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"Weaver, Warren (Non-Resident Fellow)"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/10/5/1/21
  • File
  • 12 January 1961-26 October 1973
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises: correspondence between Bronowski and Weaver; copies of letter from others' (mainly at the Salk Institute) to Weaver, sent to Bronowski; transcriptions of letters from Sir Harold Hartley to Weaver; photocopies of press cuttings about Warren Weaver Hall (New York); some draft pages of an autobiography by Weaver which mentions the Salk Institute and Bronowski; and photocopies from 'American notes' by Charles Dickins sent to Bronowski from Weaver.

"We Thank Thee, Lord - poem"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5/1/31
  • File
  • 6 March 1974-5 April 1974
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises a copy of a poem by Bronowski, and correspondence with 'The New York Review of Books' and 'New Yorker Magazine Inc.' asking them to publish the poem.

"Ways of War"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5/1/30/14
  • File
  • c. 1973-c. 1974
  • Part of Personal Papers

Consists of a chapter outline for volume 15 of 'The Ways of Man' series.

"Ways of Man"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5/1/30/1
  • File
  • 4 January 1974-20 February 1974
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises synopsis for books in the series, chapter outlines for some of the books, an agreed list of titles and specifications for the books. Also includes a memorandum of a meeting that Sylvia Fitzgerald had with Aldus Books (the publishers of the series), and a copy of a letter to William Deering (Aldus Books Limited) from Bronowski about different volumes in the series.

Wax Sealing Set

Blue fabric covered box with bone toggles enclosing two metal and ivory stamps, bars of sealing wax and a packet of Maid Marian matches.

Waverley Grammar School Diamond Jubilee

Typescript invitation and itinerary for the event, sent by F.P. Whiteley.

Kept with an undated manuscript of 'A Page from the Diary of Beau Tibbs' by A. Altshul [after Oliver Goldsmith?], Form 5A - annotated by Laurence Picken as being '1920s; 6th-form student in Birmingham Waverley Road Secondary School'.

Whiteley, F P

Waterworks Repairs Statement and Receipt

Statement for waterworks repairs in Mr Westmoreland's rooms: cutting out defective ball tap and replacing with a new one, and closing up and fixing waste pipe. Also includes cost of materials such as lead piping, a new boiler connection, and joints, and the cost of labour. Total amount £1 13s 6d. The receipt for this work is pinned to this statement and signed by W L Dickson.

Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company

Waterworks Receipts

1) Receipt for various repairs around college, costing £2 19s 11d. Details of repairs covered in fifth item. Signed by W.L. Dickson, collector, on 10th February.

2) Receipt for water bill as per meter for the quarter ending 6th January 1876, covering 74 sets/rooms, 5 hydrants, and 4 WCs. Total £13 16s 6d, received of Jesus College and signed off by W.L. Dickson, 10th February.

3) Receipt for water bill covering the 2 WCs in the Master's Lodge and the garden, for the quarter ending 6th January. Total £1 6s 5d, received of Dr Corrie and signed off by W.L, Dickson, 10th February.

4) Receipt for water bill as per meter for the quarter ending 6th January 1876. Total £17 2s 6d, received of Jesus College and signed off by W.L. Dickson, 10th February.

5) Detailed list of the repairs carried out by the Waterworks Company between April 1875 and January 1876, costing £2 19s 11d, billed to the college in item 1. Items on receipt include: 12 1/2'' leather collars for India rubber hose; opening out ground at the cottages on Jesus Grove, repairing stop tap and fixing new bib tap in kitchen; lead pipe, bib tap, joints, hooks, India rubber collar, men's time; by the old tap, cutting off service and soldering over end of pipe and reconnecting service in another position in kitchen; lowering hydrants; screw-neck fends, hydrant fend; gaskin and lead for joints.

Dickson, W. L.

Waterworks Receipts

Four receipts from the Cambridge University and Town Waterworks Company, all dated 11th May and signed by W.L. Dickson, collector. First receipt covers unspecified repair work for 12 shillings 8 pence. The second covers the water bill from the meter, coming to £20 19s 6d. The third covers water usage from 74 sets/rooms, 5 hydrants, and 4 WCs, coming to £13 6s 6d. The fourth comes to £1 6s 5d, and covers the garden and 2 WCs. Fifth item adds up the four other receipts to reach a total of £36 5s 1d.

Dickson, W. L.

Waterman, Talbot H.

Consists of reprints of articles (many with other authors) and a typescript of 'Systems, Theory and Biology - View of a Biologist', with 2 envelopes listing the items.

One article ('The Analysis of Spatial Orientation', 1963) has a note inside [by Sylvia Fitzgerald] indicating that this could be research material for Bronowski's Silliman Memorial lectures on 'The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination'.

Watering Bill

Paid to W Curtis and J Chisholm for watering the road in Jesus Lane.

Curtis, W.

Waterhouse Building

Photogrpah of Waterhouse Building taken from room on C staircase. Shows gardens and corner of North house.

