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Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund
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The Prioress of St Radegund and the nuns to John a messuage and . Rent: 16(?)d and 2 capons. Term: life of the said John. Covenant: tenant to keep (property) in repair. Witnesses: John, clerk of Wroyng (Wratting?), Roger (or Hugh) de Rikspaude of the same village, John de Bra, ___ Wyte of the same village, John de Bricham of the same, et aliis.

Radegund, Prioress of St


  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 22...29, 50-78/58
  • Item
  • 1 April (?) 1330-1 April 1330 (Dat; apud Cantebr' die d[o]m[ini]ca in festo Kaniis _almar[um] Anno d[o]m[ini] millesimo Trescentessimo tricessimo.)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Prioress Mabilia and the nuns to John Fryday, cutler (cotelerius) and burgess, a portion of their croft called Sarandescroft, enclosed with walls and lying at the end of St Radegund's Street, between a tenement of John de Trippelowe, rector of Reymerston, and their own croft, abutting on their croft and on a tenement belonging to John Fryday. Term: in perpetuity. Rent: 6d. payable in equal parts on the day of St Michael Archangel and on Hokeyday. Witnesses: John Pilat, Mayor of Cambridge, Stephen de Pawfeld, John de Theversham, Robert Seman, bailiffs, John Utlawe, John De___ et aliis.

Mabilia, Prioress


Prioress Margery Herlyng and the nuns to John Essex, saddler, a tenement in Walyslane, lying between the house of the Friars Minor and a tenement of Essex, abutting on the highway and Sarantiscroft. Tern: 60 years. Rent: 5s. Witnesses: John Gaynysford, Mayor of Cambridge, John Sexteyn, Stephen Neel, John Busch and Robert Bradeweye, bailiffs, et aliis.

Herlyng, Prioress Margery

Institution of the Nuns to the Rectory of All Saints

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 79-99/Gray 79, 81-87/79b
  • Item
  • 13 November 1180-13 November 1180 ('Facta e[st] aut[em] hec i[n]stitutio et vicarie [con]cessio anno ab incarnatio[n]e verbi mo co lxxxo feria va (quinta) inf[ra] octav' s[an]c[t]i Martini')
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Geoffrey, Bishop of Ely, institutes the nuns to the rectory, with the consent of the former patron, Sturmi, there present, who confirms his charter (79a). The nuns are to pay Richard, the chaplain, stipend of 20s. p.a. and to pay the episcopal dues. After the resignation or death of the said Richard they are to have the right of presentation to the living. Witnesses: Robert the Prior and William, canon of Barnwell; Edmund, chaplain to the Bishop of Ely; Godfrey de Insula, Godfrey de Wisbech, Adam de St Edmunds, Master Bartholomew, clerk of Brandon; Alan, the almoner; Roger, dean; Master Robert Christien, Jonathan, priest; Nicholas of St Boloph's, Robert of St John and Hugh, his brother; Simon and Walter, chaplains, Everard de Becham, William, son of Hugh, sheriff; John de Daviner, Peter de Bechem, John de Caisnet, Amand, clerk.

Ridel, Geoffrey (d 1189) Bishop of Ely

Inspeximus charter of Edward II

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 1-10/8
  • Item
  • 15 Oct. 1313 (Dated 'apud Westm. quintodecimo die Octobr. Anno regni nosti septimo. Per ipsum regem. (verso) Examinatum per A[dam] de Brom'.)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Recites and confirms previous royal and episcopal charters including charters Gray 2a, 3a, 3b; a grant by King Henry III (dated 17 April 1251), and a confirmation by the convent of Ely of the first charter of Bishop Nigel (1) and a number of other minor grants. Written at Westminster "by the King himself"; checked by Adam de Brome, witnessed by S[imon of Ghent] Sar[um] (Bishop of Salisbury); J[ohn de Langton] Cicestren[sis]: (Bishop of Chichester); J[ohn de Drokensford] Bathon[sis] & Wellen[sis] Epis[copus] (Bishop of Bath and Wells); Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gluocester and Hereford; John de Brittania (of Brittany), Earl of Richmond; Hugh le Despenser; Robertus fil[ius] Pasani (FitzPain or FitzPayne) & aliis.

