Showing 1207 results

Archival description
Freshmen 1922
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/Album 1/19 · Item · 1922
Part of College Archives

A photograph and list of names as follows:

A.S. Green; B.M. Schofield; C.E.W. Johnson; G.E.P. Cox; B. Davey; R.G. Ritchie; N. Williams; F.H. Collier; A.B. Calkin; J.B. Woolley; G.W.B. Mitchell; H.J. Turner; L.T. Hilliard; W.E. Osborne; G.R. Osborn; G.C. Beck; R.H. Foster; F.H. Morrell; H.C. Jeaffreson; M.C. Hounsfield; R.G. Wrightson; C.A. Street; R. Clarke; J.W.A. Calver; J.W.A. Hanford; F.A. Wise; B. Rait Smith; E.L.S. Lillingston; H.M.A. Major; A.D. Maclaren; G.W. Brown [actually Browne]; R.A. Clapperton; R.P.M. Baker; D.G. Home; J.R. Malcon; E. Jordan; I.G.T. Clarkson; H.F. Bateman; A.G.G. Marshall; B.A. Brown; J.D. Rudd; M.R. Burwood; S. Benady; G. Benson; J.W.F. Footman; J.G. Sikes; E.H. Fryer; W.E. Croskill; E.S. Purbrick; R.H.H. Anderson; H.W. John; D.J.V. Hamilton-Miller; C.A. Fielding; J.F. Willatt and C.D. Waddams.

Freshmen 1924
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/Album 1/21 · Item · 1924
Part of College Archives

A photograph and list of names as follows:

J. Iliff; W.G.N. Walker; H.H.K. Rowe; F.M.K. [actually M.F.K.] Hughes; R. Day; A.P.C. Adamson; K. Barker; H.C. Norton; L.M. James; G. Limebeer; R.H. Price; H. Trevelyan; G.A.N. Mayne; R.H. Barton; E.W.S. Wilkin; G.M. Bolton; C.T. Kenward; M.R. Formby; A.R. le Fleming; R.T.G. Harrup; I.R.R. Richmond; W.E. Burgess; G.F. McHardy; J.H. Ogilvie; N.W. Alexander; W.A. White; E. Whitley; H.L. Harris; P.A. Delafield; P.C. Wong [also know as Cheong]; R.P. H-Mackenzie [Hodson-Mackenzie]; J.H. McL Christie; W.R. Brash; R.W. Greenhalgh; L.R. Smith; J.C. Brock; N.R. Hawthorne; F. O'Rorke [came up in April 1924]; D.F.L. Mills; A.P. Sinker; N.M. Assheton; H. Armstrong; A.H.R. Elton; H.T. Bramall; G.G. Edlin; R. Pickett; W.P. Baker; S.H. Clark; L.R. Mayall; H.W. Berry; P.F. White; R.M. Baldwin [came up in April 1924]; A.D.M. Buck; H.M.E. Morgan [came up in April 1924]; F.D. Griggs; J.G. Hall; G. Sinker [actually G. Sinha]; J.W. Stanton; F.W. Otter Barry; G.F. Eastwood; H.W. Whistler; J.G.M. Allcock; P.E. Abbott; K.B. Paice; W. Hadfield; K.A.C. Gross; O.O. Postgate; W.J.N. Dell; A.H. Grubb; E.W.H. Dobson [came up in April 1924] and L.W. Johnson.

Freshmen 1925
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/Album 1/22 · Item · 1925
Part of College Archives

A photograph and list of names as follows:

T.W. Mitchell; J.M. Barker; O.J. Firth; H.C. Stewart; O.J. Murless [actually O.F.] Murless; T.R. Parry; W.D. Bell; J. Turner; A.P. Bryant; W.D. Phillips; V.H. Tompkins; A.G. Bryon; P.G. Scott; O.J.G. McMullen; J.H. Brown; R.W. Hall; J.S. Purbrick; F.H. Aykroyd; T.J.G. Heath; R. Gillett; J.C. Bane; S.G. Miller; W.F. Buchanan; T.B.E. Jones; F.B.M. Reynolds; J.A. Lovejoy; E.A. Packer; T. Powell; A.J. Mornard; D.H. Rooke; K.W. Howarth; J. Fletcher; B.F. Cox; B.F. Stephens; J.D. Blandon [actually Bladon]; R. Greenep; J.H. Walker; G.I.H. Salmon; H.R. Hose; A.L.E. Hopkins; F.H.B. Woodd; C.M. Lee; R.J.C. Howes; C.B. Cook; G.C.D. Fuller; J.H. Cruse; W.D. Pawson; N. Mace; H.R.P. Harrison; J.W. Leigh Hunt; J.A. Coplestone; E.J. Frank; W.E. Barron; H. Yaffe; D.R.N. Macnutt [actually Macnult]; M. de W. Burr; R.O. Symon; J.E.H. Towndrow; W.R. Worthington; F.S. Hadland; E.S. Abbott; E.C. Fountaine; P.W. Brown; R. Brett and M.G. Pembroke.

