F.51: a mixed context. This contained three sherds of 18th century Chinese export porcelain (5g), a sherd of late 18th or early 19th century creamware (3g), a sherd of 16th to 18th century tin-glazed earthenware (6g), a sherd of 18th or 19th century lead-glazed earthenware (2g), a sherd of 18th century Staffordshire-type slipware (11g) and two sherds of 16th to 17th century German stoneware (107g).
Two sherds of Nene Valley colour coated ware and one Hadham oxidised ware. None of the sherds were diagnostic but the Hadham ware is dated mid 3rd-4th century AD and the Nene Valley ware is dates AD 150-300.
F.52: a mixed context. This contained a sherd of 19th century refined white earthenware (5g), a sherd of 16th to 19th century plain red coarseware (4g), a sherd of 13th to 15th century buff coarseware (3g) and six sherds of 13th to 15th century grey coarseware (97g).