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JCPP/Bronowski/Dorrell/1 · Series · 18 May 1922-4 December 1959
Part of Personal Papers
JCPP/Bawden/1 · Series · 1950-1987
Part of Personal Papers

Includes details of employment and correspondence with employers at St. Paul's School, 1950-9; Royal Commercial Travellers School, 1951-5; Raines Foundation Grammar School, 1954; Wymondham College, Norfolk, 1959-68; Sheffield City Poly, 1969-75; City of London school, 1984-5; Highgate School, 1985-7; Blackheath High School, 1987. Also contains file of papers and correspondence with Ministry of Labour and National Service concerning intended career as a teacher, 1951; file of testimonials and CVs, 1951 - 2005

JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/3/1 · Series · 1951-1974 (Mainly 1961-1974)
Part of Personal Papers

Consists of a series of correspondence, or other documents relating to, individuals.

JCCA/JCCS/5/1 · Series · 1948 - 2014
Part of College Archives

Material gathered in the preparation of College plays, including May Week, Nativity plays and other events. Includes some full sets of costume designs, notes from directors re: staging, rehearsal schedules, annotated scripts, posters, photographs and scores

JCCA/JCHR/1 · Series
Part of College Archives

Material providing biographical information about members of the College, of which the majority of the general information (JCHR/1/1-12) was compiled and collected by Freddy Brittain and, after him, by his widow Muriel Brittain.

JCPP/Pars/1 · Series · 1912 - 1983
Part of Personal Papers

Letters written to L. A. Pars, with copies of letters written by him.

Diaries, 1910 - 1969
JCPP/Brittain/1 · Series · 1st January 1910 - 10th March 1969
Part of Personal Papers

These diaries cover Frederick Brittain's life from 1910 when he was 16/17 years old and still at school,through WWI when he served on the hospital ship H.M. Egypt, to his career at Jesus College until his death in 1969. The entries give a detailed account of his work, reading, friends and colleagues, and his many hobbies including The Rooster Society, rowing, cycling, attedance at church services and amateur dramatics.

Brittain, Frederick (1893-1969), Fellow and Keeper of Records of Jesus College
Appointment diaries
JCPP/Picken/1/1 · Series · 1950-1999 (1950, 1951, 1961, 1965 x 2, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1991 x 2, 1992, 1993, 1994 x 2, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998)
Part of Personal Papers

Cambridge Pocket Diaries kept by Laurence Picken, detailing appointments and travel details. Many have personal phone numbers and other annotations in the front/back.

Whitman Songs (1934)
JCPP/Picken/2/1 · Series · 1996-2000 (Individual songs composed in 1934 (according to dates on fair copy). No original manuscript materials exist in this collection - all later reproductions.)
Part of Personal Papers

Song cycle for high voice and piano composed by Laurence Picken, to texts from Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass (1900).

  • Look down fair moon (composed 31 August 1934)

  • O Tan-faced Prairie-Boy (composed 6 July 1934) - missing from manuscript

  • Sometimes with one I love (composed 7 September 1934)

  • No labour saving machine (composed 18 September 1934)

  • Not heat flames up and consumes (composed 26 September 1934)

JCPP/Sutton/1 · Series · 1st January 1937-31st December 1937
Part of Personal Papers

This item accounts daily entries made in the life of Richard Sutton. This year is the most sparse with interesting details, as it is the year Richard is still in Gresham's, moving onto Jesus College. We know from these entries, however, that Richard performed in school plays and wrote editorials for the school paper. This entry's main importance is introducing Richard and his relatives, such as his mother, father and 'Kidlet', his younger sister.

2nd March - Promoted to Sergeant at Gresham's OTC.

30th April - Earns his driving licence after passing his test in Lowerstoft.

20th July - First mention of going to Cambridge.

3rd August - Another mention of Cambridge.

5th August - Undertakes a trip to Germany, arriving the next day. Comments that lots of people were 'very nice to him'.

8th August - Vists a friend's old work place. While there, he sees many pictures of Hitler.

14th August - Listens to a military band, which he enjoyed, although he takes care to note the 'usual propaganda'.

12th September - Travels to Munich and visits the Exhibition of Degenerate Art.

22nd September - Returns home.

26th September - Writes to Cambridge.

3rd October - First mention of his eye becoming painful. The condition fluctuates but this would only be the beginning of Richard's history of eye problems.

6th October - Arrives in Cambridge, feeling rather apprehensive.

8th October - Visits an eye specialist who tells him to return home, which he does the following day.

13th November - Returns to Cambridge.

15th November - Attends his first lecture.

17th November - Visits the Fitzwilliam.

Sutton, Richard Herbert
JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/12/1 · Series · c. October 1968
Part of Personal Papers

Bronowski delivered a series of 3 lectures titled 'The Prophetic Eye' for the UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles) Art Council Lectures on the 20th, 21st and 22nd of October 1968. These lectures were on 'Leonardo da Vinci and the Articulation of Nature', 'The Minute Particulars of William Blake' and 'Surrealism: the Daydream Image'.

College Events
JCCA/JCAD/10 · Series · 1986-2017
Part of College Archives

Items in this series tend to relate to one off events or lectures that occurred somewhere within the main College site and not events organised by College Clubs or Societies.

JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/13/10 · Series · 24 October 1967-September 1970
Part of Personal Papers

Comprises audio recordings of a series of 6 lectures that Bronowski delivered for the Silliman Memorial lectures at Yale University (in Kline Geology Lecture Hall).

The Farragoes
JCCA/JCCS/11 · Series · 1901-1914
Part of College Archives

This was evidently a debating society. At least one volume of its records (covering 1904-10) is missing from the sequence.

Clarke to his mother
JCPP/Clarke/117 · Series · 15th August 1800
Part of Personal Papers

Written "At Achmedchid, in the house of Professor Pallas, in the Crimea", it praises the host's kindness, describes preparations for a voyage to Constantinople, discusses home news, promises a Persian carpet, and gives instructions for dealing with jars of "Lapland strawberries" previously sent.

JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/13/12 · Series · 30 March 1968-September 1970
Part of Personal Papers

Comprises audio recordings of a lecture that Bronowski gave for the Damon lecture series at the National Science Teachers Association convention in Washington D C [broadcast on WGBH-FM radio].