Zygon, journal of Religion and Science
- JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/3/6/49
- Subseries
- 2 June 1968-9 May 1974
Part of Personal Papers
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Zygon, journal of Religion and Science
Part of Personal Papers
Part of Personal Papers
Comprises correspondence with Ralph Wendell Burhoe (Editor of Zygon, journal of Religion and Science) on discussion of "philosophical issues of physical and biological laws" in Zygon, and suggesting that Eugene Wigner, Rene Dubos and Theodosious Dobzhansky contribute. Also includes a volume of Zygon (vol. 6, no. 2, Jun 1971).
Part of Personal Papers
Comprises correspondence with Ralph Wendell Burhoe (editor) on: asking Bronowski to write for Zygon; requesting Bronowski's advice on a proposal to establish a Center for Advanced Study in the Religion and Science; and asking for his opinion on 'Problems of rationality in biology' by Henry Skolimowski which challenged Bronowski's article on 'Evolution of Complexity'.
Also includes articles by Burhoe, related reports and a list of essays that had appeared in Zygon (1966-1970).
Part of Personal Papers
Part of Personal Papers
This county is located to the east of Xi Chang. The county only has four houses, a single tree and nothing else.
Part of Personal Papers
Young, J. Z. The Cronian Lecture, 1965
Part of Personal Papers
Consists of a reprint of 'The organization of a memory system' by Young (Department of Anatomy, University College London), with an envelope listing the lecture.
Ying Xiong Jie--Wu Po (a photo of Wu Po Wu Da and his son)
Part of Personal Papers
The adult male named Wu Po Wu Da and his sons. According to Zeng Zhaolun's book, Wu Po family received them warm-heartedly despite they only spoke few Han words.
Part of Personal Papers
notice that the stones are put above the roof top to avoid strong winds blowing away wooden roof top.
Part of Personal Papers
who are working on the urgent construction of Xichang airport.
Part of Personal Papers
Part of Personal Papers
Yi ethnic people in the street seen at Xichang county, Xikang city
Part of Personal Papers
Part of Personal Papers
Part of Personal Papers
"Yale University", correspondence
Part of Personal Papers
Comprises correspondence with: Professor Arthur Galston and Dr Alan Garen (Department of Biology, Yale University) on Bronowski visiting Yale in 1966; and with Serge Chermayeff (Professor of Architectural Design, Yale University) inviting Bronowski to give a lecture and seminars.
Xixiang Highway in rush repair
Part of Personal Papers
Workers standing on the mountain slope repairing the road
Xixiang Highway and An Ning River
Part of Personal Papers
Part of Personal Papers
Xiang Ling Ding (top of Xiang Ling)
Part of Personal Papers
The altitude is 3,600 metres, the highest point on the way from Xichang to Ya'an.
Part of Personal Papers
Part of Personal Papers
Wynfrid Laurence Henry Duckworth
Part of Personal Papers
Duckworth, Wynfrid Laurence Henry
Part of Personal Papers
The largest copper mine in Big Liang Mountain and Small Liang Mountain area. During the Tongzhi era of Qing dynasty, money was raised to mining copper here but the threaten from Yi bandits forced it to stop.
Part of Personal Papers
The first town we meet when entering Fu Bo county area, about 5 km from the county city.
Writings (papers, lectures, talks) on organ and organ playing
Part of Personal Papers
Part of Personal Papers
Drafts of speeches, pocket diaries and other non-academic writing.
Wright, Christopher 'Towards the Coherent Study of Science in Human Affairs'
Part of Personal Papers
Consists of a report on the activities of the Institute for the Study of Science in Human Affairs (Apr 1966-Mar 1968), Columbia University in the City of New York, with an envelope listing the report.
Part of Personal Papers
Comprises correspondence mainly relating to Meridian Books (World Publishing Company) publishing paperback versions of 'The Face of Violence' and 'The Poet's Defence'.
Also includes correspondence with other publishers on the paperback versions; a press release about 'The Face of Violence'; letters asking Bronowski to serve on an editorial board, about Kenneth Douglas leaving Meridian Books and from C J Friedrich (Harvard University) thanking Bronowski for a copy of 'The Face of Violence'.
