjoining on the west a tenement of Fitches' for which he pays a quit rent of 10d p.a.
Term: 40 years. Rent: £1 10s 0d and 4 capons or 6s 8d.

Lessee to repair etc
Not to lodge any persons of bad behaviour etc

Lease and Counterpart [13-15 Jesus Lane]

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/1/1/1634
  • Item
  • 19th February 1634
  • Part of College Archives

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Mary Bleethorne and Henry her child

Lease of the house for 40 years from Michaelmas 1633. Rent: £1 0s 0d and 4 capons or 4s at Lady Day

Lease and Counterpart [27-31 Jesus Lane]

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/18/1/1634
  • Item
  • 19th February 1634
  • Part of College Archives

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Robert Sharpe. Lease of three tenements. Term: 40 years. Rent: 18s plus 2 capons or 3s.

Covenants: Lessee to deliver to the College a true and perfect terrar. Not to harbour any persons of bad behaviour or suspected to be of an evil life. Not to keep hogs or unreasonable cattle. Not to take inmates without leave of the College

"Old statutes of Jesus College"

  • JCCA/JCGB/4/3/2
  • Item
  • 1559-1635 (The copy in STA 1/3 dates the Elizabethan added statute 1559.)
  • Part of College Archives

Contains: a table of contents; a copy of Bishop West's Statutes [of 1517], as revised by the Royal Visitors of 1549-50, with a new statute added by the Visitors of 1559-60 (at fol. 14 verso, with Visitors' signatures); and the interpretation of the Statute "De Numero Sociorum" by King Charles I, 1635.

West's statutes are written in a 16th century hand, with an elaborate capital at fol. 1. There are a few marginal notes in a 17th century hand.

The added statute is signed at the foot by five of the Visitors: William Byll., Walter Haddon, William Mey, Robert Horn and Ja. Pilkinton. It is followed (fol. 15 recto) by the notarial mark and statement of Anthony Harison certifying the document as a true copy.

The copied royal letter of 1635 is similarly marked by John Scott, notary and registrar of the University.

Grant of patronage

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/9/4/1
  • Item
  • 6 February 1636 (Date written as 6 February 1635)
  • Part of College Archives

Richard Duport, son of Dr Duport, sometime Master of the College, gives up to the College, for £10, his right and interest in the patronage of the Rectory of Harlton, and binds himself to confirm this right by next Easter, 1636, for a further £10. Statement witnessed by Philip Cromwell and George Conway.

Duport, Richard

Grant of patronage to College

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/9/4
  • File
  • 6 February 1636-16 April 1636
  • Part of College Archives

Grant by Richard Duport to the College of his right and interest in the patronage of Harlton Rectory, and an official confirmation of the grant.

Duport, Richard

Surrender of messuage

Surrender by Andrew Maddey and Thomas his son, of the messuage called the Yieldhall, to the use of Eden Grastocke. Latin

Statua Coll. Jes. Cant.

  • JCCA/JCGB/4/3/3
  • Item
  • 1618-1638 (The first date above is conjectural, but it seems highly likely that this copy was commissioned by Roger Andrewes soon after his appointment as Master (1618).)
  • Part of College Archives

Copy of Bishop West's statutes after the 1549 revision and with the Elizabethan extra statute, in an early 17th century formal hand with marginal notes by Roger Andrewes (Master 1618-32). The signatures at f.123 are also copies and have been annotated in another hand, probably Andrewes'. The preliminary leaves have notes in Latin about the geographical origins of Fellows, an index to the statutes, and notes about Fellows elected "in my predecessors tyme", which phrase indicates that this is Roger Andrewes' hand.

The later part of the volume has a copy of the interpretation of the Statute "De Numero Sociorum" by King Charles I, 1635, and copies of letters and other documents concerning appointments to and tenure of fellowships, 1614-1638. The last leaf has rough notes by Andrewes similar to those at the start of the volume. A Christmas reading from the Gospel of St Matthew ch.1 appears loose at fol. 95, apparently used as a bookmark.

