Glazed 15th/16th century Essex Red ware
Single sherd of Samian pottery.
Probably a beaker. The recovery of Beaker pottery (in residual context) can only be considered a ‘background’ find and generally reflective of later Neolithic/Early Bronze Age activity on the riverside terrace.
Clay pipe stem.
Coal sample.
Drain pipe fragment.
Late Neolithic worked flint found with four sherds of Beaker pottery (see JCW04-067)
Six sherds of pottery, consisting of three Nene Valley colour coated wares and three sandy greywares. One of the sherds of Nene Valley ware is decorated with white painted swirls and berries, dating it to the 3rd century AD.
Two sherds of Nene Valley colour coated ware and one Hadham oxidised ware. None of the sherds were diagnostic but the Hadham ware is dated mid 3rd-4th century AD and the Nene Valley ware is dates AD 150-300.
1 with burnt residue on outer
Oval section fragment
In situ teeth
3 Roman? 1 scored
Roman radiate coin
1 with internal burnt residue
Small decorative moulded bottle.