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Aborigines Jesuani ... Sherman

  • JCCA/JCHR/3/1/1
  • Item
  • 1666-1746 (First date is approximate)
  • Part of College Archives

The first college history, with the full title: "Aborigines Jesuani sive Historia Collegii Jesu Adornata Studio Joannis Sherman Collegii Presidentis, Coll. Regin. Alumni." Includes a coloured frontispiece, the college arms, and text in an elaborate italic hand, gradually degenerating into a mixed hand. The last date in the original hand is 1666, except for Sherman's epitaph of 1671. Some of the lists of Fellows are brought down to 1746 by other hands.

"Old accounts"

Contains accounts for the storey added to the Master's Lodge and south block of First Court, with table of contents by Dr Corrie (Master, 1849-85).

Rooster Minutes Vol. I, 1907-1914

Book containing minutes from 5 Nov. 1908 onwards. At the front is an elaborate coloured title page and list of members; then two pages have been cut out - presumably they were pages containing earlier minutes. After the series of minutes is a list of past and present members on active service, 1914. At the end of the volume are subscription records for 1909-14.


Programmes for Moliere's Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme performed in the Cloisters at Jesus College during May Week on 11th and 12th June 1950. The music was played by the College Orchestra conducted by Raymond Slee


Programme of Comus (John Milton) and Dido and Aeneas (Henry Purcell)

Annual Dinners and Garden Parties

Includes menus with some events with table plans and lists of attendees. From the 1970s onwards, some of the events were held at the Mansion House in the City of London, possibly in connection with the Jesuans who became Lord Mayor. Photograph of 36th annual dinner held at the Cafe Royal, London, 5 July 1937.

Renewal of Lease of Nos. 19-22 Lower Park Street

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/PARK/19/3/1
  • Item
  • 30th September 1889 - 29th October 1902
  • Part of College Archives

(1) Letter from Hugh Shield (Bursar) to Mr Alfred Mason, dated 30th September 1889 offering him a new 40 year lease and setting out the terms

(2) Letter from J. H. H. Goodwin (Bursar) to Mr Alfred Mason, dated April 1900 correcting the amount due as a fine which was in error in a previous letter

(3) Letter from J. H. H. Goodwin to Mr Alfred Mason, dated 29th October 1902 offering him a new 40 year lease

(4) Site plans of Nos. 19-22 showing the outline of the property including dimensions and the names of neighbouring lessees [undated but 1889 is written in pencil at the top of one of the plans]

Renewal of Lease of Nos. 29-34 Lower Park Street

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/PARK/29/3/1
  • File
  • 23rd November 1909 - 11th May 1910
  • Part of College Archives

Letters concerning renewing the lease for Nos. 29-34 Lower Park Street. These had been leased to John Death for 40 years from 29th September 1876. Following his death the trustees under his will had assigned the lease to Mrs Anna Maria Folkard [by an Assignment dated 3rd July 1903]. The lease was due to expire in September 1916 and Mrs Folkard approached the College via her solicitors to see if they would grant a renewal of the lease and if so on what terms. There was a proposal that Mrs Folkard give up the lease of property she held in Jesus Lane [Nos. 25and 26] in return for an Annuity and renewal of the Lower Park Street properties but this was rejected by the College Council

Letter about Vermin

Letter from the Sanitary Inspector to the Bursar informing him that he had sprayed two bedrooms at No. 39 [which was unoccupied] for vermin and advised him to repair plasterwork to keep vermin out. He had also made arrangements with tenants of No. 40 to have their house disinfected

Borough of Cambridge

Specification of Work

Specification of work required to be carried out at Nos. 5 and 6 Park Street to improve the drains and prevent flooding

J. Carter Jonas & Sons


  • JCCA/JCCS/40/1
  • File
  • 1919-1989 (1919, 1920-1, 1925, 1927-31, 1933-9, 1944, 1946, 1948-50, 1952-61, 1963-70, 1973, 1987, 1989)
  • Part of College Archives

Includes menus for joint dinners Middlesex Hospital rugby club, 1919; Association and Rugby Football clubs, 1928-30, 1933; Magdalen College Oxford and Jesus College Cambridge Rugby Clubs dinner, 1929-31, 1935-6, 1938; Rugby and Association Football and Hockey dinner, 1934, 1953; Rugby and Association Football, Hockey and Athletics dinner, 1935-7, 1939; Rugby and Hockey dinner, 1955-61, 1970; Rugby cement luncheon, 1987, 1989;


  • JCCA/JCCS/33/1
  • File
  • 1926-1981 (1921, 1926, 1947, 1981)
  • Part of College Archives

Includes joint dinner for Cambridge and Oxford University's tennis clubs, 1926; Jesus College Cambridge and Magdalen College, Oxford tennis clubs, 1926

Mri. F. Kelleri Collectanea [Vol. 1]

Flyleaf has title: "Collectanea ad procancellarii officium spectantia. An. 1702. C. A.". It contains a copy of the University's statutes of 1570, wth annotations by the transcriber, Dr Charles Ashton (Master 1701-52). JCGB/5/1/2 is a companion volume.

