- JCARCH/JES93/384
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Including plant pot and large storage jar
Part of Archaeological Finds
Some with green glaze. All Essex Red wares including graffito slip.
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
1 rim sherd. Mostly 14th and one 15th century Red ware
Part of Archaeological Finds
Primary flake with marginal retouch on the distal end
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Undiagnostic animal bone fragment found with a broken flake and one piece of burnt flint, suggesting a prehistoric date.
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
[095], F.33: a 16th century or 17th century context. This was dominated by glazed red earthenware (34 sherds, weighing 494g), and also contained a quantity of Frechen stoneware (22 sherds, weighing 574g); three fragments bearing embossed decoration – including portions of two coats of arms – were identified. Also present were five sherds of bichromatic red earthenware (30g), six sherds of Babylon-type lead-glazed earthenware (71g), two sherds of tin-glazed earthenware (4g) and six sherds of plain red coarseware (216g), plus two residual sherds of 15th to 16th century Seigburg stoneware (33g), and two sherds of 13th to 15th century grey coarseware (15g).
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
F.18, <035>: contained a base fragment derived from a cylindrical bottle, or possibly a goblet. It weighs 4g, and is post-Medieval in date. Two fragments of window glass were also present in this context.
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds