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Jesus College Cambridge vs Brasenose College Oxford

Names on mount read:

H. G. Sale, E. C. Beard (Oxford), F. E. Marriott (Oxford), F. J. Bamber, F. B. Smith, W. R. Taylor, F. H. Knott (Oxford), W. M. Peacock, J. A. Reid (Oxford), F. A. Willink (Oxford), C. P. Sharke Jones (Oxford), J. G. Reid (Oxford), E. A. Shaw (Oxford), R. M. Dexter, A. M. S. Jackson (Oxford), R. H. Corbett, G. W. Grassett (Oxford), A. H. A. Vann, A. C. Dent, H. A. G. Neville

Cambridge University Tennis Club 1st and 2nd Sixes

Names on mount listed as:

H. Wesley-Smith (Trinity), P. G. Mayer (Trinity), G. C. N. Wardley (Trinity), E. N. Dexter (Jesus), A. A. Roberts (Trinity Hall), J. R. M. Lawrence (Pembroke), M. Woosnam (Trinity), A. C. G. Lonsdale (Trinity), A. J. Yencken (Corpus), C. N. Thompson (St. John's), E. D. Yencken (Corpus), H. A. Turner (Pembroke), B. R. Lawrence (Pembroke)

Agreement for Tenancy

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) The Reverend Canon C. E. Raven and others.
Term: 6 months commencing 25 December 1937. Rent £42 10s

Correspondence File for 13 Station Road, 1945-1946

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/STA/13/3/2
  • Item
  • 24 September 1945 - 25 March 1946
  • Part of College Archives

Two letters from J. Carter, Jonas & Sons (Land Agent) to the Bursar:

(1) stating that the tenant Mr Simpson had died and Mr F. Andrews (builder) had applied for the tenancy on behalf of his son in law. He was recommended as a tenant as during the war years he had turned down Government contracts in order to carry out local work including a good deal for the College;

(2) confirmation of receipt of a cheque for dilapidations from the executors of Mr Simpson and request for permission to pass this on to the current tenant, Mr Bayliss as per the lease agreement.

Correspondence File for 13 Station Road, 1924

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/STA/13/3/1
  • Item
  • 21 January 1924 - 26 January 1924
  • Part of College Archives

(1) Letter from Dorothy Spens to Jesus College asking if they would consider letter the Cambridge Shelter for Girls purchase the remainder of the lease. They would then use the house as a hostel for 3 or 4 girls.

(2) Letter from Francis & Co to Bernard Manning (Jesus College) advising that the lease stipulates that the house is only to be used as a private residence. They say that the lease could be granted to Mrs Spens as a private individual but the College could not recognise the purpose which she has in view.

11 Tenison Avenue

Known as 'Drachenfeld'.

Leased to Charles Armstrong along with Rhinefeld [No. 9] for 99 years from 1895.

Sold by the College in January 1982.

7 Tenison Avenue

Known as 'Normanhurst'.

Leased to Charles Armstrong along with Ranmoorhurst [No. 5] and Elmley [No. 29] for 99 years from 25 March 1895.

Sold by the College in February 2008.

Surrender and Attested Surrender (55 Hills Road)

Parties: (1) Frederick Parker, (2) Edmond Foster, (3) Joshua Harper, (4) Jesus College.
Surrender of a piece of land in the parish of Saint Andrew the Less Cambridge being part of the premises comprised in lease dated 7 April 1857 [JCAD/3/CAM/HIL/GEN/2/1857]

Lease and Counterpart (55 Hills Road)

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Joshua Harper. Lease of premises next the Hills Road in the Parish of St Andrew the Less in Cambridge for the term of 32 years from the 25 March 1865.

The land here leased to Harper and the land assigned to Harper in the deed of 16 October 1867.[JCAD/3/CAM/HIL/55/1/1867/2].form the site for 55 and 57 Hills Road and the site of 1-6 Claremont.