Jesus College Freshmen 1923
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1923 · Item · 1923
Part of College Archives

Names on board read:

N. Thomlinson; L.G. Brandon; I.L. Robinson; R.L.C. Southam; O. Michaelis; J.A. [actually R.C.] Stewart; S.R. Gardiner; B.O. Masse; W.A. Walker; A.J. Robotham; B.J.M. Wright; A.G. Banks; E.W. Davies; F.D. Rosebery; T.T. Leach; J.W. Evans; S.A .Kay; F. Allsop; K.R. Bowes; L.G.D. Croft; G.L.R. [actually W.E.] Thorne; J.H.S. Fea; T. Anstey; C.D.G. Nicholson; A.C. Faunce Brown; G.E.S. Gorer; A.S.G. Scott; W.A.H. Oswald; R. Parry; J.K. Willson Pepper; M. Aslam; A.N. Morgan; A.G.S. Hordern [actually A.A.S.] ; A.F. Goodall; F.M. Sandford; J.N. Deakin; J.E. Hedge; G.P.H. Pawson; R.L. Brown; F.C. Nottingham; J.L. Cooper; W.M. Baxter; R.H.P. Langton; G.W. Beaumont; H.R. Adamson; C.H. Benson; D.G.A. Dyson; A.E. Schur; P.K. Barker; M.A.C. Warren; A.A.W. Gray; J.L. Longland; R.C. Stewart; P.F. Allum; W.J. [actually S.J.] Baker; M.O. Willmore; J.R. Moreton; P. Wilson; C.A.C. Birkin; P.A.N.P. Anson; F.A. Cowdell; J.H. Smith; G.L.R. Tilley; H. Lakin; A.F.H. Ward; B.M. Melland; K.B. Hill; T.K.W. Fair; B.N. Mills; W.O’H. Giles; V.D. [actually I.D.] Scott; F.D. Harris and J.H. Hall.

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1758/1 · Item · 15 January 1758 - 14 October 1758 (15 Jan, 5 Apr, 6 Jul, 14 Oct)
Part of College Archives

Proves that Ann Badcock, widow of Rev. Mr John Badcock is still living. Signed by Thomas Casburn, Church Warden. Also signed by Ann Badcock confirming receipt of pension of £2 from Mr Huten. January receipt also signed by H. Lushington, curate.

Badcock, Widow Ann
Clock Bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1777/44 · Item · 30th September 1777
Part of College Archives

Paid 16s to Sarah Holliday for looking after the clock. Received by father (John Harrison).

Harrison, John
Oil Bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1777/72 · Item · 1st October 1777
Part of College Archives

Paid £ 17s 6d to Mary Munn for oil.

Munn, Mary
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1781/62 · Item · 31st October 1781
Part of College Archives

Paid £3 7s 6d to the Butler for Commencement: 3 bottles of madeira, 4 bottles of sherry, 6 bottles of Parlour Port.For the Cook 1 bottle port. For the pensioners: 1 bottle of port, 1 bottle of sherry, tea and coffee for eleven. Sizings, lemons, sugar, candles.
Signed by (J. or T?) Prior on behalf of his father (Beaumont Prior).

Prior, Thomas
Bill to the chimney sweeper
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1781/90 · Item · 29th September 1782
Part of College Archives

Paid £0 7s 8d to the chimney sweeper for one year's sweeping the kitchen chimney and Hall.
Signed by William Press.

Press, William
Silver bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1824/31 · Item · 6th April 1824
Part of College Archives

Purchase of a rectangular silver inkstand with three glasses for £9 9s, engraving College Arms and Latin inscription theron for 15s and 1s 6d for a packing box. Total including carriage and discount £9 17s 8d. Note to say that the inkstand had been put on that days coach . Signed Rundell Bridge & Rundell.

Rundell, Bridge & Rundell
Insurance bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1824/44 · Item · 25th June 1824
Part of College Archives

Paid £17 10s for annual insurance. Signed Richard Comings

Sun Fire Office
Chimney sweep bills
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1824/59 · Item · 29th September 1824
Part of College Archives

Paid £1 5s for sweeping the chimneys in the kitchen, oven and flu, servants hall, hall, porter and combination room.

