Title added by Arthur Gray: "Historia Collegii Jesu / Statutes of the Rustat Foundation". Title on the back cover: "Statutorum Coll. Jesu".
The contents are written in a 17th century mixed hand, almost certainly that of Edmund Boldero, in black ink with headings in red. They consist of: Bishop West's statutes; the statute added by the Visitors of 1559-60; Charles I's interpretation of the statute "De Numero Sociorum" ["Of the number of fellows"]; statutes of the Rustat Foundation, 1671, a copy of an Indenture relating to the Foundation's endowments, and the confirmation of the Rustat statutes by Charles II, 1672; and a copy of Sherman's History of the college, out of order in such a way that notes about several members of the Beaumont family, a list of masters to 3 Apr. 1666 and their biographical details, precede the rest of the contents.
An unused page contains various signatures and scribblings of a later date (some apparently 1690s).
At the back of the book are an incomplete copy of "The King's graunt for the foundation of the Free schole at Macclesfeild" [the King being Edward VI], in Latin, in the same 17th century hand [Edmund Boldero], and a 2p. draft of a Latin oration, in a clumsier [juvenile?] hand.