Files contain correspondence, with papers and newspaper clippings, relating to Bronowski's younger brother being imprisoned in Rhodesia, returning to the United Kingdom, and pursuing a study on the relationship between economic and social development and the rule of law.
Comprises files relating to Derfer's time spent as a visiting fellow at the Salk Institute from Jan 1973, continued work on a book about the 'Two Cultures' debate, and other related activities.
Mostly containing minutes of meetings of the Board of Trustees (Bronowski was a member).
A series of correspondence with societies, other similar organisations, and some individuals, mainly inviting Bronowski to speak, write or attend events, with copies of replies declining.
A series of correspondence with universities, and other educational organisations, inviting Bronowski to speak and participate in other activities, with copies of replies declining.
Comprises a series of files on engagements that were unfulfilled due to illness or Bronowski's death.
Comprises correspondence and other material relating to Jacob and Rita Bronowski's trip to India in 1966.
Comprises correspondence with the National Coal Board.
Comprises material relating to a series of 6 lectures that Bronowski gave for the A W Mellon lectures at the National Gallery of Art in Washington D C (United States).
Comprises material relating to Bronowski's lecture and subsequent magazine article [in the Smithsonian Magazine].
Correspondence and a manuscript copy of Bronowski's chapter for inclusion in 'The Philosophy of Karl Popper'.
Comprises material relating to the Old Globe Theatre (San Diego) production of 'The Face of Violence'.
Comprises material relating to a series of 4 lectures that Bronowski gave at the American Museum of Natural History, and later published.
Comprises material relating to an article written by Bronowski, based on lectures, and published in a book on 'Current Trends in Linguistics volume 12'.
Comprises material relating to a series of four lectures on 'Magic, Science and Civilization' that Bronowski gave for the Bampton lectures at Columbia University in New York on the 19th, 20th, 26th and 27th of March 1969.
Comprises material relating to two lectures on 'Nature and Knowledge: The Philosophy of Contemporary Science' that Bronowski gave for the Condon Lecture series in Oregon (1967), and later published (1969).
Comprises material relating to 6 lectures that Bronowski gave for the Silliman Memorial Lecture series at Yale.
Comprises typescript versions of a lecture, which was later published as an article in Leonardo Magazine.
Comprises material relating to a series of 6 lectures delivered by Bronowski entitled: 'The Power of Artifacts' (23 Feb); 'The Speaking Eye, the Visionary Ear' (2 Mar); 'Music, Metaphor and Meaning' (9 Mar); 'The Act of Recognition' (16 Mar); 'Imagination as Plan and as Experiment' (23 Mar); and 'The Play of Values in the Work of Art' (30 Mar).
Comprises material relating to an exhibition planned for 1976 for which Bronowski was to be the senior consultant. Judith Grant [was Bronowski] worked on the exhibition as project director and designer.
Comprises material relating to Bronowski's work on language.
Comprises material relating to a series of 4 lectures delivered by Bronowski entitled: 'Interpretations of Nature' (19 Mar); 'Black Magic and White Magic' (20 Mar); 'The Strategy of Scientific Knowledge' (26 Mar); and 'Human Plans and Civilized Values' (27 Mar).
Comprises material relating to Bronowski's lectures and published papers on the subject of evolution.
Comprises material relating to a series of 6 lectures delivered by Bronowski entitled: 'The Mind as an Instrument for Understanding' (24 Oct); 'The Evolution of Power of Symbolic Language' (26 Oct); 'Knowledge as Algorithm and as Metaphor' (31 Oct); 'The Laws of Nature and the Nature of Laws' (2 Nov); 'Error, Progress and the Concept of Time' (7 Nov); and 'Law and Individual Responsibility' (9 Nov).
Comprises material relating to an article on 'Humanism and the Growth of Knowledge' that Bronowski wrote for inclusion in a volume on Karl Popper in 'The Library of Living Philosophers'.
Comprises material relating to a series of 18 books for 12-14 year olds, which Bronowski was to act as editor for.
Comprises material relating to a series of 12 radio interviews of Bronowski [broadcast 1974].
Mainly comprises correspondence relating to a children's science book, an article and a proposed film based on an original article by Bronowski entitled 'The Amazing Biography of the Atom' (New York Times Magazine, 13 Oct 1963).
Comprises material relating to Bronowski's work about William Blake.
Comprises files relating to a series of 4 television programmes made for KPBS-TV, San Diego, and featuring Bronowski entitled 'A Personal History', 'Revolutions in Science', 'A View of the Arts' and 'Ethics for a New Age'.
Comprises material relating to 'The Common Sense of Science' (first published 1951).
Comprises material relating to a lecture by Bronowski, which was later published in 'The Nature of Scientific Discovery' (edited by Owen Gingerich).
Comprises material relating to an address by Bronowski (given at a national convention of the American Personnel and Guidance Association in 1965), which was later published.
Comprises material relating to 'The Disestablishment of Science' which was first given as an address to a conference on 'The Social Impact of Modern Biology' of the British Society for Social Responsibility in Science (Nov 1970). The paper was then published in a book on 'The Social Impact of Modern Biology' and as articles in 'The New York Times' (Oct 1971) and 'Encounter' (Jul 1971).
Comprises material relating to requests for Bronowski to write articles, and work carried out for the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Comprises material mainly relating to publication of 'The Face of Violence' book and theatre productions of the play.
Comprises material relating to the publication of 'New Concepts in the Evolution of Complexity: Stratified Stability and Unbounded Plans' which Bronowski gave at a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Boston, Dec 1969).
Comprises material relating to an article on 'Human and Animal Languages' by Bronowski, written as his contribution to a Festschrift volume to celebrate Roman Jakobson's 70th birthday.
Comprises material relating to 'The Identity of Man' lectures given as the inaugural 'Man and Nature' lectures at the American Museum of Natural History (New York) in March 1965, and their subsequent publication.