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"Wilson, Robert A. 'Norethynodrel (Enovid) & The Menopause'"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/7/1/166
  • File
  • 19 March 1964-30 September 1964
  • Part of Personal Papers

Consists of a photocopy of a paper presented at a symposium on Gynecologic Endocrinology (19 Mar 1964) with a copy of a letter about the paper and pages referring to a related study.

The paper was written by Robert A. Wilson, Raimondo E. Brevetti, Edmund R. Marino, Thelma A. Wilson and Gretchen I. Wilson (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Methodist Hospital, Brooklyn, New York).

Willow Place

Willow Place was a continuation of Willow Walk to the east of Fair Street. The south side of Willow Place was built upon Ropemaker's Close which was allotted to the College by the Barnwell Inclosure Award. The north side of Willow Place was part of the south verge of Newmarket Road and belonged to various owners.
The name survives to denote a passage leading to the service roads at the back of the Grafton Centre, but the site of these houses is now under the western car park

Willingham Tax

£0 14s 0d for half a year's rent at Willingham

Underwood, Charles

Willingham School Subscription

Subscription for the benefit of Willingham School. Signed by C. A. Elton. Subscription amount £2 2s.

Elton, C. A.

Willingham School

Acknowledgement of receipt of £2 and 2s to Willingham School by C. A. Elton

Elton, C. A.

Willingham Rectorial Tithe Rent-Charge

Printed letter from Francis, Webster and Riches regarding the collection of the Willingham Rectorial Tithe-Rent Charge. The letter asks Mr George Cockle to attend the George Inn, Willingham, on behalf of Jesus College on Thursday 19th January 1865 to pay the amount due. Total rent charge equals £2 8s 5d, including the rent-change as in apportionment and the average increase. The note also includes annotation of tenants' names and rents: Tebbutt and W. Harvey [?].

Francis, Webster & Riches

Willingham Rectorial Tithe Rent Letter

Letter from John Francis Gleaves (collector) to Jesus College. informing that he will be in Willingham on 5 January to collect Tithe Rent-Charge due on 1 October 1904. Handwritten sum in the corner of £34 1s and 8d.

Gleaves, John Francis

Willingham Land Tax

Received of Dr Witterey 14 shillings for half a year's land tax charged on the estate of the Master and Fellows of Jesus College at Willingham, due last March. Signed by William Smith, collector.

Smith, William

Willingham Land Tax

Of D Whittlney fourteen shillings from half a year's land tax charged charged on the estate of the Master and Fellows of Jesus College at Willingham due last Lady Day. Signed by William Smith, Collector.

Smith, William

Willingham land and income tax

  1. Land and assessed taxes (only assessed for land tax), Willingham, Cambridge. Received of Mr O. Whittlesey for Jesus College, 27th November 1857, 14 shillings, for two quarters' taxes due 20th September 1857. Signed C Underwood, collector.

  2. Land tax for Willingham, Cambridge. Received of O. Whittlesey for Jesus College, 27th April 1858, the sum of 14 s. for two quarters' taxes due 20th March 1858. Signed C Underwood, collector.

  3. Income tax, 1857-8, first moiety. Willingham. Received of Mr O Whittlesey for Jesus College the sum of 7s 10 1/2d on 30th JUne 1858, for two quarters' income tax due 20th September 1857. Signed C Underwood, collector.

  4. Income tax, 1857-8, second moiety. Willingham. Received of Mr Whittlesey for Jesus College, 27th July 1858, 7s 10 1/2d for two quarters' income tax due 20th March 1858. Schedule A. Signed C. Underwood.

Underwood, C

Willingham and Cottenham land tax 1858-9

  1. Land and assessed taxes 1857-8, second moiety, parish of Willingham, Cambridge. Received of Mr Robert Ellis for Jesus College, April 1858, the sum of £1 8s. 3d. for two quarters' taxes due 20th march 1858. Assessed only for land tax. Signed G. Underwood, collector.

