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Accessions Register and Accessions
Accessions Register and Accessions
Borrowing Registers
Borrowing Registers
17 Jesus Lane
17 Jesus Lane
20 Jesus Lane
20 Jesus Lane
22 Jesus Lane
22 Jesus Lane
18 Jesus Lane [Crown Inn]
18 Jesus Lane [Crown Inn]
19 Jesus Lane
19 Jesus Lane
Letters to Rita
Letters to Rita
'The Face of Violence' radio play
'The Face of Violence' radio play
Science Reading Books for Children
Science Reading Books for Children
New Horizon
New Horizon
New Vision
New Vision
10.5 inch tape recordings of 'The Identity of Man' lectures
10.5 inch tape recordings of 'The Identity of Man' lectures
7 inch tape recordings of 'The Identity of Man' lectures
7 inch tape recordings of 'The Identity of Man' lectures
'The Logic of the Mind'
'The Logic of the Mind'
'The Face of Violence' source material
'The Face of Violence' source material
The Abacus and the Rose: A Dialogue on Two World Systems
The Abacus and the Rose: A Dialogue on Two World Systems
Original audio recordings of Bronowski's Condon lectures on 'The Philosophy of Contemporary Science'
Original audio recordings of Bronowski's Condon lectures on 'The Philosophy of Contemporary Science'
Audio recordings of 'The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination' with duplicates
Audio recordings of 'The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination' with duplicates
The Discovery of Self
The Discovery of Self
Recordings of 'Science in the New Humanism' (Damon lecture) made by WGBH-FM Radio with a duplicate
Recordings of 'Science in the New Humanism' (Damon lecture) made by WGBH-FM Radio with a duplicate
Surrealism: The Daydream Image
Surrealism: The Daydream Image
Audio recordings of 'The Prophetic Eye' lectures with duplicates
Audio recordings of 'The Prophetic Eye' lectures with duplicates
'The Logic of the Mind'
'The Logic of the Mind'
The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination
The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination
'The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination' Silliman Memorial Lectures at Yale University (Oct-Nov 1967)
'The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination' Silliman Memorial Lectures at Yale University (Oct-Nov 1967)
Anthology of Experiments in Physics
Anthology of Experiments in Physics
Original audio recordings of 'Magic, Science and Civilisation' lectures
Original audio recordings of 'Magic, Science and Civilisation' lectures
Original audio recordings of 'Art as a Mode of Knowledge' lectures
Original audio recordings of 'Art as a Mode of Knowledge' lectures
Science as a Humanistic Discipline
Science as a Humanistic Discipline
The Biological Foundations of Language/Language in a Biological Frame
The Biological Foundations of Language/Language in a Biological Frame
Magic, Science and Civilization
Magic, Science and Civilization
Nature and Knowledge (Condon lectures on 'The Philosophy of Contemporary Science')
Nature and Knowledge (Condon lectures on 'The Philosophy of Contemporary Science')
The Poet's Defence
The Poet's Defence
Science in the New Humanism
Science in the New Humanism
Salk Institute Weekly Bulletins
Salk Institute Weekly Bulletins
On the Uniqueness of Man
On the Uniqueness of Man
The Philosophy of Science - subject files
The Philosophy of Science - subject files
Topics in the Biology of Ageing
Topics in the Biology of Ageing
'Magic, Science and Civilization' Bampton Lectures at Columbia University, New York (19 - 27 Mar 1969)
'Magic, Science and Civilization' Bampton Lectures at Columbia University, New York (19 - 27 Mar 1969)
Human and Animal Languages
Human and Animal Languages
['The Evolution of Complexity']
['The Evolution of Complexity']
Meetings of members of the Salk Institute (the Corporation)
Meetings of members of the Salk Institute (the Corporation)
India trip
India trip
Executive Committee of the Salk Institute
Executive Committee of the Salk Institute
Duplicate audio recordings of 'Art as a Mode of Knowledge' lectures
Duplicate audio recordings of 'Art as a Mode of Knowledge' lectures
Duplicate audio recordings of 'Magic, Science and Civilisation' lectures
Duplicate audio recordings of 'Magic, Science and Civilisation' lectures
'The Values of Science'
'The Values of Science'
Duplicate audio recordings of 'The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination'
Duplicate audio recordings of 'The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination'