1) Receipt for various repairs around college, costing £2 19s 11d. Details of repairs covered in fifth item. Signed by W.L. Dickson, collector, on 10th February.
2) Receipt for water bill as per meter for the quarter ending 6th January 1876, covering 74 sets/rooms, 5 hydrants, and 4 WCs. Total £13 16s 6d, received of Jesus College and signed off by W.L. Dickson, 10th February.
3) Receipt for water bill covering the 2 WCs in the Master's Lodge and the garden, for the quarter ending 6th January. Total £1 6s 5d, received of Dr Corrie and signed off by W.L, Dickson, 10th February.
4) Receipt for water bill as per meter for the quarter ending 6th January 1876. Total £17 2s 6d, received of Jesus College and signed off by W.L. Dickson, 10th February.
5) Detailed list of the repairs carried out by the Waterworks Company between April 1875 and January 1876, costing £2 19s 11d, billed to the college in item 1. Items on receipt include: 12 1/2'' leather collars for India rubber hose; opening out ground at the cottages on Jesus Grove, repairing stop tap and fixing new bib tap in kitchen; lead pipe, bib tap, joints, hooks, India rubber collar, men's time; by the old tap, cutting off service and soldering over end of pipe and reconnecting service in another position in kitchen; lowering hydrants; screw-neck fends, hydrant fend; gaskin and lead for joints.
Dickson, W. L.