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Gift with warranty

Geoffrey, son of Hugh Clerk of Wratting, to William Chaplain, son of Arnald, former vicar of Wratting, for his homage and service, 1 1/2 acre of arable land in the village of Wratting, lying field next Burstalle way between land of the parson of Wratting, abutting on land of Philip Rikespaud and on that of Elias Rinel (?). Gersuma: 15s; rent: 7d. Should William die before having assigned the land to anyone it is to go to his sister Maud (Matilda) and her heirs. Witnesses: Philip Rikespaud, William Fluri, Roger Ace, Mathew Dispensator (Despenser), William de (H)oxecroft, William, son of Gunnild, Jordan Carpenter et aliis.

Geoffrey, son of Hugh Clerk

Gift with warranty

William Bercarius (Barker or Tanner) to Stephen, son of Laurence of Brinkele (Brincle=Brinkhill, Linc.?), for his homage and services a messuage in Wratting which William, son of Benedict, formerly vicar of Wratting, held of him, lying next a messuage of Sir William Chaplain, abutting on the green. Rent: 3 1/2d. Witnesses: William Fluri, Philip Rikespaud, Reginald Payn, William de Bosco (Wood), William de Robertot, William Randulun, Geoffrey, son of Hugh Clerk et aliis.

Bercarius, William

Gift in free alms with warranty

Ingeleis, daughter of Simon B of Wratting to the nuns of St Radegund 5 acres for the souls of her ancestors. Witnesses: __ Frivile, Sir Hugh Gudin de Weston, Ralph , Simon de Stanford, Russel, Walter de la Haye, Geoffrey Fluri of W(ratting), Rikespaud of the same, William de Oxecroft, John Jacob de Balesham, one missing, John Rangullun, Geoffrey , son of Pain (Paganus) et multis aliis.

Ingeleis, daughter of Simon

Gift in free alms

William Knapewell of Horsey to the nuns his body and the rent of 4s and services of William de le Hel of Horsey for the salvation of his soul and the souls of his ancestors and descendants.

Knapewell, William de

Confirmation and quitclaim with warranty

Agnes, wife of William de North, for her soul and for the souls of her ancestors confirms to the nuns of St Radegund the donation of a messuage and 4 acres of land made to them by Maud (Matilda), wife of Richard Besturn. Witnesses: Richard de Scales (Scaler, Escalariis), Hugh Grandin, Stephan de Oxecroft, Robert Rigespaud (Rikespaud), William de Oxecroft, Geoffrey Fluri, Peter le Bof, John Ragilun et multis aliis.

North, Agnes de


Agnes de North quitclaims the nuns for her right of dower in Wratting. Consideration: 3s. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Adam, chaplain, Sir Peter, chaplain, Philip Rikespaud, William Fluri, Hervey Messager (Nuncius), Walter Smith (Faber), William Swetey, Richard Clerk et aliis.

North, Agnes de

Release and quitclaim

Walter Smith (Faber) releases to the Prioress and the nuns of St Radegund all claim on the messuage his father formerly held of them in West Wratting, which messuage abuts on the croft of the nuns. Consideration 5s. Witnesses: Roger de Abi[ng]ton, Henry Ace, Philip Rikespaud, Robert Sewal, Robert Sarent, et multis aliis.

Smith, Walter (13th Century)

Gift with warranty

William Chaplain of Wratting to his son William for his homage and services his messuages in Wratting fields in Batelles croft and all his lands, rents and homages, meadows and pastures, which he has or may have and all rights in Wratting and Weston. Rent: 9 1/2d. If William shall die without assigning or bequeathing it, the holding is to go to Joan, his sister. Witnesses: William de Oxecroft, Philip Rikespaud, William Fluri, John Fluri, Mathew Baker (Pistor), William de Robertot, William Randellun, William de Bosco (Wood?), Richard de Cruce (Cross), Roger Wasman, John de North, Roger Doget et aliis.

Chaplain, William

Confirmation of a bequest by will

Robert Rikespaud confirms that he has bequeathed to the nuns of St Mary and St Radegund of Cambridge his body to be buried, and for the salvation of his soul and of souls of his ancestors and descendants, one acre of land in the village of Wratting, lying between the land of Hugh Clerk and the acre which the church already holds by gift of John Siventon of Robert's fee, to be held by them in free alms. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Richard and Sir Gilbert, chaplains of Wratting, Richard de Svavet' (Swavesey?), clerk, Richard, son of Sewal' de Wikham, Hervey le Massager, Peter le Boef, Elias, servant (or sergeant) et multis aliis.

Rikespaud, Robert


The Prioress of St Radegund and the nuns to John a messuage and . Rent: 16(?)d and 2 capons. Term: life of the said John. Covenant: tenant to keep (property) in repair. Witnesses: John, clerk of Wroyng (Wratting?), Roger (or Hugh) de Rikspaude of the same village, John de Bra, ___ Wyte of the same village, John de Bricham of the same, et aliis.

