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Letter from Michael Dolley
JCPP/Stewartby/1/1/DOLLEY/1967/2 · Item · c.1967
Part of Personal Papers

Letter from Michael Dolley, in typescript, four full pages in two folios (recto & verso), dated from Stockholm on the "Feast of the Assumption of the BVM" [i.e. 15 August], possibly 1967 on the basis of internal evidence. MD begins with a brief account of his movements in the near future and recent past. He says that he is pleased about the reaction of IS to his idea about the base Anglo-Irish coinages of Henry VIII and the suitability of specific gravity analysis to medieval silver coins. He expresses surprise that IS has not heard from Barrow, offers to produce a short paper on "The Scottish mint of ETER" for one of IS's "short paper evenings", wonders whether FEJ has been in touch and announces that he has completed the Sylloge, presumably Stockholm [with CEB], which makes two in one summer [the other being Belfast?]. He asks about "Pagan's research dreams" and wonders whether they ought to put him in touch with Sawyer at Leeds. Much of the remainder of the letter is turned over to fiery discussion about an academic disagreement with John Brand. He concludes with a reference to the "Ebraice Civitas nonsense".

Dolley, R. H. Michael
JCPP/Stewartby/1/1/DOLLEY/1963/1 · Item · 1963
Part of Personal Papers

Letter, in typescript, subscribed (in manuscript) by Michael Dolley, Stewart Lyon and Peter Sawyer, and addressed from Peter Sawyer's residence in Warwick, recommending the formation of an informal research group to meet three or four times a year to discuss "problems posed by the numismatic evidence for Late Anglo-Saxon England". The group would include, in the first instance, and presumably in addition to the undersigned, Christopher Blunt, Nicholas Brooks, Philip Grierson, Henry Loyn, Gay van der Meer, Veronica Smart and Ian Stewart. The inaugural meeting was proposed for 11 May at Cheltenham during the National Numismatic Congress.

Dolley, R. H. Michael
Letter from Michael Dolley
JCPP/Stewartby/1/1/DOLLEY/1963/2 · Item · 1963
Part of Personal Papers

Letter from Michael Dolley, in typescript, focusing mainly on a draft review that IS has prepared on work by [Peter] Sawyer and shared with RHMD. The crux was a "sudden shift in pattern about 895", about which RHMD shared IS's anxiety over Sawyer's interpretation. RHMD believed that it stemmed from a new discovery of silver "in the are of Samarkand" in Central Asia around 900.

Dolley, R. H. Michael
JCPP/Stewartby/5/2/DOLLEY/1974/1 · Item · 1974
Part of Personal Papers

"The date of Eadgar's reform of the English coinage", by Michael Dolley, manuscript (photocopy), six pages on six folios (recto only), with note on the first page that reads "Notes from a seminar paper shown to me in Feb. 1974" and another on the last page that reads "3rd March 1974, from a paper prepared for a seminar 28.ii.1974".

Dolley, R. H. Michael
Letter from Michael Dolley
JCPP/Stewartby/1/1/DOLLEY/1966/1 · Item · 1966
Part of Personal Papers

Letter from Michael Dolley, typescript, dated 9 August 1966, acknowledging receipt of card from IS, which arrived while he was in Stockholm with Stewart [Lyon]. MD expresses his pleasure that IS will be reviewing Stevenson, stresses the importance of taking the Sylloge series seriously, and thanks IS for his invitation to read to the British [Numismatic Society] the following year. He selects as his topic "The Coinage of Sihtric III Silkenbeard". He also remarks on one of the salient outcomes of the Stockholm trip, i.e. that the second hand type was more substantial and that the issue of BMC type VI of Eadgar lasted for more than a few months. In closing, he acknowledges the receipt Mrs Buchan's wedding invitation but fears that he will need to decline due to his academic duties.

Dolley, R. H. Michael
Letter from Michael Dolley
JCPP/Stewartby/1/1/DOLLEY/1967/1 · Item · 1967
Part of Personal Papers

Letter from Michael Dolley, in typescript, one folio (recto & verso), dated 14 February 1967, first regarding his arrangements for accommodation, etc., during a forthcoming visit in April. He refers to mention of the Rufus attack on Scotland in the Irish annals, new discoveries [from research] in the National Library of Ireland, a 1379 Irish reference to the valuation of the Scottish groat, an annotated copy of Lindsay's Coinage of Ireland, and a paper "coin" of 1804 that was well-known from the literature but of a type never seen before. Discussion then turns to the Loch Doon hoard, with MD asking IS whether he could provide the various pieces of information on the hoard. He closes by asking IS whether "the name of Hon. Mrs Hester Egerton (early 18th century) mean anything" to him.

Dolley, R. H. Michael
Letter from Michael Dolley
JCPP/Stewartby/1/1/DOLLEY/1968/1 · Item · 1968
Part of Personal Papers

Letter from Michael Dolley, in typescript, one folio (recto & verso), dated 16 June 1968, thanking IS for his letter and enclosures, expressing his pleasure that IS is corresponding with Barrow [?] about ETER, but venting his anger at having been left out of the loop about important decisions affecting the BNJ. He says that he is supporting the Albert Baldwin volume and is planning a paper with Bill Seaby on "The 'Irish' imitative pieces in the Brussels hoard", which he thinks "will startle the numismatic world". It examines "a heavily die-linked series of coins with 'Irish' obverses and 'English' reverses, and vice versa", noting that "the die-link chains admirably illustrate the theme of mints and dies". He states that he has a paper on Anglo-Irish monetary policies c.1150-c.1650, which he read the year before at a history congress, that is now with the printer. He also refers to the possibility of doing a paper on Edward the Confessor and notes that "penning an acid exposure of a certain Mr Graham Jones whose fantasies concerning A-S Worcester have gone just a little too far" has helped to ease his fatigue and depression.

Dolley, R. H. Michael
JCPP/Stewartby/1/1/DOLLEY/1982/1 · Item · 1982
Part of Personal Papers

Two letters from Michael Dolley to Ian Stewart and one from Ian Stewart to Michael Dolley:
(a) letter from Michael Dolley to Ian Stewart, typescript, two pages on one small folio (recto & verso), dated 28 January 1982, noting that his "strictures on the content and tone" of IS's contribution to his joint paper with Christopher Blunt on Bossall may seem irksome. MD claims that he did not refuse to allow CEB to see his assessor's report but merely stipulated that the editor must give his consent. He suggests that a few words of explanation are needed to resolve the matter. In a postscript, he writes that he was unable to attend FEJ's [Francis Elmore Jones] funeral on Wednesday because his doctors had forbidden him from doing so. The letter is accompanied by the envelope, postmarked from South Devon on 29 January 1982, in which the letter was evidently sent.
(b) letter from Ian Stewart to Michael Dolley, manuscript, two pages on two folios (recto only), dated 1 February 1982, expressing his pleasure to receive a letter directly from MD after hearing messages through intermediaries. He assures MD that nothing that he has written with Christopher [Blunt] in their joint paper was intended to cause offence and he regrets that the whole business has caused distress when MD was so unwell, but he states that does not follow MD's line of reasoning and in no way feels that he has behaved improperly. He says only that his outlook on the matter differs from MD's and that he hopes that MD will find his explanation in that. He is sorry that the matter has led to a misunderstanding but expresses his openness to constructive suggestions and hopes that, with editorial approval, he may have MD's comments. He shares MD's sadness about the death of FEJ and also notes the untimely passing of Colin Kraay. In a postscript, he comments on Becker's quasi-commentationes and wonder what Brita Malmer thinks of it.
(c) letter from Michael Dolley to Ian Stewart, typescript, three pages on two folios, dated 2 February 1982, thanking IS for his letter but noting that it was not enough to resolve the issues. After reiterating in greater detail some of the complaints he aired in his letter of 28 January, he lists four points in particular that he would like to have explained, all of which concern the failure of IS and CEB to cite his work or that of his students. He also stated that he was troubled by the inadequate picture that the authors gave of his joint paper with Moore in 1973. Once these issues were resolved, he suggested, he would consider allowing the IS and CEB to see his "detailed criticisms of what has become a draft".

Dolley, R. H. Michael
JCPP/Stewartby/1/3/DOLLEY – METCALF/1982/1 · Item · 1982
Part of Personal Papers

Photocopy of a piece of writing from Michael Dolley entitled "The chronology of the 'pre-Brunanburh' sword-type pennies of St Peter at York", 9pp, cutting off abruptly with the rest and all the notes missing. There is no authorial byline but the content leaves no question about the author. There is also manuscript a note that was evidently written in the upper right corner on the original (or secondary) copy that reads: "Original sent by MD to DMM 25/11/82 Rec'd 26/11/82. Cuts on p9 – rest, with notes missing". The text – with additions, annotations and corrections – consists in a highly unusual and somewhat rambling account of the St Peter coins that chronicles the development of the debates around them from the author's unique perspective and focuses largely on the hoard evidence. The discussion is very wide-ranging, with references to authors of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries as well as MD's contemporaries such as Kirsten Bendixen, Christopher Blunt, Hugh Pagan, Ian Stewart and perhaps others.

Dolley, R. H. Michael
Michael Dolley
JCPP/Stewartby/5/2/DOLLEY · File · 1974
Part of Personal Papers

Manuscript & typescript paper(s) of Michael Dolley without accompanying correspondence

Dolley, R. H. Michael
JCPP/Stewartby/1/1/DOLLEY/1962/1 · Item · 1962-1963
Part of Personal Papers

Card and note from Michael Dolley:
(a) card, manuscript, undated but with postal cancellation mark dated 8 November 196[2], noting that he checked the BM coins of Eadgar type III from moneyers DURAUD, FASTOLF and HEROLF, and that their names are in Old English form, confirming CEB's idea. There has been no reaction from [R. B. K.] Stevenson about EDENBVRH; RPM probably refers to R. P. Mack.
(b) note, manuscript, dated 18 April 1963, thanking IS for his contribution to discussions of the previous evening and agreeing with him that the "cross-on-rose" coins go early.

