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Adam son of Eustace (1st half of 13c)
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Grant of rents

Walter Corde grants to the nuns a rent of 2s paid to him by the heirs of William Blancgernon for lands between the land of William Braci and the land of Robert Colt, extending from the street to the land of Auger le Rus; also rent of 5s from land held by Hamo de Colchester, between land of Reginald Quantgloria and Richard Hopetran extending from the street to the river; also rent of 3s from land held by William de Furcis in parish of St Clement's, extending from the street to the King's Ditch. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael, his son, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, Ralph, son of Henry, Hubert, son of Norman, Anger, son of Edric, Henry Vivien, Childman, William Pilate, William de Hibernia (of Ireland) et aliis.

Corde, Walter (12-13c)

Grant of rents in free alms with warranty

Apsolon, son of Roger the priest, with the consent of Maud, his wife, to the nuns various rents amounting to 13s 4d per annum. 1 (Cambridge fields) 12d out of 1 acre in Cambridge fields due from Simon Bagge. 2 (St John's Milne Street) 5s out a messuage in Milne Street held by Brihtnot Tanur, of which 2d hagabel due to the King. 3 (St Botolph's) 2s put of a messuage in St Botolph's held by Richard Kibelot. 4 (St John's Milne Street) 20d put of land in Milne Street held by Martin Wulward. 5 (St Bene't's) 2s out of land in the parish of St Benedict held by Andrew de Burgh, lying next land formerly belonging to Thurstan. 6 (Holy Sepulchre's) 20d from land in Holy Sepulchre's churchyard held by John the smith, lying next the land of Roger Parleben. Hagabel 1/2d. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Adam, his brother, Geoffrey Potechin, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael and John, his sons, Walter Corde, Robert Seman, Maurice Russ (Ruffus) et aliis.

Apsolon, son of Roger

Confirmation of gift (indenture)

Laurence, Prior, and the convent church of St Giles of Barnwell, to Symon, son of Henry, of Cambridge, a certain messuage in Cambridge that Geoffrey, son of Orgar held of them, lying between the land which Robert Seman holds of the convent of Chikesand and the land of Thomas of Taxted. Rent: 2s 6d; homage and services. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Adam, his brother, Robert Seman, Robert, his son, Hervey Clerk, Michael, his son, Geoffrey Potekin, John, his son, John Alard, Walter Corde, William Pilate et aliis.

Laurence, prior of Barnwell

Gift with warranty and Grant of rents

William Blancgernon to John de Waverun lands and rents producing 2 marks per annum in the town and fields of Cambridge, i.e. 2 acres of land with a messuage in Summer croft, held of him by Maurice Rus (Ruffus) at 10s per annum and a rent of 7s due from Walter Corde, from Martin Wulward 6s, from Hubert de Pontem (Bridge?) 4s, from Michael Malherbe 12d, and from his chamber 8d per annum, until he provides for him otherwise. Rent: a pair of shoes. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Robert de Mar, Sir Baldwin Blancgernon, Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Adam, son of Eustace, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael, his son, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, Walter Corde, Nicholas ad pontem (Bridge?), Richard Taylor (cisor), William Pilate et multis aliis.

Blancgernon, William (1st half of 13c)

Grant of rents in free alms

Warin Grin (Grim?), son of Apsolon, of Cambridge, for his soul and those of his parents and ancestors, to the nuns of St Radegund all his rents in Cambridge, viz. 6s from Peter Maxton for stalls; 12s 14d from land opposite the last, formerly of Stephen de Scales; 4s 6d from Robert de St Edmunds in Milne Street; 7s from Thomas Wulward in Milne Street; 3s from Geoffrey Glover in the market place; 2s 6d from Bernard, the shepherd, near Grenecroft; 6s from the wife of Godfrey Baker for life and after her death to revert to the nuns; 5s from William Carter, next the last; 1d from Reginald Scherwynd for land next the churchyard of St John. Witnesses: Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, Eustace, son of Hervey, Ralph, son of Henry, Thomas, son of Joachim, Richard, son of Yvo, Anger Russ (Ruffus?), Childman, John de Berton, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, John, his son, William Pilate et aliis.

