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Old Library Manuscripts
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Anthem composed by Dr T. A Walmisley Mus: Prof: Cantab: performed in Jesus College Chapel on All Saints Day. 1849

The cover title concludes with the comment that this was "The first opening after the great repairs and restorations". A variant title on the first page includes the comment that Thomas Attwood Walmisley was B.A. of Jesus College, 1838, and that the singers in 1849 were Frederick Leete, William Neale, Jesse Frisby and Edmund Bilton. The music includes a solo, two, three and four parts, all with organ, and sets Psalm 5 verses 1, 2, 3, 7, 12 and 13. The text begins "Ponder my words, O Lord".

Walmisley, Thomas Attwood

List of books given by S. Lyde

On the first leaf is an introductory statement describing Lyde's career, his residence in Palestine and death in 1860. The mss. received by bequest were listed by Major Grant Stephen of St Catherine's College. The list that follows (2 pp.) is headed: "List of Oriental books presented to college by Rev S Lyde Oct. 1858."; a note at the end says that it was drawn up by Grant Stephen for G. E. Corrie.

Stephen, Grant

Rustat sermon

Sermon preached at St John's College, Oxford, by Ambrose Bonwicke [linked with Elijah Fenton].

Vindication of the Church and Universities of England

Printed work (London, 1657) by Geoffrey Watts, interleaved with ms. notes. [EEBO has a BL second edition with the title: A scribe, pharisee, hypocrite; and his letters answered, separates churched, dippers sprinkled: or, A vindication of the church and universities of England, in many orthodox tenets & righteous practices. Whereunto is added a narration of a publick dipping, June 26. 1656. In a pond of much Leighes parish in Essex, with a censure thereupon. By Jeffry Watts B.D. and Rectour of Much-Leighes. , London : printed for Edward Dod, at the Gun in Ivy Laine, and for Thomas Johnson, at the Golden Key in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1657.]

Catalogue of military books

Lists books seen by John Clarke as well as those he owned; the latter were donated to the College by Clarke's mother in 1790.

Notes on Tertullian

  • JCOL/R/1/8
  • File
  • 1710-1730 (These dates are estimated on the basis of the book-annotations.)
  • Part of Old Library Manuscripts

By Dr Ashton; compare his annotations to edns in the Old Library (1686 and 1718, E.6.42 and C.5.7/1)

Ashton, Charles (1665-1752), Master of Jesus College, Cambridge

Book of hours, etc.

Not in M. R. James' Catalogue. Incipiunt (f. 1a): hore de eterna sapientia. Anima mea desideravit te. Text enclosed in floriated border, with decorated initials; believed to be of North German provenance.

Horae B. M. V., etc.

Not in M. R. James' Catalogue. Contains: 1) Calendar [with some entries relating to Florence]; 2) Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary; 3) Office of the dead; 4) The penitential Psalms; 5) Office of the Passion; 6) Office of the Cross.

Diurnale Eboracense

The daily offices according to the use of York; M. R. James's no. 77. Imperfect at the beginning. The flyleaves come from a 14C ms. of a historical and homiletical nature.

S. Hieronymus ad Demetriadem, etc.

M. R. James's no. 76. Contains: Epistola Hieronymi ad Demetriadum Virginem; Dicta Anselmi Archiepiscopi; Sermo S. Augustini de penitentia; Collaterales iiiior virtutum; De xii lapidibus; Orationes seu meditationes Anselmi Archiepiscopi; Expl. monologion Anselmi arch.: Inc. prologus in proslogion eiusdem; Proslogion Anselmi; Liber B. Augustini de presentia summi et veri ac omnipotentis dei; Seneca de institutione morum; Collatio Serapionis; De vestimentis sacerdotalibus; an exposition of the canon of the mass; a tract on prosody (wanting the first leaf); elegiac verses on death (30 lines); a dialogue on prosody; verses in another hand (wanting a quire); hymn to the Virgin; two unconnected lines of verse; prologue to a treatise on astronomy, with treatise beginning "Spera est rotundum et globosum corpus" and ending with instructions on making an astrolabe; and a gloss on the Lamentations.

Oculus Spiritualis, etc.

