- JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1862/89
- Item
- January 1861
Part of College Archives
A bundle of items, all relating to Charles F Gifford.
The first three items are income tax receipts, for the tax years 1860-1 and 1861-2, for Gifford in the parish of Over, dated January 1861 (£1 8s 7d); 6 May 1861 (£1 8s 6d); and 14 December 1861, date unclear (£2 8s 9d). All signed by collector Joseph Gifford.-
The fourth item is a receipt from the Sun Fire Office for £3 16s, that being one year's premium and duty for the year Michaelmas 1861 to Michaelmas 1862 on the insurance of £1100, for the Farm House and Homestead in in the Tenure of Mr J Gifford, Over. Signed by Henry Hazard and dated 25 December 1861.
The fifth item is a note adding up the charges in the rest of the bundle.
Gifford, Joseph