Grin, Warin

Gift with warranty

Geoffrey le Feltere (Fittere in the charter) to John de Berton 6 acres in Cambridge fields, which Adam, son of Eustace, and the said John hold of him, for a term, namely the land called Bothulvesaker, lying between the land of St Radegund and the land of Maud, widow of Aspolon, son of the priest, abutting on the road towards Grenecroft. Consideration: 12 marks for acquitting him of Judaism, and for supporting him for the rest of his life. Rent: a pair of white gloves worth 1/2d. Landgavel 1 1/2. Witnesses: Adam, son of Eustace, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, John, his son, Hervey, clerk, Michael and John, his sons, Henry Elyot, Bartholomew le Noble, John Alvivechild, Henry, son of Hugh, William Pilate et aliis.

Fittere, Geoffrey le

Gift in free alms

Hervey, son of Eustace, to the nuns, for his soul and the soul of his late wife Beatrix, 10 acres in various parts of Cambridge fields; in one part of the town 6 acres; 1 acre of which abuts on the Barton road and lies next land of Thomas Tuillet, 1 acre abuts on the pasture of Godgivedole and lies next land of Anger Ruffus (Russ), 2 acres abut on the road to Cotes and lie next land of the Cambridge hospital, 1 acre abuts on Braderusche, next land of St Radegund; 1/2 acre abutting on St Neot's Rd. (Maddingley Rd.) and lying next land of Reginald Ruffus (Russ). On the other side of the town 4 acres; 2 acres abutting on Hokerevewell next land of Stephen Haukeston, 1/2 acre in Middelfurlong next land of John Ruffus, 1/2 abutting on Littlemore, 2 roods in Middelfurlong next land of John Ruffus. Witnesses: Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, John de Sexton, Michael, son of Hervey, John, his brother, Henry Vivien, Geoffrey Potekin, John, his son, John, son of Alfred, Symon, son of Hervey et multis aliis.

Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)

Gift in free alms with warranty

William de St Edmunds, with the consent of his wife, Alice, and his son, Walter, to the nuns 1 acre in Cambridge fields, lying between land formerly of Master (Magister) John Grim and than formerly of Hugh, son of Absalon. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Adam ___st' (Adam sn of Eustace?), Walter Corde, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael and John, his sons, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, Ralph, son of Henry, Thomas, son of Michael, John, son of Azo, Richard, son of Yvo et multis aliis.

de St Edmunds family

Agreement (Indenture)

Nicholas Sarant to Richard, son of Yvo, 1 acre in Barnwell fields: 1/2 acre of it between land of Barnwell Priory and land formerly of Hugh, son of Aspelon, 1/2 acre between land of Maurice Ruffus (Rus?) and land of Adam, son of Eustace. Term: Richard to take 4 harvests, the term beginning Michaelmas 1232. Consideration: for the lease 4s. Witnesses: Robert Saman, Adam, son of Eustace, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, Ralph, son of Henry, Hervey, son of Martin, Mychael, his son, Thomas, son of Joachim, Anger, son of Edric, William Doy, John, son of Azo, Walter, son of Aspelon, William Pilate et multis aliis.

Sarant, Nicholas

Quitclaim and release

Hugh, son of Stephen (Alvevechild) of Cambridge to the nuns his life interest in the land described in 326 a-c. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Henry de Colevile, Sir Everard de Trumpington, Sir Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, Hamo of Colchester, Ralph, son of Henry, John Avured, Reginald Kaukilia, Geoffrey Potekin, John, his son, Robert de St Edmunds et multis aliis.

Hugh, son of Stephen (Alvevechild)

Gift with warranty

Henry, son of Goda, of St Radegund Street, and his brother Hugh, to Hugh and William, brethren of St Radegund, 1 sellion on Cambridge fields, lying between the land formerly of Hervey Clerk and that of Walter de Wilburham, abutting on the land of Barnwell Priory and on the land of Adam son of Eustace. Hagabel 1/2d; gersuma: 8s. Witnesses: Adam, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Michael Goging, Geoffrey Potekin, John, his son, Nicholas Childman, Walter de Lindeshey, Nicholas Sarant, Geoffrey Coc et aliis.