Press, Robert
Silver repair bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1824/62 · Item · 11th February 1825
Part of College Archives

Paid 5s 6d for repairing candlesticks by Felix Vaughan and 5s 6d for candlesticks by Thomas Wakefield. Signed Samuel Hill for Thomas Wilson.

Wilson, Thomas
Chimney sweeping bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1829/27 · Item · September 29th 1829
Part of College Archives

Paid £1 3s to Robert Press for sweeping the college kitchen chimneys, hall chimneys, combination chimney, servants' hall chimney and porters' chimney.
Signed R Press

Press, Robert
Garden bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1774/17 · Item · 8th December 1773
Part of College Archives

Paid £4 7s 9d to John Harrison for 117 ash trees 14 to 20 feet tall.

Harrison, John
Building Insurance Receipt
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1777/21 · Item · 6th October 1777
Part of College Archives

Paid £3 15s to Sun Fire Office from Lady-day 1777 to Lady-day 1778. Witnessed for Mr Comings by P Wedd, Lillie Aynscombe, Henry Plant.

Wedd, P.
Freshmen 1900
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/Album 1/4 · Item · 1900
Part of College Archives

A photograph and list of names as follows:

D.J. Kennedy; P. Sidney; A.L. Wrenford; J.H. Foster; H.B.D. Tree; T.C. Thomson; J.P. Kingdon; J.W. Marsh; C.B. Flood; W.B. Bell; A.J.R. Roberts; G.L. Mackie; A.H. Habgood; R.E. Roberts; B.K. Nutman; A.M. Bashford; M.R.A. Muir Mackenzie; J.S.D. Marshall; W.H. Sell; C.C. Garbett; A. Dakin; A.M. Pitter; H.J. Freeman; H. Gray; N. Webb.

Freshmen 1901
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/Album 1/5 · Item · 1901
Part of College Archives

A photograph and list of names as follows:

C.A. Bennett; J.A.P. Wild; P.L. Deacon; J.S. Sharp; G.S. Oddie; A.S.W. Dore; A.E.J. Waddington; B.A.I. Peters; F.B. Roberts; K.J. Muir Mackenzie; A. Hall Hall; F.H. Shera; K. Mackinnon; J.G. Todd; R. Crawford; W.J. Farrell; J.F. Marsh; D. Sight; O.B. Bull; H.S.K. Glenies [actually Grimes].

Freshmen 1908
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/Album 1/12 · Item · 1908
Part of College Archives

A photograph and list of names as follows:

H.C. Lunn; G.E. Seon: W.B.H. King; E.J. Bradley; F.M. Windley; C.A. Skinner; G. Davy; F.A. Woodward; J.H. Bailey; C.A.E. Chadleigh; G. Hutchinson; C.S. Owston; O.C. Hawkins; C.E.O. Finch; G. Monks; K.L. Pennell; H.N. Goodchild; C.H. Mosse; E.G. Jaquet; O.W. Darch; C.C. Johnson; A.J. Wright; A.H. Holman; H.D.B. Harford; R.A. Lloyd Barrow; F.L. Grille; P.D. Ravenscroft; J.S.C. Reid; H.R. Bailey; B.E. Kenworthy Browne; R.J. Hearn; O.E. Stout; C.L. Ferguson; Baron E. Biedermann; A.E.J. Walker; G.B. Stafford; R. Manning.

Freshmen 1911
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/Album 1/15 · Item · 1911
Part of College Archives

A photograph without a list of names. However, a few faces are identifiable from other college photographs of the time, which indicate that this photograph is of 1911 freshmen.

Bill for stationary
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1855/52 · Item · 21 December 1855
Part of College Archives

Paid 9 pounds 1 shilling and 9 pence to Deighton, Bell & Co, Booksellers to H. R. H. the Chancellor of the University and agents to the University. Ream demy, quire blotting, ink, pens.

Deighton, Bell & Co.
Combination repairs bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1855/63 · Item · 23 May 1855
Part of College Archives

Paid 12 shillings to John Swan and Swan Upholsters for putting new lines and tassels to roll blinds
restringing 2 sets of window curtains and putting new lines to decanter slide
18 yards line and 4 tassels
Screws and repairing Mahogany elbow chair fastening frame and elbows and fixing on top
Repairing fire screen
Signed John Swan

John Swan and Son
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1879/3 · Item · 3rd June 1879
Part of College Archives

Receipt for Mr. C Deeks, signed by W. C. Miller of Nicholl and Co. Slate Merchants for materials, paid £12 12s 11d for: pieces of weatherboards, gel, and deals. Labelled for Hundon.

