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Showing 207 results

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Madeira Label
Madeira Label
Seven Wine Labels, three sherry, four port
Seven Wine Labels, three sherry, four port
Pair Bottle Slides
Pair Bottle Slides
Pair of Bottle Slides and Strainer to match
Pair of Bottle Slides and Strainer to match
Bottle Slide
Bottle Slide
Ink Stand
Ink Stand
Three Claret Labels
Three Claret Labels
Snuff Mull
Snuff Mull
Dutch Figure of Cockerel on Stand
Dutch Figure of Cockerel on Stand
Bottle Slide
Bottle Slide
Ink Stand
Ink Stand
Set of Twelve Silver Spoons
Set of Twelve Silver Spoons
Bottle Slide
Bottle Slide
Two Gilt Wine Labels one Port, One Sherry
Two Gilt Wine Labels one Port, One Sherry
Crumb Scoop
Crumb Scoop
Silver Napkin Ring
Silver Napkin Ring
Snuff Box
Snuff Box
Cigar Cutter
Cigar Cutter
Inkwell with Silver Top
Inkwell with Silver Top
Small Cockerel on Stand
Small Cockerel on Stand
Silver Cockerel
Silver Cockerel
Two Large Silver Cockerels
Two Large Silver Cockerels
Large Matchbox Holder
Large Matchbox Holder
Pair of Square Ashtrays
Pair of Square Ashtrays
Pair of Snuffer Trays
Pair of Snuffer Trays
Rectangular Ashtray
Rectangular Ashtray
Four Ashtrays with College Crest
Four Ashtrays with College Crest
Nine Ashtrays with College Crest Serpentine Edge one with list of donors
Nine Ashtrays with College Crest Serpentine Edge one with list of donors
Ashtray with College Crest
Ashtray with College Crest
Ashtray with Medallion Centre
Ashtray with Medallion Centre
Cigarette Box
Cigarette Box
Cigarette Box
Cigarette Box
Large Cigarette Box
Large Cigarette Box
Large Cigar & Cigarette Box
Large Cigar & Cigarette Box
Pair of coffee pots
Pair of coffee pots
Set of tea pot, sugar bowl and cream jug
Set of tea pot, sugar bowl and cream jug
Set of tea pot, sugar bowl and cream jug
Set of tea pot, sugar bowl and cream jug
Cream jug to match
Cream jug to match
Hot water jug and stand with spirit burner
Hot water jug and stand with spirit burner
Teapot and stand
Teapot and stand
Urn shaped coffee pot
Urn shaped coffee pot
Argyle with beaded edge to top and base
Argyle with beaded edge to top and base
Wine jug (with Victorian embossing and insulated handle
Wine jug (with Victorian embossing and insulated handle
Set of tea pot, sugar bowl and cream jug
Set of tea pot, sugar bowl and cream jug