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1793 works

Includes notes and summarised expenditures relating to the works done in the Chapel between 1789 and 1793; Note from Jeffs and Dawson concerning cost of inserting black and white marble squares to floor, 23rd June 1791;

17th International Design Conference in Aspen on 'Order and Disorder', 18-23 June 1967

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/8/24
  • File
  • 1966-August 1967
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises: a programme for the conference; 2 booklets (one inscribed) of conference proceedings (short essays by each speaker) including Bronowski's ideas to summarise the conference; and a folder containing a typescript reporting on Bronowski's closing speech at the conference, Bronowski's handwritten notes for his speech, a Salk Institute press release about Bronowski's speech, biographies of speakers at the conference, a card with 2 black and white photographs of Bronowski delivering his speech at the conference, and a copy of a press cutting reporting on the conference.

Also includes a conference proceedings publication from the 1966 International Design Conference in Aspen on 'Sources and Resources in Twentieth-Century Design'.

18 Jesus Lane [Crown Inn]

18 Jesus Lane was renumbered 19A Jesus Lane in 2012.

Records relating to this property up to 1912 and then between 2001-2012 are catalogued here

Between 1912 and 2001 it was part of the Marshall's garage site. For these records see: JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/9

Records relating to the lease of the ground floor premises of 18-22 Jesus Lane to Insider Markets Limited, 2001-2006 are catalogued here and sub leases of individual properties are catalogued under the relevant property

From 2012 records have been catalogued under 19A Jesus Lane see: (JCAD/3/CAM//JESL/8)

18 New Square, 1887

Letter from Hugh Shield (Bursar) to Mrs Charlotte Hopkins offering her a new lease for 40 years from 6 April 1886 of 18 New Square and 8 (A) Elm Street. Also a site plan showing the outline of the property including dimensions and the names of neighbouring leesees.

18 New Square, 1941-1945

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/NEWSQ/18/3/2
  • Item
  • 1 September 1941 - 3 April 1945
  • Part of College Archives

1 September 1941 - Letter from J. Carter Jonas & Sons to the Bursar informing him the wall between Nos. 17 and 18 had fallen down and confirming the wall belonged to No. 18

3 April 1945 - letter from J. Carter Jonas & Sons to the Bursar informing him that after an inspection they had drawn up a list of dilapidations amounting to £87 2. 6d. but stating much more needed to be done on the property before re letting to Mr Baker as no work had been done for a number of years. Mr Baker had also requested that the house should be wired for electric lighting.

18 Park Street

Letter from the Bursar to J. Carter Jonas & Sons informing them of a change of tenancy from Mrs King to Captain Holmes and asking for them to arrange to have the house de-requisitioned

18 Park Street [Demolished]

Nos. 17 and 18 were condemned by the City Council as unfit for human habitation in 1960. They were demolished in 1962 and the land was leased to Marshalls as a car park until 1993 when the Council refused them planning permission to continue using it as a car park

18 Station Road

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/STA/18/2/1
  • Item
  • 29th August 1944 - 27th March 1946
  • Part of College Archives

Consists of 2 letters from J. Carter Jonas & Sons (Land Agents) to the Bursar: (1) stating that Miss Kett had been granted an abatement in the rent of £5 owing to war conditions and asking this be extended as conditions were worse than during the war and much inconvenience had been experienced owing to the houses on both sides having been requisitioned; (2) presenting an account from Mr F. Andrews for work done and giving details about tree roots causing drains to be blocked at 18 Station Road

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

1815 works

Includes letters dated 22nd and 24th August 1815 from Rev. Thomas Dickes to William Hustler concerning restoration of the Chapel including notes about the windows and plastering by Bernasconi; Correspondence between the bursar William Hustler and James Clabben, David Bradwell, Edward and Thomas Tomson, John Turner, Francis and Peter Bernasconi and T. Goode and Son, concerning the redecoration and renovation of the Chapel.

1830s works

Includes letters from Nathan Gray and John Graham, both of March, concerning the removal and sale of wainscotting from the Chapel. Describes woodwork once in the Chapel being stored in the ante Chapel and that Nathan Gray hopes to incorporate the woodwork into alterations being made to his house. Also a note from James Webster providing estimate value of £12 10s for woodwork to be sold including rails and bannisters, two columns, two pillasters, framed wainscot and sundry mouldings.

1860s works

Includes volume for Jesus College Chapel Restoration Fund which includes lists and summaries of work done to the Chapel by various tradesmen including Rattee and Kett, Morris and Co, Bodley and Favill and Ellis. Volume also contains list of books held in the Chapel at the time of the 1860s renovations.

19 Jesus Lane

The History of 19 - 22 Jesus Lane

In 1443 this site was leased for 80 years to Edmund Lavenham. At the time there was a garden with no buildings except a thatched barn.

In 1502 the College leased it to Peter Cayle for 99 years. The sites of the houses on the street frontage were not included in the lease. Cayle’s children died and the land came back to the College.

In 1539 the site was in the hands of Lambton Luke (joiner) but by 1540/1 it was taken on a 40 year lease by Knolles (or Knoles).

In 1548/9 Knoles assigned his lease to another.

By 1553 there was a large house on the site known as Knowles’ Tenement and the site was acquired by Alderman Thomas Kymbold to whom the College granted a new lease for the joint lives of himself and his wife Margery. The ‘Mansion House’ fronted the street and still had the thatched barn behind.

In 1595 when his parents had died a new lease was granted to Thomas Kymbold the younger.

In 1609 it was renewed to his widow Grace Baker, who was living there with her second husband.

In 1634 a new lease was granted to Reuben Fitches (cook). In 1649 Bryan Kitchingham (gentleman), who had bought the freehold house next door from Mrs Baker, bought the lease of Knowles’ tenement and came to live in the 'Mansion House'.

He pulled down the house on the freehold site and laid out a garden and orchard and built a malting house partly on his ground and partly on College land (without the College realising possibly due to the upheavals of the Commonwealth).

He bequeathed his freehold land to his son Robert (clergyman) who sold it to Alexander Parker.

The College leasehold was bought by Anthony Digby (clothier) who also bought the freehold portion of the site from Parker’s widow a few years later.

In 1698 Anthony Digby, who had built a small house on his freehold site, sold his leasehold interest to John Harwood (woollen draper).

The lease was renewed in 1712 and by the next renewal in 1727 the big house had been divided into three. The property was acquired by Elizabeth Cawthorne who allowed the premises to become much decayed before she applied to renew the lease in 1769. In addition there were 5 stables and a chaise house (the former malt house).

In 1796 John Haggerston (tenant of the Manor House) had acquired the lease. One of the houses had become a public house called the Air Balloon (the name commemorating the experiment performed by one of its Fellows, Edward Daniel Clarke).

The stables had been converted into a malting occupied by Haggerston himself.

Shortly after this Haggerston alienated his lease to Richard Foster (brewer) under whose care the malting increased in value.

The public house was now known as the Hare and Hounds and was let to an undertenant.

Not until 1860s that any rebuilding took place.

19 King Street and 15b Malcolm Street [Demolished]

This was demolished as part of King Street shops development and is roughly where number 1 King Street now stands. Also contains records for number 23 King Street from after 1924 and records for numbers One and Two King's Court from 1967, when the properties are found on the same deeds

Correspondence concerning the purchase of 19 King Street and 15b Malcolm Street in 1967 is found with 10, 11 and 12 New Court [JCAD/3/CAM/NEW/1/3/1]

19 Tenison Avenue

Known as 'Lynfield'

Leased to Charles Armstrong for 99 years from 25th March 1895 along with Nos. 13, 15 and 17

1920 College Christmas card

Contains the message " 'Good fortune spin her shining wheel right merrily for you' With Best Wishes for a very Happy Xmas".


Incomplete series: begins with Lent Term 1921, and has nothing for the years 1921-22 and 1926-27.


Incomplete, but has something for every year


Nothing for the year 1943-44. Only one sheet for the years 1940-46, perhaps because of a wartime shortage of paper.