Deeks, Charles
Wood and Stone Carving Bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1880/3 · Item · 17th July 1880
Part of College Archives

Paid £300 from Dr. Westmoreland for works in hand to the Westwing building south front Jesus College.

Rattee & Kett
Engraver's receipt
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1847/87 · Item · 10 December 1847
Part of College Archives

Receipt from Samuel Coulden, engraver, printer, and heraldic painter, for engraving work done for the College, including 4 dozen ivory dessert knives. £1 6s 6d and a cruet stand 2s 6d.

Coulden, Samuel
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1854/22 · Item · 1853 - 1854
Part of College Archives
  1. The Gas Company bill to the master and fellows of Jesus College £12 7s 6d for gas in kitchen and buttery.
  2. The Gas Company bill to the master and fellows of Jesus College 1s for filling burner at entrance to porters lodge.
  3. Memorandum of receipt dated 22 March 1854.
  4. Note of expenditure.
The Gas Company
Chimney cleaning bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1836/17 · Item · 12th December 1836
Part of College Archives

£1 12s. 0d.
For sweeping the kitchen chimney, the servants' hall chimney, the porters and hall chimney, seventh hall chimney, and cleaning the copper and oven flue

Press, Robert
Letter Regarding Coal Sales
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1832/62 · Item · 11th March 1832
Part of College Archives

Letter from William Bagge, Thomas Bagge and Joseph Greene to Rev Dr French, dated 11th March 1832, King's Lynn. Apologises to French for allowing his note to go unanswered as it had gottten mislaid. Reports that the coal of nearly the whole of last year was not so good as they could have wished, owing to the extra demand occasionedb taking off the Duty, and to this intention by the stoppage of work amongst the pitmen nearly twelve months ago, the coal owners could hardly get them fast enough and did not pay their usual attention to quality. Bagge/Greene notes they did all in their power to have this remedied, but could not. Now the coals are much better. Signed William Bagge, Thomas Baggge and Joseph Greene.

Bagge, William & Thomas
Coal Invoice
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1832/65 · Item · 25th March 1833
Part of College Archives

College coal invoice from Mr Graham, Steward to Dr French for Coals. Dated Lady Day 1833. For the rooms of Mr Dickes, Mr Skinner, Mr Graham, Mr Gaskin, Mr Fendall, Mr Venables, Mr Perry. Also for the the Combination Room, the Hall, the Servant's Hall, the Lecture Room, the Butler's room and the Porter's lodge. Noted at 2s 1d per sack for purpils. Total of 1254 coals at £130 12 s 6d.

Graham, Mr.
Coal Receipt
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1832/72 · Item · 26th September 1832
Part of College Archives

Received of Dr French, o William & Thomas Bagge, dated 26th September 1832. For 23 chaldrons of ducks coals and 5 chaldrons of blyth coals. Total of £34 19s. Additional rough work at bottom of receipt, one of the total of £68 5s and the other £16 8s.

Bagge, William & Thomas
Willingham Land Tax
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/21 · Item · 26th April 1833
Part of College Archives

Of D Whittlney fourteen shillings from half a year's land tax charged charged on the estate of the Master and Fellows of Jesus College at Willingham due last Lady Day. Signed by William Smith, Collector.

Smith, William
Estate Estimation Invoice
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/25/25/2 · Item · 2nd June 1832
Part of College Archives

Invoice noted for Combination (Room?), dated 2 June 1832, 1 new ly(?), 5 new carters, new hem (?), Dining table. Rough work including 25/1 - Estates £2 8s, Combination 14s. Total of £3 2s. Noted as paid December 14.

Smith, Elliot
Land Tax Receipt
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/28 · Item · 8th March 1833
Part of College Archives

Eau-Brink Drainage, received the 8th day of March, 1833 of Mr Few, the sum of 12s, for one year's tax, due the 1st day of January, 133, on 6 acres of Fen Land belonging to Jesus College at two shilling per acre per annum. Signed W. Marshall, collector.

Reverse of the receipt
Land rent - 12s
Smith's live(?) - 3s
Land tax - £1 8s 6d
Total £2 3s 6d

Bell - 15s
Total £2 18s 6d

Marshall, W.
Carpentry Receipt
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/30 · Item · 12th November 1832
Part of College Archives

Addressed to the Master and Fellows of Jesus College. Receipt for 15 shillings to be paid to James Tibbit for carpentry work done on the college estate occupied by John Tew. Work carried out included a new gate, two posts, and two wing rales [sic].