Lease and Counterpart

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Richard Pettit, notary public. Three tenements late newly built by Ricahrd Pettit with the yards and backhouses belonging to them, in the several occupations of Robert Osborne and Francis Bardell. The east side lies next to the houses and ground of Laurence Ewsden, the west side next Walls Lane, the north side abuts on premises belonging to the town of Cambridge, the south side abuts a malthouse of Richard Pettit. For a term of 40 years

Counterpart Lease [25 and 26 Jesus Lane]

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/16/1/1638
  • Item
  • 16th January 1638
  • Part of College Archives

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Reuben Fitches (cook). Two tenements between one of Robert Sharpe on the east and one of Parnell Merriell (widow) on the west. Term: 40 years from Michaelmas 1637. Rent: 8s

Covenants: Lessee to do repairs and to pave the street. Not to alien or to underlet. Lessee to appear in the Manor Court of the Master and fellows to do such suit and services as assigned to him

Counterpart Lease [23 and 24 Jesus Lane]

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/14/1/1642
  • Item
  • 28th February 1642
  • Part of College Archives

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Toby Watson (labourer)

Lease of the tenement formerly let to Elizabeth Haylocke, between two tenements let to Reuben Fitches.

Term: 40 years from Michaelmas 1641. Rent: 10s

Lessee to repair buildings and pave the street
Lessee covenants that there shall be only one family dwelling in the house
No gate or stile shall be made into the close

Steward's Account Book

Steward's Account Book Accounts of the Fellows, Fellow-Commoners, Scholars and Pensioners with the Steward; the lists contain little more than names and amounts owed 1638 1642

Audit book

The arrangement of the accounts follows the pattern of those in the preceding volume. The Steward's account for 1632-3 is in Arabic numerals, but for the next year it is kept in Roman figures as usual. There is a note at the back about estates.

Royal Licence, Charles I

Licence to Brian Smith to convey to his son Brian, on his marriage with Ann Glover, daughter of William Glover, dec'd., the glebe lands and advowson of Cavendish. Latin, with the Great Seal of Charles I, red wax. [In the steel press, shelf 10].

Marriage settlement

Indenture made on the marriage of Brian Smith, junior, and Anne Glover. Brian Smith, senior, settles the lands and Cavendish Place on his son and wife. (See typescript lists, there was also a Royal License of Charles I of the same date, allowing Brian Smith to convey to his son the glebe lands and advowson of Cavendish.)

Smith, Brian

Lease and Counterpart

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/23/1/1648
  • Item
  • 24th February 1648
  • Part of College Archives

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Reuben Fitches (cook and servant of the said College). The messuage late in the occupation of Robert Little and now of Reuben Fitches, between a messuage house late occupied by Peter Lion in the west, and that now garden of the Fellows of the College. Term: 40 years. Rent: 13s 4d

Lease and Counterpart of area now 19-22 Jesus Lane

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Brian Kitchingman (Alderman)

Lease of a mansion house with yard, barn and appurtenances called Knowles tenement

Term: 40 years. Rent: £1 10s 0d and 4 capons or 6s 8d.

Lessee to repair etc
Not to lodge any persons of bad behaviour etc

Lease and Counterpart

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Thomas Tifford (Alderman of Cambridge). Term: 21 years from Michaelmas 1649. Rent: £1 10s 0d

Counterpart Lease [25 and 26 Jesus Lane]

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/16/1/1649
  • Item
  • 24th February 1649
  • Part of College Archives

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Reuben Fitches (cook). Two tenements with a garden between tenements occupied by Robert Clemence on the east and Parnell Merriell (widow) on the west. Term: 40 years. Rent: 8s

Covenants: Lessee to do repairs and to pave the street. Not to alien or to underlet. Lessee to appear in the Manor Court of the Master and fellows to do such suit and services as assigned to him


Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Joshua Sedgwick. A messuage and ground in Walls Lane [King Street] next the wall of the late Grey Friars on the west and a house belonging to Bennet College in the east, abutting on the highway to the south and the close belonging to Jesus College on the north. For a term of 40 years from Michaelmas 1648

Covenant to levy a fine (copy)

Joan Montfort, widow, and others, agree to convey the advowson to fulke Tedder and John Montfort, to be for the use of Joan Montfort, and after her to Elizabeth Franklyn.

