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Pilate family
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Surrender and quitclaim to nuns of St Radegund

Simon le Blund surrenders to the nuns a messuage he holds of them, between the land of Andrew de Winepol and the land of Bartholomew le Talur. Consideration of 4 marks. Witnesses: Hervey son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Adam son of Eustace, Geoffrey Potekin, Thomas Mercer (Mercator), Ralph son of Henry, Michael Malherbe, Reginald de Fordham, Walter Corde, John Ruold, Hugh son of Stephen, Walter Pilate et multis aliis.

Blund, Simon le

Release and quitclaim (damaged)

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 22...29, 50-78/59c
  • Item
  • 12 October 1370 (Dat apud Cantebr' die sabbati p[ro]x[ima] post festu[m]sancti Dyon[icii] (Anno regni Regis Edwardi) tercii post conquestum quadragesimo quarto.)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Alice Revede, widow of Thomas Revede, and John Revede, her son, to John Pilet of Cambridge, their life interest in a tenement in Radegund's Lane, lying between a tenement of the nuns on the east and the garden of the Friars Minor and another tenement of the nuns on the west. Witnesses: John Morice, William Horwode, ___ Morice, John Giboun, Mayor of Cambridge, Richard Fowk et aliis.

Revede, Alice

Release and quitclaim

Bartholomew, son of John, releases to the nuns a rent of 4s out of a messuage in Bridge Street (vicus pontis) lately held by William Prest of Adam Weriel next a messuage of William Toilet. Consideration: £1 4s. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) John de Ry, Walter de St Edmund's, Robert de St Edmund's, William Pilate, Richard, son of Yvo, Robert Hubert, Simon Baker, Michael Maleherbe, William Godson et multis aliis.

Bartholomew, son of John


  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 22...29, 50-78/66
  • Item
  • 29 November 1291 ('Dat' et acc' ap[u]d Cantebr' die Jovis in vigilia s[an]c[t]i Andree ap[osto]li Anno Regni Reg[is] Edward. Vicesimo Incipiente Et anno d[omi]ni mo. cco. Nonadecimo p[ri]mo')
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Hubert le Redere de Rydelingfeld to his brother Roger his rights in messuage in the suburbs of Cambridge, towards the nuns' house, which was given to him by William, son of Adam Carpenter. Consideration: Roger gives up to Hubert his rights in the lands they hold jointly of Sewall de Westhawen in the fields of Eye and in a tenement in Beningham they had from Peter Fradsham. Witnesses: John But, Mayor of Cambridge, John Portehors, Hervey Pilet, John de Bouer, Richard Crocheman, Henry Scrivener? (scriptor), Roger Popelot, Peter Mason (Cimentarius) et aliis.

Redere, Hubert le


John Pilet, of Ely, releases the same tenement (59 a-c) to prioress and the nuns.

Pilet, John

Quitclaim and release

Alice, widow of Alan Seghyn of Fen Dytton, quitclaims to Sir (Dominus) Walter Roswyk, vicar of St Clement's, and Sir Henry Moryce, chaplain of the same, her right of dower in a messuage with meadow, formerly belonging to Master (magister) Richard Aunger, in Aungerys Lane between the tenements of Richard Laurence and Cecilia de Berton; the meadow between a meadow of the nuns and the court of Richard Laurence and abutting on Grenecroft. Witnesses: Guy le Spicer, mayor of Cambridge, Richard Laurence, John Goddyng, Geoffrey de Costeseye, Michael Pilat et aliis.