James Tibbit
Gas Rental Receipt
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/34/1 · Item · 11th October 1833
Part of College Archives

Receipt dated October 11 1833, Cambridge. Received of the Rev Master & Fellows of Jesus College the sum of £15 as by account to Septembeer 29 1833 for the Gas Company. Signed Thomas Frend Curtis, collector.

The Gas Company
Gas Rental Invoice
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/35/1 · Item · 20th September 1832 - 25th March 1833
Part of College Archives

Invoice from Cambridge, to the Revd Master & Fellows of Jesus College, dues(?) to the Gas Company. Rental of gas from 20th September 1832 to 25th March 1833 by contract. Total of £15.

The Gas Company
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/38 · Item · 23rd March 1833
Part of College Archives

Received of Dr French the sum of £2 18s 3d, the amount of the bill for desserts in May 1831 Election. Signed William Wiseman.

Wiseman, William
Election Dinners
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/39 · Item · 23rd March 1833
Part of College Archives

Received of the Master the sum of £10 3s 8d for election dinners in 1831.

Willis, M.
Chimney-sweep's Receipt
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/40 · Item · 29th September 1833
Part of College Archives

From the Rev Dr French to R. Press, listing chimney-sweeping work carried out in College to the chimneys in the kitchens, Hall, servants' hall and Porters' Lodge, and the cleaning of the oven and flues. Total cost £1 10s.

Press, R.
Carpentry Bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/54 · Item · 1833
Part of College Archives

1833 invoice from Jesus College to J. Webster for carpentry. Includes Rhadegund ground, Master's lodge, courts, staircase & laundry, kitchen. Total of £31 11s 14.

Webster, J.
Insurance Receipt
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/64 · Item · 24th June 1833
Part of College Archives

Sun Fire Office Insure Receipt - Poil. 1004952 at £5 5s per annum, rect no. 9774. Received of Jesus College

Comings, Mr Richard
Parish Donation Receipt
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/65 · Item · 13th April 1833
Part of College Archives

Receied of the Revd Dr French the sum of £5 5s, being the annual donation to the Parish of All Saints, up to Lad Day 1833. Dated April 13th 1833, signed Robert Clayton, churchwarden.

Clayton, Robert
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/73 · Item · 15th February 1833
Part of College Archives

1833 Expenses for Crown Inn Hundon, name [?], to Thomas Knock & [?]. Includes 18 teas, punch, wine, liquor, cigars and tobacco for a total of £4 15s 6d. Noted as left to pay £1 6s, servant £1 3s and [?}. Total of £4 19s 6d with later additions of 4s, coming to £5 3s. Noted on the reverse as paid 15th February 1833.

Knock, Thomas
Bill for Ironwork at Hundon
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/76 · Item · 21st March 1832 - 14th August 1832
Part of College Archives

Bill for ironwork addressed to the Fellows of Jesus College Cambridge, directed to John Angel by the order of Mr Robert Cuthbert. Work drom 21 March to 14th August 1832, includes the purchasse of nails, stapling, screwing nails to the door, one eye mended, mending of a latch. Total of 7s 8d. Settled by John Angel on 31st December 1832.

Angel, John
Wallpapering Bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1874/101 · Item · 23rd May 1874
Part of College Archives

Bill for shaving wallpaper in Hughes Keeping Room; preparing, sizing, and papering walls of bedrooms in L3 and B4; preparing and sizing walls of Mr Morgan's WC with own paper; stripping walls in sitting room and bedroom of L5 and lining them with new paper. Total cost £8 7s.

John Swan and Son
Wallpapering Receipt
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1874/147 · Item · 14 March 1876
Part of College Archives

Receipt for preparing and sizing rooms for wallpaper, and for the papering and canvasing of walls, including the costs of wallpaper and lining paper. Work carried out in bedroom of K1 and K2, sitting room of H4, lobby and sitting room of F1. Total cost £7 4s, paid by cheque.

Bulstrode, C. S.
Letter to the Bursar
JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/1/17/1 · Item · 31 May 1965
Part of College Archives

Sending earlier letters about College's gift of land to the Vicarage in 1912.

Jones, T K
JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/1/17/9 · Item · 25 July 1967
Part of College Archives

Restating College's agreement to lease etc.

Taunt, Derek (1917-2004), mathematician and Fellow of Jesus College