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Complete,the woodcut design continues until 1972, thereafter other designs and sizes are used, notably from the mid-1970s onwards. (Tied up in two bundles).

1971 Annual Report of the Director to The Board of Trustees and The Members of the Corporation

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/10/2/8/3
  • File
  • January 1971-February 1971
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises Bronowski's copy of the report [prepared for the annual meetings of Fellows and of the Corporation of the Salk Institute], with the Director's Report to the Fellows and a separate appendix containing reports from Fellows of the Institute about their work (including Bronowski's work on "humane studies" and the Council for Biology in Human Affairs, and Ursula Bellugi's work on language and communication).

Also includes a draft report with a photocopy of a note by Jonas Salk (2 Feb 1971).

"1972 Renaissance Symposium, 'The Hispanic Renaissance and the Vision of America', 5, 6, 7 May"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/10/4/2/9
  • File
  • April 1972-c. May 1972
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises copies of papers given at the symposium. With a programme, list of participants, poster for a lecture by George A Kubler on 'Renascences in American Antiquity', and a copy of a letter from Roy Harvey Pearce (University of California, San Diego) sending Bronowski the papers and regrets that Bronowski could not attend.

"1973 Annual Report of the Director to The Board of Trustees and The Members of the Corporation"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/10/2/8/6
  • File
  • November 1972-February 1973
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises Bronowski's copy of the report [prepared for the annual meetings of Fellows and of the Corporation of the Salk Institute]. The volume contains the Director's Reports to the Board of Trustees and to the Fellows, and reports of work being done by Fellows and in laboratories across the Salk Institute.


There are two copies of most items, and a change of format at Michaelmas 1986. Lent 1988 has the printed booklet, plus a typescript calendar of the services, also listing the music. There is nothing for Easter 1988, nor for Michaelmas, not Easter 1989.

"1984 Could be a Good Year - Subsidiary rights"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5/5/32
  • File
  • 1 February 1971-11 February 1971
  • Part of Personal Papers

Consists of correspondence with Quadrangle Books, Inc. on reprinting Bronowski's article '1984 Could Be a Good Year' (originally in New York Times Magazine, 15 Jul 1962) in a book on 'Technology and Social Change'.


Lacking Lent and Easter 1990, Easter 1991, and Lent 1998. From the Lent Term 1991 the service booklets are nearly all accompanied by a separate calendar, a typescript giving a full list of the services and the music. These lists are printed from Michaelmas 1993 onwards. From 1995 the summer list is called 'Easter and Long Vacation terms'. (Tied up in two bundles).

1e Symphonie pour Grand Orgue op. 14

1e Symphonie pour Grand Orgue op. 14 [1st Symphony for Grand Organ op. 14]. By Louis Vierne.
Published by J. Hamelle, Editeur, Paris.


  • Prelude
  • Fugue
  • Pastorale
  • Allegro Vivace
  • Andante
  • Final

Vierne, Louis

2 Park Street

Subject of compulsory purchase by Cambridge City Council in 1962 as part of a road widening scheme when the Park Street car park was built

2 Pikes Walk

In the 1790's Cambridge Corporation sold 999 year building leases of the waste on the south side of Walls Lane [King Street]. Number 96 King Street and 2 Pikes Walk were built on part of waste that included a large pond. Jesus College aquired the lease in 1931.

Most of the early records deal with these two properties together or as one house and are catalogued under 96 King Street [JCAD/3/CAM/KING/22]. A report on the possible conversion of numbers 1 and 2 Pikes Walk and 96 King Street into graduate accomodation is catalogued with 96 King Street [JCAD/3/CAM/KING/22/4/1]. The transfer of this property to Megahart Limited is found with the records of 96 King Street [JCAD/3/CAM/KING/22/1/1997]

20 Jesus Lane

The History of 19-22 Jesus Lane

In 1443 this site was leased for 80 years to Edmund Lavenham. At the time there was a garden with no buildings except a thatched barn.

In 1502 the College leased it to Peter Cayle for 99 years. The sites of the houses on the street frontage were not included in the lease. Cayle’s children died and the land came back to the College.

In 1539 the site was in the hands of Lambton Luke (joiner) but by 1540/1 it was taken on a 40 year lease by Knolles (or Knoles).

In 1548/9 Knoles assigned his lease to another.

By 1553 there was a large house on the site known as Knowles’ Tenement and the site was acquired by Alderman Thomas Kymbold to whom the College granted a new lease for the joint lives of himself and his wife Margery. The ‘Mansion House’ fronted the street and still had the thatched barn behind.

In 1595 when his parents had died a new lease was granted to Thomas Kymbold the younger.