De oculo spirituali, and other tracts; M. R. James's no. 75. Contains: 1)Tractatus de oculo spirituali, with table; 2) Medulla philosophorum, preceded by table; 3) an untitled tract ("De virtutibus"), preceded by table. The fly-leaves include: a leaf of a chronicle, with the year 968 mentioned and the names Lotharius Nicholaus Adrianus; a leaf and a half of "Interpretationes nominum"; and parts of two leaves from a psalter or service book with the beginnings of verses from psalms 13 to 40.

Willelmus de Conches super Boethium

A commentary by William de Conches (Guillaume de Conches) on Boethius' De consolatione philosophiae; M. R. James's no. 74. Latin title: Commentum Willelmi de conches super boecium de consolacione philosophiae. Includes a few domestic and personal memoranda, in English.

Dictionarium theologicum

A theological encyclopaedia; M. R. James's no. 73. Runs from "Absolucio" to "Zelus". At the end are some extracts, the first beginning Gladium appellat dolorem effectum dominice passionis (with the marginal note "haec Bernardus"). The end fly-leaves contain an unfinished 15C English gloss on Psalm 17 (18).

Misc. Medica

A medical miscellany; M. R. James's no. 72. Contains: 1) recipes in English and Latin; 2) Incipiunt notabilia distinctiones textus distinctiones librorum de anima extracte, with three books "De anima" following; 3) memorial verses, in Latin; 4) recipes in Latin and scribbled notes; 5) Utrum logica sit scientia; 6) Hic incipiunt distincciones et notabilia extracta a questionibus super primum librum phisicorum Aristotelis; 7) recipes in Latin and scribbled notes, including a hymn; 8) Hic incipiunt notabilia extracta ex tercio de anima secundum Alexandrum; 9) recipes in Latin; 10) [by Albertus], Primo est sciendum secundum M. henricum de mandavilla quod eodum modo operatur cecus in ligno et cirurgicus in corpore cuius anothomiam ignorat; 11) recipes; 12) Armaldus de nova villa de gradibus; 13) recipes; 14) a separate book fo recipes for parts of the body, incipit: Conferunt cerebro … ; 15) Contenta magistri Walteri Agulini de urinis; 16) recipes

Ricardi de S. Victore Sermones, etc.

A sermon by Ricardus de Sancto Victore and a homily by John Chrysostom; M. R. James's no. 71. Contains: 1) A sermon on the Temptation of Christ, by Ricardus de Sancto Victore [Richard de Saint-Victor], incipit: Ductus est jhesus in desertum; 2) Omelia beati Johannis Crisostomi de muliere Chananea, in a different hand.

Robertus Lincolniensis in Boethium, etc.

Robert Grosseteste's commentary on Boethius' De Consolatione Philosophiae, and other works; M. R. James's no. 70. Contains: 1) Roberti Grosthead Commentum in Boetium de Consolatione Philosophiae; 2) Recapitulacio metrorum consolacionis philosophice Anicij mallij Severini boecij exconsulis ordinarij; 3) Ambrosius de bono mortis; 4) Libellus hugonis de S. Victore de virtutibus et vicijs; 5) Libellus Magistri hugonis de S. Victore de consciencia; 6) Lucij annei senece ad callionem de remedijs fortuitorium; 7) P. ovidii Nasonis de Vetula liber tercius; 8) Incipit tractatus et causa quare singula volumina sua composuit iste ovidius; 9) Sequiture eciam prefacio leonis prothonotarij que preponitur isti libello ut cercius appareat quod ovidius erat eius auctor; 10) a page of writing in a different hand, the beginning of "Uestra nouit intentio. De scolarium disciplina compendiosum postulare tractatum" (a pseudo-Boethian tract).

Summa Raymundi, etc.

The Summa of Raymond de Peñaforte, and other tracts, incomplete; M. R. James's no. 69. Contains: 1) on the flyleaves, notes including extracts from saints Augustine and Bernard, and memorial verses; 2) Summa Raymundi, on the sacraments; 3) a tract on marriage law, in a different hand; 4) [Summa Raymundi, on marriage,] incipit: Quoniam frequenter in foro penitentiali dubitaciones circa matrimonium. At least one quire of the last has been lost.

