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Old Library Manuscripts
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Acta Apostolorum cum Glossa

Acts of the Apostles with glosses; M. R. James's no. 40. Begins (f. 2): Quibus et (gloss: humanitate a divinitate). Ends: Explicit liber actuum apostolorum liber VIII [with symbol over]. D. C., which James says is thus written for "habet versus III. D. C.".

Aegidii Summa, etc.

Aegidii Foscarii summa juris canonici, and other works; M. R. James's no. 68. Contains: 1) Notule Decretalium: an analysis of the decretals in five books; 2) miscellaneous notes; 3) Aegidii Foscarii summa juris canonici; 4) notes on canon law and church procedures; 5) Libellus fugitivus compositus a mag. nepote de monte albano, in the same hand as no. 3; 6) extracts from a statute (?) and a document about churches and a chapel at Gesinham. A deed of the Bishop of Lincoln is inserted between ff. 80 and 81.

Alysonae quaestiones metaphysicae

Metaphysical questions; M. R. James's no. 17. "Questions" on books i-x and xii of Metaphysics, with a table of those on books i-vii and a short prologue addressed to a Pope as dedicatee (incipit: Cum cetere sciencie ad cognicionem summi boni conferant, sanctissime pater). The unnnamed author speaks of himself as a Dominican. The volume is imperfect: ending in book 12. The final quire is in a different hand from the rest.

Anthem composed by Dr T. A Walmisley Mus: Prof: Cantab: performed in Jesus College Chapel on All Saints Day. 1849

The cover title concludes with the comment that this was "The first opening after the great repairs and restorations". A variant title on the first page includes the comment that Thomas Attwood Walmisley was B.A. of Jesus College, 1838, and that the singers in 1849 were Frederick Leete, William Neale, Jesse Frisby and Edmund Bilton. The music includes a solo, two, three and four parts, all with organ, and sets Psalm 5 verses 1, 2, 3, 7, 12 and 13. The text begins "Ponder my words, O Lord".

Walmisley, Thomas Attwood

Augustini quaedam

Works of Augustine; M. R. James's no. 16. Contains: (1) Augustinus in libro ii Retractionum, Contra donatistas auctoritate beatissimi episcopi et martyris cipriani; (2) Aurelii Augusti ypponensis episcopi contra Donatistas de Baptismo libri septem; (3) Augustinus in libro ii Retractionum, Uenit etiam tunc; (4) Aur. Augustini Doctoris ypponensis Ep. Liber de Natura et Gratia; (5) Epistola Prosperi ad B. Augustinum Ep. ; (6) Epistola S. Hylarii Arelatensis Ep. Ad S. Augustinum ypponensem Ep. ; (7) Aur. Augustini Doctoris ypponensis Ep. Libri duo de predestinatione Sanctorum et de Bono perseuerantie ad Prosperum et Hylarium. The text is well written, with coloured initials. Bound in two consecutive sheets of a psalter containing parts of psalms 34-38 and 43-49. A piece of a 15C table appears in the binding. The flyleaf has a 12C table of contents and a 15C pressmark: "Augustinus de baptismo et de natura et gracia et alia litera. B".

Beda super Genesim et Exodum

Bede on Genesis and "on Exodus"; M. R. James's no. 14. Two separate works, in different hands of similar date. Item (2) is Bede's "De tabernaculo"; it ends abruptly while discussing Exodus 26. James judged the writing "beautiful"; there is a fine decorated initial at f. 1v. Attached to the binding at the beginning and end are partially erased leaves from another copy of Bede on Genesis, of about the same date.

Bedae martyrologium

Bede's Martyrology; M. R. James's no. 31. At the front are some 14-15C calendar notes, with one folio missing. The Martyrology is followed by: 1) a form of cursing sacrilegious persons; 2) a statement of what a parish priest ought to know and do; 3) verses on the months; 4) the hymn "Saluatoris mater pia" with music on a four-line stave; 5) De beata Maria - eight sets of three lessons.

Biblia sacra

Bible; M. R. James's no. 9. It is slightly incomplete, ending with "Sadduci" in the additional matter "Interpretationes nominum". With decorative borders and initials "of rough English work" (e.g. a ship and fish for Jonah, a dove for Acts).