Radegund, Prioress of St

Lease (indenture)

  • JCMR/Add./Add. Deeds 1-83/Add. Deeds 28-50/Add. Deeds 50
  • Item
  • 11 April 1490 ("Dat' in Festo Pasche Anno domini millimo quadragentesimo nonagesimo et anno regni Regis Henrici septimi post post conquestum Anglie quinto")
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Joan Fulburne, Prioress, and the nuns of St Radegund to John Moordon of Wratting, all lands, tenements and rents etc. in Wratting, Wykham, Weston, Camps and Horseheath. Term: 9 years. Rent: 32 13s 4d.

Fulbourn, Joan (fl 1487-1491) Prioress of St Radegund

Grant of rent of 2s.

Alice, daughter of Robert, son of Sweyn, for her soul and for the souls of her ancestors to the nuns 2s: 1 s paid by Gilbert Chircheman and 1s by Smith (Faber) in lieu of services for 1 acre of land and after his death the land to revert to the nuns. Given with the consent of her heir, her daughter, Roesia, and Roesia's heirs.

Alice, daughter of Robert Sweyn

Confirmation with warranty

John de Goiz to Adam de Litlington, chaplain, confirms the gift of 14 acres in the fields of Bassingburn, made to the said Adam by Mary de Bassingburn, widow, to be held of the said John de Goiz and his heirs. Rent: 4d saving services to the king; consideration: 1/2 mark. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Ralph, son of Fulk, Sir Hugh Grandin, Henry de Colne, sheriff of Cambridge, William Russ (Ruffus) de Clopton, William de Comberton, William clerk, Geoffrey, son of Baldrich, Walter, son of Jacob, William Wulvrich, Thomas clerk, William Wardeben et aliis.

Goiz, John de


Stephen de Scales and his wife, Juliana, give, with their daughter Sibil, 80 acres in West Wrattingwith a managium, free of all taxes except Danegeld. Witnesses: Durandus, monk of Ramsey, et aliis.

Scalaris, Stephen de

Gift with warranty

Ingeleys, daughter of Simon Bonus of Wratting, to the nuns 5 acres of land in her fields called Bebites field near the scrub abutting on Wilecroft and the road to Weston wood.

Yngelesia, daughter of Simon

Gift with warranty

Hamo de Vavines to Adam de Litlington, chaplain, for his homage and service 1/2 virgate of land with appurtenances, liberties and easements, in meadows and pastures and feedings, except in 1/2 acre of land which Ralph Gray holds from him, instead of which he grants to the said Adam the 1 1/2 roods of land lying between land of Richard de Rokel and the land formerly of Agnes at Pleistowe, abutting on the land of Bernard, son of Ailban. The 1/2 virgate of land is in the fields of Litlington and the 1 1/2 roods in Cothilledan, the 1/2 virgate is that formerly held by John Blundus. Gersuma: 10 marks; rent: 2s and services to the king. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Philip de Abbinget(on), Luke, his brother, Luke, clerk, Elias, clerk, John, son of chaplain, William, son of Auger, Alan, his son, Peter de Eshwell, Elias de Eshwell, Master (Magister) William, his brother, Ralph Gray et aliis.

Valvines, Hamo de

Gift with warranty

Haidan, son of Ailowe, to Adam de Litlington, chaplain, for his homage and service, 1 acre of land in the West field of Litlington next to the land of the said Adam and that of Alexander le Moyne, abutting on Dune way. Gersuma: 14s; rent: 1d. Licence to alienate to anyone except to a religious house. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Philip de Abinget(on). Luke, his brother, Elias, parson of Litling(ton), Luke de Abinget(on), clerk, Elias de Litling(ton), clerk, John, son of Simon, R. le Moyne, John Bibois, Ralph Gray, et multis aliis.

Haldan, son of Aillowe


William, son of Augustine, to Alexander le Muine (Moyne), son of Peter le Muine, the homage and service of Adam de Litlington, chaplain, and all rights he may have in the land in Litlington, which he has sold to the said Adam. Consideration: 2s. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Henry le Eveske', Sir Hugh de Colevil, Sir Philip de Stant(on), Sir Philip de Abingeton, Luke, his brother, Peter de Ashwell, John, son of Simon, William his brother, Richard Bibois et aliis.

William, son of Augustine

Gift with warranty

Ingeleys, widow of Peter de Shelford, for her soul and the souls of her ancestors and descendants to the nuns 1 acre in West Wratting fields, abutting on Wardlo way and on Rugweybrade, lying between lands of John, son of William, and Osborn le Palmer, his brother.