Ashton, Charles (1665-1752), Master of Jesus College, Cambridge

Cook's Accounts

Headed: "Jesus College / The Revd. Dr. Corrie (Bursar) / to Joseph Diver (Cook)". Contains accounts for dishes supplied on special occasions, such as the annual Audit Dinner, MAs Dinner, Tenants' Dinner and Servants Dinner and the occasional breakfast, luncheon or supper.

Laurence Sterne Chair

Letter from E. Welbourne of Emmanuel College to Percy Gardner Smith concerning the possible acquisition of a chair once owned by Laurence Sterne by the College from one Basil W. Batchelor. 9th March 1928; Letter from Arthur Scott, uncle of Basil, describing how the family had acquired the chair through Athur's father Rev. George Scott, vicar of Coxwold, who got it from his predecessor the Rev. Thomas Newton who in turn had succeeded Laurence Sterne when he was vicar of Coxwold. Letter dated 10th September 1926; Photographic records of chair made in 2005;

Bursarial/Bursar's Committee

Minutes, agendas and associated papers.

There is an electronic index to the supporting papers compiled and updated by the Bursar's Assistant. This is closed to researchers as it is a current working document but can be searched by the Archivist.

Signed Minutes

Typescript ' Conclusions' of Society meetings, so called to 7 Mar. 1950, thereafter 'Minutes' (but with no change in their summary style). The meetings were held a few times a year, at irregular intervals depending on the nature of business demanding attention

Photograph of Original Trust Deed

Copy of deed dated 28 December 1675, which recites that Lady Margaret Boswell of Bradbourn, Sevenoaks, Kent, settles on trust Halliwell Farm, Burnham, Essex, containing 106 acres with 60 acres of salt marsh, to pay two scholars each £12 p. a. until the expiration of one year after they have taken the degree of M. A. The scholars are to be chosen from Sevenoaks School, or, if there are none fit, from Tunbridge School, with those born at Sevenoaks having the preference. No taxes are to be deducted from the amount. Scholars are to be examined by one or two examiners sent by Jesus College, who are to be paid £3 for expenses plus £5 if there be one examiner, £6 if there be two, to buy a piece of plate in memory of Sir William Boswell.

Rental Accounts

Contains half-yearly rentals, with: name of tenant, reserved rent in money, wheat, malt, total rent in money, and college commons. Then follow: Cambridge rents in money only, total of London rents, pensions (Foljambe's, Lady Bennet's, Marshall's Exhibition). A second column, in the Michaelmas accounts only, has: quit rents received, out rents including payments to the University waits, the London rent collector, the University beadles, for sermons, the Steward of Graveley, the Shelford poor, and the University Marshal. At the foot of the account are tables of current prices of wheat and malt. After the rental for 1745 is: the Dividend Paper, 1685-1745, consisting of a list of receipts, chamber rents, receipts from degrees fees, and payments to various servants, the library, the garden, etc.; the last to be deducted from the sum of the first three. In a second column, to be added, are fines received; to be deducted "corn money owed to Commons" and "capon money owed to Commons". This calculation establishes the dividend, which is divided in 18 parts, two of which go to the Master and one to each Fellow. From 1709 there is "a charge for Exceedings at Christmas" and from 1712 "a charge for Commencement Supper".

Cook's bill (for commencement)

Paid £7 3s 8d by the Reverend Mr. Darby to Bartholomew Fuller.

Cold lamb, salads, turbot, Lobster sauce, venison pasty making, chickens, bacon, dish of cauliflowers (colliflowers), dish of beans, pudding, loin beef, to dress a haunch of venison, dish of lobsters, raspberry cream, jellies and syllabubs (sullibubs), dish of peas, turkey pouts, commons, cold fowls, dish of ham, coast lamb, cucumber salad, strawberrys and cream, tarts, Ladyday to Midsummer.

Signed by Bartholomew Fuller.

Fuller, Bartholomew

Bill for lamp oil (John Purchas)

A bill for oil purchased by Jesus College between October 1767 and March 1769, includes: 'Lamp oil', 'Spermacetic' oil, and cotton. Total bill amounts to £12 16s, signed by Bennet Brown on behalf of John Purchas.