Edward II (1284-1327) King of England

Indulgence of William Courtenay, Archbishop of Canterbury

  • JCMR/Gray 11-17/Gray 11-17/17
  • Item
  • 6 April 1390 (Dated 'in manerio nostro de Croydon sexto die mensis Aprilis Anno d[o]m[ini] mill[es]imo CCCmo Nonogesimo Et nostre translacio[n]is nono'.)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

The Archbishop grants indulgence of 40 days to persons contributing to the relief of the nuns whose buildings have been ruined by violent storms. Written in the Manor of Croydon.

Courtenay, William (1342-1396) Archbishop of Canterbury

Indulgence of Thomas Arundel, at that time Bishop of Ely

  • JCMR/Gray 11-17/Gray 11-17/16
  • Item
  • 2 April 1376 (Dated 'Apud Dodyngton s[e]c[un]do die Aprilis, Anno Domini mill[es]imo CCCmo Septuagesimo sexto et nostro consecracionis s[e]c[un]do'.)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

The Bishop grants indulgence of 40 days to all who contribute to the relief of the nuns on the occasion of the destruction of their dwellings and goods by fire. Written in Doddington.

Arundel, Thomas (1353-1414) Archbishop of Canterbury

Grant with warranty of a rent

Baldwin Blancgernon to Adam de Litlington, an annual rent of 12 d, 6d payable by William Arnold for lands he holds of the donor, lying between lands of William de Chateriz and Aldric Mercer (mercator). And 6d due from Alexander de Yselham, formerly servant of the donor's brother William. Rent: a pair of gloves, value 1/2d. Gersuma 7s 6d. Witnesses: Robert Saman, Henry Vivien, Anger Russ (Ruffus), Reginald Quantaquilia, Aldric Mercer, William Braci et aliis.

Blancgernon, Baldwin (1st half of 13c)

Grant of the Countess Constance

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 1-10/3a
  • Item
  • August 1153-October 1154 (The grant includes prayers for the soul of Eustace and the good estate of King Stephen, so must be between Eustace's death in Aug. 1153 and Stephen's death in Oct. 1154.)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Grant of exemption from hagable and langable within and without the borough of Cambridge, also fishery and waters which belong to the said borough, as they were held by herself and her late husband Eustace, for the soul of the said Count Eustace, of all her ancestors, also for the soul of Queen Matilda, and for the good estate of King Stephen. Witnessed by N[igel], bishop of Ely, G[eoffrey] de Waterville, [Roger le Equaham?] with his brother Rodbertus (Robert), Radulf vicecomitus (Ralph the sheriff), Alexander pincerna (the butler), Eustace de Bans, William Monachus (le Moyne) of Shelford, Rodbertus (Robert) Grim, Gilbert son of Dunning, Herbert, Hervey son of Warin.

Constance (c 1126-post 1174) Countess of Toulouse from 1154

Grant of services

Rannulf, son of Robert de Gosebrekirg to the nuns of St Radegund in free alms the services of Odo and Ivette, his wife, for a tenement formerly held by Ascer, father of the said Ivette, from the father of the donor, the tenement being situate at Hippighil. Rent: in lieu of service 12d on St Botolph's day. Witnesses: William Pera, John de Ria, Philip and Gilbert, his brothers, Peter, clerk, Hugh, chaplain, William, his brother, William Burger, Walter Cobinot, Maurice, Hugo and Hamo, his sons, Geoffrey de Digebi, Roger, clerk, John Bude et multis aliis.

Gosebrekirg, Rannulf son of Robert de

Grant of rents in free alms with warranty

Apsolon, son of Roger the priest, with the consent of Maud, his wife, to the nuns various rents amounting to 13s 4d per annum. 1 (Cambridge fields) 12d out of 1 acre in Cambridge fields due from Simon Bagge. 2 (St John's Milne Street) 5s out a messuage in Milne Street held by Brihtnot Tanur, of which 2d hagabel due to the King. 3 (St Botolph's) 2s put of a messuage in St Botolph's held by Richard Kibelot. 4 (St John's Milne Street) 20d put of land in Milne Street held by Martin Wulward. 5 (St Bene't's) 2s out of land in the parish of St Benedict held by Andrew de Burgh, lying next land formerly belonging to Thurstan. 6 (Holy Sepulchre's) 20d from land in Holy Sepulchre's churchyard held by John the smith, lying next the land of Roger Parleben. Hagabel 1/2d. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Adam, his brother, Geoffrey Potechin, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael and John, his sons, Walter Corde, Robert Seman, Maurice Russ (Ruffus) et aliis.

Apsolon, son of Roger

Grant of rents in free alms

Warin Grin (Grim?), son of Apsolon, of Cambridge, for his soul and those of his parents and ancestors, to the nuns of St Radegund all his rents in Cambridge, viz. 6s from Peter Maxton for stalls; 12s 14d from land opposite the last, formerly of Stephen de Scales; 4s 6d from Robert de St Edmunds in Milne Street; 7s from Thomas Wulward in Milne Street; 3s from Geoffrey Glover in the market place; 2s 6d from Bernard, the shepherd, near Grenecroft; 6s from the wife of Godfrey Baker for life and after her death to revert to the nuns; 5s from William Carter, next the last; 1d from Reginald Scherwynd for land next the churchyard of St John. Witnesses: Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, Eustace, son of Hervey, Ralph, son of Henry, Thomas, son of Joachim, Richard, son of Yvo, Anger Russ (Ruffus?), Childman, John de Berton, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, John, his son, William Pilate et aliis.

Grin, Warin

Grant of rents

Walter Corde grants to the nuns a rent of 2s paid to him by the heirs of William Blancgernon for lands between the land of William Braci and the land of Robert Colt, extending from the street to the land of Auger le Rus; also rent of 5s from land held by Hamo de Colchester, between land of Reginald Quantgloria and Richard Hopetran extending from the street to the river; also rent of 3s from land held by William de Furcis in parish of St Clement's, extending from the street to the King's Ditch. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael, his son, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, Ralph, son of Henry, Hubert, son of Norman, Anger, son of Edric, Henry Vivien, Childman, William Pilate, William de Hibernia (of Ireland) et aliis.

Corde, Walter (12-13c)

Grant of rent with warranty

Alexander le Moyne to the church of St Mary and St Radegund for the salvation of his soul and the souls of his ancestors, 12d of annual rent, due from the nuns for lands of him in Litlington. The nuns thereafter to hold their land in free alms. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Roger de Huntingsfield, Sir Peter de Danelie, William Traylli (or Caylli), William, clerk of Litlington, John, his brother, Richard de Boclekesham, Alan, son of William, Robert de Sugeres (or Fugeres), Hugh, son of Bruce, William Sali et multis aliis.

Le Moyne family

Grant of rent with warranty

Matilda (Maud), daughter of Jordan, to her nephew Gilbert, son of Azo, clerk, 16d rent, viz: 8d from the land which Godefrid Claud bought of her, 2d due from Azo le Norrais, and 6d from Hugh, son of Wakelin, due from the third part of a selion of land lying beyond Bele. Consideration: 1 mark; Witnesses: Baldwin, dean, Salomon, goldsmith, William, son of Elias, Hugh, clerk, Richard Mercer (mercator), Geoffrey Porter, Ralph Tyll, et multis aliis.

Maud, daughter of Jordan

Grant of rent to Walter Corde

Baldwin, son of Baldwin Blancgernon, grants to Walter Corde for his homage and services a rent of 2s from land held of Baldwin by the heirs of William Blancgernon, next to the land of Ketel Mercer. Rent: a pair of white gloves worth 1/2 d. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Maurice le Rus, Robert Seman, Anger, son of Edric, Hubert, son of Norman, Robert, his son, Hervey Alegod, William Pilate, Ketell Mercer (Mercator), Alfred, his son-in-law, Henry Frost, William Joie et multis aliis.