Henry and Hugh, sons of Goda

Gift in free alms

Maud, widow of Symon Bagge, to the nuns 1 acre in Cambridge fields next Trumpington ford, which acre her brother Robert gave her at the church door in free marriage; 1/2 acre lies between land of Walter de St Edmund and that of Lady Helen (Domina Elena), abutting on Trumpington Road and on the land of the Prior of Barnwell, and 1/2 acre next Trumpington ford and the land of the prior of Barnwell. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, Michael Goging, Stephan de Havekeston, Henry, his brother, Geoffrey Potekin, John, his son, William Pilate, Robert de St Edmund's, Henry Vivien, Hamo de Colecestre (Colchester) et multis aliis.

Bagge, Maud

Gift in free alms with warranty

Warin Grim (son of Absalon) to the nuns 2 acres in Cambridge fields between the land of William le Fater and Bernard Shepherd (pastor). Witnesses: Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, Peter, chaplain, Bartholomew Noble, Eustace, son of Hervey, Robert de St Edmunds, John de Berton, Ralph Wombe, Walter Chrocheman et multis aliis.

Grim, Warin

Gift with warranty

Maud, daughter of Henry Kyrman, to Symon, son of Henry, for his services 1/2 rood in Cambridge field between lands of Ralph, son of Henry, abutting on Copper Cross, viz. out of the acre formerly held by Walter Sissard. Landgavel: 1/4d. Witnesses: Adam, son of Eustace, Ralph, son of Henry, Thomas, son of Joachim, Richard, son of Yvo, John de Berton, John Alvivechild, Richard Taylor (Cissor), William Pilate et aliis.

Kyrman, Maud

Gift with warranty (counterpart)

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 274-360, 378/275
  • Item
  • 1210-1230 ("Letitia was Prioress at the time of Bishop Eustace's composition respecting All Saints' Church and St. John's Hospital, which was not later than 1213; she occurs in Pedes Finium, 1228" (Gray, p.30).)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Robert de Nonacurt, son of Henry de Nonacurt, has received from Prioress Letitia and the nuns a croft, formerly belonging to Richard Bushe, lying between the lane and the land of John de Sauxington. Rent: 20d. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, Walter Corde, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael, his son, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, John, his son, Ralph, son of Henry, Bartholomew, his son, Thomas, son of Joachim, Richard, son of Ivo, William Pilate et multis aliis.

de Nonacurt family

Gift with warranty

Adam de Litlington, chaplain, gives to the nuns all his lands and rents in Cambridge in free alms. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Richard, dean of Cambridge, Sirs Richard, Peter and Arnold, chaplains, Robert Saman, Adam, son of Eustace, Ralph, son of Henry, Thomas, son of Joachim, Anger, son of Edric, Childman, son of Roger, Nicholas, his son, William Pilate et aliis.

Litlington, Adam de


Roger, son of Richard le Potter, to Juliana, daughter of Walter Corde, a messuage between land of Robert Custance and Roger Russel. Hagabel: 1d; rent: 2s, payable to Walter Corde; gersuma: £3 6s 8d. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Adam, son of Eustace, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael, his son, Hubert, son of Norman, Anger, son of Edric, Henry Fithian, Reginald Quantquilia, Henry Alegod et multis aliis.

Potter, Roger le

Confirmation of grant

Walter Cock, for the souls of himself and his wife, Agnes, confirms the grant of a rent of 2s out of land in Bridge Street, made by Adam Wyriel to the nuns. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Geoffrey Potekin, Adam, son of Eustace, Walter Corde, Henry Alegod, Childeman, Apsolon, son of Roger, John Bernard, John Smith (Faber) et multis aliis.

Cock, Walter

Confirmation of grant (2 documents)

John, son of Bartholomew, confirms the grant by Adam Wyriel to the nuns of a rent of 2s out of land in Bridge Street. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Geoffrey Potekin, Adam, son of Eustace, Walter Corde, Henry Alegod, Childman, Apsolon, son of Roger, John Bernard, John Smith (Faber) et multis aliis.

John, son of Bartholomew

Gift with warranty

Godfrey, son of Warin, son of Anketil, to John Smith (Faber), son of John Smith, the land lying between the land of Maurice Rus and that of Gilbert Blancgernon. Rent: 5s; gersuma: 10s. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Adam, son of Eustace, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael, his son, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, Ralph, son of Henry, Stephen and Henry de Hauckeston, Roger le Riche, Symon de St Botulph, John Hubert, Thomas le Ferrun, Gilbert le Plummer (plumbarius), Reginald de Abinton et multis aliis.