Biblia sacra

Bible; M. R. James's no. 11. Finely written and illuminated. James gives a detailed list of subjects of the historiated initials at the head of the books; his collation lists some mutilations and losses.

Biblia sacra

Bible; M. R. James's no. 3. 13C with decorated initials; the first quire is missing, so the text begins at Genesis 36 v. 24. James has a note on the order of the books. The Eusebian Canons occupy 2 pp. after the Apocalypse. In the flyleaves are two 15C lists of the books of the Bible.


  • JCOL/Q/D/7
  • File
  • 1300-1500 (The texts are in a thirteenth century hand, but with fifteenth-century insertions.)
  • Part of Old Library Manuscripts

Boethius' De consolatione philosphiae; M. R. James's no. 48. "Quinque libri boecij de consolacione philosophie cum tabula" and "Exposicio super quinque libros predictos satis certe notabilis". That is, Boethius' On the Consolation of Philosophy, with marginal and interlinear glosses and at the end a table of contents; there follows a commentary on the work by Nicholas Trivet (incipit: Explanacionem librorum boecij de cons. phil. Aggressurus) . There are some decorative borders and a few diagrams.

Boethius de trinitate, etc.

Boethius' treatises and other tracts; M. R. James's no. 64. Ocontains: 1) Boetii liber de trinitate, preceded by a table of contents and extracts about Boethius; the next four by the same: 2) Epistola ad S. Joannem Diaconum eccl. Rom. an tres pesonae de divinitate substantialiter praedicentur; 3) Epistola ad eundem quomodo substantie in eo quod sint ... ; 4) Confessio fidei christiani; 5) De Persona et Natura; the rest by Anselm: 6) Monologion; 7) Proslogion; 8) De incarnatione verbi; 9) Prefacio in subditos tractatus; 10) Tractatus de veritate; 11) Le libertate arbitrii; 12) De casu diaboli; 13) Libri ii contra gentiles, cur deus homo; 14) De conceptu virginali et originali peccato. Between 12) and 13) are 2 pp. of pencil notes (14-15C).

Book of hours, etc.

Not in M. R. James' Catalogue. Incipiunt (f. 1a): hore de eterna sapientia. Anima mea desideravit te. Text enclosed in floriated border, with decorated initials; believed to be of North German provenance.

Catalogue of military books

Lists books seen by John Clarke as well as those he owned; the latter were donated to the College by Clarke's mother in 1790.

Collectio errorum, etc.

A collection of errors, etc.; M. R. James's no. 57. Contains: 1) Collectio errorum in anglia et parisius condempnatorum (A collection of errors condemned in England and Paris) by brother Robert de Kyluarby [Kilwardby], archbishop of Canterbury, AD 1276, with a confirmation and additions made by John Peckham, archbishop of Canterbury, 1286; 2) De malo, by Thomas Aquinas, also entitled: Questiones de malo cum titulis questionum previis; 3) a list of books sold by Thomas de Wyniston of Oxford (which James transcribes); 4) Tractatus de peccato mortali, also entitled: Tractatus bonus de peccato mortali et veniali et ceteris peccati speciebus cum titulis questionum et tabula vocali in fine. The ms. is of English workmanship.

Consuetudines ordinis Carthusiensis

Customary of the Carthusian order; M. R. James's no. 12. In three sections. The main text is preceded by a table of and note on reading the statutes and followed by extracts on disputed points (1494-1517).

Dictionarium theologicum

A theological encyclopaedia; M. R. James's no. 73. Runs from "Absolucio" to "Zelus". At the end are some extracts, the first beginning Gladium appellat dolorem effectum dominice passionis (with the marginal note "haec Bernardus"). The end fly-leaves contain an unfinished 15C English gloss on Psalm 17 (18).

Dioscorides etc.

  • JCOL/Q/D/2
  • File
  • 1100-1300 (With contents note in a 15C-16C hand and a 17C index.)
  • Part of Old Library Manuscripts

A miscellany including Dioscorides' De virtutibus herbarum and De natura lapidum; M. R. James's no. 44. Contains: 1) Paula liber de cura egritudinem parcium totius corporis [on the hair only]; 2) Dicta philosophorum, per Petrum Alfunsum [Alfonso], without title; 3) Priscianus de accentibus; 4) Dioscorides, De virtutibus herbarum; Dioscorides, Liber de natura lapidum, in French verse; 5) some paragraphs on the polishing of precious stones. The cover is lined with part of a leaf of a 13C servce book, containing lessons and antiphons from Isaiah.