"World Academy of Art and Science"
Part of Personal Papers
Contains correspondence on Bronowski becoming a fellow of the Academy (1962), Bronowski supporting a proposal to award the first honorary membership to King Gustaf VI of Sweden, planning for a World University, the 3rd plenary meeting in Rome (1965), the death of Dr Hugo Boyko (was president) and Harold D Lasswell taking over as president.
Includes: circular letters sent to members on the activities of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS); membership lists and lists of proposed and newly elected members; a financial report (1963-64); a notice about members who had died (G J P Domagk, W C Leeuw and Leo Szilard); a timetable of the 3rd plenary meeting in Rome; a programme, list of lectures, report and copy of a notice in 'Nature and Resources' UNESCO newsletter about the associated symposium on "Highly Saline and Seawater Irrigation without or in combination with Desalination".
Also includes booklets containing: the Manifesto and statutes of the Academy, 'Environment and Society in Transition: World Priorities' and a 'WAAS-Newsletter' (Jan 1966).
Additionally contains a National Coal Board memo about sick leave, 1963.
"Workshop on Aging (Rockefeller and other grants)"
Part of Personal Papers
Comprises correspondence and other material relating to the Council for Biology in Human Affairs' programme for "Research into the Biology of Aging and Study of its Potential Social and Human Consequences", and particularly a series of workshops on aging to be held at the Salk Institute organised by Bronowski and Harry Boardman.
Includes research and study plans, outlines of plans for 3 workshops [it is possible that only one took place], agendas (some drafts) for the first workshop (6-8 Jul 1974), correspondence between Stephen Fulder (Genetics Division, National Institute for Medical Research, United Kingdom) and Bronowski on Fulder wishing to work with Bronowski on aging.
Part of Personal Papers
"Workers and Crew for The Ascent of Man"
Part of Personal Papers
Consists of a draft and final typescript list of people who worked on 'The Ascent of Man' television programme.
Part of Personal Papers
Consists of a typescript preprint of a paper on 'Interhemispheric division of labour' by Stevan R. Harnad (Princeton University).
[Key Dismukes was a post-doctoral researcher with the Council for Biology in Human Affairs].
Part of Personal Papers
Comprises: source material (including articles by Gerard Radnitzky); excerpts from Bruce Goldberg's thesis on 'A Phenomenological Approach to the Question of Certainty'; a typescript page on 'Historical and Philosophical Evidence, Research in progress by B. Goldberg'; and a list of possible research topics.
[Goldberg was a researcher due to work with Bronowski under the Council for Biology in Human Affairs at the Salk Institute].
Part of Personal Papers
Comprises multiple series of files relating to Bronowski's work, organised alphabetically by title or subject [from Bronowski's office at the Salk Institute].
Wondrous Love. Variations on a Shape-note Hymn, for organ
Part of Personal Papers
Wondrous Love. Variations on a Shape-note Hymn, for organ (in F minor). By Samuel Barber.
Published by Chappell & Co. Ltd., London.
Barber, Samuel
Part of Personal Papers
Consists of articles by Lewis Wolpert (2 with other authors), with an envelope listing the articles.
Part of Personal Papers
Comprises correspondence with Patricia Marx on planning for Bronowski to be interviewed for the 'Patricia Marx Interviews' radio programme, with a related press release.
"Wilson, Robert A. 'Norethynodrel (Enovid) & The Menopause'"
Part of Personal Papers
Consists of a photocopy of a paper presented at a symposium on Gynecologic Endocrinology (19 Mar 1964) with a copy of a letter about the paper and pages referring to a related study.
The paper was written by Robert A. Wilson, Raimondo E. Brevetti, Edmund R. Marino, Thelma A. Wilson and Gretchen I. Wilson (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Methodist Hospital, Brooklyn, New York).
Part of Personal Papers
Includes personal account book for 'my first term at Cambridge' although covers just more than his first year at Cambridge.