Godfrey, son of Warin

Gift with warranty (indenture)

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 177-191/185b
  • Item
  • 1210-1230 ("Letitia was Prioress at the time of Bishop Eustace's composition respecting All Saints' Church and St. John's Hospital, which was not later than 1213; she occurs in Pedes Finium, 1228" (Gray, p.30).)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Prioress Letitia and the nuns to John, son of Azo (Acius), a messuage in Milne Street (vicus molendinorum), lying between the land of Peter, son of Yvo, and the land which Jeremias de Eltelle held with his wife, daughter of Absolon, son of Roger, which messuage was bequeathed to them by Reginald, son of Absolon, for a lamp before the altar of the Blessed Virgin, and confirmed to them by the said Absolon. Rent: 4s; gersuma: 4s. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Adam, son of Eustace, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael, his son, Walter Corde, Ralph, son of Henry, Thomas, son of Joachim, Richard, son of Yvo, Michael, son of Bernard, Richard de Frosshelac, Walter, son of Absolon et multis aliis.

Letitia (fl 1213-1230) Prioress of St Radegund

Gift with warranty

Margaret, widow of Thomas le Mercer, to her son, Walter, the messuage in St John's parish (174a). Rent: to the nuns 4s and 2 capons. Witnesses: Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael and John, his sons, Ralph, son of Henry, Thomas, son of Joachim, Richard, son of Yvo, Michael Bernard, Geoffrey Moyne, William Pilat et multis aliis.

Margaret, widow of Thomas Mercer

Gift with warranty (indenture)

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 169-176/174a
  • Item
  • 1210-1230 ("Letitia was Prioress at the time of Bishop Eustace's composition respecting All Saints' Church and St. John's Hospital, which was not later than 1213; she occurs in Pedes Finium, 1228" (Gray, p.30).)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Prioress Letitia and the nuns to Margaret, widow of Thomas le Merver (Mercator), a messuage in St. Benet's parish, lying between land formerly belonging to Walter, son of Master Geoffrey, and the land of Margaret, wife of Suneman; also a messuage in Milne Street, in St John's parish, lying between land of the nuns in the tenure of Nicholas, chaplain, and the land of Alan Wiclof. Rent: 7s and 2 capons; gersuma: 3 marks. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Adam, son of Eustace, Walter Corde, Ralph, son of Henry, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, Thomas, son of Joachim, Michael, son of Hervey, John, his brother, Geoffrey Moyne, Michael Bernard, William Pilate et multis aliis.

Letitia (fl 1213-1230) Prioress of St Radegund

Gift with warranty

Walter de St Edmunds, with the consent of Alice, his wife, and Walter, his son and heir, the messuage which Peter, son of Burward, held of Master Geoffrey, in the High Street towards Trumpington Gate. Rent: 2s, 2 capons. Consideration: the nuns release to him 1 acre of land which they hold of the same Walter, son of Geoffrey. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Maurice Russ, Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, Walter Corde, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael, John, his sons, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, Ralph Wombe, Thomas, son of Joachim, Richard, son of Yvo, William Pilat et multis aliis.

St Edmunds, Walter de

Gift with warranty

Alice, daughter of Master Geoffrey (Magister Galfridus) (and wife of Walter de St Edmunds), with the consent of Walter her son, a messuage in the High Street leading to Trumpington Gate, which Peter, son of Burward, held of her brother, Walter. Rent: 2s and 2 capons. Consideration: 1 acre of land in Cambridge fields which the nuns hold of Walter, son of Geoffrey. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Maurice Russ, Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, Walter Corde, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael, John, his sons, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, Ralph Wombe, Thomas, son of Joachim, Richard, son of Yvo, William Pilat et multis aliis.