Licence to Assign (55 Hills Road)

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Frederick Parker.
Licence to assign unto Joshua Harper part of the premises abutting on the Hills Road Cambridge comprised in a lease dated 7 April 1857 [JCAD/3/CAM/HIL/GEN/2/1857]. Includes plan.

Assignment (55 Hills Road)

Parties: (1) Frederick Parker (2) Joshua Harper. Assignment of leasehold premises next Hills Road Cambridge. Includes plan

The land here assigned to Harper and the land leased to Harper in the deed of 18 April 1865 [JCAD/3/CAM/HIL/55/1/1865/2] form the site for 55 and 57 Hills Road and the site of 1-6 Claremont.

Surrender (55 Hills Road)

Parties: (1) Joshua Harper, (2) Jesus College.
Surrender of so much of the premises comprised in leases dated respectively 7 April 1857 [JCAD/3/CAM/HIL/GEN/2/1857] and 10 April 1865 [JCAD/3/CAM/HIL/55/1/1865/2] as have been vested in surrenderer.

Lease and Counterpart (55 and 57 Hills Road)

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Joshua Harper.
Lease of messuages, workshops and premises next Hills Road [55-57 Hill's Road and Claremont] for 40 years from 25 March 1871. Rent £7; fine £80. Includes plan.

Licence to Assign (55 and 57 Hills Road)

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Joshua Harper.
Licence to assign by way of mortgage premises [55-57 Hills Road and Claremont] comprised in lease dated 19 March 1873 [JCAD/3/CAM/HIL/55/1/1873/2] unto Frederick Wills Lilley.

Lease and Counterpart (55 and 57 Hills Road)

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Mary Harper and others (executors under the Will of Joshua Harper deceased).
Lease of numbers 45a and 45b [55 and 57] Hills Road and numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Clarement, Hills Road, Cambridge for the term of 40 years from 25 March 1885. Rent £7. Fine £150. Includes plan.

Licence to Assign (55 Hills Road)

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Mary Harper and others (executors of the Will of Joshua Harper deceased).
Licence to assign by way of mortgage unto Edmund Pollendine the premises comprised in lease dated 29 October 1885 [JCAD/3/CAM/HIL/55/1/1885/1].

Mortgage (55 and 57 Hills Road)

Parties: (1) Mary Harper and others, (2) Edmund Pollendine.
Mortgage of leasehold premises numbers 34a and 45b [55 and 57] Hills Road and numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Claremont, Hills Road, Cambridge, to secure £2000 and interest at £5 per centum per annum. Includes surrender dated 18 April 1891.

Licence to Assign (55 Hills Road)

Parties: (1) Jesus, (2) Henry Wiles (surviving executor of the Will of Joshua Harper deceased).
Licence to assign unto John Henry Fox part of the premises [55 Hills Road] comprised in lease dated 29 October 1885 [JCAD/3/CAM/HIL/55/1/1885/1].

Licence to Demise (55 Hills Road)

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) John Henry Fox.
Licence to demise by way of mortgage unto the Trustees of the Cambridgeshire Permanent Benefit Building Society part of the premises [55 Hills Road] comprised in Lease dated 29 October 1885 [JCAD/3/CAM/HIL/55/1/1885/1].

Lease and Counterpart (55 Hills Road)

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) John Henry Fox.
Lease of number 55 [formerly number 45b] Hills Road Cambridge for the term of 40 years from 25 March 1899. Rent: first 26 years £2; residue of term £13 6s 8d.
Also includes surrender: Parties: (1) personal representatives of John Henry Fox deceased, (2) Jesus College and a draft of the surrender.

Lease Plan (45 New Square)

Lease plan of Nos. 45 and 46 showing the outline of the property, dimensions and names of neighbouring lessees. At the top written in ink is the following "Jesus College to M. R. Barrett".

Lease Plan (45 New Square)

Plan title "Mrs Reed's Estate. Leasehold. Jesus College Lessors, 1853". Shows Nos. 45 and 46 which were included in a lease to Mrs Mary Reed and Mr Robert Rhodes Reed dated 16 July 1853.