Dolley, R. H. Michael
JCPP/Stewartby/1/1/DOLLEY/1973/1 · Item · 1973
Part of Personal Papers

One letter from Michael Dolley – with page of IS's notes attached – and two cards from Michael Dolley plus two photographs:
(a) letter, in typescript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from the Museovirasto in Helsinki on 23 August 1973, explaining that he will be delayed in returning to Ireland, mainly due to "devaluation and the steep rise in fares" and will be unable to read his paper at the BNS in September. He asks IS if he would like to read his Sihtric Caoch paper and a note on a die-link in the Scandinavian series on his behalf. He mentions two enclosures, including material for the slides and the text of the Scandinavian note, but adds that he needs another fortnight to finish the Sihtric Caoch paper. He further states that stay in Scandinavia until October will enable him to finish SCBI fascicles for Stockholm and Copenhagen. In a PS, he says that he takes issue with one or two things in IS's review of his book in the BNJ. There is an attached page of manuscript notes, in IS's hand, on the verso of a typescript page, apparently unrelated.
(b) card, in manuscript, recto & verso, dated from the Statens Historiska Museum och Kungl. Myntkabinettet on 11 September 1973, as cover for the carbon of his Sihtric Caoch paper, noting that he sent the top copy to his collaborator Moore (Lincoln Museum) for his comments. He says that he hopes to begin work on the Hand paper and asks IS to put him down for September 1974 for papers of the Hand types of Æthelræd II and the early issues of Edward the Confessor. Because he has a Royal Irish Academy Fellowship to go to IOM next July and August, he won't be away in September. He asks about IS's plans to write on the Henry VII sovereign-groat and thanks him for being understanding about his inability to be at the BNS. In closing, he says that "Leningrad was hell".
(c) card, in typescript, recto only, undated but sent on the same kind of card of the Statens Historiska Museum och Kungl. Myntkabinettet as the previous piece. He says that he has received a letter from Ireland about a St Peter found in Dunmore Cave and notes other coins that have come to light in the same context, signalling "the scatter of a small hoard".
(d) photograph of eight coins, including sword, hand and small cross types, numbered, with attached note.
(e) photograph (polaroid) of five coins: all sword types

Dolley, R. H. Michael
JCPP/Stewartby/1/1/DOLLEY/1982/2 · Item · 1982
Part of Personal Papers

Letter from Ian Stewart to Michael Dolley, three cards from Michael Dolley to Ian Stewart and photocopies of another, listed here in chronological order:
(a) photocopy of letter from Ian Stewart to Michael [Dolley], from an original manuscript letter, single page, dated 7 July 1982, as cover for a paper "on Vikings of the 920s" that IS was planning to submit to the BNJ. He notes that "there will be parts of it about which we hold different views" but sends it in haste since he is aware that MD will soon depart for Scandinavia.
(b) card from Michael Dolley addressed to B.H.I.H. Stewart, in manuscript, one side only, bearing postal cancellation mark from "South Devon" on 15 July 1982, thanking IS for sending the paper that he intends to submit to the BNJ but hoping that he will withhold doing so until the autumn. He refers to his disagreement with [Kirsten] "Bendixen and her English collaborators for suppressio veri", a charge that he says he will also make in the "right of reply" that the NC is giving him in respect of the IS's paper there with CEB [on 'The coinage of Regnald I of York and the Bossall hoard']. In addition, MD lays out his chronology of the sword coins, announces that he will travel to Scandinavia the next day and expresses his satisfaction with the Grierson proofs.
(c) photocopies of one side of a card from Michael Dolley, in typescript, dated 6 August 1982, with the caption for the illustration on the other side reading "Sword with rich gilt decoration, set with garnets, Boatgrave I, Vendel, Uppland, about 700". There is no salutation. It appears to be intended for someone other than IS, who is referred to in the third person; it was probably sent to CEB, since MD notes that "you and Ian" make "no reference to it" [i.e. the sword of Carlus]. He concludes saying that "run to earth the xerox which defeated the House of Commons Library's resources". There is a dark copy of the card and three lighter ones.
(d) card from Michael Dolley, in typescript, recto & verso, dated from Stockholm on 10 August 1982, thanking IS [again?] for allowing him to see the paper in advance of submission to the BNJ. The card lacks a salutation but the context shows that it was meant for IS, with MD stating his hope that the article will not be submitted until he has sent in the text of his "right of answer" to IS's paper with CEB for NC.
(e) card from Michael Dolley, in manuscript, dated 2 September 1982, thanking the recipient for a card. There is no salutation but context again indicates that the recipient was IS, with MD saying that he expects "critical citation" of several references. He praises KS [Kolbjørn Skaare?] for the way that he "takes apart [Marion] Archibald and [Kirsten] Bendixen", and he expects both IS and CEB to indicate "dissent from Archibald's preposterous chronology or else [face] the charge of suppressio veri again". He also mentions some highlights of his Scandinavian trip.

Dolley, R. H. Michael