Reference material relating to the College properties and estates in general
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- 1750-1971
Part of College Archives
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Reference material relating to the College properties and estates in general
Part of College Archives
Part of College Archives
Contains items relating to the May Balls in general. Includes account book covering expenditure of May Balls 1908, 1911, 1914, 1920, 1923, 1926, 1929, 1932, 1934, 1936 and 1938.
Part of College Archives
Papers relating to the general administration of Trusts
Part of College Archives
Includes ledger containing listing and costs (for purchasing?) of furniture and interiors in College by room, 1910 - 1917 (mouldy); inventories of contents of Fellows Rooms listing furniture, carpets, curtains and other furnishings and list of rooms and which Fellows occupied them, December 1976; Inventory of office machinery including shredders, scriptomatic, electric typewriters, guillotine, telephones, adding machines, weighing machines, typewriters, photocopiers, January 1984; Inventory of furniture and furnishings in the Master's Lodge which are the property of the College, April 1984;
Jesus College Freshmen 1941-1944
Part of College Archives
Jesus College Freshmen 1932-1940
Part of College Archives
Jesus College Freshmen 1896-1929
Part of College Archives
Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Cambridge
Part of College Archives
Rent bill for the Manor of Hundon. One year's rent of 3s 5d due to the Lady of Hundon Manor. Signed by Thomas Robinson, collector.
Robinson, Thomas
Stipend for Vicarage of All Saints
Part of College Archives
Personal letter of thanks to the Master for the cheque of £2 for the stipend for the vicar of All Saints for the past year.
Mortimer Laihock.
Part of College Archives
This is a receipt for Radegund tithes from members of the College, including Clatyon, Palmer, Bond, Pemberton, Walton, Hollingworth and others (illegible), for the total amount of £13.4.11.
Smith, Elliot
Part of College Archives
Paid £3 4s to Philpott as the stipend for the Barnaby lecture.
Philpott, H.
Part of College Archives
Receipt for fitting a new gate with oak spur, and for altering and tarring two posts, on the order of Mr Fibbit, amounting to 13s 6d.
John Read
Sheet of calculations concerning Mr Whittesley at Willingham
Part of College Archives
Sheet of calculations concerning Mr Whittlesey at Willingham. Includes calculations of tax and piping bought. Reverse has written 'Audit, 1863'.
Jesus College Cambridge
Bill for repairing tiling in house on Hobson Street
Part of College Archives
Bill for repairing tiling in the work shop at Mrs Freeman's on Hobson Street. Totalling £7 1s, includes payment for bricklayer and labourer, 95 plane tiles, mortar, 4 pantiles, larth [perhaps lath] and nails. Dated 7th May 1864 and paid to W. Burbage. Bottom of bill is missing, been cut away.
Burbage, William
Part of College Archives
Note is written on Jesus College, Cambridge stationary. "Dear Goodwin, Would you kindly let me have at your convenience a cheque for your Bedmaker's payment for the last quarter, £1 10s, and the same in respect of the Bursary?" The note goes on to ask that cheques be made out to three people for Keller Prizes and a Morgan Benefaction respectively.
Abbott, Edwin
Part of College Archives
Land tax, income tax and inhabited house duty for the year 1874, ending 5th April 1875, for Willingham, Cambridgeshire. Received of Mr E Williams. Total sum £1 1s 2d. Signed off by William Howlett, collector.
Howlett, Mr. William
Part of College Archives
Request of payment by the Bursar of Jesus College to Marshall and Rayner for half a year rent of garage due 25th March 1921 (135p) and third installment of deferred rent (1/12 of £270: 22p; 10s).
Bursar of Jesus College
Part of College Archives
Invoice from architects addressed to the college council for works at Valley Farm totalling £1000
Rattee & Kett Ltd
Receipt for income tax in West Wratting
Part of College Archives
Receipt for two quarters' duty of income tax in the tax year 1864-5 in the parish of West Wratting. Received of John Symonds, paid £3 15s 6d. Dated 22nd November 1864 and signed by William Noble, collector.
Noble, William
Part of College Archives
Receipt from M. Johnson, school keeper, acknowledging receipt of 2s 6d. for M. A. commencement.
Johnson, M.
Bills and Receipts for Tax Payments
Part of College Archives
1st Document:
Bill and Receipt for property taxes due Lady-day 1848, paid by Mr. Dixon, signed on receipt John Faiers, amounting to 10s 1/2d.
2nd Document:
Bill and Receipt for property taxes due Michaelmas 1847, paid by Mr. Dixon, signed on receipt John Faiers, amounting to 10s 1/2d.
3rd Document:
Mr. Dixon to Octavius Phillips
the front piping repaired and five none Halefasters to the same, amounting too 7s 6d, settled Octavius Phillips.
Faiers, John
Letter to Bursar confirming receipt of cheque
Part of College Archives
Letter to J. H. H. Goodwin confirming receipt of cheque for £35 14s. Signed by W. W. Gray of Cambridge University & Town Water Works Company.
Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company
Trumpington land and income tax
Part of College Archives
Land and assessed tax, first moiety, parish of Trumpington. Received of Mr. Emson Jesus College the 30th October 1858 the sum of 13 s. 10 1/2 d. for two quarters taxes due 20th September 1858. Signed John? collector. Only land tax charged.
Land and assessed taxes, second moiety, parish of Trumpington. Received of Mrs. Emson Jesus College. the 23rd March 1859, the sum of 13 s. 10 1/2 d. for two quarters taxes due 20th March 1859. Signed John ? collector. Only land tax charged.
Income tax 1858-9, second moiety, parish of Trumpington. Received of Mr Emson Jesus College the 4th August 1859, the sum of 7s. for two quarters' income tax, due 20th March 1859. Schedule A. Signed John Sickels (?) collector.
Income tax 1858-9, first moiety, parish of Trumpington. Received of Mr Emson Jesus College, 24th January 1859, for 7 s., for two quarters income tax due 20th September 1858. Signed John Sickels, collector. Schedule A.
Income tax, first moiety, Hills Road, parish of St Andrew the Less, Cambridge. Received of Mrs. R. Emson, the 2nd February 1859, the sum of 2s. 9 d. for two quarters income tax, due 20th September 1858. Schedule A. Signed Joseph Banham.
Income tax, second moiety. St Andrew the Less, Cambridge. Received of Mr R. Emson, the 14th July 1859, the sum of 2s. 9 d. for two quarters income tax, due 20th March 1859. Signed J. Banham, collector.
Sickels, John
Part of College Archives
Two letters of the same content addressed to the Rev. Dr. French. Having not received an answer to the first letter and fearing it had been 'miscarried', R. Gill writes again in his second letter to Rev. Dr. French, this second letter containing the same information as the first. He writes that Mr. Rabbeths Executors have referred to the community of Over through their solicitors to ascertain the proposition of the expense to be borne by the College and them as lessees for the fencing. The answer received stipulated £107 was the rate, and thus £119 including interest from the 4th January was to be paid. also informs Rev. Dr. French that Gill has received Mr. Brown's bill for fencing gates to the amount of £150 of which £140 had been paid, £10 being left for the present as security for keeping up the ducks and sailing. Gill requests to know when the Rev. Dr. French will pay £75 to the messers Forsters Bank (being his share of the bill) so that the rest can be paid.
Gill, R.
Receipt for ironwork done on estates
Part of College Archives
Receipt from Thomas Shallow for ironwork done on the estates. Includes hooping, nails, and taking down copper gutter and pipe, as well as repairs. Total cost: £1 9s 4d.
Shallow, Thomas
Letter to Bursar regarding Hundon Tithe
Part of College Archives
Letter to J. H. H. Goodwin regarding the Hundon Tithe. Signed by Francis Francis Collin & Paile.
Francis Francis Collin and Peile
Part of College Archives
Receipt of town rate totalling £767 3s 5d
Littlechild, E.
Part of College Archives
This is a receipt for fire insurance coverage in the amount of £2,000 for Jesus College from the Sun Fire Office, London, beginning Michaelmas 1846 and ending Michaelmas 1847. The College paid £5 15s 6 for this coverage
Hazard, Henry
Part of College Archives
Paid £3 4s to Browne as the stipend for the Barnaby lecture.
Browne, E. Harold
Part of College Archives
Addressed to the Rev. Dr. French. Details how Mr Brown required money for his services, which induced R. Gill to request the Mesors of Jesus to pay his bill for which a receipt was obtained. Reasons that the entire bill was paid because no assurance was secured from the commissioners that Rev. Dr. French had suggested (Mr Pemberton) ascertaining how much each party was to pay. That consequently, £75 was to be paid via bankers in London.
Gill, R.
Part of College Archives
Insurance bill from the Sun Fire Office, London. Signed by Henry Hazard. £3 11s received for one year's premium and duty on an insurance policy of £1000 concerning the house and buildings at Hundon.
Hazard, Henry
Receipt for income tax in West Wratting
Part of College Archives
Receipt for two quarters' duty of income tax in the tax year 1865-6 in the parish of West Wratting. Received of J. Symonds, paid £2 10s 4d. Dated 11th October 1865 and signed by William Noble, collector.
Noble, William
Receipt for Printing Examination Papers
Part of College Archives
Receipt for printing exam papers for Lent and Easter terms, costing £20 18s in total. Topics include Latin, Greek, and English prose translation, Cicero, Herodotus, algebra, mathematics, trigonometry, natural philosophy, Newton and dynamics, statistics, rigid dynamics, hydrostatics, and optics. Some exams are intercollegiate. Signed by A Mason on behalf of C.J. Clay.
Cambridge University Press
Part of College Archives
Land tax, income tax and inhabited house duty for the year 1874, ending 5th April 1875, for Willingham, Cambridgeshire. Received of Mr E Williams. Total sum £1 8d. Signed off by William Howlett, collector.