  2. Received 4th December 1859 from Robert Ellis the sum of £1 3s 3d. for the first instalment of tax for the year 1858 for fen land in Cottenham Level belonging to the Master of Jesus College. Signed J. Haid, receiver.

  3. Received 2nd April 1859 of Robert Ellis the sum of £1 3s 3d, the second instalment of income tax for the year 1858, for fen land in Cottenham level.

Haid, J

Willingham and Cottenham land tax

  1. Land and assessed taxes, 1858-9, first moiety, parish of Willingham, Cambridge. Received of Mr R. Ellis for Jesus College the 5th October 1858, the sum of £1 8s 3d. for two quarters' taxes due 20th September 1858. Signed C. Underwood, collector.

  2. Income tax, 1857-8, first moiety, parish of Willingham, Cambridge. Received of Mr Robert Ellis, for Jesus College, June 1858, the sum of 13s 3d. for two quarters' income tax, due 20th September 1857. Signed C. Underwood, collector.

  3. Income tax 1857-8, second moiety, Willingham. Received of Mr R. Ellis for Jesus College, 30th July 1858, the sum of 13s 3d for two quarters' income tax due 20th March 1858. Signed C. Underwood, collector.

  4. Received 2nd April 1858, from Robert Ellis, the sum of £12 as the second instalment of tax for the year 1858, for 5 A(cres) 3 R(ods) 1 P. of fen land in Cottenham Level belonging to Jesus College. Signed Haid, receiver.

  5. Received 4th December 1857 of Robert Ellis, the sum of £12 as the first instalment of tax for the year 1857, for 5A, 3R 1P of fen land in Cottenham level belonging to Jesus College. Signed Haid, collector.

Haid, J

William Welsh

Copy of order of service for funeral, 15th October 1925; Photographs of Welsh, c. 1920;

William Wallace

Includes personal account book for 'my first term at Cambridge' although covers just more than his first year at Cambridge.

Wallace, William

William Swann's Leasehold Premises with Entrance from King street

Letter to Jesus College stating: I have surveyed the above property which comprises the yeard (approached from King street) on one side of which is a range of sheds, also a thatched barn, wheelwright's and blacksmith's shop - the whole of which I estimate at thirty pounds per annum

William Ralph Inge

Includes photograph of Inge, c. 1910; copy of order of service for funeral, 3rd March 1954;

William Percy Nevill

The album contains snapshot photographs of fellow Jesuans as the First World War begins. There are also photographs of 'Jesus Lines' at an Officer Training Camp showing Jesuans some of whom died during the Great War. Nevill himself was killed during the attack on Montaubin at the Battle of the Somme on the 1 July 1916.

Many photographs have been removed from the album, the remainder are as follows:

  1. Howard in the drawing room [missing]

  2. Majorie & Barbara [missing]

  3. Woodroffe in Pump Court

  4. Richardson; Miller; McLoughlin; Woodroffe and Higgins

  5. Pump Court

  6. Chapel Court

  7. New Buildings

  8. Cloister Court

  9. Master's Garden & Chapel

  10. Clare Kings

  11. Trinity Bridge

  12. George's hat, Woodroffe

  13. Self, Gstaad [missing]

  14. Tom [missing]

  15. Self [missing]

  16. Woodroffe & Passingham on my bedroom balcony

  17. Daibuler; Searing & Maurice [missing]

  18. D.;H.;N.S.;T.;M.;E. Holmbury [missing]

  19. A.F. Wildings VI v. Varsity

  20. Elsie; N.S. and Holmbury [missing]

  21. Mason; N.S.; 'Snippets' Morrison; H.N.; George and W.P.N.

  22. A.F. Wilding

  23. Woods near Holmbury [missing]

  24. Beaumont Manor [missing]

  25. Maisie P.; D.; N.S.; D.G. And E. [missing]

  26. View from Gstaad to Saanen [missing]

  27. Maisie P. [missing]

  28. Untitled

  29. May Week 1914, Jesus III

  30. May Week 1914, The End

  31. May Week 1914, View in May week

  32. May Week 1914, Jesus II

  33. May Week 1914, Johnny; Jasper Holmes and K.S Rudd

  34. May Week 1914, Ridley; Eric Fairbairn

  35. May Week 1914, Jesus I Head

  36. May Week 1914, Bell; Livingstone; Bullough; Fisher and Oldham

  37. Bugatti, John Miller up

  38. Hispano Suisa, Higgins up

  39. Rover J. L-G [Le Gros] up, also Hamel

  40. TT Triumph, Richardson up

  41. Destroyer & Review in distance

  42. Hamel at Cambridge

  43. Finish of coaching marathon at Richmond, Vanderbilt's team

  44. 'Lord Duck!' Richardson

  45. Elsie, Doff [missing]

  46. D.;H.;N.S.;T.;M. and E. [missing]

  47. Captain Herring [missing]

  48. Rough [missing]

  49. Friday Street [missing]

  50. Holmbury St Marys [missing]

  51. Chapel Court

  52. Master's Garden & Chapel

  53. Tennyson's House

  54. Same back view [missing]

  55. G. L-G [Le Gros] at 51 M.C.

  56. Self's ghost on drawing room [missing]

  57. Lord Duck punting, Woodroffe

  58. Arthur Bond at Beaumont, the morning after [missing]

  59. 'Geoff' Bradley

  60. 'Dick' Piper

  61. 'Johnny'; C. Brockmer; Lowe; 'Sticks'and Woodroffe [and others]

  62. Woodroffe and Oliver Hawkins

  63. Band, Mytchett 1914

  64. Jesus Lines

  65. 'Sally'; Johnnie; Lowe; 'Sticks' and Brockmer

  66. Piper; Thomas; G.Y.L. ; L/W.W.; Brockmer; Oliver; Grubb and Forman [?]

  67. 'Fat Boy' Sergeant Le Gros à la toilette

  68. Jesus Lines

  69. Before inspection

Nevill, Wilfred Percy

"William Glazier"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/3/1/22
  • File
  • 16 February 1970-6 March 1970
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence with William Glazier (Associate Dean of Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York) about Glazier's involvement with the Salk Institute, including being part of the Commission on Biology, Medicine and Health Care, and declining the invitation to be Executive Director of the Council [for Biology in Human Affairs]. Includes letters from Glazier to Joseph Slater (Anderson Foundation) and Stuart Ross (Salk Institute).

William Frend bust

Correspondence of bust of Frend in the Old Library, including notes on donation to the College by Philothea Thompson in 1962 and relating to its being photographed in 1964. Includes photograph of bust.

William Fleming Cormack

Manuscript & typescripts William F. Cormack without accompanying correspondence

Cormack, William Fleming

William Doe Tenancy Agreement

  • Item
  • 30 April 1898 – 27 May 1898
  • Part of College Archives

Three letters from Grain, Moyes & Wisbey (Auctioneers, Surveyors & Land Agents) to J. H. H. Goodwin (Bursar) advising on the tenancy agreement to let three acres previously occupied by Mr Solly to William Doe

William Clopton

Biographical notes relating to original sources that mention Clopton

William Briggs

Includes copy of order of service for funeral, 11th July 1932;

"William Blake, Set II"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/12/1/7
  • File
  • c. October 1968
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises slides for Bronowski's lecture on 'The Minute Particulars of William Blake', the original box (stored separately) and a list of slides.

"William Blake, Set I"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/12/1/6
  • File
  • c. October 1968
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises slides for Bronowski's lecture on 'The Minute Particulars of William Blake', the original box (stored separately) and an annotated list of slides.