In 1609 it was renewed to his widow Grace Baker, who was living there with her second husband.

In 1634 a new lease was granted to Reuben Fitches (cook). In 1649 Bryan Kitchingham (gentleman), who had bought the freehold house next door from Mrs Baker, bought the lease of Knowles’ tenement and came to live in the 'Mansion House'.

He pulled down the house on the freehold site and laid out a garden and orchard and built a malting house partly on his ground and partly on College land (without the College realising possibly due to the upheavals of the Commonwealth).

He bequeathed his freehold land to his son Robert (clergyman) who sold it to Alexander Parker.

The College leasehold was bought by Anthony Digby (clothier) who also bought the freehold portion of the site from Parker’s widow a few years later.

In 1698 Anthony Digby, who had built a small house on his freehold site, sold his leasehold interest to John Harwood (woollen draper).

The lease was renewed in 1712 and by the next renewal in 1727 the big house had been divided into three. The property was acquired by Elizabeth Cawthorne who allowed the premises to become much decayed before she applied to renew the lease in 1769. In addition there were 5 stables and a chaise house (the former malt house).

In 1796 John Haggerston (tenant of the Manor House) had acquired the lease. One of the houses had become a public house called the Air Balloon (the name commemorating the experiment performed by one of its Fellows, Edward Daniel Clarke).

The stables had been converted into a malting occupied by Haggerston himself.

Shortly after this Haggerston alienated his lease to Richard Foster (brewer) under whose care the malting increased in value.

The public house was now known as the Hare and Hounds and was let to an undertenant.

Not until 1860s that any rebuilding took place.

20 New Square, 1882-1894

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/NEWSQ/20/3/1
  • File
  • 16 November 1882 - 1894
  • Part of College Archives

(1) Indenture made 16 November 1882 between Emma Low (widow) and Thomas Walter Bebee (confectioner) for the amount of £171 at an interest of £4 per cent per annum,

(2) Site plan of No. 20 showing the outline of the property including dimensions, undated [William Male is names as lessee of No. 19. He held the lease from 1873-1892],

(3) Site plan of No. 20 showing the outline of the property including dimensions, 1894 is written in pencil at the top of the paper [Mr W. B. Westley is named as the lessee of No. 19.

20 New Square, 1943

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/NEWSQ/20/3/2
  • File
  • March 1943 - 27 August 1943
  • Part of College Archives

Concerning a schedule of dilapidations March 1943 and the amount it would cost.

20 Station Road

Letter from Hugh Shield (Bursar) to the Executors of Henry Chapman offering them a new lease of Gordon and Cleveland Villas for 40 years from 25th September 1889 on payment of a fine of £205 6s 3d (to include solicitor's and surveyor's charges, stamps and all expenses). New rent to be set at £26 8s pa for the first 26 years and £31 5s pa for the last 14 years. Attached is a plan showing the size of the properties and the names of the neighbouring leaseholders

20 Station Road

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/STA/20/2/2
  • Item
  • 26th October 1943 - 1st December 1943
  • Part of College Archives

Consists of 2 letters to the Bursar: (1) from J. Carter Jonas & Sons (Land Agents) about renewing the lease to the Ministry of Works for a rent of £85 pa (2) concerning failed attempts to trace the lessee Mrs Websdale in order to get dilapidations at the end of the lease on 25th December. They had traced the guarantor Mrs Paues

20 Station Road

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/STA/20/2/3
  • Item
  • 8th January 1947 - 14th January 1947
  • Part of College Archives

Letter dated 8th January 1947 from the Bursar C. H. Wilson to the Director of Lands & Accommodation expressing concern that the tenancy of the property was still with the Ministry of Works and asking when it would be returned to College ownership as the agreement for occupation was for the war years only and the college needed the property for accommodation and rent revenue. Letter dated 14th January 1947 from the Ministry of Works, Eastern Region stating that they had taken a tenancy of the property from the College's tenant Miss Paues's in 1936 and then agreed another tenancy in 1943 when Miss Paues's tenancy ended. He also states that the Ministry had no vacant space in Cambridge and so needed this property and would be unable to return it to the College

20 Tenison Avenue

Known as 'Blackmoor'

Leasehold sold by the estate of Charles Armstrong (deceased) to A. F. Free of 32 Cherryhinton Road, Cambridge on 8th April 1940


Begins with brief lists and full calendars (printed). The Easter Term includes a Long Vacation Term in 2000. The full calendars are replaced by briefer listings of the music from Michaelmas 2004 to Easter 2009. Lacks Easter 2004 (service booklet) and Michaelmas 2006 (both service booklet and music list), and the service card for Michaelmas 2008, though the music list survives. (Tied in two bundles.)

Results 151 to 200 of 22463