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Steward's Account Book

In three sections: receipts from tradesmen for basic supplies (bread, beer), 1648-54; accounts with the Butler, 1648-61; accounts with Fellows, Fellow-Commoners, Scholars and Pensioners, 1648-61, at the end of the volume (reversed)


Brian Smith, junior, promises to pay Thomas Bishop £50 if his nominee Thomas Grey be deprived of the living, or if he should resign one month at least before he be mortally sick. With seal and two witnesses

Smith, Brian

Letter to Sir Richard Fanshawe

Letter sent by the Master and Fellows to Fanshawe as a former member of the college, asking for a contribution towards the cost of redecorating the Chapel, after damage in the Civil War.

Counterpart Lease [27-31 Jesus Lane]

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/18/1/1664
  • Item
  • 29th September 1664
  • Part of College Archives

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Nicholas Coates on surrender of the lease to Robert Sharpe, four messuages or tenements in the occupation of Nicholas Coates, John Perce, Henry Crosse and Thomas Basset. Term: 40 years. Rent: 18s plus 2 fat capons or 3s.
Covenants: lessee not to turn any part of the premises into an ale house or victualling house

Lease and Counterpart

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Thomas Tifford (Alderman of Cambridge). Term: 21 years. Rent: £1 10s 0d

Steward's Account Book

Contains lists of Fellows, their meals, prices of courses, and weekly notes of prices of separate items such as butter, sea-coal, charcoal and sugar; also some bills for special occasions and wine.

Treasury Book

Contains notes of moneys, bonds, deeds, etc., put into or withdrawn from the treasury. A full account is given of what remains in the treasury after the audit at Michaelmas each year, including, after 1566, a list of the College plate. Later entries were made on blank spaces in the book between 1620 and 1667.

Counterpart Lease [13-15 Jesus Lane]

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/1/1/1667
  • Item
  • 29th September 1667
  • Part of College Archives

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) William Watson (cordwainer). Lease of the house lying between the King's Ditch and a College house occupied by Richard Hill, abutting Jesus Lane and the great close. Term: 40 years. Rent: £1 0s 0d and 2 capons or 4s


Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Samuel Pettit. Four tenements [40-44] being in Walls Lane [Hobson Street] for 40 years

Letter of Charles II

Sets out the King's interpretation of the Rustat Statutes, with Rustat scholars allowed to be admitted as pensioners or otherwise (i.e. as sizars), as they choose.

Counterpart Lease

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Thomas Fox, the younger (gentleman). Term: 40 years. Rent: £1

Statuta Praescripta et Stabilita ad Perpetuum Regimen Scholarium ex Fundatione Tobiae Rustat Armigeri

Copy of the Rustat Statutes in a 17C italic hand with an English translation appended. The amendment to the Statutes by Charles II follows in another hand, attested by John Cooke, 1 July 1672. There is a memorandum on the case of John Harvey, who was elected a Rustat Scholar in error, while his father was still living, and consequently deprived of his scholarship on 7 October 1672.


Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Edmund Jeffery (woollen draper), James Alders (chandler), Thomas Ward (innholder) and Francis Challis (chandler).

Four dwelling houses [25, 27, 29 and 31 King Street] heretofore one house and the garden ground belonging thereto between a tenement late Joshua Sedwick's towards the east, and the Bluebell now in the occupation of Robert Barber towards the west, abuting south on to Walls Lane [King Street]

Audit book

The arrangement of the accounts follows the pattern of those in ACC 1/2. At the foot of the account for 1644 is a statement explaining a deficit made up by a payment from the dividends of the Master and Fellows. In 1651 Arabic numerals were used throughout the account for the first time. At the end of the book are accounts for: Dr Sherman's benefaction for paving the Chapel with black and white marble, £100; Mr Charles Gibson's for adorning the Chapel, £100; additional new seats in the Chapel, and painting them; paving the outer Chapel with freestone, and setting up seats at the West end; London rents with the names of tenants, 1686; charges about Mr Somervile's legacy to the College decreed by the Court of Chancery; receipts from Loughborough, 1695, and Hundon, 1691-2; Mr Somervile's Act.

