Hugh, son of Apsolon, to his cousin Aldusa 6 acres of his land for her homage and services: 1) 1 acre in Binnebroc between land of Baldwin Blancgernon and the land of Lady (Domina) Leca Phelipes; 2) 1 acre next the High Street where Lady Amabel holds the nearest third part, and for the 1/3, which Amabel holds, he assigns to her 1 rood, which abuts on the same road, next the land of St Radegund. 3) In the same field 1 acre between land of the Prior of Barnwell and that of Lady Amabel, abutting on the land of Warin, son of Anketill. 4) 1/2 acre in Buldemere field between the land of Walter, son of Master (Magister) Geoffrey, and land of the Prior of Barnwell. 5) In the same field 1/2 acre called Petiteshalvaker, between the land of Nunancurt and St Radegund's land. 6) In Estenhale field 1 acre next the land of Geoffrey Melk, where Lady Amabel has a 1/3 part, and instead of this 1/3 he assigns to her 1 rood next the land of the Prior of Barnwell abutting on the water. 7) 1/2 acre next land of William Hospice and over Netherexsoces, the 1/2 acre nearest to the town and next the land of the Prior of Barnwell. Rent: 6d. Witnesses: Baldwin Blancgernon, Robert Seman, Hervey, son of Eustace, Everard de (Winepol?), Andrew de Winepol, Richard de Winepol, Eustace de Winepole, Geoffrey Potekin, Robert, clerk, John, (his brother?), (et multis) aliis.