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- JCARCH/JES98/024
- 18th century
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JCW03/001
- Iron Age
Part of Archaeological Finds
Contained ten sherds, nine of which are from one vessel. The vessel represented by nine sherds (206g) from [001] is in a hard, reduced fabric with common fine to medium sand and sparse voids from plant material. Most of the sherd edges are very fresh showing breakage upon excavation. Five of the sherds refit to form a substantial rim and wall fragment, 15cm high. A slight flaring of the vessel wall at the lower end suggests that the profile is complete almost the base. Wall width is generally 1.1cm. Too little of the rim diameter survives for accurate measurement, but it seems to be 20cm or more. The vessel can be described as a coarseware bowl of 'saucepan pot' type with an upright rim and slack shoulder. The rim profile varies along the sherd, at one end being of a simple rounded form, and at the other being irregularly thickened both internally and externally to give a slightly T-shaped profile. The upper surface of the rim is embellished with fingernail impressions, placed diagonally to give a 'cabled' effect. The outer surface of the pot has a rough feel, and at the shoulder is actually fairly irregularly formed.
The remaining sherd (6g) from [001] is a rim in a hard fabric with common fine to medium sand and sparse medium to coarse chalk. This is a simple upright flat-topped rim with no decoration. In form and fabric the bowl from [001] is characteristic of the later Iron Age (after c. 300 BC) of eastern England.
- JCARCH/JCW03/013
- Iron Age
Part of Archaeological Finds
Hard sandy fabric similar to the vessel from [001]. This appears to be a base angle sherd.
- JCARCH/JCW04/004
- Roman
Part of Archaeological Finds
21 shards, including one Central Gaulish Samian dish dated mid 2nd century AS and four sherds from a Hadham oxidised ware vessel dated mid 3rd-4th century AD. A black slipped dog dish from this context dates to the 2nd-4th century AD and the remaining sherds are also probably of this date range.
Two sherds probably post-Roman are separated.
- JCARCH/JCW04/014
- early 19th century
Part of Archaeological Finds
Jackfield-Staffordshire red
- JCARCH/JCW04/021
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JCW04/068
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JCW04/097
- Item
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JCW04/105
- Item
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
A total of 627 sherds of pottery (12.7kg) were recovered during the recent investigations conducted at Jesus College. The following discussion of this assemblage has been divided into two sections; the first details the material that was recovered from stratified contexts, and the second the unstratified sherds that were recovered from Trenches 1 and 2.
A total of 359 sherds (7265g) were recovered from unstratified deposits encountered in Trenches 1 and 2. This represents 57.3% of the total assemblage by count, and 57.4% by weight. As Table 2 demonstrates, a very similar range of fabrics are represented as were recovered from the stratified deposits discussed above. No vessels of inherent significance were identified.
The range of material recovered, which was dominated by post- Medieval wares, is broadly typical of assemblages derived from the Cambridge region generally (see Edwards & Hall 1997). No vessels of inherent significance were identified, and the quantity of stratified material was relatively low. Nevertheless, the group is of some significance because to date only a small number of comparable assemblages have been recovered from secure collegiate contexts in Cambridge. In association with the assemblage recovered from the College Library excavations (Evans 1995b), it compliments the material that has previously been recovered from late 16th and early 17th deposits associated with Trinity College’s kitchens (Newman in prep.), from 16th century pits at Gonville & Caius College (Alexander 1995) and from an early 17th century pit group at Pembroke College (Hall 2002), and provides an important contrast with the much more extensive domestic assemblages that are known from the town.
- JCARCH/JCH10/013
Part of Archaeological Finds
F.06: A mixed context. This contained a sherd of late 18th or early 19th-century creamware (<1g), three sherds of 16th to 17th-century German stoneware (15g), seven sherds of 16th to 17th century glazed redware (29g) and a sherd of 13th to 15th-century brown courseware.
- JCARCH/JCH10/016
Part of Archaeological Finds
F.19: a 16th or 17th century context. <051> contained 13 sherds of plain red coarseware (120g), two sherds of glazed red earthenware (20g), a sherd of Frechen stoneware (10g), a sherd of lead-glazed earthenware (<1g) and two sherds of residual 13th to 15th century grey coarseware (13g). <046> contained three sherds of glazed red earthenware (10g), a sherd of plain red coarseware (3g) and a sherd of residual 13th to 15th century Medieval Ely ware, which has a 14th century floruit (7g).
- JCARCH/JCH10/017
Part of Archaeological Finds
F.07: this contained a sherd of 16th to 17th century glazed red earthenware (66g).
- JCARCH/ECB4578/096
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES92/007
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES92/009
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES92/050
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES92/145
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES92/151
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES93/208
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES92/012
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES92/067
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES92/075
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES92/098
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES93/219
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES93/230
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES93/245
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES93/267
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES93/316
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES93/373
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES93/466
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES93/476
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES93/516
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES93/526
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES93/544
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES93/556
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES93/560
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES93/568
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES93/579
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES93/584
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES93/604
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES93/616
Part of Archaeological Finds