Blancgernon, Baldwin (1st half of 13c)

Grant of rent of 5s.

Nicholas, son of Michael Malherbe, of Cambridge, to Master William de Beston, clerk, a rent of 5s out of a messuage held by William Faber (Smith), by Barnwell gates, next to the land of Henry de Mordon and that of Hugh Newcomen. Rent: a root of ginger; gersuma: 40s. Witnesses: Robert de St Edmunds, Head Bailiff, Henry de Mordon, Richard, son of John de Berton, William de Neweham, Robert de Hawkeston, Eustace Oldcorn, Thomas de Lichefeld, William Godson, Henry Page, Robert de Hinton, Robert Wimund, John Saleman et aliis.

Nicholas, son of Michael Malherbe

Grant of rent of 4s.

Sayer de Trumpington to his son Peter 4s rent due from the nuns out of land at Henneye, which formerly belonged to John Godard. Consideration: a certain sum of money. Witnesses: Robert Tuylet, mayor of Cambridge, Robert Matefrey, Michael Wolleward, Michael, son of John Michael, Walter de Fulbourne, bailiffs, John Porthors, Richard Bateman, Robert de Maddingle, Roger de Hereford, Richard de Caketon, Robert le Despenser, Nicholas Leffeyn et aliis.

Trumpington, Sayer de

Grant of rent of 2s.

Alice, daughter of Robert, son of Sweyn, for her soul and for the souls of her ancestors to the nuns 2s: 1 s paid by Gilbert Chircheman and 1s by Smith (Faber) in lieu of services for 1 acre of land and after his death the land to revert to the nuns. Given with the consent of her heir, her daughter, Roesia, and Roesia's heirs.

Alice, daughter of Robert Sweyn

Grant of Rent in Free Alms with Warranty

Gilbert, priest, of Ely, for the sake of his soul and the souls of his ancestors grants to the monastery of St Mary and St Radegund of Cambridge an annual rent of 3s 2d, viz: from Stephen Marshall (1s 2d) out of a certain messuage in St Mary's parish; from Robert __schales 6d, from a messuage of the same fee in the same parish; from God(frey) Baker (bercarius) 16d for a messuage in the same fee; from Hugh, son of Wauclin, 6d for a messuage of the same fee. Witnesses: Baldwin, priest, vicar of St Mary's, Drogo, priest, Richard, priest, Elias, servant (or serjeant), Richard of Swaveton, clerk, Peter, clerk, Martin, clerk, et multis aliis.

Gilbert of Ely, priest

Grant of rent in free alms

Richard Wastinel addresses all his friends, French and English, and grants to the nuns in free alms a rent of 2 pence (duos nummos) of the service of Everad de Batford. No witnesses.

Wastinel, Richard

Grant of rent in free alms

William, son of Robert fitz Walter gives to nuns a rent of half a mark (6s 8d) for his soul and the soul of his wife Margaret. Witnesses: Seher de Quinci, William Bardulf, William son of Rocelin, William de Blunville, Robert son of Rocelin, John the clerk, Gilbert son of Dunning, Gerard de Wechesham, Milon de Riveshal

Robert, William son of

Grant of Rent Charge in Exchange for Land

Alice, daughter of Jordan, to Gilbert, her nephew and heir, clerk, the annual rent of 8d, which Godefrid Claud owes her for the land lying between land of Albert and land of Azo, mercer, in the town of Ely, in the parish of St Mary, and which she sold to the said Godfrid. Consideration: 3 butts of land in Prestmedue (Priest medow). Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Baldwin, vicar of St Mary's, Sir Everard, priest, Sir Droco, priest, William, son of Elias, Solomon, goldsmith, Richard, mercer (mercator), Richard de Monasterio, Robert, porter, et multis aliis.

Alice, daughter of Jordan

Grant of Rent Charge in Exchange for Land

Alice, daughter of Jordan, to her nephew and heir Gilbert, clerk, son of Azo, a rent of 8d, payable yearly by Godefrid Claud from the land in the town of Ely, which she sold to the said Godefrid. Alice swears for herself and her heirs that they will bring no suit against Gilbert concerning the said rent. Consideration: Gilbert gives Alice 3 butts of land lying in Prestmedue (Priest medow). Witnesses: Baldewin, dean of St Mary; Samson, goldsmith, W(illiam?), son of Elias, H. clerk, R(ichard), mercer (mercator), G. porter (ianitor), R. Till et multis aliis.

