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Letters to Rita
Letters to Rita
Leo Baron (Bronowski's brother)
Leo Baron (Bronowski's brother)
Ursula Bellugi Klima (Research Associate)
Ursula Bellugi Klima (Research Associate)
"Ralph Burhoe" (editor of Zygon magazine)
"Ralph Burhoe" (editor of Zygon magazine)
"George E. Derfer"
"George E. Derfer"
John R Lucas
John R Lucas
David Layzer
David Layzer
Edgar Morin (sociologist, Centre d'Etudes des Communications de Masse, Paris)
Edgar Morin (sociologist, Centre d'Etudes des Communications de Masse, Paris)
Harold Morowitz (Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University)
Harold Morowitz (Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University)
"Peter Reynolds"
"Peter Reynolds"
James Watson
James Watson
"Fine Arts Society of San Diego"
"Fine Arts Society of San Diego"
Zygon, journal of Religion and Science
Zygon, journal of Religion and Science
"Societies etc"
"Societies etc"
"Universities etc"
"Universities etc"
Unfulfilled engagements or commitments
Unfulfilled engagements or commitments
India trip
India trip
National Coal Board
National Coal Board
Art as a Mode of Knowledge
Art as a Mode of Knowledge
Copernicus as a Humanist
Copernicus as a Humanist
Humanism and the Growth of Knowledge
Humanism and the Growth of Knowledge
The Face of Violence
The Face of Violence
The Identity of Man
The Identity of Man
Language in a Biological Frame
Language in a Biological Frame
Magic, Science and Civilization
Magic, Science and Civilization
Nature and Knowledge (Condon lectures on 'The Philosophy of Contemporary Science')
Nature and Knowledge (Condon lectures on 'The Philosophy of Contemporary Science')
The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination
The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination
A Twentieth Century Image of Man
A Twentieth Century Image of Man
'Art as a Mode of Knowledge' A W Mellon Lectures at the National Gallery of Art, Washington D C (23 Feb 1969-30 March 1969)
'Art as a Mode of Knowledge' A W Mellon Lectures at the National Gallery of Art, Washington D C (23 Feb 1969-30 March 1969)
Bicentennial exhibition of the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) on 'Innovation and Diversity in American Culture'
Bicentennial exhibition of the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) on 'Innovation and Diversity in American Culture'
'Magic, Science and Civilization' Bampton Lectures at Columbia University, New York (19 - 27 Mar 1969)
'Magic, Science and Civilization' Bampton Lectures at Columbia University, New York (19 - 27 Mar 1969)
'New Concepts in the Evolution of Complexity' & 'Stratified Stability and the Evolution of Complexity'
'New Concepts in the Evolution of Complexity' & 'Stratified Stability and the Evolution of Complexity'
'The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination' Silliman Memorial Lectures at Yale University (Oct-Nov 1967)
'The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination' Silliman Memorial Lectures at Yale University (Oct-Nov 1967)
"Popper Festschrift"
"Popper Festschrift"
'The Ways of Man'
'The Ways of Man'
'Voyage Round a Twentieth Century Skull'
'Voyage Round a Twentieth Century Skull'
'Biography of an Atom'
'Biography of an Atom'
William Blake
William Blake
'The Face of Violence' source material
'The Face of Violence' source material
Twentieth Century Man ('Jacob Bronowski: 20th Century Man')
Twentieth Century Man ('Jacob Bronowski: 20th Century Man')
The Common Sense of Science
The Common Sense of Science
Copernicus as a Humanist
Copernicus as a Humanist
The Discovery of Self
The Discovery of Self
The Disestablishment of Science
The Disestablishment of Science
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Face of Violence
Face of Violence
The Evolution of Complexity
The Evolution of Complexity
Human and Animal Languages
Human and Animal Languages
The Identity of Man
The Identity of Man