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May Ball 2019 - 'Refract'

Includes May Ball poster, programme, ticket, local resident information flier, wristbands, card notice asking attendees not to remove flowers from tables as souvenirs as they are to be donated to the Arthur Rank Hospice, information flier detailing information about the Heofon Light Maze installation by Ben Busche.


Poster for Rugby match between Jesus College and Nyon at the Stade de Colovray in Nyon, 7 April 1998.


Recording of performance.

Picken, Laurence

Steve Fairbairn

Includes photograph of Fairbairn, c. 1900; copy of order of service for funeral, 18th May 1938; Biographical notes about him produced by Freddy Brittain, 1938; Portrait of Steve Fairbairn by Freddy Brittain. Oral history interview with Freddy Brittain recalling his memories of Steve Fairbairn, c. 1960; Details of the Fairbairn family and the early life of Steve Fairbairn in 'Geelong Grammar School Portraits', c. 1975; Copy of lyrics for 'the oarsman's song' in honour of Steve Fairbairn by Robert Singer as part of his 'Watercarft' 2019. Also with copy of Britten Sinfonia programme at which performance of 'the oarsman's song' was made on 26th March 2019;

Henry Morgan

Includes copy of caricature print of Henry Morgan which appeared in Vanity Fair on 26th January 1889 under his nickname 'Black Morgan'; Photograph showing Morgan in a wheelchair with his wife speaking to him through an ear trumpet, c. 1900.

Edmund Henry Morgan

Includes copy of caricature print of Edmund Henry Morgan which appeared in Vanity Fair on 19th January 1889 under his nickname 'Red Morgan'; Photographs of Morgan, c. 1880;

Repairs and valuation

Miscellaneous documents about the fund for the repair or rebuilding of the parsonage house, see also material in file 9/8. A letter from the College to 'My Dear Lord' (apparently not the Bishop) 25 April 1809 (item 9/11/1), summarises the situation from 1784, and is linked to a Trust Deed (9/11/2) of 1791, but endorsed 1809, about the investment of money for dilapidations, with a rough assessment of the valuation of the benefice (9/11/3), undated. There is a receipt from Richard and William Dale, 25 September 1819 (9/11/4) for £14.6.9, for repairs to the Chancel 1808-1810, and a printed form for 'Consolidated £3 per cent. Annuites. Acceptance anmd Dividends', filled in and dated 1831 (9/11/5).

Lacrosse Club

Includes photograph of the 1st Lacrosse VI, 1930. Photograph taken in first court outside A and B staircases. Names on board read G. P. Russell, F. J. Tongue, P. J. Tetley, S. L. Baxter, G. H. C. Giddins, G. J. Sweet.