Lease and Counterpart

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Henry Turkington, and Margaret, his wife.
Messuage and ground in Walls Lane [King Street] lying between the wall of the late Grey Fryers on the west and a house of Bennett College on the east, abutting on the common highway on the south and a close belonging to Jesus College on the north, for a term of 40 years.

The Statutes of Jesus College, Cambridge (Bishop West's) Written in Latin

  • JCCA/JCGB/4/3/5
  • Item
  • 1663-1679 (These are the covering dates of Boldero's mastership.)
  • Part of College Archives

Title added by Arthur Gray: "Historia Collegii Jesu / Statutes of the Rustat Foundation". Title on the back cover: "Statutorum Coll. Jesu".

The contents are written in a 17th century mixed hand, almost certainly that of Edmund Boldero, in black ink with headings in red. They consist of: Bishop West's statutes; the statute added by the Visitors of 1559-60; Charles I's interpretation of the statute "De Numero Sociorum" ["Of the number of fellows"]; statutes of the Rustat Foundation, 1671, a copy of an Indenture relating to the Foundation's endowments, and the confirmation of the Rustat statutes by Charles II, 1672; and a copy of Sherman's History of the college, out of order in such a way that notes about several members of the Beaumont family, a list of masters to 3 Apr. 1666 and their biographical details, precede the rest of the contents.

An unused page contains various signatures and scribblings of a later date (some apparently 1690s).

At the back of the book are an incomplete copy of "The King's graunt for the foundation of the Free schole at Macclesfeild" [the King being Edward VI], in Latin, in the same 17th century hand [Edmund Boldero], and a 2p. draft of a Latin oration, in a clumsier [juvenile?] hand.

Counterpart Lease

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/23/1/1679
  • Item
  • 27th September 1679
  • Part of College Archives

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) William Watson. A messuage or tenement formerly in the tenure of Peter Dent, now in the occupation of John Layton and Mickill Greene between a messuage late of Nicholas Cotes on the west and the fellows garden on the east.
Term: 40 years. Rent: 13s 4d

Lease and Counterpart [13-15 Jesus Lane]

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/1/1/1680
  • Item
  • 13th November 1680
  • Part of College Archives

Parties: Jesus College, (2) Michael Greene (bricklayer). Lease of the house next the King's Ditch. Term: 40 years. Rent: £1 0s 0d and 2 capons or 4s

Lease and Counterpart [27-31 Jesus Lane]

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Thomas Chamber (tailor) in consideration of the surrender of a lease by John Edward (clerk) and Edward law, four tenements in the occupation of Nicholas Coates, John Perce, Henry Crosse and Thomas Basset. Term: 40 years. Rent: 18s plus 2 capons or 3s.
Covenants: lessee not to turn any part of the premises into an ale house or victualling house


Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Robert Tifford, Curtice Clarke and Thomas Wood. Term: 21 years from Lady Day 1681. Rent: £1 10s 0d

Counterpart Lease [25 and 26 Jesus Lane]

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/16/1/1681/2
  • Item
  • 2nd November 1681
  • Part of College Archives

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) William Stewkes (draper). Two tenements between a tenement occupied by Robert Lee on the east and that occupied by John Bennet on the west. Term: 39 years. Rent: 8s.

Conveyance by Lease and Release

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/3/12/1
  • Item
  • 24 October 1682-25 October 1682
  • Part of College Archives

John Smith to Robert Glover of Frostenden, the advowson and a piece of land; for a consideration of £100 and £20 per annum for life.

Smith, John

Letter with copy of deed

Goddall to Thomas Brooke, R. Glover's solicitor, with a copy of the Recovery of 10 June 1603 (item 3/1), showing that it does include the advowson.

Goodall, Thomas


Receipt for the first £100 of the purchase price

Smith, John


  • JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/3/12
  • File
  • 24 October 1682-22 December 1682
  • Part of College Archives

Various conveyances, fines, receipts etc., of land and the advowson from John Smith to Robert Glover and from Glover to Thomas Grey


Receipt by John Glover of Great Yarmouth, merchant, for £500 from Thomas Grey of Cavendish, Clerk. With seal and signatures of witnesses.

Glover, John

Conveyance by Lease and Release [19-22 Jesus Lane]

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/10/1/1682
  • Item
  • 23rd October 1682
  • Part of College Archives

Mrs Elizabeth Parker, widow of Alexander Parker, to Anthony Digby, clothier, and Martha his wife a freehold piece of ground together with part of a malt house thereupon situate and a garden and orchard lying between tenements of Jesus College, upon which piece of ground was heretofore situate a house sometimes Kymbold's afterwards Reuben Fitches', lately Bryan Kitchingman's, now deceased, who pulled down the house, and made and planted the said garden and orchard. He bequeathed the land to his son the Rev'd Robert Kitchingman of Kingsbury, Middlesex, who sold it to Alexander Parker to hold of Jesus College at a yearly rent of 10d.


Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Edward Richardson. Four tenements [40-44] with the yards and backhouses in Walls Lane [Hobson Street] for 40 years


Fine upon the conveyance from Smith to Glover (in Latin)

Will of Adam Buddle

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/15/1
  • File
  • 9 January 1685 (This is 1686 in modern reckoning.)
  • Part of College Archives

Copy of the will of Adam Buddle of Hadleigh, Suffolk. He bequeaths the perpetual advowson of the Church of Whatfield to his nephews Adam, Richard, George, and John Buddle and their issues and successors.


Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) William Martin (carrier). Term: 21 years from Lady Day 1681. Rent: £1 10s 0d

Pypper's farm

Particulars of the glebe land belonging to Hundon parsonage: list of 13 items, with acreage of each. Information from Sir Wm Soames' former Steward.

Counterpart Lease

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Thomas Fox, the elder (gentleman). Term: 40 years. Rent: £1

Letter to the Master

Asking for a testimonial from the College for Mr Henchman [probably Humphry] , who is pursueing a small living. On the back are rough notes relating partly to Hundon.

Pla, Marke Le

Lease and Counterpart [19-22 Jesus Lane]

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/10/1/1688
  • Item
  • 20th November 1688
  • Part of College Archives

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Anthony Digby (clothier). Lease of the house called Knowles' Tenement. Term: 40 years. Rent: £1 10s 0d and 4 capons or 6s 8d

College Register I

The first ever register of college business. It opens with a statement about the reasons for its creation and a table of the fees charged by the compiler, signed by the Master, Roger Andrewes, and fellows.

The contents, in one chronological sequence, include: admissions of fellows, fellow-commoners, commoners and sizars, with the names of their tutors; licences to supplicate for degrees; testimonials; elections of college officers; resolutions of college meetings; grants of leave of absence; notices of property transactions. There is an index in the form of a list of decrees of the college in the hand of Dr Ashton (Master 1701-52).


Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Robert Carter. A tenement and barn with a yard adjoining in Walls Lane [King Street] heretofore demised unto John Dighton and since among other things to Nicholas Tabor, late in the occupation of Nathaniel Turyor. For the term of 40 years

The lease has been ammended to draft the later lease of 1723 [JCAD/3/CAM/KING/37/1/1723/1]

Agreement on tithes

Articles of Agreement for a composition of tithes, between Thomas Grey, Rector, Sir John Shaw, Bt., and William Peake. With three schedules attached.

Grey, Thomas

Lease and Counterpart

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) John Pepys (gentleman), Charles Chambers (gentleman), Edward Boyden (innholder), Thomas Peak (innholder), Richard Huske (waggoner), John Young (barber). Certain tenements [25, 27, 29 and 31 King Street] and the grounds adjoining and being in Walls Lane [King Street]

Results 101 to 150 of 14261