Alice, daughter of Jordan

Grant of rent

Thomas Potekin to John, son of Serle de Upwended for a certain sum of money as gersuma, a rent of 5s out of the shops described in 219b-c. Witnesses: Wiliam Elioth, John, son of Martin, Henry Nadon, Robert de Maddingele, Richard Baleman, Richard de Hockele, Richard le Vinter,Thomas le Cotiler et aliis.

Potekin, Thomas (second half of 13c)

Grant of rent

Simon the Chamberlain (Camerarius) of E[ustace], Bishop of Ely, grants the nuns a rent of 2s per annum paid by Hervey son of Eustace of Cambridge and his heirs out of a rent of 11s 6d due from land which Simon bought from William son of Levesune and his mother Thura, between land of Hervey and that of Cuna. Nuns to have the right to distrain for non payment of rent. Witnesses: Hugh de Bodegesham official, Geoffrey chaplain of Dodington, Nicholas official clerk, Eustace de Eye, Robert Engaine, William Merchet, William Bonet, Walter de Aswell, Fulk Crocheman, Morice Russ, Walter son of Scolice (Scolastica?) et multis aliis.

Chamberlain, Simon the

Grant of rent

Richard, son of Richard Bateman of Cambridge to the prioress Agnes Burgeillo and the nuns, a rent of 12d out of a messuage near the King's Ditch next Trumpington Gate, and another of 8d out of 3 shops in Pirones Lane (now part of the site of King's College), between a messuage of Thomas le Moner and a messuage of Alice de Bradelee, in exchange for a messuage formerly of William de Honacort (rent: 20d). Witnesses: Bartholomew Goddyng, Robert Wimond, Richard Laurence, John Portehors, John de Aylesham, Gerard de Viner, William Tuillet, Henry de Berton, William Elyot et aliis.

Bateman, Richard

Grant of rent

Henry, son of Salomon Goldsmith, to Gilbert, son of Azo, clerk, a rent of 4d due from Stephen, son of Nicholas, from land in the town of Ely, which Henry sold him. Warranty: Henry swears not to raise controversy over the ownership of the rent; consideration: 4s. Witnesses: Henry Pilat, John and Richard, chaplains, Walter de Ely, Drogo de Ely, Bernard de Feltewell, Henry and Everard Draco et aliis.

Henry, son of Salomon Goldsmith

Grant of Impropriation of St Clement's

John (de Fontibus), Bishop of Ely, grants to the nuns of St Radegund of Grenecroft the Church of St. Clement, Cambridge, with its appurtenances and rights, reserving an adequate vicarage to a priest to undertake the cure of souls. Saving to himself and his successors the episcopal and parochial rights. Witnesses: Laurence (de Stanesfield), Prior of Barnwell (1213-51), Master (Magister) Thomas de Watchelay, Bartholomew, official (of Ely), Master John De Foxton, Henry, parson de Hynton, Richard, parson of Suafham (Swaffam), John, parson of Fuleb(our)n et aliis Pluribus.

Fontibus, John de

Grant of Advowson of All Saints

Sturmi, of Cambridge, to the Church of the Blessed Mary, Mother of God, and St Radegund of Grenencroft, and to the nuns serving it, the advowson of the Church of All Saints in the town of Cambridge. Donation made with the consent of his wife and his heirs for the salvation of King Henry (II) and his heirs and for the souls of the faithful departed. Witnesses: Roger, Dean; Robert de St Clement's; Absalon, priest; Nicholas, brother of Hervey; Walter, priest; Peter, priest, son of Geoffrey; Simon, priest; Eudo Pilat; Gilbery de Scretitoner, Robert de Gurnai, Fulk Crocheman, Selid Macherrer, Robert, son of Ordinar de Haverhill; Azo, Sturmi's son in law; Hugh Pilat, Aelard, son of Orgar; John Crocheman, Richard, son of Nicholas; Gaimar; Peter medic.