Waterhouse Building

Offprint from 'Architectural history - Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain' Vol 37 looking at the influence of Alfred Waterhouse in Cambridge including the Waterhouse building at Jesus, 1994;

Waterham Receipt

Check received of the bursar for £74 for various works at the college between 1871 and 1873.

Waterham, Mr.

Water Works Company Receipt

Invoice and record of receipt to Jesus College from Cambridge University & Town Water Works Company. The invoice is dated xmas/25 Dec 1904 and records a charge of 8s 11d. The receipt stamp states the sum was paid 17 Feb 1905.

Cambridge University & Town Water Works Company

Water Works Company Receipt

Invoice and record of receipt to Jesus College from Cambridge University & Town Water Works Company. The invoice is dated 17 Jan 1905 and records a charge of £35 8s 2d for various rooms and lavatories. The receipt stamp states the sum was paid 17 Feb 1905.

Cambridge University & Town Water Works Company

Water Works Bill

Jesus College paid £37 11s 3d for water supplied as under during the quarter ending Michaelmas 1900
74 Separate(?) Room at 3s 3d
8 meters for Fensbury(?)
5 Hydrants
1 WC & Rev. Morgan
1 WC Mr. Welsh 2/9 1 WC Mr. Shield 2s 9d
36 Lib (?) Room @ 3s 3d
Lecture Room
1 Hydrant
1 Hydrant (Clock House)
1 Hydrant (Hall House)
2 Hydrant
3 fire cock Master Lodge
1 fire cock Library Staircase
Master Lodge
Domestic 6 WC Wall Garden
Fellows Garden M
Front Court
Watering Court
Tennis Ground
Lawn Tennis Court
New Court Lawn
6 Man(?)
Urinals WC & Lavatories
In(?) of Meter Michaelmas Midsummer
22 gallons & 4s of (?) of meter

Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company

Water supply, installation of plumbing and drainage to College

  • Item
  • December 1864-1923 (1864-7, 1895, 1912, 1923)
  • Part of College Archives

A bill and related correpsondence concerning the laying on of a water supply to the staircases, buttery and kitchen by the Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company, 1864; Costs relating to the installation of new toilets in the College, 1867; Proposed connection of College drainage to new main swere on Midsummer Common, including estimates and letters from the Cambridge Sewerage Contract relating to drainage, June 1895; Correspondence, report and articles of agreement between the College and Rattee and Kett concerning the improvement to drainage at the College, 1912; Specification of works by Holloway Brothers and plans relating to new drainage on eastern part of College site, January 1923;

Water Supply Receipts

Water supply bills paid by Jesus College, Mr A. Kirkup, Mr Armstrong and Star Brewery Ltd to the Cambridge University and Town Waterworks Company for the following properties: Portland Place, King Street, Newmarket Street, Walnut Tree Avenue, Eden Street, Elm Street, Fair Street, Jesus Lane, Manor Street, Portugal Place, Park Street

Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company

Water supply

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/15/8/1-11
  • Item
  • 6 March 1907-2 November 1907
  • Part of College Archives

Letters from the Rector,. E.A. Lane, reporting that the water in the Rectory well is contaminated, and they need to dig a new one, and hence need to borrow a further sum from Queen Anne's Bounty. Permission from the Bishop, and discussions with QAB.

Water Statements and Receipts

Bill for cost of time of man examining and testing 5 hydrants, and of raising the hydrant, including materials. Total cost £1 8s 6d. Bill for water in lodge, 2 WCs, garden, and arrears, costing £2 12s 10d. Separate bill for water in 74 sets of rooms, 4 WCs, and 5 hydrants, costing £13 16s 6d.
Tucked inside, two bills for water supply in the quarter ending on 6th Oct 1874, one for the amount of £12 14s, the other for £12 11s 6d, with less charged for the cost of the hydrant carried forward. Also a receipt for £1 8s 6d for repairs [to the hydrant] as per statement. All signed off by W.L. Dickson, collector.

Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company

Water Statement and Receipt

Statement for water consumed during the quarter in 74 sets/rooms and 4 WCs, costing £26 17s. Pinned to receipt for the same amount, signed off by W.J. Dickson.

Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company

Water Statement and Receipt

Bill for repairing taps near Porters' Lodge, including time, materials, and a new stop cock key, and for opening ground and taking out and testing 1' 1 3/4 '' meters, taking out small boxes and fixing large new ones - cost of 2 meter boxes and 50 bricks, 31 hrs of time, and 3 other boxes. Total cost £2 11s 6d.
Second bill is for water consumed in the quarter ending 6th Jan 1874 in 74 sets/rooms and 2 WCs, in total costing £21 2s. Both bills signed by the collector, W.L. Dickson.
Also a receipt for this total sum of £24 19s 11d, received of Dr Corrie and signed by W.L. Dickson.

Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company

Water Statement and Receipt

Bill for water consumed in 74 sets of rooms and the WCs in the rooms of Rev H.A. Morganand Rev E.H. Morgan, the two WCs in New Court from 6th October 1970, and for watering the lawn. Total cost £28 2s 11d. Separate receipt received of Dr Corrie for this amount, signed off by W.L. Dickson, collector.

Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company

Water Receipts

Three receipts for water in 1876 from the Cambridge University and Town Waterworks Company.
First receipt covers 2 quarters' supply ending 6th October 1876, for the water supplying 74 sets/rooms, 5 hydrants, and 4 WCs. Cost including arrears is £27 13s.
Second receipt also covers 2 quarters' supply ending 6th October 1876, for the water supplying the Master's Lodge and garden. Cost including arrears is £2 12s 10d.
Third receipt covers the meter readings taken at Michaelmas and Midsummer 1876. Cost including arrears is £23 1s 5d.
Total cost across all three receipts is £53 7s 3d, calculated on back of third receipt. All receipts signed off by W.L. Dickson.

Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company

Water Company Receipt

Invoice addressed to Mr W. R. Smith of 13 Eden Street for repairing ball tap in W.C. cistern totalling 3s 6d and to Messrs Carter Jonas and Sons of St. Mary's Street for repairs at 8 Jesus Lane, 9 Fair Street and Grove Cottage - Jesus Lane totalling 13s 4d. Attached receipts on both papers dated 8th March 1926.

Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company

Water Company Receipt

Invoice addressed to Messrs. J. Carter Jonas and Sons for repairs completed in July 1925 at 19 Elm St., 5 New Court - King Street, and 9 Eden Street totalling £2 18s 6d. Attached receipt dated 14th December 1925.

Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company

Water Company Receipt

Invoice addressed to Messrs J. Carter Jonas and Sons for 10s 3d for repairing pipe over sink at 9 Manor Street. Attached receipt dated 27th September 1926.

Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company

Water Company Receipt

Invoice addressed to Messrs J. Carter Jonas and Sons for £3 3s 5d for opening out ground in gront garden and repairing pipe at 2 and 3 Manor St., taking up floor boards to repair pipe at 25 Malcolm St. and opening out ground and repairing pipe at Elm St. Attached receipt dated 21st June 1926.

Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company

Water Company Receipt

Invoice addressed to Messrs. J. Carter Jonas and Sons for repairs completed in October 1925 at 4 Elm St, 7 Elm St, 5 Elm St, 6 Elm St and 40 Pew Square totalling £2 4s 1d. The second page has an invoice addressed to Messrs J. Carter Jonas and Sons for repairs completed in November 1925 at 14 Pew Square, 6 Jesus Terrace, 8 and 9 Jesus Terrace totalling £7 8s 3d. Attached receipt on second page dated 14th December 1925.

Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company

Water Bills

First bill received 1st March 1875, and signed for the company by W.L. Dickson, charging the college £1 6s 5d for water consumption in the Master's Lodge and garden for the quarter ending 6th January 1875.
Second bill received on the same date, also signed by Dickson, charging 10s 9d for repairs 'as per bill'.
Third bill signed and dated the same, charging the college £26 1s 11d for water rates ending 6th January 1875.
Fourth bill charges £26 1s 11d for water supplied during the quarter ending 6th January 1875. Breaks down bill into water consumption from college/WCs/hydrants/sets.

Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company

Water bills

Collection of 9 water bills for college properties in Eden Street, Elm Street, Jesus Lane, King Street, Manor Street, and Portugal Place. A total of £5 1s 11d paid to the Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company.

Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company

Water bills

Three bills for £2 10s paid to the Cambridge Waterworks Company for water supplied to the college. First bill undated, second dated 23rd April 1863 and third dated 1st October 1863. All signed by W. J. P.

Cambridge Waterworks Company

Water Bills

Three bills, all received on 28th April 1875, for one quarter's water supply, ending 6th April. All are signed off for the company by W.L. Dickson. First receipt covers 74 sets of rooms, 4 WCs, and 5 hydrants, costing £13 16s 6d. Second receipt covers the college generally, costing £12 2s 1d. Third receipt covers the Master's Lodge and garden and names Dr Corrie on receipt, costing £1 6s 5d.

Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company

Water bills

Collection of 9 water bills for college properties in Eden Street, Elm Street, Jesus Lane, King Street, Manor Street and Portugal Place. A total of £5 1s 11d paid to the Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company.

Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company

Water bills

Collection of 9 water bills for college properties in Eden Street, Elm Street, Jesus Lane, King Street, Manor Street, and Portugal Place. A total of £5 1s 11d paid to the Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company.

Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company

Water Bills

Bundle of receipts and bills with water rates paid by Jesus College, Mr A. Kirkups, Mr C. Armstrong, Star Brewery Ltd. to the Cambridge University and Town Waterworks Company for supplying water to the following properties: King Street, Newmarket Road, Walnut Tree Avenue, Eden Street, Elm Street, Fair Street, Jesus Lane, Manor Street, Portugal Place, Park Street.

Includes handwritten note with figures.

Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company

Water Bills

Three bills, all received on 9th November 1875, for one quarter's water supply, ending 6th October. All are signed off for the company by W.L. Dickson. First receipt covers the college's water consumption, costing £21 15s 6. Second receipt covers 74 sets of rooms, 4 WCs, and 5 hydrants, costing £13 16s 6d. Third receipt covers the Master's Lodge and garden, costing £1 6s 5d.

Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company

Results 301 to 350 of 22463