May Ball 2017 - 'Between the Lines'


(1) programme
(2) ticket
(3) local resident information
(4) commemorative pen
(5) wristbands - gold wristband is for committee members, black for guests and blue for staff and entertainers
(6) photograph showing ball set up
(7) photograph showing May Ball Committee 2017 with names on board reading:
Matthew Seccombe, Ted Roberts, James Kendall, David Adeboye, Addy Mettrick, Sofia Clini, Danielle Forster, Amy Smith, Daniel
Patton, Elle Prince, Nick Pearson, Kayleigh Dawson, Lisa Chan, Edward Parker Humphreys, Lizzie Reeves, Izaak Jephson, Josh
Bambrick, Lara Sullivan and Hefer Theron.

May Ball 2016 - 'The Uninhabitable'

Includes programme, ticket, commemorative magnets and bottle opener, menu for dining guests and wristbands. Blue wristband for guests, yellow for staff and entertainers.

May Ball 2015 - 'Wildcard'

Includes accounts, invoices from suppliers, programme, ticket, menu and wristbands. Gold wristband for committee members, orange for guests, black for staff and white for entertainers; photographs showing ball set up

May Ball 2014 - 'Lost in the Woods'

Includes programme, accounts, invoices from suppliers and wristbands. Black wristband for guests, white for committee members, blue for staff and pink for entertainers; Photographs showing ball set up.

May Ball 2003

Includes letter to staff concerning May Ball arrangements.

May Ball 1968

Contains programmes, correspondence with suppliers and entertainers, financial arrangements, payment slips to staff and site plans.

May Ball 1965

Programme, May Ball Committee dinner menu and photograph of May Ball attendees taken in First Court by A and B staircases.

May Ball 1961

No May Ball was held in this year on the advice of the College architect due to the structural alterations to the kitchen and adjacent buildings. This was the first time since 1946 that one had not been held.

May Ball 1938

Ball supper menu, another May Ball menu and photograph.

Agreement (45 and 46 New Square)

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) The Mayor, Aldermen & Burgesses of the Borough of Cambridge.
Agreement with reference to the system of drainage for premises known as Nos. 45 & 46 New Square.

Counterpart Lease (45 and 46 New Square)

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Mr Edwin Reed Barrett.
Lease of Nos. 45 and 46 New Square, Cambridge for the term of 40 years from 25 March 1905. Rent for the first 12 years £4 and for the remainder of the term £9 3s 4d. Includes a colour plan showing the outline of the properties.

Lease and Counterpart (45 and 46 New Square)

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Mr Robert Barrett.
Lease of Nos. 45 and 46 New Square, Cambridge for the term of 40 years from 25 March 1891. Rent for the first 26 years £4 and for the remainder of the term £9 3s 4d. Includes a colour plan showing the outline of the properties and the names of the neighbouring lessees.

Lease and Counterpart (45 and 46 New Square)

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Mr Robert Barrett.
Lease of 2 messuages and premises Nos. 45 and 46 New Square, Cambridge for the term of 40 years from 25 March 1877. Rent £4. Includes a colour plan showing the outline of the properties and the names of the neighbouring lessees.

Licence to Assign (45 New Square)

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Mr Robert Rhodes Reed.
Licence to assign unto Mr Robert Barrett the premises in New Square, Cambridge comprised in the lease dated 16 July 1853.

Lease and Counterpart (45 and 46 New Square)

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Mrs Mary Reed and Mr Robert Rhodes Reed (Executrix and Executor under the will of Robert Reed, deceased).
Lease of 2 messuages or tenements and premises on New Square, Cambridge for 40 years from 25 March 1849 [Nos. 45 and 46]. Rent £4. Includes a colour plan showing the outline of the properties and the names of the neighbouring lessees.

Lease and Counterpart (45 and 46 New Square)

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Mr Robert Reed.
Lease of 2 messuages or tenements and premises in Gravel Close, Cambridge for 40 years from Lady Day 1835 [Nos. 45 and 46]. Rent £4.

Results 51 to 100 of 22463