Howlett, Mr. William
Composition Fees Receipts (1920-1)
Part of College Archives
Four-page document outlining received payments of university composition fees from students. It includes lists of students enrolled in each programme (M.A., M.D., M.B.,, B.Ch, B.A., L.L.B.) with respective amounts to be paid and fees per programme: 1 M.D. students (7p; 7s; 7d.), 11 M.A. students (3p), 1 M.B., B.Ch (7p;3s), 1 M.B., B.Ch (11p;3s), 1 B.Ch (prius M.A., 3p;3s), 3 B.A. (4p;2s), 60 B.A. (2p), 3 L.L.B. (2p;6s), for a total of 200p; 2s; 8d.
Bursar of Jesus College
Part of College Archives
"Dear Sir, I shall be much obliged if at your convenience you will forward us the 1/2 year rent on above [Jesus Lane Property] due Midsummer ..." Memorandum is addressed to the Bursar Jesus College and is from Hopkins & Co., Livery Stable Keepers, Trumpington Street, Cambridge.
Hopkins, Edward Jodrell
Part of College Archives
1 receipt for piping, amount £1 2s 6d. Paid by Mr Whittlesey at Willingham to William Hard, of the Needingworth White Brick and Ornamental Tile Works.
Hard, William
Part of College Archives
Receipt of payment by Darling Whittlesey for half a years Land Tax charged on the estate of the Master and Fellows of Jesus College at Willingham due Michaelmas last, amounting to 14s. Signed C. Underwood Collector.
Underwood, Charles
Part of College Archives
Receipt for payment of 11s 8d in land tax, paid by G. Fibbit of Jesus College, living in the parish of Willingham.
Income Tax, House Duty, and Land Tax
Part of College Archives
Invoice for carpentry work by Ellwood Carpenters to farm repairs 1858-1859, completed by "Joseph and James". Signed James Ellwood.
Invoice for work done for Mrs Fielding, to J. Lewis, for work done for farm hooks and gates. Signed James Lewis.
Graveley income tax. Income tax, second moiety, county of Cambridge, parish of Graveley. Received of Mrs. Fielding, the 9th August 1859, the sum of £3 13s 2 1/2d. Signed George Ford.
Gate posts invoice. September 1857: 3 oak gate posts, 7 inches square, 8ft long.
1858: piece of oak 6in by 4 inches 6ft 2 inch long. Settled January 4th 1859, signed J. Ford.
Paid to C/G Chamberlain March 25th: mending on carthovel. 3/4 day mending Great Barn.
Fielding, Ann
Bill for cleaning drains at house on Jesus Lane
Part of College Archives
Bill for opening and cleaning out drains at Miss Hinson, Free Holder, and Miss Kemp on Jesus Lane. Addressed to Mr. Rowe and totalling £1 10s 8 1/2d, includes payment for bricklayers and labourers, 25 flooring bricks, 10 building bricks, sand, trap for water closet, 2 bin pipes, Mortar and Cement. Dated 1st October 1864 and signed by W. Burbage.
Burbage, William
Part of College Archives
Income tax bills for the parish of Hundon. Received of Mr. Cuthbert and signed by Henry Hammond.
Hammond, Henry
Part of College Archives
Coal accounts of Jesus College. Detailing freitage, porterage, carting, sacks and baskets. Total of £287 9s 9d.
Part of College Archives
Receipt for reams of paper, ink, and pens bought since October 1873. Total cost £7 10s.
Deighton, Bell & Co.
Letter to Bursar confirming renewal of College guarantee on behalf of amalgamated College Clubs
Part of College Archives
Letter to J. H. H. Goodwin confirming the renewal for three years of the College guarantee of £500 on behalf of the amalgamated College Clubs. Signed by the Cambridge Director of Barclay & Company, Limited.
Barclay & Company, Limited
Part of College Archives
"Dear Mr. Goodwin, I am sorry to trouble you but may I remind you of my pension for the cash quarter. With kind regards, Yours Sincerely, Mary Bowman."
Bowman, Mary
Receipt for gravel close fence
Part of College Archives
Receipt from Webster and Son for fencing repairs on gravel close. Includes materials costs for oak and nails. Total: £2 4d
Webster and Son
Bills for fencing, quicking, and ditching
Part of College Archives
Bill for £139 17s 4d for fencing, quicking, and ditching on the farm owned by Jesus College and occupied by J. Fen in the parish of Over. Rough draft and neat draft.
Brown, J.
Land, property tax and rent summary for Cottenham Level
Part of College Archives
Summary of land tax, property tax, and rent, for December 24th 1858. Probably for Cottenham Level fen land.
Bursar of Jesus College
Part of College Archives
Received of the Bursar of Jesus College the sum of four pence (4d) being one year rent charge due to the Master, Fellows and Scholars of Trinity College of Michaelmas 1921
Trinity College, Cambridge