Wallace, William
Part of Personal Papers
The album contains snapshot photographs of fellow Jesuans as the First World War begins. There are also photographs of 'Jesus Lines' at an Officer Training Camp showing Jesuans some of whom died during the Great War. Nevill himself was killed during the attack on Montaubin at the Battle of the Somme on the 1 July 1916.
Many photographs have been removed from the album, the remainder are as follows:
Howard in the drawing room [missing]
Majorie & Barbara [missing]
Woodroffe in Pump Court
Richardson; Miller; McLoughlin; Woodroffe and Higgins
Pump Court
Chapel Court
New Buildings
Cloister Court
Master's Garden & Chapel
Clare Kings
Trinity Bridge
George's hat, Woodroffe
Self, Gstaad [missing]
Tom [missing]
Self [missing]
Woodroffe & Passingham on my bedroom balcony
Daibuler; Searing & Maurice [missing]
D.;H.;N.S.;T.;M.;E. Holmbury [missing]
A.F. Wildings VI v. Varsity
Elsie; N.S. and Holmbury [missing]
Mason; N.S.; 'Snippets' Morrison; H.N.; George and W.P.N.
A.F. Wilding
Woods near Holmbury [missing]
Beaumont Manor [missing]
Maisie P.; D.; N.S.; D.G. And E. [missing]
View from Gstaad to Saanen [missing]
Maisie P. [missing]
May Week 1914, Jesus III
May Week 1914, The End
May Week 1914, View in May week
May Week 1914, Jesus II
May Week 1914, Johnny; Jasper Holmes and K.S Rudd
May Week 1914, Ridley; Eric Fairbairn
May Week 1914, Jesus I Head
May Week 1914, Bell; Livingstone; Bullough; Fisher and Oldham
Bugatti, John Miller up
Hispano Suisa, Higgins up
Rover J. L-G [Le Gros] up, also Hamel
TT Triumph, Richardson up
Destroyer & Review in distance
Hamel at Cambridge
Finish of coaching marathon at Richmond, Vanderbilt's team
'Lord Duck!' Richardson
Elsie, Doff [missing]
D.;H.;N.S.;T.;M. and E. [missing]
Captain Herring [missing]
Rough [missing]
Friday Street [missing]
Holmbury St Marys [missing]
Chapel Court
Master's Garden & Chapel
Tennyson's House
Same back view [missing]
G. L-G [Le Gros] at 51 M.C.
Self's ghost on drawing room [missing]
Lord Duck punting, Woodroffe
Arthur Bond at Beaumont, the morning after [missing]
'Geoff' Bradley
'Dick' Piper
'Johnny'; C. Brockmer; Lowe; 'Sticks'and Woodroffe [and others]
Woodroffe and Oliver Hawkins
Band, Mytchett 1914
Jesus Lines
'Sally'; Johnnie; Lowe; 'Sticks' and Brockmer
Piper; Thomas; G.Y.L. ; L/W.W.; Brockmer; Oliver; Grubb and Forman [?]
'Fat Boy' Sergeant Le Gros à la toilette
Jesus Lines
Before inspection
Nevill, Wilfred Percy
Part of Personal Papers
O'Sullivan, William
William Lee – Richard Falkiner
Part of Personal Papers
Correspondence of William Lee with Richard Falkiner
Lee, William
Part of Personal Papers
Comprises correspondence with William Glazier (Associate Dean of Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York) about Glazier's involvement with the Salk Institute, including being part of the Commission on Biology, Medicine and Health Care, and declining the invitation to be Executive Director of the Council [for Biology in Human Affairs]. Includes letters from Glazier to Joseph Slater (Anderson Foundation) and Stuart Ross (Salk Institute).
Part of Personal Papers
Manuscript & typescripts William F. Cormack without accompanying correspondence
Cormack, William Fleming
Part of Personal Papers
Comprises slides for Bronowski's lecture on 'The Minute Particulars of William Blake', the original box (stored separately) and a list of slides.
Part of Personal Papers
Comprises slides for Bronowski's lecture on 'The Minute Particulars of William Blake', the original box (stored separately) and an annotated list of slides.