Alice, daughter of Master Geoffrey

Confirmation of exchange

Walter, son of William and Alice de St Edmunds, confirms the exchange (169b-c) of a messuage for 1 acre in the fields, lying between the land of Master John Grim and that of Hugh, son of Absalon. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Adam, son of Eustace, Walter Corde, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael and John, his sons, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, Ralph, son of Henry, Thomas, son of Joachim, Richard, son of Yvo et multis aliis.

de St Edmunds family

Gift in free alms with warranty

Thomas, son of Thomas Mercer (Mercator), to the nuns in free alms the messuage described in 131a, between Hilton Lane and the land of Mabel Gulafre. He undertakes to pay the 8d due to the heir of Richard Gulafre, the chief lord of the fee from land which Thomas' father bought from Henry de Bergham in the parish of St Botulph of Cambridge opposite Michael son of Hervey. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Adam, son of Eustace, Michael and John, sons of Hervey, Ralph, son of Henry, Thomas, son of Joachim, Richard, son of Yvo, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, John, his son, Michael Bernard, Geoffrey Morin, William Pilat et aliis.

Thomas son of Joachim (1st half of 13c)

Grant of a rent

John Aerard to the nuns for the use of their infirmary the rent of 6d, which he bought from Robert of St Edmunds proceeding out of the messuage, mentioned in 133a, formerly of Stephen, son of Adelelin, in Willeghes. Witnesses: Adam, son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Thomas Tuilet, Ralph, son of Henry, Richard , son of Yvo, Reginald Fordham, Reginald, his son, Walter Crocheman, William Pie, William Pilat, William of Ireland (de Hybernia) et aliis.

Aelard, John

Gift with warranty

Thomas, son of Thomas Mercer (Mercator), to his sister, Cecilia, a messuage between Hintom Lane and the land of Mabel Gulfre. Rent: 8d to the heirs of Richard Gulfre and to his own heirs a pair of gloves worth 1/2d. Witnesses: Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, Michael, John, son of Hervey, Ralph, son of Henry (Hervey?), Thomas, son of Joakim, Richard, son of Yvo, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, John Potekin, Michael Bernard, Geoffrey Morin (Moriz?), William Pilat et multis aliis.

Thomas son of Joachim (1st half of 13c)

Counterpart of gift with warranty by nuns to Bartholomew le Noble

Bartholomew le Noble thas received from Prioress Letitia and the nuns the messuage which was of Symon le Blund, between the land of said Bartholomew and the land of Andrew de Winepol, extending from the highway to the land of Bernard Grim and Richard Bullokesprest. Rent: 2s; gersuma 5 1/2 marks. Witnesses: Hervey son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Adam son of Eustace, Geoffrey son of Ralph, John and Lawrence, his sons, Ralph son of Henry, Hervey son of Martin, Michael and John, his sons, Reginald de Fordham, William Pilate et multis aliis.

le Noble family

Counterpart of gift by nuns to William Pilate

William Pilate has received from Prioress Letitia and the nuns lands lying next to land of Ailitha, widow, formerly held of them by Matilda de Cimiterio (Maud of Cemetry); length 40 ft, breadth 34 ft. Rent: 8d and 2 capons. Witnesses: Hervey son of Eustace, Adam, his brother, Robert Saman, Hervey son of Martin, Michael and John, his sons, Thomas son of Joachim, Ralph son of Henry, Reginald de Fordham, Reginald, his son, Robert de St Edmunds, William de Hibernia (of Ireland) et aliis.

Pilate, William (13c)

Surrender and quitclaim to nuns of St Radegund

Simon le Blund surrenders to the nuns a messuage he holds of them, between the land of Andrew de Winepol and the land of Bartholomew le Talur. Consideration of 4 marks. Witnesses: Hervey son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Adam son of Eustace, Geoffrey Potekin, Thomas Mercer (Mercator), Ralph son of Henry, Michael Malherbe, Reginald de Fordham, Walter Corde, John Ruold, Hugh son of Stephen, Walter Pilate et multis aliis.