Cambridge, Sturmi of

Grant of advowson

Hugh, son of Absalon of Cambridge, on the advice of the late Eustace, Bishop of Ely, for the salvation of his own soul and the souls of his ancestors, grants to God and the Almoner of St Radegund of Cambridge the advowson of the church of St Clement in free alms. Witnesses: Bartholomew, official of the Archdeacon of Ely, Fabian, chaplain, Hugh, his brother, Peter, chaplain, Master (Magister) Robert de Neutun, Robert, chaplain of St Clement's, Robert Seman, Fulk Crocheman, John, his brother, Ailgar de Welles, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael, his son, Richard de Bernewell, Peter and Richard, his sons, Richard, son of Osbern, William, his son, William, son of Master Geoffrey, Robert, clerk, John, his brother, Walter de Lindsia, Robert Porter, Robert Blund et multis aliis.

Hugh, son of Absalon

Grant of a rent to nuns of St Mary and St Radegund

Hugh, son of Absolon of Cambridge for the health of his soul and the soul of his sister Letitia grants to the nuns all the rent of 29 1/2d which Fulk Crocheman pays him for a tenement in Jew's Lane extending from the High Street to the cemetery of All Saints. Possession of the said tenement reserved to the donor for life. Nuns covenant to celebrate an anniversary for his sister Letitia on the eve of the Purification, with Mass on the feast, when the nuns are to have the whole rent for their pittance. Service to the King; excommunication to those who set his grant aside. Witnesses: Thomas, Dean of Sanford, Baldwin Blancgernon, Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Everard de Winepole, Andrew, Richard and Eustace, his brothers, Adam Werial, Roger Parleben, Fulk Crocheman, John, his brother, Absolon, son of Roger, Maurice Russ (Ruffus?), Robert de Sanford et multis aliis.

Hugh, son of Absolon

Grant of a rent on the property mentioned in 100a

Matilda, widow of Alan Edward of Cambridge, with the consent of her son, Peter, to Roger de Herdwic, servant of the nuns of St Radegund, an annual quit rent of 4s out of a tenement held of her by Fulk le Haneper, outside the Ditch and near Garewycscruche. Roger de Herdwic can assign or bequeath and can distrain on Fulk's tenement if the rent is unpaid. Gersuma: 25s 4d; rent: 1/4 lb. cumin. Witnesses: Anger le R[us], Nicholas Childman, Robert Hubert, William Tuylett, Paulinus Wombe, Walter Crocheman, Ralph Chapeler (Capellaris), John Alvevechild, Symon Spicer (Spiciarius), Ernest Mercer (Mercator) et aliis.

Matilda, widow of Alan Edward

Grant of a rent of 8s.

William de Bestone, clerk, to the nuns, a rent of 8s out of 2 messuages outside Barnwell gates. Gersuma: 5 marks. Witnesses: Richard son of Laurence, Head Bailiff, Roger Warin, Thomas Plote, Peter de Welles, Henry Tinctor, bailiffs, Nicholas Childman, Walter Crocheman, Paulinus Wombe, William Elyot, Robert Edward, William Godson, William Molendinar[ius] (Miller), Alan de Teversham, Robert Wymund, clerk, et aliis.

Bestone, William de Bestone

Grant of a rent of 4s.

Margaret of Eltesle, widow of German (sic) Banastre, to her daughter Lecia a rent of 3s per annum payable by Simon Atwater (ad aquam), and one of 12d payable by the nuns. Rent: 1/4d; gersuma: 1s 6d. Witnesses: Robert Banastre, William Banastre, John, son of Peter, Roger de Lar[t?]a, John, son of Michael, William de Bomested, Geoffrey, son of Thomas Bernard, Geoffrey, son of Pain of Eltisle, John Berton of Cambridge, Nicholas Childman, Robert Hubert, Peter Wolward, Anger Rubeus (Ruffus? Russ?) et aliis.