Aegidii Summa, etc.

Aegidii Foscarii summa juris canonici, and other works; M. R. James's no. 68. Contains: 1) Notule Decretalium: an analysis of the decretals in five books; 2) miscellaneous notes; 3) Aegidii Foscarii summa juris canonici; 4) notes on canon law and church procedures; 5) Libellus fugitivus compositus a mag. nepote de monte albano, in the same hand as no. 3; 6) extracts from a statute (?) and a document about churches and a chapel at Gesinham. A deed of the Bishop of Lincoln is inserted between ff. 80 and 81.

Wallensis Communeloquium, etc.

A collection, "summa Wanlensis et summa de oculo morali cum tabula"; M. R. James's no. 67. Contains: 1) Summa collectionum (explicit: tractatus qui dicitur commune loquium compositus a fratreJoh. Walensi de ordr. fratr. minorum ...) [that is, by John of Wales; 2) extracts: Repletus spiritus sancti gratia, and Hugo de claustro anime; 3) Oculus moralis per Lincoln.; 4) a table in two columns. There are flyleaves from a 14C mss and the binding is two sheets of a 13C psalter containing parts of four psalms.

Petri Cantoris Tropi, etc.

A collection of tracts: M. R. James's no. 66. Contains: 1) Tropi magistri petri cantoris parisius; 2) Subtilis exposicio simboli traditi a beato anastio [=Athanasio]; 3) Exposicio parvi simboli s. laicorum, with Representacio temporum que finierunt ab inicio mundi usque ad finem [on two leaves which are missing]; 4) Sentencia dominice orationis exposita breviter nec non utiliter, ubi tanguntur .vii. peticiones prout comparantur .vii. donis spiritu sancti; 5) Sententia beati Roberti lincolniensis episcopi de fide et articulis fidei incipit; 6) Sententia sancti Roberti lincolniensis episcopi de confessione; 7) a tract with incipit: Debentes de vobis racionem bonam reddere; 8) Tractatus de penitentia brevis et utilis; 9) Tractatus de quatuor virtutibus cardinalibus; 10) Tractatus de sompno brevis; 11) Augustinus de assumptione B.M. V., ending imperfectly. There are five flyleaves from a ms. of similar form and date, the first four being the two middle sheets of a quire from a treatise on preaching.

Expositio missae, etc.

A collection of sermons and extracts; M. R. James's no. 65. Contains: 1) Expositio missae. In virtute sancte crucis; 2) extracts on leprosy and on the Holy Ghost; 3) Sermo Gibuini de filio prodigo and three other sermons; 4) extracts; 5) - 13) sermons for particular days in the church calendar; 14) extracts; sermons: 15) Omnis caro corruperat; 16) Vie syon lugent; 17) In hunc modum loquitur patres; 18) De institutione misse et de intellectu eorum 19) Ut intinguatur pes tuus; 20) Oritur sol et occidit; 21) sermo in dedicatione ecclesia; 22) Intravit ihesus in quoddam castellum; sermons: 23) on the parable of the vineyard; 24) Ite baptizate; 25) Cum invitatus fueris ad nuptias; 26) for the first Sunday after Pentecost (Temptatus est ihesus); 27) for the third Sunday after Pentecost (Que mulier habens dragmas); 28) extracts; 29) sermo in Quadragesima; 30) for the 13th Sunday (Et approprians samaritanus); 31) Quid sit fides; 32) Exposition of some Levitical ceremonies; sermons: 33) for Palm Sunday; 34) magistri Petri in ... (Surge aquilo); 35) extracts; 36) sermon on the blood of the Lamb; 37) extracts; 38) Incipit de xij apostolis ubi nati fuerint ... ; 39)Questiones de diversitate in officiis ecclesiasticis. Ends imperfectly. The binding has a leaf of a 13C folio psalter in double columns, the same as in Q.B.3. and Q.B.8, with flyleaves from the smaller psalter used to bind Q.G.4 and 5. The latter include parts of psalms 42-45 and 23 and 26.

Boethius de trinitate, etc.

