Showing 248 results

Archival description
Pair of candlesticks
Pair of candlesticks
1929 de Havilland 60G Gypsy Moth
1929 de Havilland 60G Gypsy Moth
Silver Beaker
Silver Beaker
Bottle Slide
Bottle Slide
Glouster Cathedral Goblet
Glouster Cathedral Goblet
Bottle Slide
Bottle Slide
New Forest Goblet
New Forest Goblet
Round 10" Salver Henley Regatta 1844
Round 10" Salver Henley Regatta 1844
17" rosewater dish
17" rosewater dish
Bottle Slide
Bottle Slide
Westminster Abbey Jubilee cup
Westminster Abbey Jubilee cup
Jug to match K16
Jug to match K16
Set of Twelve Silver Spoons
Set of Twelve Silver Spoons
Fitzwilliam cup
Fitzwilliam cup
Three Claret Labels
Three Claret Labels
Two Gilt Wine Labels one Port, One Sherry
Two Gilt Wine Labels one Port, One Sherry
Two Cylindrical Peppers
Two Cylindrical Peppers
Set: Chalice, paten, pair flagons and wafer box in silver gilt
Set: Chalice, paten, pair flagons and wafer box in silver gilt
Alms dish gunmetal medallions
Alms dish gunmetal medallions
Pair altar vases
Pair altar vases
Pair flagons silver gilt
Pair flagons silver gilt
Gold paten (18ct)
Gold paten (18ct)
Cigarette Box
Cigarette Box
Pair of Square Ashtrays
Pair of Square Ashtrays
Pair of coffee pots
Pair of coffee pots
Coffee pot
Coffee pot
Set of eight pint tankards
Set of eight pint tankards
Pair sauce or butter boats
Pair sauce or butter boats
Small Cockerel on Stand
Small Cockerel on Stand
Set of four circular salt cellars
Set of four circular salt cellars
Pair to match J7
Pair to match J7
14" Salver with circular wavy edge on 4 feet
14" Salver with circular wavy edge on 4 feet
Pair of small sauce or butter boats
Pair of small sauce or butter boats
Nine Ashtrays with College Crest Serpentine Edge one with list of donors
Nine Ashtrays with College Crest Serpentine Edge one with list of donors
Silver cup (copy of Wymasford cup)
Silver cup (copy of Wymasford cup)
Large Replica of head of the river
Large Replica of head of the river
Sugar Castor Foakes Jackson
Sugar Castor Foakes Jackson
Large Matchbox Holder
Large Matchbox Holder
Square salver with serpentine corners on 4 feet
Square salver with serpentine corners on 4 feet
Smaller Square with broked corners
Smaller Square with broked corners
Coffee pot and cream pot
Coffee pot and cream pot
Four Ashtrays with College Crest
Four Ashtrays with College Crest
Ashtray with College Crest
Ashtray with College Crest
Rectangular Ashtray
Rectangular Ashtray
Ashtray with Medallion Centre
Ashtray with Medallion Centre
Four small fluted vases
Four small fluted vases
Dutch Figure of Cockerel on Stand
Dutch Figure of Cockerel on Stand
Silver gilt cup (copy of Dunn Gardner bowl)
Silver gilt cup (copy of Dunn Gardner bowl)
Napkin Ring
Napkin Ring