Eltesle, Margaret de

Grant of a rent of 3 s.

Nicholas, son of Michael Malherbe, of Cambridge, to William de Beston, clerk, a rent of 3s out of a messuage in St Andrew's parish held by Henry de Mordon, lying between land of John Parleben and Master Martin of St Radegund. Rent: a root of ginger; gersuma: 20s. Witnesses: Robert de St Edmunds, chief bailiff, Leo Dunning, Arnulph Mercerer, Paulinus Wombe, Robert de Maddingel[y], Robert de Haukeston, Ro(bert __)mag[er], Richard Vinctor (Binder?), Thomas de Stanton, clerk, Ralph, son of Henry Hubert, clerk, et aliis.

Nicholas, son of Michael Malherbe

Grant of a rent (indenture)

John, son of Serle of Upwendon, with the consent of his wife Margaret, to Prioress Agnes le Burgeylun and the nuns the rent of 5s (219e) for 4 years, from Thomas Potekin, clerk, in exchange for a rent of 4s 8d for a shop formerly of Godfrey le Heymongere, given him in free marriage by Margaret Atteward. At the end of the term the prioress or successors to pay 4s 8d per annum for the tenement of the said Godfrey. Witnesses: William Eliot, mayor of Cambridge, John But, Robert Wymund, Henry Nadon, Henry Tuilet, Richard Laurence et aliis.

John and Margaret of Upwendon

Grant of a rent in free alms (indenture)

John, son of Geoffrey Godard, with the consent of Eva, his wife, to the nuns a rent of 2s out of land lying between the land of Andrew de Middleton and the river bank, abutting on the land of Algar de Well and that of John le (Oste), and if he die childless, the reversion of the land to the nuns, except for a small room next the land of the aforesaid Andrew. Also a rent which Richard de Tredde paid him viz. 4d. Witnesses: Thomas Tuilet, Robert de St Edmund's, Eustace, son of Hervey, Master (Magister) Bartholomew, son of Ralph, Nicholas, son of Ralph, Walter Crocheman, John Goging, John Potekin, John Alvevechild, William Tui(let?), Robert Hubert, Childman, Nicholas, his son, John de Berton et aliis.

John and Eva Godard

Grant of a rent in free alms in exchange for tithe and right of sepulture

Hervey, son of Eustace, to the nuns a rent of 12d p.a. to be paid by Absolon, the son of the priest, out of land next the lane leading from St Edward's church to St John's church, to recompense them for any loss which may accrue to All Saints' church out of the common land on which is situated the Hospital of St John, and in return the said Hospital is to have the right to bury where it will, saving to the same Hospital its free chantry in perpetuity. Witnesses: Lord (Dominus) E(ustace), Bishop of Ely, R. Barre, archdeacon of Ely, William, prior of Barnwell, H., parson of the church of Bodekesham (Bottisham), Master (magister) John Grim, Master Geoffrey Grim, Master John de Malketon, Fulk, son of Theobald, Robert Picott, William de Trumpiton, Baldwin Blancgemon, Robert Seman, Maurice Russ et multis aliis.

Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)

Grant of a rent in free alms in exchange for tithe and right of sepulture

Maurice Russ to the nuns a rent of 12d out of land in St John's parish in the tenure on Simon, son of Reginald, next the land of Goding de Cesterton, to recompense them for any loss which may accrue to All Saints' church out of the common land on which is situated the Hospital of St John, and in return the said Hospital is to have the right to bury where it will, saving to the same Hospital its free chantry in perpetuity. Witnesses: Lord (Dominus) E(ustace), Bishop of Ely, R. Barre, archdeacon of Ely, William, prior of Barnwell, H., parson of the church of Bodekesham (Bottisham), Master (magister) John Grim, Master Geoffrey Grim, Master John de Malketon, Fulk, son of Theobald, Robert Picott, William de Trumpiton, Baldwin Blancgemon, Robert Seman, Maurice Russ et multis aliis.

