- JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 274-360, 378/311a
- Item
- 1270-1299
Giles, son of John de Berton, to Walter de Possewy, vicar of St Clement's, 7 1/2 acres in Cambridge crofts; one acre between the land of the Priory of St Radegund on either side, abutting on Stocwelle, 6 acres in the same croft between the Priory lands, abutting on the highway leading to Barnwell (King Street), 1/2 acre on the same croft next the land of John Serle. Witnesses: Michael Pylat, mayor of Cambridge, John Portehors, sen., John Portehors jr., Bartholomew Gogging, John Martyn, Thomas Toylet, Robert Toylet, Robert de Schelford et aliis.
de Berton family