Diurnale Eboracense

The daily offices according to the use of York; M. R. James's no. 77. Imperfect at the beginning. The flyleaves come from a 14C ms. of a historical and homiletical nature.

Egidius Romanus de regimine principium

  • JCOL/Q/B/9
  • File
  • 1400-1500 (James states that the border of f. 1 - in blue, gold and red - is later in style than the rest or the ornamental work.)
  • Part of Old Library Manuscripts

On the rule of princes, by Aegidius Columna (Aegidius Romanus); M. R. James's no. 26. James identifies it as English work. The text is ornamented fleur-de-lys and demi fleur-de lys, and at f. 1 is a miniature showing the Descent of the Holy Spirit as a dove; there is a coat of arms in the lower margin. James judges this miniature of inferior quality and it has been partially erased. Some marginal notes appear.

Elucidarius, etc.

  • JCOL/Q/D/4
  • File
  • 1100-1500 (James identifies 12C, 13C and 15C contents, and a 16C hand on the flyleaf.)
  • Part of Old Library Manuscripts

A theological miscellany; M. R. James's no. 46. The heading of a 15C contents list refers to five books of Elucidarius, sermons and chapters. The volume falls into two parts, which are listed separately below. The last flyleaf is part of a 15C will with Northampton connections, but not fully legible.

Expositio missae, etc.

A collection of sermons and extracts; M. R. James's no. 65. Contains: 1) Expositio missae. In virtute sancte crucis; 2) extracts on leprosy and on the Holy Ghost; 3) Sermo Gibuini de filio prodigo and three other sermons; 4) extracts; 5) - 13) sermons for particular days in the church calendar; 14) extracts; sermons: 15) Omnis caro corruperat; 16) Vie syon lugent; 17) In hunc modum loquitur patres; 18) De institutione misse et de intellectu eorum 19) Ut intinguatur pes tuus; 20) Oritur sol et occidit; 21) sermo in dedicatione ecclesia; 22) Intravit ihesus in quoddam castellum; sermons: 23) on the parable of the vineyard; 24) Ite baptizate; 25) Cum invitatus fueris ad nuptias; 26) for the first Sunday after Pentecost (Temptatus est ihesus); 27) for the third Sunday after Pentecost (Que mulier habens dragmas); 28) extracts; 29) sermo in Quadragesima; 30) for the 13th Sunday (Et approprians samaritanus); 31) Quid sit fides; 32) Exposition of some Levitical ceremonies; sermons: 33) for Palm Sunday; 34) magistri Petri in ... (Surge aquilo); 35) extracts; 36) sermon on the blood of the Lamb; 37) extracts; 38) Incipit de xij apostolis ubi nati fuerint ... ; 39)Questiones de diversitate in officiis ecclesiasticis. Ends imperfectly. The binding has a leaf of a 13C folio psalter in double columns, the same as in Q.B.3. and Q.B.8, with flyleaves from the smaller psalter used to bind Q.G.4 and 5. The latter include parts of psalms 42-45 and 23 and 26.

Extracts from the constitutions of Clement V

  • JCOL/Q/B/12
  • File
  • 1400-1450 (Partly palimpsest over double columns of a canon law ms. written in a small hand of 13-14C date. There is also a flyleaf from a 13C ms.)
  • Part of Old Library Manuscripts

Extracts from the constitutions of Clement V', made up of "De summa trinitate et fide catholica R. Clemens vus" and "De rescript. R. - Abbates aut alii religiosi"; M. R. James's no. 29. Colophon: "Nomen scriptoris est thomas plenus amoris/ Iste liber constat Petro de Abyngdon/ Stephano". James notes that Thomas "plenus amoris", probably translatable as "Fullalove", is a name that commonly appears in Oxford mss.

Forma compositionum cartarum, etc

A legal formulary; M. R. James's no. 18. Spine title: Forma Compositionum Cartarum Obligacionum Acquietanciarum Indenturarum Libellorum et Appellacionum cum aliis pro studio Abbatis. Includes wills dated 1399 and 1403. The first quire is missing. The flyleaves come from one or two unfinished musical service-books (14-15C), one leaf containing antiphons for the feast of the Assumption.

