Showing 690 results
Archival description563 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
- JCARCH/JES98/036
- 2nd millenium BC
Part of Archaeological Finds
Primary flake with marginal retouch on the distal end
- JCARCH/JCW04/004
- Roman
Part of Archaeological Finds
21 shards, including one Central Gaulish Samian dish dated mid 2nd century AS and four sherds from a Hadham oxidised ware vessel dated mid 3rd-4th century AD. A black slipped dog dish from this context dates to the 2nd-4th century AD and the remaining sherds are also probably of this date range.
Two sherds probably post-Roman are separated.
- JCARCH/JCW04/033
- Roman
Part of Archaeological Finds
Two sherds of Nene Valley colour coated ware and one Hadham oxidised ware. None of the sherds were diagnostic but the Hadham ware is dated mid 3rd-4th century AD and the Nene Valley ware is dates AD 150-300.
- JCARCH/JCW04/053
- Last third of 3rd cent
Part of Archaeological Finds
Roman radiate coin
- JCARCH/JES98/019
- Late Roman and 16th century
Part of Archaeological Finds
Some with green glaze. Late Roman and 16th century Surrey.
- JCARCH/JES98/056
- Roman to 14th/15th century
Part of Archaeological Finds
Romans and St Neots and 14th/15th century
- JCARCH/JES93/183
- c. 1200 - 1300
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES98/008
- 14th/15th century
Part of Archaeological Finds
Including plant pot and large storage jar
- JCARCH/JES98/030
- 14th and 15th century
Part of Archaeological Finds
1 rim sherd. Mostly 14th and one 15th century Red ware
- JCARCH/JES98/037
- 14th/15th century
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES98/029
- 14th/15th century
Part of Archaeological Finds
Some butchery. Proximal radius and one ageable mandible from an adult sheep/goat. One undiagnostic bird bone.
- JCARCH/JES98/050
- 14th/15th century
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES98/033
- 15th/16th century
Part of Archaeological Finds
Glazed 15th/16th century Essex Red ware
- JCARCH/JES98/054
- 15th century
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES98/010
- 15th/16th century
Part of Archaeological Finds
Window glass with decoration - ivy leaf in red
- JCARCH/JES98/017
- 15th and 16th century
Part of Archaeological Finds
Some with green glaze. All Essex Red wares including graffito slip.
- JCARCH/JES98/049
- 15th century
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES98/013
- 15th/16th century
Part of Archaeological Finds
Some butchery. Mostly sheep/goat and cattle. Both immature and adult individuals, and both meaty joints and waste elements.
Includes bird and fish bones.
- JCARCH/JES98/043
- 15th century
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES98/002
- 1500 - 1600
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES98/041
- 16th-18th century
Part of Archaeological Finds
2 pieces of the same bottle, green glass
- JCARCH/JCW04/090
- Item
- c.1500 - 1699
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JCW04/100
- Item
- c.1500 - 1699
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JCW04/031
- 17th/18th century?
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JCW04/085
- Item
- c.1600 - 1699
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JCW04/087
- Item
- c.1600 - 1699
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES98/024
- 18th century
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JCW03/009
- Roman and 18th/19thc
Part of Archaeological Finds
1 piece is Samian, 3 are 18th or 19th century. Samian sherd is 9g with rouletted decoration. Identified by K.Anderson, this is a fragment of a Central Gaulish 18R dish (1st-2nd century AD).
- JCARCH/JES98/007
- 19th century
Part of Archaeological Finds
Including plant pot and large storage jar
- JCARCH/JCW04/014
- early 19th century
Part of Archaeological Finds
Jackfield-Staffordshire red
- 1992
Part of Archaeological Finds
- File
- 1992
Part of Archaeological Finds
Includes photographs and corresponding negatives of site and pits, context lists, finds list, trench descriptions.
- 1992
Part of Archaeological Finds
- 1993
Part of Archaeological Finds
Jesus College Hall and Kitchens
- 1995
Part of Archaeological Finds
- 1998
Part of Archaeological Finds
- 2003
Part of Archaeological Finds
- 2004
Part of Archaeological Finds