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Archival description
Classical Society
Classical Society
Parish of St Andrew
Parish of St Andrew
Parish of St Benet
Parish of St Benet
Parish of St Edward
Parish of St Edward
Parish of St Clement
Parish of St Clement
Jesus College Student Union (JCSU). Previously the Junior Common Room (JCR)
Jesus College Student Union (JCSU). Previously the Junior Common Room (JCR)
Hockey Club
Hockey Club
Medical Society
Medical Society
Chess Club
Chess Club
The Droplets Society
The Droplets Society
Women's Football Club
Women's Football Club
Ladies Rugby Club
Ladies Rugby Club
Political correspondence
Political correspondence
College bequests
College bequests
National Coal Board
National Coal Board
Scrapbooks, collected press cuttings and photograph albums
Scrapbooks, collected press cuttings and photograph albums
Appointment diaries kept by Bronowski ("plans and engagements")
Appointment diaries kept by Bronowski ("plans and engagements")
Feoffment to uses
Feoffment to uses
Deeds of St Radegund's Priory not listed in Gray
Deeds of St Radegund's Priory not listed in Gray
Royal and episcopal charters
Royal and episcopal charters
Trippelowe's Benefaction
Trippelowe's Benefaction
Parish of All Saints in the Jewry
Parish of All Saints in the Jewry
The Alcock Society
The Alcock Society
The Coleridge Society
The Coleridge Society
The Junior Book Club
The Junior Book Club
Theological and Essay Society
Theological and Essay Society
The Club
The Club
The Cardinals
The Cardinals
Academic items
Academic items
Filming for 'The Ascent of Man' television series
Filming for 'The Ascent of Man' television series
'The Ascent of Man' book
'The Ascent of Man' book
Reviews and awards for 'The Ascent of Man'
Reviews and awards for 'The Ascent of Man'
Collected reprints, typescript papers and reports by other authors
Collected reprints, typescript papers and reports by other authors
Subject files on "Aesthetics", "Einstein", "Fossil Controversy" and "The History of Science"
Subject files on "Aesthetics", "Einstein", "Fossil Controversy" and "The History of Science"
Series of files on publications, lectures, and television programmes
Series of files on publications, lectures, and television programmes
Development of 'The Ascent of Man' programme concept and scripts [and some editing of scripts in preparation for publication]
Development of 'The Ascent of Man' programme concept and scripts [and some editing of scripts in preparation for publication]
Letters from the public, including people from Universities
Letters from the public, including people from Universities
Correspondence with television and radio stations and networks
Correspondence with television and radio stations and networks
Correspondence (mainly) with organisations, filed alphabetically
Correspondence (mainly) with organisations, filed alphabetically
Invitations for Bronowski to speak, write articles or books, or attend events, turned down or unfulfilled whilst at the Salk Institute
Invitations for Bronowski to speak, write articles or books, or attend events, turned down or unfulfilled whilst at the Salk Institute
General correspondence with related material
General correspondence with related material