Purchas, John

Paper hanger's bill

Bill for papering college rooms, made out to the college by John Swan and Son, at 19 Sidney Street, Cambridge. Total payment of £10 10s 8d, and includes payment for: preparing, sizing and hanging lining paper in Rev. E. H. Morgan's gyp room and keeping room; putting up 80 yards of gilt moulding along top and bottom of Mr Morgan's room; preparing, sizing and putting up lining paper in Mr Dix's keeping room. Also includes payment for lining paper, brown paper, tacks, gilt and size. Total payment of £10 10s 8d. Undated and unsigned.

John Swan and Son

Fire Insurance Receipt

Receipt received of the Master and Fellows of Jesus College from the Sun Fire Office. Pol. 1004952 at £5 5s per annum, rect no. 12, 171. The sum of £5 5s for one year's insurance in the Sun Fire Office, London: And £10 10s for one year's duty, according to Acts of Parliament, on £7000. Insured from Mids 1832 to Mids 1833. Total of £15 15s. Dated June 25 1831. For the managers of the Sun Fire Office, signed Richard Comings.

Sun Fire Office

Coal Invoice

John Stockdale & Son invoice to Rev Dr French for 35 chaldrons of duck coals on 27th July 1831 and 35 chaldrons of blyth coals on 11th August 1831. Totaly of £84, dedivated 3s 10d, final total £80 10s. Below letter from John Stockdale & Sons to Dr French acknowledging the invoice.

John Stockdale & Son

Gas Filler & Repair Invoice

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/32/1
  • Part
  • 21st September 1829 - 27th December 1832
  • Part of College Archives

Invoice addressed to the Reverend Master & Fellows of Jesus College, to Thomas Prince, gas filler, noting work done from 21st September 1829 until 27th December 1832.

Includes repairing gas pipes, grinding up the cocks, repairing the gas lights in Cloister Court, thawing the condensation loose in gas pipe in courts, repairing a broken join next to main cock in porter's lodge, taking water out of lamp in New Court, searching for an escape of gas and repairing, and two men opening ground for lamp in New Court to find out the place where the water is in pipe, cutting pipe in two, letting water and connecting pipe again. Total of £6 16s.

Prince, Thomas

Bill for College Work on Master's Lodge

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/59/1
  • Part
  • 24th August 1833 - 14th September 1833
  • Part of College Archives

Bill from the Master and Fellows of Jesus College to J. Webster for work done in the Master's Lodge from August 24th to September 14th 1833. Includes putting up of stud work door jambs(?), skirting, work altering staircases. Total of £11 8s 7d.

Webster, J.

Painting Bill (Pg 1)

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/61/1
  • Part
  • 7th November 1832 - 19th August 1833
  • Part of College Archives

Painting bill from Jesus College to John Goode & Son dated November 7th 1832 to August 19th 1833. Work on the Porter's Lodge includes varnishing tables, rubbing down of rooms, light sashes and frames painted, staircase painted, walls painted. Total of £10 4s 3d.

John Goode & Son

Bill for Carpentry Work at Hundon

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/78/1
  • Part
  • 25th February 1832 - 27th August 1832
  • Part of College Archives

Bill to the Rev Master & Fellows of Jesus College Cambride for work done at Hundon Rectory by the order of Mr R. Cuthbert, to Thomas Knock, carpenter, for work done on 25th February, 8th March, 17th July, 24th July, 27th August 1832. Includes repairing boarding to barn and stable door, repairing and rehanging gates, stripping and taking down old rafters, putting up new rafters, repairing gates in the yard and repairing barn floor. Total of £3 19s 9d.

Knock, Thomas


Bought for the Master or Keepers of the College of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint John the Evangelist and the glorious Virgin Saint Radegund, near Cambridge, commpnly called Jesus College ....?

90p 8s 15p


Tax documents

First Document:
Property and income tax receipt from the Parish of Willingham to D. Whittley of the College, for rent due Lady-Day 1849, amounting to 7s 8 1/2d. Signed Charles Underwood.

Second Document:
Property and income tax receipt from the Parish of Willingham to D. Whittley of the College, for rent due Michaelmas 1848, amounting to 5s 6 1/2d. Signed Charles Underwood.

Third Document:
Property and income tax receipt from the Parish of Willingham to D. Whittley of the College, for rent due Michaelmas 1848, amounting to 1s 5 1/2d. Signed Charles Underwood.

Forth Document:
Property and income tax receipt from the Parish of Willingham to D. Whittley of the College, for rent due Lady-Day 1848, amounting to 14s. Signed Charles Underwood.