Lease and Counterpart

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) John Jenkinson. Four dwelling houses heretofore one house and garden, ground thereto belonging in Walls Lane [King Street] between the tenement of Joshua Sedgwick to the east and the Blue Bell in the occupation of Robert Muns to the west, on Walls Lane [King Street] to the south and on a close of Jesus College to the North. For a term of 40 years from Michaelmas 1649

Lease and Counterpart

Parties: Jesus College, (2) William Pickering (gentleman). Term: 40 years. Rent: £1 0s 0d


Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Robert Richardson (cook). Term: 3 years. Rent: 6d.

Condition: If the Master and Fellows pay Richardson the sum of 12d the term is to cease and determine.

Endorsement: This lease was delivered by Nicholas Coates, Attorney for the Master, Fellows and Scholars within named to the within Robert Richardson the 13th April 1653


Grant by Brian Smith, junior, to Thomas Bishop of Thornden, of the next presentation to the living, for a consideration of £50. With four witnesses.

Smith, Brian

Counterpart Lease

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Robert Richardson (cook). Term: 3 years.

Condition: If the Master and Fellows pay Richardson the sum of 12d the term is to cease and determine.


bond for £200 by Brian Smith, junior, to Thomas Bishop, that he will perform the covenants. With four witnesses.

Smith, Brian

Lease and Counterpart

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/23/1/1656
  • Item
  • 10th November 1656
  • Part of College Archives

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Marie Fitches (spinster). The tenement late in the tenure of Reuben Fitches, father of Marie. Term: 36 years. Rent: 13s 4d.

Covenants: Lessee covenants that the tenement shall not be used as a common ale house or victualling house, and no one shall sell there in ale or beer

Lease and Counterpart

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Thomas Tifford (Alderman of Cambridge). Term: 21 years. Rent: £1 10s 0d

Lease and Counterpart

Parties: Jesus College, (2) Thomas Docwra. Lease of the house late in the tenure of William Pickering (gentleman). Term: 40 years. Rent: £1 0s 0d

Lease and Counterpart

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Richard Pettit, the elder. Three tenements [40-44] with the yards and backhouses situate lying and being in Walls Lane [Hobson Street] for 40 years from Michaelmas 1657

Letter by Richard Gascoigne

Gascoyne (Gascoigne) was a student at Jesus, 1594-99, and on his death c. 1662 bequeathed a collection of printed books (at least one heavily annotated) to the College Library.

Counterpart Lease [23 and 24 Jesus Lane]

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/14/1/1658
  • Item
  • 20th January 1658
  • Part of College Archives

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Mary Conway (widow) and William Watson (cordwainer)

Lease of the tenement, yard and garden plot with buildings, shops, chambers, now in their occupation, between tenements belonging to Jesus College, that on the east let to Reuben Fitches, cook, and that on the west let to Brian Kitchingman (gentleman).

Term: 40 years from Michaelmas 1658. Rent: 10s

Lessee to repair buildings and pave the street
Lessee covenants that there shall be only one family dwelling in the house
No gate or stile shall be made into the close

Mary Conway makes her mark as Mary Watson

Counterpart Lease [27-31 Jesus Lane]

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Robert Sharpe (carpenter). Lease of three tenements now in occupation of Nicholas Coates, Robert Sharpe, John Perce, Robert Parke and Benjamin Dod. Term: 40 years. Rent: 18s plus 2 capons or 3s.

Covenants: Lessee to deliver to the College a true and perfect terrar every 7 years


  • JCCA/JCHR/2/3/12
  • Item
  • 29th May 1660 (The dating can only be approximate: the restored King entered London on 29 May.)
  • Part of College Archives

Speech delivered upon the restoration of King Charles II, by Geoffrey Watts (Fellow).

Notices of avoidance of the living

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/9/6
  • File
  • 20 November 1660-14 May 1661
  • Part of College Archives

Two notices, from the Bishop of Ely (Matthew Wren), of the avoidance of the living by (1) the resignation of Richard Sterne, and (2) the death of Stephen Hall, who was instituted but not inducted. In Latin.

Results 51 to 100 of 14261