Two Gilt Wine Labels one Port, One Sherry
- JCAG/M/30
- Item
- 1962-1970
Part of Silver
C. J. Vander Ltd., London
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Two Gilt Wine Labels one Port, One Sherry
Part of Silver
C. J. Vander Ltd., London
Unidentified Boat Club Photograph
Part of College Archives
No names given.
Unidentified Boat Club Photograph
Part of College Archives
Possibly shows Steve Fairbairn and other rower who both appear in JCCS/2/9/1885/2.
Part of Personal Papers
No names given by T. H. Goodwin can be identified sitting far right of front row.
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Trench 2: a number of fragments derived from a large onion bottle (of 17th/18th century date) were identified, along with the stems and the base of the bowls of two 18th century wine glasses. The stem of a 19th century wine glass was also identified, along with a near complete small rectangular 19th century bottle marked ‘Judson / London’. Finally, a minimum of two 19th century Codd bottles were present, each marked with the name of a Cambridge manufacturer (Woods, 1858+ and Ekin, c. 1841-57) as well as two local Lincoln beer bottles (1870+).
(partially discarded)
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Unstratified Pottery: Machinery Area
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of College Archives
Paid to Morris and Company for work done in the SCR, including payments for supplying an Axminster carpet, supplying two pairs of stamped velvet curtains with frings on centre and bottom edges, two pairs of silk and worsted loops, mahognay pole with rings, supplying a standard grate, design for fireplace and instructions, lustre sunflorren tiles, red hearth, four sets of finger plates pierced and engraved, two sets of oval door handles, two single door handles, six roses for the door handles, four key hole plates, plated screws, red merino, a second visit to Cambridge and expenses
Varsity Boat Race Winners, 1882
Part of College Archives
Photograph showing, possibly, the winners of the varsity boat race in 1882. Steve Fairbairn can be seen in the photograph.
Part of College Archives
Shows three views of Jesus College: gateway, First Court and Chapel Court
village: near Ma Lake, belong to Fu Bo County, Sichuan Province
Part of Personal Papers
Part of Personal Papers
Part of College Archives
Bill for shaving wallpaper in Hughes Keeping Room; preparing, sizing, and papering walls of bedrooms in L3 and B4; preparing and sizing walls of Mr Morgan's WC with own paper; stripping walls in sitting room and bedroom of L5 and lining them with new paper. Total cost £8 7s.
John Swan and Son
Part of College Archives
Bill for stripping, preparing, and sizing walls in sitting room and gyp room for papering, and cloisters for Fairbairn
3 pieces of lining paper and glass paper;
10 pieces of paper for sitting room, and 4 for gyp room, and hanging, pasting, and sizing these.
Total cost £7 9s. Paid by cheque. Signed by C.S. Bulstrode.
Bulstrode, C. S.
Part of College Archives
Receipt for preparing and sizing rooms for wallpaper, and for the papering and canvasing of walls, including the costs of wallpaper and lining paper. Work carried out in bedroom of K1 and K2, sitting room of H4, lobby and sitting room of F1. Total cost £7 4s, paid by cheque.
Bulstrode, C. S.
Part of College Archives
Detail Pencil drawing of the design of the war memorial, with a cross-section line of the profile drawing on the right side of the plan.
T. D. Atkinson Architects, Cambridge
Part of Works of Art
16¼ x 11¾. From the original by G. Stuart. Drawn by W. Evans.
Bartolozzi, Francesco
Part of College Archives
Bill for cost of time of man examining and testing 5 hydrants, and of raising the hydrant, including materials. Total cost £1 8s 6d. Bill for water in lodge, 2 WCs, garden, and arrears, costing £2 12s 10d. Separate bill for water in 74 sets of rooms, 4 WCs, and 5 hydrants, costing £13 16s 6d.
Tucked inside, two bills for water supply in the quarter ending on 6th Oct 1874, one for the amount of £12 14s, the other for £12 11s 6d, with less charged for the cost of the hydrant carried forward. Also a receipt for £1 8s 6d for repairs [to the hydrant] as per statement. All signed off by W.L. Dickson, collector.
Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company
Part of College Archives
Photogrpah of Waterhouse Building taken from room on C staircase. Shows gardens and corner of North house.
Part of College Archives
1) Receipt for various repairs around college, costing £2 19s 11d. Details of repairs covered in fifth item. Signed by W.L. Dickson, collector, on 10th February.
2) Receipt for water bill as per meter for the quarter ending 6th January 1876, covering 74 sets/rooms, 5 hydrants, and 4 WCs. Total £13 16s 6d, received of Jesus College and signed off by W.L. Dickson, 10th February.
3) Receipt for water bill covering the 2 WCs in the Master's Lodge and the garden, for the quarter ending 6th January. Total £1 6s 5d, received of Dr Corrie and signed off by W.L, Dickson, 10th February.
4) Receipt for water bill as per meter for the quarter ending 6th January 1876. Total £17 2s 6d, received of Jesus College and signed off by W.L. Dickson, 10th February.
5) Detailed list of the repairs carried out by the Waterworks Company between April 1875 and January 1876, costing £2 19s 11d, billed to the college in item 1. Items on receipt include: 12 1/2'' leather collars for India rubber hose; opening out ground at the cottages on Jesus Grove, repairing stop tap and fixing new bib tap in kitchen; lead pipe, bib tap, joints, hooks, India rubber collar, men's time; by the old tap, cutting off service and soldering over end of pipe and reconnecting service in another position in kitchen; lowering hydrants; screw-neck fends, hydrant fend; gaskin and lead for joints.
Dickson, W. L.
Western-style highway under rush construction
Part of Personal Papers
Western-style highway under rush construction
Part of Personal Papers
Part of Works of Art
21 x 16⅞. After Gerald Kelly B.A. Published by Emery Walker Ltd.
Part of College Archives
Received of Dr Witterey 14 shillings for half a year's land tax charged on the estate of the Master and Fellows of Jesus College at Willingham, due last March. Signed by William Smith, collector.
Smith, William
Part of College Archives
Of D Whittlney fourteen shillings from half a year's land tax charged charged on the estate of the Master and Fellows of Jesus College at Willingham due last Lady Day. Signed by William Smith, Collector.
Smith, William
Part of College Archives
Willow Place was a continuation of Willow Walk to the east of Fair Street. The south side of Willow Place was built upon Ropemaker's Close which was allotted to the College by the Barnwell Inclosure Award. The north side of Willow Place was part of the south verge of Newmarket Road and belonged to various owners.
The name survives to denote a passage leading to the service roads at the back of the Grafton Centre, but the site of these houses is now under the western car park
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Wine jug (with Victorian embossing and insulated handle
Part of Silver
John Robinson, London
Part of College Archives
Paid £300 from Dr. Westmoreland for works in hand to the Westwing building south front Jesus College.
Rattee & Kett
Part of Archaeological Finds
A single worked stone fragment was recovered from a stratified context. This consisted of a fine-grained bluish grey vesicular quernstone fragment that is identifiable as Niedermendig Műlstein lava (also known as Rhenish or Mayen lava) from the Eifel region in Germany (Kars 1983). Although such querns were frequently used during the Roman period, and are common finds on Middle and Late Saxon sites, they are much rarer in the Medieval period as their use was controlled following the Norman Conquest and many people were instead compelled to use centrally regulated mills (Watts 2002, 38-42). Therefore, although it occurred residually in a later context, this example is likely to be pre-12th century in origin.
[016], F.19, <058>: a Niedermendig Műlstein lava quern fragment. It measures 105mm by 96mm in extent and 30mm thick, and weighs 414g.