Seghyn, Alice

Quitclaim and release

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 274-360, 378/311c*
  • Item
  • 12 November 1296 ("Dat' London die Lune In crastino Sancti Martini Episcopi et confessoris Anno Regno Regis Edwardi vicesomo quarto".)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Roys, widow of Giles (de Berton) of Cambridge, to prioress Elena and the nuns her claim to dower in Stockwell croft in Cambridge, which the nuns have by feoffment of John Porthors, brother of the late Giles. Witnesses: John Dunnyng, mayor of Cambridge, John Goggyng, Symon de Refham, Walter de Berkyngge, Reginald de Comberton, bailiffs, John But, Robert Tuylet, Michael Pylet, John de Kymberle, Reginald Bercar of Cambridge, Adam de Fulham, Nicholas Childman, William, his brother, Adam Ballard, William de Barton, Thomas de Hanynton, Robert de Knapwell, citizen of London, Thomas de Wynepol, clerk, et aliis.

Roys, widow of Giles (de Berton)


  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 274-360, 378/278
  • Item
  • 20 March 1282 ("die veneris proxima post festum sancti Edwardi Regis et martitis Anno rr Edwardi Decimo Anno vero domini Mo Cco octogesimo primo". (New year started on 25th of March))
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Alicia, daughter of Richard at Barnwell town end, to Hugh Mayner a rent of 1 1/2d from a piece of land with a croft built on it at Barnwell town end, between the highway (King Street) and the land of Isabel Page. Witnesses: John Martyn, mayor of Cambridge, John Portehors, Michael Pylat, Robert de Maddinggele, John Peryn, bailiffs, Gilbert Bernard, Richard Pede, Hugh de Brunne, Nicholas de Infirmaria, Ralph de Theversham et aliis.

Alicia, daughter of Richard

Power of attorney to give seisin

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 274-360, 378/354
  • Item
  • 1 September 1382 ("Dat' apud Wycham die Lune proxima post frstum Decollationis Johnis sancti Johnis (sic) Baptiste Anno regni Regis Richardi secundi post conquestum sexto".)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Adam Wyggemer, clerk, William Rolf, vicar of All Saints, Cambridge, and Henry de Baryngton, chaplain, to William Andreu and Thomas Graunfeld to give seisin to John Gounsy, John Whyte of Ely, John de Appilton of Ely, John Payntour of Ely and William Langham of the same, of all lands, in which they were enfeoffed by John Pilet.

Adam Wyggemer et al

Lease (indenture)

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 265-73/272b
  • Item
  • 28 Sepember 1315 ("Dat' Cantebrig' in vigilia sancti Michelis"; "Anno regni Regis Edwardi filii regis Edwardi nini et Anno domini millesimo trescentesimo quintodecimo".)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Ralph de Wendeye, vicar of St Clement's, leases to Prioress Cecilia de Cressingham and the nuns the land formerly of Margaret Tuylet, between the tenements of David le Webster and Walter de Horsethe (272a). Term: 60 years. Rent: one clove of garlic. Witnesses: John Moryce, mayor of Cambridge, Simon de Refham, Michael Pilat, Robert Dunnyng, Robert de Longg et aliis.

Wendeye, Ralph de

Grant of rent

Henry, son of Salomon Goldsmith, to Gilbert, son of Azo, clerk, a rent of 4d due from Stephen, son of Nicholas, from land in the town of Ely, which Henry sold him. Warranty: Henry swears not to raise controversy over the ownership of the rent; consideration: 4s. Witnesses: Henry Pilat, John and Richard, chaplains, Walter de Ely, Drogo de Ely, Bernard de Feltewell, Henry and Everard Draco et aliis.

Henry, son of Salomon Goldsmith

Grant of Advowson of All Saints

Sturmi, of Cambridge, to the Church of the Blessed Mary, Mother of God, and St Radegund of Grenencroft, and to the nuns serving it, the advowson of the Church of All Saints in the town of Cambridge. Donation made with the consent of his wife and his heirs for the salvation of King Henry (II) and his heirs and for the souls of the faithful departed. Witnesses: Roger, Dean; Robert de St Clement's; Absalon, priest; Nicholas, brother of Hervey; Walter, priest; Peter, priest, son of Geoffrey; Simon, priest; Eudo Pilat; Gilbery de Scretitoner, Robert de Gurnai, Fulk Crocheman, Selid Macherrer, Robert, son of Ordinar de Haverhill; Azo, Sturmi's son in law; Hugh Pilat, Aelard, son of Orgar; John Crocheman, Richard, son of Nicholas; Gaimar; Peter medic.