Boethius' treatises and other tracts; M. R. James's no. 64. Ocontains: 1) Boetii liber de trinitate, preceded by a table of contents and extracts about Boethius; the next four by the same: 2) Epistola ad S. Joannem Diaconum eccl. Rom. an tres pesonae de divinitate substantialiter praedicentur; 3) Epistola ad eundem quomodo substantie in eo quod sint ... ; 4) Confessio fidei christiani; 5) De Persona et Natura; the rest by Anselm: 6) Monologion; 7) Proslogion; 8) De incarnatione verbi; 9) Prefacio in subditos tractatus; 10) Tractatus de veritate; 11) Le libertate arbitrii; 12) De casu diaboli; 13) Libri ii contra gentiles, cur deus homo; 14) De conceptu virginali et originali peccato. Between 12) and 13) are 2 pp. of pencil notes (14-15C).

Poggii Epistolae, etc.

Letters of Poggio [Bracciolini] and others; M. R. James's no. 63. James lists the individual writers or recipients (most but not all are by Poggio). David Rundle (see publication note) says this volume "includes a series of Poggio letters not otherwise known to have had an English circulation" and "was clearly made for private use by someone whose name is Thomas Armin (reading the code at fol.27v)", of whom nothing further is known. The work is followed by a tract: Dilucidarium lemonocensis [= John Lemovicensis] de sompno pharaonis, consisting of 20 letters supposed to be written by actors in or observers of the story of Joseph and Pharaoh; it is dedicated to Theobald, King of Navarre. At the end of the volume are some domestic accounts, mentioning William Fairwether and servant Thomas Marcer, and the copy of a letter to Francis Tyrwhitt about a lawsuit involving "my brother Thomas Fairwether".


A fragment of a Sarum processional; M. R. James's no. 62. The leaves are bound in complete disorder and one is missing. There is no decorative work.

Regula S. Benedicti, etc.

Rule of St Benedict; M. R. James's no. 6. Contains: 1) flyleaves ff. 1-8 made up of parts of 15C Durham account rolls; 2) table to the following; 3) Regula S. Benedicti; 4) appendix in another hand; 5) a table to no 7); 6) Articuli super quibus in visitacione foret inquisicio facenda ("in a later hand"); 7) a tract headed "C.R.D.A.", known as Liber "Abbas vel prior", in 20 chapters with a prologue; 8) another table; 9) a circular letter from a gaggle of abbots to the Benedictines of England; 10) similar from the Abbot of St Albans; 11) Rubrica de modo et forma procedendi in eleccione ... ; 12) an explanation of the system of Arabic numerals; 13) a note: Utrum liceat prelato absque consensu sui conventus observanciarum dispensaciones sive mutaciones facere.


A medical compendium; M. R. James's no. 60. Contains: 1) an index of diseases; 2) Prognostics of Hippocrates; 3) Recipes - balsamum, aqua aromatica; 4) contents table to 5) a medical compendium, arranged alphabetically; 6) recipes in English and Latin; 7) Practica Mag. Bernardi de villa nova Cathalani; 8) Tractatus brevis et utilis Bernardi de Gordonio; 9) verses on medicine; 10) two indexes; 11) recipes. Some scribbles on the final flyleaf include a little Greek.

Gulielmus Parisiensis, etc.

A collection including "De fide et legibus" by William of Paris; M. R. James's no. 59. Contains: 1) In principio librorum biblie et quot capita quibus libris continentur; 2) Meditacio cuiusdam sapientis de custodia interioris hominam; 3) Notule excerptae de diversis Doctoribus [inc. one from Ricardus heremita de Alvernia Episc.]; 4) Willelmus Parisiensis de fide et legibus, in 5 books; 5) Dialogus de deo et anima ex Trismegisto (incipit: Asclepius iste pro solo); 6) extract: anime non ex traduce procreantur; 7) Confessio Joh. Wickliff de sacramento altaris; 8) extract: Omnes debemus laudare dominum; 9) De sacerdotum begligentia in divinis officiis celebrandis; 10) Excerpta e Patribus de oratione; 11) 'Alureudus' (Ailred of Rievaulx), De anima; 12) Tractatus de mundo fugiendo; 13) extracts: de peccato originale. In the binding are two double leaves of a 13C psalter with parts of Psalms 88-142.

