Includes accounts and trusts
Hockey began being played in college in the Lent term of 1902.
Menus and attendance list from the Alumni Dinner, June 2010, menu for the Medics & Vets 3rd year dinner, 11 June 2010
Also a Medical and Veterinary Society Newsletter, 2016
Includes menus, 1970-3
Includes menu, 20th March 1970
in 1984-1985 Jesus College competed in the newly-formed Ladies' League and Cuppers competitions. First reference Women's Football in the Jesuan.
Includes papers relating to Bawden's volunteering at St. Paul's Cathedral
Letters to and replies from Prime Ministers with regard to various complaints. Includes letter from Margaret Thatcher, 1970
Papers and correspondence relating to Bawden's bequest to the College including correspondence relating to a watercolour painting of the chimney by Hugh Casson.
One folder containing correspondence with College staff and invitations to reunion dinners in 1967 and 1984 and an annual dinner in 2011.
Contain notes, reminders of things to do and engagements in Bronowski's handwriting, crossed through [when completed]. Also include address book pages until 1971.
Establishes an annual rent of 40s. to be paid out of the manor of Chickney, Essex, during the life of Dame Agnes Banastre, nun of St Radegund's, Cambridge. Attached seals of five of the seven feoffors survive.
Includes menu
Consists of a series organised broadly alphabetically by author surname. Many reprints and copies of articles had been put into envelopes listing the contents.
Includes source material, correspondence and notes.
Consists of a large series which is mainly organised alphabetically by title of work.
With carbon copies of replies from Bronowski and his secretaries: Kathleen Murray/Verlander (secretary), Sylvia Hodgson/Fitzgerald (secretary then editorial assistant), Audrey Drake and Mrs Gerry Likens.
Consists of a series of correspondence with related items such as press releases and reports.
Comprises 3 series of correspondence organised alphabetically.