1950 and all that

Typewritten talk with pencil markings titled "1950 and all that" for the Concours Internationale d'Execution Musicale.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer


Easter only for 1953-54, and Michaelmas and Easter only for 1955-56, otherwise complete.


Complete except for the year 1963-64, which lacks Easter term. A cover with a woodcut design is used from 1967.

"1970 & 1971 Reprints, Cohn Laboratory"

Consists of reprints and photocopies of papers by Melvin Cohn, Peter Bretscher, Siddhartha Sarkar, Peter Ralph, K. Horibata, A. W. Harris, A. John Harris and Alan Sher.

All papers are published versions.

"1970 & 1971 Reprints, Dr. Jacob Bronowski" and "Cancer Council Lab."

Consists of typescripts and reprints of papers by Bronowski, Paul M. Knopf, Garth I. Nicolson and Yong Sung Choi.

All papers are published versions except for 'A Difference in the Topology of Normal and Tumor Cell Membranes…' by Nicolson (typescript), 'Identification of the Terminal Saccharides on Sperm Plasma Membranes using Specific Agglutinins' by Nicolson and Ryuzo Yanagimachi (typescript), 'Current Status of Research on the Immune Response to Parasitic Diseases in Humans' by Knopf (typescript) and 'Protest and Prospect' by Bronowski (annotated typescript).

"1970 & 1971 Reprints, Dulbecco Laboratory"

Consists of typescripts and reprints of papers by Renato Dulbecco, S. Tonegawa, Marguerite Vogt, James J. Champoux and R. Roblin.

All papers are published versions except for a report about work on 'Oncogenic Viruses' by Dulbecco (June 1970, typescript).

"1970 & 1971 Reprints, Holley Laboratory, Guillemin Laboratory"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/10/5/2/6
  • File
  • May 1968-1971
  • Part of Personal Papers

Consists of typescripts, abstracts, reprints and photocopies of papers by Robert W. Holley, B. Breier, Dieter Paul, Maureen S. May, W. Thomas Shier, Roger Guillemin, Max Amoss, Wylie Vale, Roger Burgus, Richard E. Blackwell and Norman Fleischer.

All papers are published versions except for abstracts and typescripts of 'Purification, Amino Acid Composition and N-Terminus of the Hypothalamic Luteinizing Hormone Factor…' by Amoss et al., '…A Synthetic Analogue with Specific Activity greater than that of TRF' by Vale et al., 'In Vitro Plasma inactivation of Thyrotropin Releasing Factor (TRF) and related Peptides…' by Vale et al., ' A Double Antibody Radioimmunoassay for Bovine and Ovine Prolactin' by Blackwell and Amoss, 'Pituitary Hormones, Chapter 4: TSH' and 'Pituitary Hormones, Chapter 5: FSH and LH' by Guillemin.

"1970 & 1971 Reprints, Members of the Salk Institute"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/10/5/2/1
  • File
  • December 1969-December 1971
  • Part of Personal Papers

Consists of typescripts and reprints of papers by Ursula Bellugi, Suzanne Bourgeois, David Schubert, Stephen F. Heinemann and Walter Eckhart.

All papers are published versions except for 'Induced Differentiation of a Neuroblastoma' by Schubert et al. (photocopies of proofs), 'Acetylcholine Esterase Induction in a Mouse Neuroblastoma' by Schubert et al. (typescript), and 'Remembering with and without words' by Bellugi and Patricia Siple (draft of paper for a colloquium)

"1970 & 1971 Reprints, Salk Laboratory, Orgel Laboratory, Lennox Laboratory"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/10/5/2/5
  • File
  • December 1969-1971
  • Part of Personal Papers

Consists of reprints and photocopies of papers by Jonas Salk, Fred C. Westall, Ann E. Kaplan, Leslie Orgel, H. Schneider-Bernloehr, R. Saffhill, R. Lohrmann, Robert A. Sanchez, Michael J. Dowler, Nancy M. Chung, Edwin S. Lennox, Gunther Dennert, Hansruedi Kiefer, I. S. Trowbirdge and Fritz Melchers.

All papers are published versions.

Results 101 to 150 of 22463