Formularum liber

  • JCOL/Q/B/2
  • File
  • 1400-1600 (Contents include copies of items dated 1519, 1554 and 1570.)
  • Part of Old Library Manuscripts

Lawyer's formulary; M. R. James's no. 19. James supplies a detailed list of the contents.

Graduale ecclesiae Dunelmensis cum notis

A Durham gradual; M. R. James's no. 22. Contains Graduals and Tracts for the year. Numerous additions have been made to the names of saints in the Proprium de sanctis. The flyleaf at the beginning has a verse in English; there are two flyleaves at the end from service-books with music, the second containing a hymn to St Oswald.

[Gregorii] Decretales novae glossatae

  • JCOL/Q/A/1
  • File
  • 1200-1500 (The two texts are of 13-14C date, the flyleaf 14-15C.)
  • Part of Old Library Manuscripts

Decretals newly glossed; M. R. James's no. 1. Contains: (1) decretals of Gregory XI in five books, with a prologue; (2) a canon law tract in a different and later hand (from an Italian source, SC), with references to the former and incipit: Legitur in Ezechiele venter tuus comedet et viscera tua implebuntur. The first words of the gloss are missing ("but can be supplied from no. 6 [Q.A.6] - In huius libri principii quinque precipere sunt prenotanda …" SC). At the beginning are two flyleaves from a later ms., containing two extracts from the Ottobian Constitutions and one from the Clementine.

Gulielmus Parisiensis, etc.

A collection including "De fide et legibus" by William of Paris; M. R. James's no. 59. Contains: 1) In principio librorum biblie et quot capita quibus libris continentur; 2) Meditacio cuiusdam sapientis de custodia interioris hominam; 3) Notule excerptae de diversis Doctoribus [inc. one from Ricardus heremita de Alvernia Episc.]; 4) Willelmus Parisiensis de fide et legibus, in 5 books; 5) Dialogus de deo et anima ex Trismegisto (incipit: Asclepius iste pro solo); 6) extract: anime non ex traduce procreantur; 7) Confessio Joh. Wickliff de sacramento altaris; 8) extract: Omnes debemus laudare dominum; 9) De sacerdotum begligentia in divinis officiis celebrandis; 10) Excerpta e Patribus de oratione; 11) 'Alureudus' (Ailred of Rievaulx), De anima; 12) Tractatus de mundo fugiendo; 13) extracts: de peccato originale. In the binding are two double leaves of a 13C psalter with parts of Psalms 88-142.

Horae B. M. V., etc.

Not in M. R. James' Catalogue. Contains: 1) Calendar [with some entries relating to Florence]; 2) Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary; 3) Office of the dead; 4) The penitential Psalms; 5) Office of the Passion; 6) Office of the Cross.

Isidori Etymologiarum libri XX,

Isidore's encyclopaedic "Etymology" in twenty books; M. R. James's no. 8. It is lavishly decorated: "The ornaments and initials at the beginnings of the books are exceedingly good and characteristic English work".

Itinerarium Joh. Mandeville etc.

John Mandeville's Itinerary (in Latin) and a copy of Gesta Romanorum; M. R. James's no. 35. With Latin and English notes on the power of God (ff. ii -iv). The Gesta contains 58 stories (with some resemblance to Harleian ms. 2270); James lists the subjects treated.

Ivonis Carnotensis Epistolae

Letters of Ivo of Carnot; M. R. James's no. 53. Contains 54 letters with (after letter 11) a sermon of St Augustine: Quomodo homo ad imaginem dei creatus est. At the beginning of the volume appear leaves from the same psalter as appears in hte binding of Q.G.4.

Ivonis Carnotensis et aliorum sermones, etc.