Blund, Simon le

Release and quitclaim (damaged)

Robert de Nonacurt, son of W(illiam?) de Nonacurt, to the nuns all his rights in land outside the ditch of Cambridge, which lies between the land of the nuns and the land which John Aelard holds of the nuns of Ykilinton. Witnesses: Hervey son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Adam son of Eustace, Walter Corde, Hervey son of Martin, Michael, his son, Geoffrey son of Ralph, John, his son, Ralph Fischer, Bartholomew, his son, Thomas son of Joachim, Richard son of Ivo, William Pilate et aliis.

de Nonacurt family

Exchange (damaged)

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 22...29, 50-78/63
  • Item
  • 1230-1260 (Gray, p. 88: 'In the Hundred Rolls II p. 371 Richard Laurence is said to hold a meadow next the curia of St Radegund which he bought from John Adelhard, clerk, and for which he pays a rent of 12s to the nuns of Iclitone'.)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Richard, son of Laurence de Litleberi to the nuns a croft built up in front towards the street in exchange for 2 1/2 acres in Cambridge fields. Witnesses: Adam son of Eustace, Robert Saman, __d son of Henry, Eustace son of Hervey, Thomas Joachim, Anger Russ, Childman, Robert de St Edmunds, Robert Hubert, Richard son of Yvo, Michael Malherbe, William Pilate et aliis.

Litleberi, Richard son of Laurence de

Gift with warranty

Prioress Letitia and the nuns to Martin, son of Hugh de Swafham, land opposite the Nunnery gate which was formerly held of Nicholas Sarant by Elias, chaplain. Rent: 2s. Witnesses: Hervey son of Eustace, Adam, his brother, Robert Seman, John, son of Baldwin de Swafham, Michael, son of Hervey, Martin Brictnot, Henry, deacon of Swafham, William of Ireland (de Hibernia) et aliis.

Letitia (fl 1213-1230) Prioress of St Radegund

Counterpart of gift with warranty

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 22...29, 50-78/25
  • Item
  • 1200-1230 (Letitia was Prioress at the time of Bishop Eustace's composition respecting All Saints; Church and St John's Hospital, which was not later than 1213; she occurs in Pedes Finium, 1228 (Gray, p. 30).)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Richard de Histon, chaplain, receives of Prioress Letitia of the Nunnery of St Radegund a portion of their land in Tornechroft next that of Roger Carter. Rent: 2s and 2 capons. Witnesses: Hervey son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Adam son of Eustace, Walter Corde, Geoffrey son of Ralph, Ralph son of Hervey, Thomas son of Joachim, Nicholas Sarant, Walter de Lindsey, Geoffrey Cook, Roger Careter et multis aliis.

Histon, Richard de

Gift in free alms

Adan de Litlington to the Church of St Mary and St Radegund for the salvation of his soul and the souls of his ancestors and descendants all his lands in Litlington, Bassingburn and Mordun, in free alms, the nuns to render service to the lords of the fee, viz. to Hamo de Valoniis (Valence) and his heirs 2s per annum; to Alexander le Moyne and his heirs 12d; to Lady Mary de Bassingburn and her heirs 4d; to the heirs of Elias de Litlington, clerk, 4d; to the heirs of Peter de Ashwell 2d; to Haldan and his heirs 1d; to the heirs of Richard Doget 1d. Donor covenants to give the charters to the Prioress Letitia, with the Livery of seisin. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Richard, Dean of Cambridge, Sirs Richard, Peter and Arnold, chaplains, Robert Saman, Adam, son of Eustace, Ralph, son of Henry, Thomas, son of Joachim, Anger, son of Edric, Childman, Nicholas, his son, William Pilate et aliis.

Litlington, Adam de

Grant in free alms with warranty

Avice Bacun of (Long) Stanton, for her soul and the souls of husbands, ancestors and descendants, to the nuns her neif (villein) William Champeneys of Stanton, with his belongings. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Henry de Nafford; Sir Philip de Stanton, Henry de Colne, sheriff, Henry de Colevile, Sir Herbert, parson of Stanton, John de Oure, Wareys de Kam, Adam, son of Eustace of Cambridge, Eustace, son of Hervey, Robert Seman, Wiliam Pilate, Anger Russ (Ruffus) et aliis.

Stanton, Avice Bacun of

Gift with warranty (counterpart)

Bartholomew, son of Ralph, acknowledges the receipt from Prioress Letitia and the nuns, for his homage and service, of their half of a salt pan called Havekescote. Rent: 3 combes of salt. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Adam, son of Eustace, Walter Corde, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, John and Laurence, his sons, Ralph, son of Henry, Thomas, son of Joachim, Richard, son of Yvo, et multis aliis.

Bartholomew, son of Ralph