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The Dutch Society of Organists - International Bach Congress (Groningen 1985)
The Dutch Society of Organists - International Bach Congress (Groningen 1985)
Peter Hurford
Peter Hurford
St. Anne
St. Anne
Fugue (in organo pleno)
Fugue (in organo pleno)
FRCO fugue (incomplete) and Song 34 (incomplete)
FRCO fugue (incomplete) and Song 34 (incomplete)
Schmücke Dich
Schmücke Dich
Praise my soul and Nun danket
Praise my soul and Nun danket
Plainsong chant E. H. No. 1
Plainsong chant E. H. No. 1
in manus tuas
in manus tuas
Two anthems: Blessed is he and O Praise the Lord
Two anthems: Blessed is he and O Praise the Lord
Quam dulcis est amor!
Quam dulcis est amor!
Invitatory, prayers and suffrages for the choir of the Church of the Good Samaritan. Paoli, Pennsylvania.
Invitatory, prayers and suffrages for the choir of the Church of the Good Samaritan. Paoli, Pennsylvania.
Lord, in this thy mercies' day
Lord, in this thy mercies' day
Nunc Dimittis
Nunc Dimittis
At the lamb's high feast we sing
At the lamb's high feast we sing
Come live with me
Come live with me
O Mortal Man, remember well
O Mortal Man, remember well
Christ hath a garden
Christ hath a garden
The Holy Son (A Christmas Carol)
The Holy Son (A Christmas Carol)
Scherzo; Ein' feste Burg No. 2 [2nd. set]; "Nun Danket alle Gott"
Scherzo; Ein' feste Burg No. 2 [2nd. set]; "Nun Danket alle Gott"
Two Dialogues
Two Dialogues
Scherzo (fragment)
Scherzo (fragment)
Notes on the French Manner
Notes on the French Manner
An approach to the design of new organs
An approach to the design of new organs
Lecture for National Archive of Recorded Sound
Lecture for National Archive of Recorded Sound
Untitled [on Bach]
Untitled [on Bach]
Stopped diapason?
Stopped diapason?
The organ and the organist
The organ and the organist
The English Organ Renaissance - where now? Has Mrs. Clarabella really retired?
The English Organ Renaissance - where now? Has Mrs. Clarabella really retired?
Performance techniques in the music of Bach
Performance techniques in the music of Bach
Untitled [A lecture on the interpretation of Bach]
Untitled [A lecture on the interpretation of Bach]
Untitled [notes on singing and playing Bach's organ works]
Untitled [notes on singing and playing Bach's organ works]
Carols from St. Albans
Carols from St. Albans
A man and an organ
A man and an organ
Making Music on the Organ (Full draft 1984)
Making Music on the Organ (Full draft 1984)
Index (Making Music on the Organ)
Index (Making Music on the Organ)
Letters and Organ Illustrations (Making Music on the Organ)
Letters and Organ Illustrations (Making Music on the Organ)
The Maturing Organist
The Maturing Organist
Christ hath a garden
Christ hath a garden
Five short chorale preludes
Five short chorale preludes
For thee, O dear country
For thee, O dear country
Magdalen, cease from sobs and sighs
Magdalen, cease from sobs and sighs
Noël Nouvelet
Noël Nouvelet
O mortal man, remember well
O mortal man, remember well