Russ, Maurice

Grant of a rent in free alms

William Sueteye to the nuns for his soul and those of his ancestors an annual rent of 8s out of the above land for the maintenance of a land in the nuns' choir. Anathema if rent unpaid or land extinguished. Witnesses: John Russ, Eustace, son of Hervey, Robert de St Edmund, Thomas Tuylet, William Tuylet, Stephan de Hauckeston, Michael Bernard, William Pilat, Robert Crocheman, Walter Crocheman, Walter le Porter et aliis.

Sueteye, William

Grant of a rent in free alms

Thomas le Mercer to the nuns an annual rent of 16d out of land in St Benet's parish held of him by William Scurri and Azcelota his wife. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Geoffrey Potekin, Ralph, son of Henry, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael and John, his sons, Richard, son of Yvo, Thomas Tuillet, Roger Doy, Richard, son of Richard ad portam (Attegate), Walter Corde, William Pilate et multis aliis.

Mercer, Thomas le

Grant of a rent (by divine service)

Hugh, son of Apsolon to the nuns the rent of 12d due from Aldusa for the messuage formerly held of him by Mabil Harre, which Aldusa has built upon and which Mabil Harre now holds of her, to find a lamp for the nuns' infirmary. Service: to the King 1d. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Bartholomew, official, Fabian, chaplain, ___, Magister Robert de Neutun, Magister William de Bancius, Fulk Crocheman, John Crocheman, Adam Werrial, Richard Atgate (ad porta, sic), William, his son, Geoffrey Potekin, Hervey Goging, Michael, his son, William, son of Magister Geoffrey, Robert, clerk, John, his brother, et multis aliis.

Hugh, son of Apsolon

Grant of a rent (2 documents)

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 260-264/261
  • Item
  • 24 March 1341 ("Dat' apud Cantebr' die sabbati in vigilia Annunciacionis beate Marie virginis anno regni Regis Edwardi tercii post conquestum quintodecimo".)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Thomas, son of John de Cambridge, knight, to the nuns and to the use of his sister Elizabeth, for life a rent of 13s 4d out of a tenement called Dunnyngstede. Term: life of the said Elizabeth. Witnesses: Philip Cayly, mayor of Cambridge, John de Tryppelowe, clerk, William de Lavenham, John Pyttok, Richard Tuyllet, John de Toft at aliis.

Thomas, son of John

Grant of a rent

Margaret, daughter of Stephen, to Robert de St Edmunds a rent of 6 d out a messuage in St Andrew's parish formerly belonging to her father. Witnesses: Robert Saman, William de Willburham, Hervey de Hawkeston, William, Gregory and Alan, sons of Edward, Hugh le Mercer (Mercator), Henry, his son, William Pilat et aliis.

Margaret, daughter of Stephen

Grant of a rent

John Aerard to the nuns for the use of their infirmary the rent of 6d, which he bought from Robert of St Edmunds proceeding out of the messuage, mentioned in 133a, formerly of Stephen, son of Adelelin, in Willeghes. Witnesses: Adam, son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Thomas Tuilet, Ralph, son of Henry, Richard , son of Yvo, Reginald Fordham, Reginald, his son, Walter Crocheman, William Pie, William Pilat, William of Ireland (de Hybernia) et aliis.

Aelard, John

Grant of a rent

Amycia, daughter of John Banastre of Eltisle, to Sir (dominus) John de Triplawe, Rector of Reymerston of Norwich, a rent of 12d, due from the nuns out of a messuage formerly held by Roger de Costyshey and Robert de Wynebotysham. Witnesses: John Pylat, mayor of Cambridge, Robert le Tanner, Richard de Adyngton, Robert Toylet, Symon de Reffham et multis aliis.

Banastre, Amycia

Grant of a rent

Geoffrey, son of Baldwin Blancgernon, gives to the nuns a rent (not specified) from the messuage held of him by Robert Le Bones next the Castle ditch and land of Reginald Haretot. Witnesses: John Rurphus (sic) (le Rus?), Thomas Tullet, Eustace Dunning, Robert Herbert, Anger Rufphus (le Russ), Martin de Wynepol, Stephan de Haweceston et multis aliis.

Blancgernon, Geoffrey

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