Sermons of Ivo of Carnot and others; M. R. James's no. 52. Contains: 1) fifteen sermons of Ivo of Carnot; 2) Liber B. Augustini de vita Christiani ad sororem suam viduam (identified in the 17C as by Fastidius Britannus); 3) an untitled tract, incipit: Exceptiones ecclesiaticarum regularum, partim ex epistolis romanorum pontificum;4) Sermo B. Augustini ep. de decem preceptis legis et de decem plagis egyptorum; 5) Libellus de iiiior virtutibus id est prudentia fortitudine temperantia et iustitia martini episcopiad mironem regem. 1) and 2) make up the first original volume, 3) the second, 4) and 5) the third.The volume is bound in a leaf of a folio psalter of 13-14C date, related to leaves found in Q.G.5, with two leaves of a smaller psalter.

Lecture notes by Francis Stirling [Sterling]

  • JCOL/Q/B/23
  • File
  • November 1668-14 December 1669 (The added notes may be slightly later than the main body of the work.)
  • Part of Old Library Manuscripts

Lecture notes [on logic], headed Structura supplementum, dictated to Francis Sterling by master William Paterson; M. R. James's no. 39. At the end are four pages of notes.

Lecture notes by Francis Stirling [Sterling]

Lecture notes [on metaphysics]; M. R. James's no. 37. Contains: 1) In generalia Philosophiae Theoremata vulgo dicta Metaphysica Praefatio dictata a Magistro Gulielmo Paterson et a me Francisco Stirling conscripta; 2) Axiomata Mori de immortalitate animae (in English), with names of constellations and 3 pp. of Theses

List of books given by S. Lyde

On the first leaf is an introductory statement describing Lyde's career, his residence in Palestine and death in 1860. The mss. received by bequest were listed by Major Grant Stephen of St Catherine's College. The list that follows (2 pp.) is headed: "List of Oriental books presented to college by Rev S Lyde Oct. 1858."; a note at the end says that it was drawn up by Grant Stephen for G. E. Corrie.

Stephen, Grant

Lydgate, etc.

Poems by John Lydgate; M. R. James's no. 56. A collection of 27 poems, in English with some Latin titles; James lists these and first and last lines. Appended is a table of contents by W. Aldis Wright, Vice-Master of Trinity College.


A medical compendium; M. R. James's no. 60. Contains: 1) an index of diseases; 2) Prognostics of Hippocrates; 3) Recipes - balsamum, aqua aromatica; 4) contents table to 5) a medical compendium, arranged alphabetically; 6) recipes in English and Latin; 7) Practica Mag. Bernardi de villa nova Cathalani; 8) Tractatus brevis et utilis Bernardi de Gordonio; 9) verses on medicine; 10) two indexes; 11) recipes. Some scribbles on the final flyleaf include a little Greek.

Miracula B.V. Marie, Wycliffe's gospels

Wycliffite texts, principally Miracles of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke (imperfect), in English; M. R. James's no. 30. The first volume contains: 1) an unidentified fragment, imperfect at both ends; 2) "xii capituli" [12 chapters], imperfect at the start; 3) Bernardus de dignitate clericorum; 4) De uita b. M. virginis [incipit: "Circa uirginem uero ex qua incarnacio facta fuit"]; 5) "Incipiunt quedam miracula de S. Maria"; 6) Hic incipiunt meditaciones de passione. Both 5) and 6) are in a 15C hand. The second volume contains the Gospels of Saints Matthew, Mark and Luke, in a small hand of early 15C date, ending at the 9th chapter of Luke, verse 24.

Misc. Medica

  • JCOL/Q/D/1
  • File
  • 1400-1500 (Has eight 14th-century flyleaves and an 18th-century binding.)
  • Part of Old Library Manuscripts

A medical miscellany; M. R. James's no. 43. Contains: 1) notes of apothecaries' weights; 2) a Latin treatise on materia medica, chiefly taken from Isidore and Pliny; 3) Liber de infirmitatis et venenis; 4) accounts of various substances; 5) De passionibus oculum; 6) a treatise De urinis, in English; 7) Secreta mulierum, in English; 8) Materia medica, in English, followed by notes on plants and on "makyng of oyles"; 9) Dicta ypocracii; 10) a series of short passages, mostly in English: De quatuor infirmitatibus corperum, On the nine pulses, To wete & to knowe the veynes of blode letynge, On the pure complexions, De numeris ossium; 11) a treatise by John of Burdews [also de Burgall] "for medysyn ageyn the pestlens evylle" of 1390; 12) a Latin tract on medicines. Recipes appear passim. The flyleaves contain records of legal cases.

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