Fifth Document:
Property and income tax receipt from the Parish of Willingham to D. Whittley of the College, for rent due Michaelmas 1848, amounting to 14s. Signed Charles Underwood.

Underwood, Charles

Newspaper subscription bill

Bill from Thomas Kennedy to Rev. Dr. Turner for £4 19s 9d for 52 weeks of the Evening Mail.

Kennedy, Thomas

Bricklayer's bill

Paid to John Turner for work done in the kitchen, back kitchen and back yard. Includes payments for

Receipt for consols

Paid £788 10s for consols bought for the College by R. W. Harrison. Signed by Henry Hoare

Hoare, Henry

Rent bill to Gonville and Caius College

Paid 16s 6d received from the Bursar of Jesus College to the Master and Fellows of Gonville and Caius College for one year's rent to Michaelmas 1781.
Signed by Edward White (Bursar).

Insurance bill

Paid to the Sun Fire Office £3 15s for a year's insurance. Witnessed by Lillie Aynscombe, Charles Pole and two other unidentifiable signatures.

Aynscombe, Lillie

Painter's bill

Letter "A" no. 1 & no. 2
Washing & Whitening Bed Rm Ceiling

Letter "C" no. 1
Washing & Whitening Sitting Rm Ceiling, Painting round Ceiling with Plaster
Washing & Whitening Dressing Rm Ceiling
no. 4
Washing & Whitening Sitting Rm Ceiling & Girder, Mending with Plaster
no. 6
Washing & Whitening Sitting Rm Ceiling
Washing & Whitening Bed Rm Ceiling

Letter "E" no. 3
Washing & Whitening Sitting Rm Ceiling & Cornice, Mending with Plaster
no. 11
Washing & Whitening Bed Rm Ceiling

Letter "F" no. 3
Washing & Whitening Bed Rm Ceiling & Painting round with Plaster

Letter "I" no. 4
Washing & Whitening Ceilings to Bed Rm & Dressing Rm, Painting round with Plaster for Papering, Cleaning down, Preparing & Painting usual Work to both Rooms, twice
no. 5
Washing & Whitening Bed Rm Ceiling, Painting round with Plaster, Preparing & Painting usual Work to Room, twice

Mr Lillistone's Room
Washing & Whitening Sitting Rm Ceiling
Cleaning down & Painting Ornamental Garden Seats
Painting Ornamental Vases

At the College Buttery
Washing & Whitening Ceiling & Walls to Front Apartments including Entrance Lobby, Preparing & Painting usual plain Work, twice
Preparing, Painting, Graining & Varnishing usual Work
Cleaning down & Limewhitening the Cellar & Pantry Ceiling & Walls, Cleaning down & Painting the usual Work
Cleaning down & Varnishing the Entrance Door, both sides

At the Porters Lodge
Washing & Whitening Ceiling to Front Rm
Preparing Painting & Graining the Window stool, Skirting &c. & Cleaning down & Touching up & Varnishing the Whole & Marbling Chimney piece Painting the Girder & Mullions to Windows
Washing & Whitening Ceiling and Washing & Coloring Walls to Bed Rm, Preparing and Painting usual Work

At the Fellows Closets, Front Garden
Washing, Mending & Whitening Ceiling and Washing & Coloring Walls, Preparing & Painting the usual Interior & Exterior work to both Closets

At Lecture Room
Washing, Mending with Plaster & Whitening Ceiling

Painting up Wall with Plaster for Papering Distempering Girder to Room, Rubbing down Stopping with Putty & Painting the usual Work to Room twice in Oil White Painting & Varnishing Chimney twice Painting Outside Work to 6 Pair of Sashes (three times), Painting on Entrance Wall to 9 Stair cases for Name Plates (3 times), Writing up Names & Bracketing (49 in number)

The Fellows Water Closets (Pump Court) Washing & Whitening Ceilings and Washing, Whitening & Coloring Walls, Washing & Whitening Lobby, Washing, Whitening, & Painting Inside Woodwork to New Closets, Three times & Lobby Woodwork once, Painting New part to Door to Staircase B

Washing & Whitening Ceiling to the Boys School Rm & Lobby Entrance & Distempering Girder to Rm, Mending with Plaster, Knotting and Priming New Work, Rubbing down Stopping with Putty, & Painting twice the usual work to Rm twice in Oil Painting the Entrance Lobby Work

Washing Stopping & Whitening Ceiling to Clap Rm Rubbing down & Painting the usual work to Clap Rm (twice)

Touching up Wainscot Work to College Hall, Combination Room & Lobby to Combination Room

Painting New part to Trow Fence (Christ pieces, three times)

total: 24 l. 19 s. 6 d.

W. & G. Flack

Results 101 to 150 of 14261