"William Blake (articles, papers, etc.)"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5/2/5/10
  • File
  • 9 October 1946-2 October 1959
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises: an annotated script of 'The Prophetic Books of William Blake' radio programme by Bronowski (produced by Douglas Cleverdon, BBC Third Programme, 25 Jan 1951); an annotated script for 'Invention and Imagination 1. William Blake' radio programme by Bronowski (BBC Third Programme, 9 Oct 1946); a letter from William Heinemann publishers on promoting ['William Blake: A Man Without a Mask']; an annotated typescript and published copy from 'Literary Guide' (vol. 69, no. 6, Jun 1954) of 'The Mystical Quest of William Blake' by Bronowski; an annotated typescript of 'William Blake, 1757-1827' for publication in 'The Nation' (Nov 1957); [an earlier] annotated typescript on William Blake; [an introduction] by Bronowski for a publication of Blake's 'Songs of Innocence'; a typescript of Bronowski's introduction to 'William Blake: A Selection of Poems and Letters' edited by Bronowski; a typescript of 'William Blake, 1757-1827' sent to the Daily Express 'Books and Art' section (24 Sep 1957); a typescript and press cutting of a review by Bronowski of 'William Blake's illustrations to the Bible: A catalogue compiled by Geoffrey Keynes' (Dec 1957); a typescript review for publication in 'The Listener' of 'Symbol and Image in William Blake' by George Wingfield Digby and 'The Complete writings of William Blake with all the Variant Readings' edited by Geoffrey Keynes (25 Nov 1957); a typescript review for publication in 'New Statesman' (Nov 1957) of Keynes' volume of Blake writings and 'The Divine Vision' edited by Vivian de sola Pinto; a message and foreword written for an exhibition at Battersea Public Library to commemorate the bicentenary of William Blake's birth; reports by Bronowski on 'The Great Antinomian: A Study in the Sources of William Blake' by A L Morton (21 Jan 1958) and 'William Blake, The Politics of Vision' by Mark Schorer (2 Oct 1959); a press cutting of 'William Blake's Visions: Myth and Symbol' by Kathleen Raine (Manchester Guardian, 23 Nov 1957); a typed extract from 'Blake Studies' by Geoffrey Keynes (1949); and notes and press cuttings relating to Blake.

"William Blake and the Age of Revolution - New English Edition"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5/2/5/5
  • File
  • 22 December 1964-27 March 1974
  • Part of Personal Papers

Mainly comprises correspondence with Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd (publishers, London) relating to the publication and promotion of 'William Blake and the Age of Revolution' (Mar 1972).

Also includes: copies of correspondence with Nature (journal) and Doubleday & Company Inc. on publication of Bronowski's 'The Identity of Man' lectures; a letter from [Brian Southam] (Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd) about a book he had written on [T. S.] Eliot; correspondence with Reverend Bernard Hall (The Methodist Church, St Pauls, Bristol) on brass manufacture, the Baptist Mills in Bristol and William Blake; 'RKP Books News' announcing the publication of 'William Blake and the Age of Revolution' by Routledge & Kegan Paul; photocopies of the proof dust jacket for the Routledge & Kegan Paul edition of 'William Blake and the Age of Revolution'; and press cuttings about the publication of 'William Blake and the Age of Revolution'.

Additionally includes correspondence with Dieter Pevsner and Sir Allen Lane (Penguin Books Ltd), Alan Hill (Heinemann Educational Books), and Robert Lusty (Hutchinson Publishing Group) on possibly publishing the English edition of 'William Blake and the Age of Revolution'.

"William Blake - Encyclopaedia Britannica"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5/5/13/5
  • File
  • 10 April 1970-17 July 1973
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence relating to a biography of William Blake that Bronowski wrote for the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Also includes annotated galley proofs and a typescript of the article, and copies of articles on Blake by other authors.

William Blake

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5/2/5
  • Subseries
  • 1946-1974
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises material relating to Bronowski's work about William Blake.

William Blake

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5/9/1
  • File
  • c. 1950-c. 1974
  • Part of Personal Papers

Consists of index cards containing details of publications (mainly by other authors) and collections of material relating to Blake.

William B Neville

Contains biographical information including article from the Daily Telegraph, 9th November 1991 and extract from 'Ackerley: A life of I. R. Ackerley', London, 1989 by Peter Parker.

Results 151 to 200 of 22463