Cambridge, Sturmi of


Walter, son of Robert Edward (charter spells 'Eadward'), of Cambridge, to John Goson and Anice, his wife, a rent of 3/4d out of land behind Hadestoc way adjoining on both sides that of the prioress of St Radegund. Witnesses: John Martin, mayor of Cambridge; John de Ailisham, Robert de Maddingle, Gerard Marsh (de Stagno), Michael Pilate, bailiffs, William Elioth, John de Coteler, Thomas Smith (Faber), William Skinner (pelliparius) of St Edmund's (charter spells 'Eadmund') et aliis.

Walter, son of Robert Eadward

Gift with warranty to Richard Crocheman

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 79-99/Gray 80, 88-99/96
  • Item
  • 5 July 1285 ('Dat; ap[u]d Cantebrig; die Jovis p[ro]x[ima] festu[m] t[ra]nsl[ati]onis s[an]c[t]I Thom[ae] m[arty]tis. Anno r[egni] r[egis] Edwardi terciodecimo'.)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Prioress Elena and the nuns give to Richard Crocheman a messuage between his own land and land formerly held by John le Seenz, abutting on the highway and the land of Durant le Lung. Rent: 4s; gersuma: 2 marks. Witnesses: John But, Mayor of Cambridge, Roger de Weresfeld, Robert de Maddingley, John Palfreyman, Simon de Bradelee, bailiffs, John Martin, Master Thomas Tullyet, Richard Laurence, junior, Robert Mattefrey, Richard Bateman, senior, William Seman, John de Byr, Samuel Goldsmith, Walter Pilat et aliis.

Elena (fl 1284-1299 - very beg. of 14c) Prioress of St Radegund

Gift with warranty

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 22...29, 50-78/55
  • Item
  • 13 February? 1285 (Acc; die m[er]curi[i] (die) be[atae] (Ermenhild?) virg[in]is. Anno Regni Regis Edward Q[uat]rodecimo. Et anno D[o]m[ini] mo (c)c Octogesimo Quinto)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Maud, daughter of Michael de Wyttlesford, to Henry Martyn, of Wllyngham (sic), clerk in Cambridge, and Alice le Longe Locci (Longleat?), his wife, land in the suburbs of Cambridge, between the land of Richard Mareschal on the west and the land of Warin le Latimer on the East, abutting on the Nuns' croft to the north, which land was formerly held by Clement, son of Joseph Cuttyng of Edywethorp (Edingthorp) from Agnes de Norfolk. Rent: 2s, gersuma: 40s. Witnesses: John Buth, Mayor of Cambridge, John Portehors, Michael Pylat, Richard Bateman, junior, John Gerunde, bailiffs, Richard Crocheman, Hervey Pylat, Roger Pupelat, Roger le Redere, Thomas, clerk of St Radegund, Thomas de Wynepol, clerk, et aliis.

Wyttlesford, Maud de

Gift with warranty

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 210-229/213b
  • Item
  • 1210-1230 ("Letitia was Prioress at the time of Bishop Eustace's composition respecting All Saints' Church and St. John's Hospital, which was not later than 1213; she occurs in Pedes Finium, 1228" (Gray, p.30).)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Prioress Letitia and the nuns to Andrew, son of Galien, for his homage and service, the land and buildings given to them by Aldusa, lying between the land of church of St John's and the land formerly of Stephen Corduaner. Rent: 8s, gersuma: ? (16)s (paid). Witnesses: Hervey Pilat, John and Richard, chaplains to the nuns, Maurice Russ, Richard Atgate (ad portam), William, Richard and Ralph, his sons, Symon Bagge, John Serjeant (or servant), Hervey, son of Martin, Michael and John, his sons, Walter de Selford, Ralph Cailly et aliis.