Scala Chronica

Two chronicles; M. R. James's no. 58. Contains: 1) the Scala chronica of Thomas Gray [d. 1369], down to the death of Henry III (1272), in French prose, imperfect at the beginning; 2) a Latin chronicle starting from 1042 and ending, imperfectly, with the death of Simon de Montfort [1265] - an extract from the Annals of Waverley, a Cistercian house near Farnham, Surrey. The last quire is misbound.

Collectio errorum, etc.

A collection of errors, etc.; M. R. James's no. 57. Contains: 1) Collectio errorum in anglia et parisius condempnatorum (A collection of errors condemned in England and Paris) by brother Robert de Kyluarby [Kilwardby], archbishop of Canterbury, AD 1276, with a confirmation and additions made by John Peckham, archbishop of Canterbury, 1286; 2) De malo, by Thomas Aquinas, also entitled: Questiones de malo cum titulis questionum previis; 3) a list of books sold by Thomas de Wyniston of Oxford (which James transcribes); 4) Tractatus de peccato mortali, also entitled: Tractatus bonus de peccato mortali et veniali et ceteris peccati speciebus cum titulis questionum et tabula vocali in fine. The ms. is of English workmanship.

Lydgate, etc.

Poems by John Lydgate; M. R. James's no. 56. A collection of 27 poems, in English with some Latin titles; James lists these and first and last lines. Appended is a table of contents by W. Aldis Wright, Vice-Master of Trinity College.

Ordinale Premonstratensium

A Premonstratensian ordinal; M. R. James's no. 55. There is an explanatory preface. Two parchment flyleaves at either end have been cut from a roll which had been taken round to various monasteries (in the Midlands and northern England) to solicit their prayers for William Yorke, abbot of the house to which the book belonged.

Thomas de Ente etc.

Tracts by Aquinas, Bonaventura and others; M. R. James's no. 54. There is a early title - Breviloquium de virtutibus antiquorum principum ac philosophorum 2o fo. Quod habebat - and a contents table at f. 2v. Contents: 1) Tractatus de ente et essencia [by Thomas Aquinas]; 2) Breviloquium de virtutibus antiquorum principum et philosophorum [by Bonaventura]; 3) Diversa themata predicatoribus proficua (a collection of 23 sermons with Exempla, Applicationes, etc.); 4) Moralitates super ysaiam prophetam; 5) Libri 19 de animalibus et eorum proprietatibus moribus hominum applicatis; 6) Declamaciones senece et aliorum philosophorum dicta moralizata, under the headings: "De redemptione generis humane" and "De misericordia dei ad nos"; 7) De 7 mortalibus (peccatis et) eorum effectibus et incomodis; 8) Sermones quidam; 9) De quinque septenis in sacra scriptura inventis; 10) De 7 mortalibus peccatis ut supra [repetition of text (7) in another hand]; 11) Alie notule morales cum aliis, with notes; 12) six (?) sermons in a bad hand.

Ivonis Carnotensis Epistolae

Letters of Ivo of Carnot; M. R. James's no. 53. Contains 54 letters with (after letter 11) a sermon of St Augustine: Quomodo homo ad imaginem dei creatus est. At the beginning of the volume appear leaves from the same psalter as appears in hte binding of Q.G.4.

Ivonis Carnotensis et aliorum sermones, etc.

Sermons of Ivo of Carnot and others; M. R. James's no. 52. Contains: 1) fifteen sermons of Ivo of Carnot; 2) Liber B. Augustini de vita Christiani ad sororem suam viduam (identified in the 17C as by Fastidius Britannus); 3) an untitled tract, incipit: Exceptiones ecclesiaticarum regularum, partim ex epistolis romanorum pontificum;4) Sermo B. Augustini ep. de decem preceptis legis et de decem plagis egyptorum; 5) Libellus de iiiior virtutibus id est prudentia fortitudine temperantia et iustitia martini episcopiad mironem regem. 1) and 2) make up the first original volume, 3) the second, 4) and 5) the third.The volume is bound in a leaf of a folio psalter of 13-14C date, related to leaves found in Q.G.5, with two leaves of a smaller psalter.

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