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John Goode & Son With digital objects
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Painting Bill (Pg 1)

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/61/1
  • Part
  • 7th November 1832 - 19th August 1833
  • Part of College Archives

Painting bill from Jesus College to John Goode & Son dated November 7th 1832 to August 19th 1833. Work on the Porter's Lodge includes varnishing tables, rubbing down of rooms, light sashes and frames painted, staircase painted, walls painted. Total of £10 4s 3d.

John Goode & Son

Painting Bill (Pg 2)

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/61/2
  • Part
  • 7th November 1832 - 19th August 1833
  • Part of College Archives

Continuation of painting bill in Lodge, including painting the bannister, new moulding round parlour door, passage to garden ceiling whitened, doors repaired and varnished, new woodwork in lobby, scraping and painting front door. Garden door & ease 2 over best erby Green 3 yardds at 9d. Total (carried over) £22 5s 6 1/2d.

John Goode & Son

Painting Bill (Pg 3)

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/61/3
  • Part
  • 7th November 1832 - 19th August 1833
  • Part of College Archives

Continued painting bill for College staircases, including painting the staircase by the Porter's Lodge, painting of light sashes, window seat grained and varnished, H Staircase in clositers installation of skirting, H staircase 2 over white 49ft skirting 2 over Chocolate at 1 1/2d. Total of £4 2s 1 1/2d.

Courts work includes estimate fror scraping, clearing and puttying and painting 2 over the whole of the sashes frames bans(?) casemets and comices(?) in Cloister Court, great encrance gates to the Lodge Garden scraped, cleared, puttyed and painted 2 over best N. Green both sides 23 yards at 9d. Total of £8 7d carried over.

John Goode & Son

Painting Bill (Pg 4)

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/61/4
  • Part
  • 7th November 1832 - 19th August 1833
  • Part of College Archives

Contined painting work on courts, including great iron gates in entrance to college, scraped, cleared and painted over lead colour 31 yards at 6d, 2 lamps in great court, 9 sash squares in each & posts 2 & 3 times best Green, 20 bars and 10 (?) to windows looking into Lodge garden 2 over white. Total of £9 4s 7d.

Sundries, including pensioners privy cleared, scraped, painted and (?) 2 over green inside & out 35 yards at 9d, pack(?) case in lodge garden painted three times, stove 6 yards at 10 1/2d, chimney piece in porter's lodge. Total of £1 13s.

Total of painting bill (lodge, staircase, courts and sundries) is £37 5s 3d.

John Goode & Son

Painting Receipt

Received of the Rev Dr French, the sum of £37 5s 3d for work done at Jesus College to (?) 1833. Signed by John Goode, John Goode and Son.

John Goode & Son