Letitia (fl 1213-1230) Prioress of St Radegund

Gift with warranty

Ralph de Derham and Maud (Matilda), his wife, daughter of Adam Painter (Pictor) of Cambridge, to William, parson of Morpad, land outside Barnwell gate in St Andrew's parish, which was held by Adam Painter and given to his daughter in free marriage. Land lies between the land of Adelard Carter and that of Robert Nadun, and between the highway and the land of Eustace Derefrend and Lowin Lanitor. Rent: 1 lb. of pepper. Consideration: 100s of gersuma and a cloak of the value of 1 mark. Witnesses: Baldwin Blauncgernon, Hervey Alderman, son of Seman, Fulk Crocheman, Maurice, son of Alberic Russ (Ruffus?), Walter, son of Anketill, Richard de Burwell, Hervey Goggyng, Adam Wirriall, Roger Parleben, Andrew de Winepol, Everard, Richard and Eustace, his brothers, William, son of Scolastica, Absalon, son of Roger, Michael, son of Ordgar, John Chrocheman, Hugh Mai, Robert de Ely, Richard Miriel, Henry Pilate.

Dereham, Ralph de

Gift with warranty

Hugh le Tynour, fisherman, and his wife Sarah give to William le Mercer (Mercator) and his wife Alice Blancgernon land between their two properties extending to the street, 9ft wide by 50ft deep. Rent: 1/2d, consideration 'a certain sum of money'. Witnesses: Guy (Gwydo) le Specer (Spicer), mayor of Cambridge, John Martin, Robert le Longe, Bartholomew Moriz, Walter Butcher (Carnifex), bailiffs, Michael Pylat, Michael Wolleward, Dunkell de Costeseye, John de Marbelthorp et aliis.

Tynour, Hugh le

Gift with warranty

Henry de Berton, with the consent of Alice, his wife, to Henry, son of Alan, a shop near the shop which Henry, son of Hugh holds of him. Rent: 2s; gersuma: 2s. Witnesses: Master (Magister) Henry Pilat, Geoffrey Potekin, John and Laurence, his sons, William de rta, R, his brother, Geoffrey Prat, Alberic M(ercator?), John Ruold, Hugh Mercer (Mercator), Henry, son of Elias, John, his brother, et multis aliis.

Berton, Henry de

Gift with warranty

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 239-250/246
  • Item
  • 2 July 1311 ("Dat' Cantebr' die veneris proxima post festum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli Anno regni Regis Edwardi filii regis Edwardi Quarto".)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Joan, daughter of Robert de Schelford, formerly burgess, widow, to Robert le Baker and his wife, Joan, a messuage in St Clement's parish next messuage late of Walter de Horsethe and a messuage of Peter le Baker, reaching from Aungerys Lane to the land of John de le Seghalle. Rent: 10s. Witnesses: Symon de Refham, mayor of Cambridge, John Pilat, Reginald de Trumpyn[g]ton, Thomas de Brangtre, bailiffs, Richard Lawrence, John Goddyng, Michael Pilat, John Fikeys, Geoffrey de Costeseye et aliis.

Joan, daughter of Robert de Schelford

Gift with warranty

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 274-360, 378/341a
  • Item
  • 11 December 1281 ("Acc' die Jovis proxima post festum conceptionis Beate Virginis Marie. Anno domini mo cco octogesimo primo Anne wero (sic) r.r. Edwardi filii Regis Henrici Nono".)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Gilbert Bernard to Hugh Mayner and Clarice, his wife, a piece of land in Barnwell, lying between land of William Ellesworth and land of the nuns of St Radegund, fronting the highway; also 1/2 acre of land on Barnwell crofts, between the land of Hugh Mayner and the nun's land, extending from the said piece of land to the common pasture called Grenecroft. Rent: 1d; gersuma: 30s. Witnesses: John Martyn, mayor of Cambridge, John Portehors, Mychael Pylat, Robert de Maddinggele, John Peryn, bailiffs, John Russel, Ralph de Theversham, Hugh de Brunne, Richard Pede, Richard de Wilberton et aliis.

Bernard, Gilbert

Gift with warranty

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 239-250/245a
  • Item
  • 18 September 1286 ("die mercurii proxima post festum Exaltacione Sancte Crucis anno regni regis Edwardi quartodecimo et anno domini Mo Cco octogesimo sexto".)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Thomas Tuylet, clerk, to his children William and Ela, or of survivors of them, 2 messuages in Bridge Street between the house of his father, William, on the south, and the house formerly of Koc the Jew, abutting on the highway (Bridge Street) to the east and the lane towards St John's Hospital to the west. Rent: 1d to Thomas Tuylet; 2s to Bartholomew Goggyng; 4s to the nuns of St Radegund; 4s to John Anured; 4s to St John's Hospital. Witnesses: John But, John Portehors, Michael Pylet, Richard Bateman, minor (?), John Gerunde, Bartholomew Cambridge, Henry de Berton, Stephan Baker, Robert de Shelford, Robert Tuylet, John de Orewell, of the same (town?) Thomas de Wynepol, clerk, et aliis.

Tuylet, Thomas

Gift of a rent with warranty

Richard Porthors of Cambridge for the sake of his soul, and for those of his father John de Berton and his wife Agnes gives to the nuns a rent of 13d for a messuage held of him by John Waubert near the Hospital, lying between messuage formerly of Walter Pilate and the King's Lane. The grant is for the souls of his father and mother, and in payment of arrears of 2s for rent due to the nuns from his late father, John, for a tenement in St Clement's parish. Witnesses: John But, Mayor of Cambridge, Master Thomas Toylet, Richard Laurence, Robert Toylet, Henry Toylet, Bartholomew Gogging, John Martyn, Richard Crocheman, Richard Bateman et aliis.

Porthors, John

Gift in free alms

Reginald de Argent[en] and his wife Margery to the church of St Mary and St Radegund of Grenecroft all the lands which he bought of Hugh Pilate in Grenecroft, except a piece of herb garden (erberium) of Walter Pilate. Rent: 2s to the church of St Giles in Barnwell (Barnwell priory). Witnesses: Master Geoffrey, official (of the Bishop of Ely), Baldwin Blangernon, Alber(ic?) Russ, Algar Nobil (le Noble), Bernard Grim, William, son of Apsolon et multis aliis.

Argenton, Reginald de

Feoffment to uses

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 274-360, 378/352
  • Item
  • 22 February 1376 ("Dat' apud Cantebrigg die veneris in festo sancti Petri in Cathedra Anno regni Regis Edwardi tercii post conquestum quinquagesimo".)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

John Pilet of Cambridge to Master (Magister) Thomas Wormenhale. Adam Wyggemer, clerks, William Rolf, vicar of All Saints in Cambridge, and Henry de Baryngton of Ely, chaplain, all his lands in the fields of Cambridge, Newnham, Chesterton, Walterbeche and Wycham. Witnesses: John Gybon, mayor of Cambridge, John Cotton, Robert Brygham, Nicholas Chaundeler, John Brygham et aliis.

Pilet, John


  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 362-382/377
  • Item
  • 14 June 1383 ("Dat' apud Cantebr' die domenico proxima post festum sancti Barnabe apostoli Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum sexto".)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Roger de Harlaston (Harlaxton?) to Sir (Dominus) William Potton, rector of Harleston, William Bademan of Harleston, John Pilet of Ely, Sir Henry de Barenton, chaplain of Ely, John Marchal and Ralph de Watton, burgesses, all his lands in Cambridge and Barnwell, formerly belonging to John Purr of Barnwell. Witnesses: Richard Maisterman, mayor of Cambridge, Roger Morice, Alan Redheved, William Deye, John Smyth et aliis.

Harlaston, Roger de