Yngeleysa, widow of Peter de Shelford

Gift with warranty

Maud (Matilda), wife of Richard Besturne, to the nuns north half of a messuage assigned to her mother, Agnes, as dower, and 3 acres adjoining the said messuage, which lies between the lands of her mother Agnes and Roger de Oxecroft, and half of 3 roods abutting on Warlo way and Barlybrede, lying between lands of Robert Rikesbaund and Geoffrey Fluri, and half of another 3 roods abutting on the said way and lying between the lands of the Parson of Wratting and Stephen Algai, and half of another 3 roods called Westonland, abutting on the said way and on Westone fields on one side and land of Geoffrey Fluri on the other. In all cases the half is nearest to the sun.

Besturne, Maud

Confirmation with warranty

Alexander le Muine (Moyne), son of Peter le Muine, to Adam de Litlington, chaplain, for his homage and service, all the land which the said Adam bought of William, son of Augustine, in Litlington. Consideration: 20s; rent: 12d. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Henry le Eveske, Sir Adam de Bassingburn, Henry de Coln', sheriff of Cambridge, Robert de St Edmind's, Peter de Ashwell, Reginald le Muine, John, son of Simon, William, his brother et aliis.

Muine, Alexander le


William, son of Stephen de Scales, confirms his father's gift of land in Wratting, for the good of his soul and that of his wife Sibil and all his ancestors. Witness: Roger de Gurney et aliis.

Scalaris, de, family

Gift and confirmation

Richard, son of William de Scales, for the souls of his father and mother, gives the nuns 15 acres in Wratting, lying next to the nuns' land, of which 1 acre lies in Hocroft between lands of the Prior of Ely and Alexander Cokeman, 1 acre in Burstalles way between land of Simon de Merk and the land the nuns had from Robert de Rikespaud, 1 1/2 roods in Rotherweysend, between lands of Andrew, son of Edwin, and Roger Carpenter, 1 'forea' abutting on Wardlo way between lands of the said Simon and the said Prior, and 1 1/2 acres in Henhale, between lands of the said Simon de Merc (sic) and Peter le Newman, and 1 acre 1 rood between lands of the said Simon and Stephen de Oxecroft in Holedene, and 3 roods behind Cosserhill between lands of the said Simon, and 11/2 roods in Holedale between lands of William Burc and Simon Bric's wife, and 1 1/2 acres about the Bruar hill between lands of Stephen de Oxecroft and the said Simon.

Scalaris, de, family

Release and quitclaim

Geoffrey Smith (Faber), son of Walter Smith of West Wratting releases to the nuns all rights in the messuage in West Wratting, which his father held of them. The messuage abuts on the Prioress' croft. Consideration: 5s.

Smith, Geoffrey

Gift with warranty

Elias, son of Adam, to Adam de Litlington, chaplain, for his homage and service, a croft and 3 roods of land in Litlington fields: the croft lies next to that of Walter, son of William, and abuts on the croft of Ralph, son of Duran; 1 acre lying between lands of Walter and Alan, abutting on Dun way and on land of Elias (the donor). 1/2 acre at Dune, abutting on Ashwell Street and on land of Geoffrey Russ (Ruffus); 1/2 acre by land of the said Walter, abutting on Ashwell street and on Kadewell brook; 1/2 acre in Twamlawe, abutting on Ashwelle street and on Kadewell brook. 3 roods in Dukenham, lying by land of the said Walter and abutting on land of Richard de Rokel and on Inlond street; 1 rood at land of Alan, son of William, abutting on Chaldewell brook and on Broad way; 1 rood between lands of Bernard and Roger, son of Reginald, abutting on Small way and on Broad way. Gersuma: 6 marks; rent: 4d. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Elias, parson of Litlington, Master (Magister) William , his brother, Peter de Ashwell, Luke de Abingt(on), clerk, William, son of Auger, Alan, his son, William, son of Simon parson, John, his brother et aliis.

Elias, son of Adam

Gift in free alms

Adan de Litlington to the Church of St Mary and St Radegund for the salvation of his soul and the souls of his ancestors and descendants all his lands in Litlington, Bassingburn and Mordun, in free alms, the nuns to render service to the lords of the fee, viz. to Hamo de Valoniis (Valence) and his heirs 2s per annum; to Alexander le Moyne and his heirs 12d; to Lady Mary de Bassingburn and her heirs 4d; to the heirs of Elias de Litlington, clerk, 4d; to the heirs of Peter de Ashwell 2d; to Haldan and his heirs 1d; to the heirs of Richard Doget 1d. Donor covenants to give the charters to the Prioress Letitia, with the Livery of seisin. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Richard, Dean of Cambridge, Sirs Richard, Peter and Arnold, chaplains, Robert Saman, Adam, son of Eustace, Ralph, son of Henry, Thomas, son of Joachim, Anger, son of Edric, Childman, Nicholas, his son, William Pilate et aliis.

Litlington, Adam de

Grant of rent with warranty

Alexander le Moyne to the church of St Mary and St Radegund for the salvation of his soul and the souls of his ancestors, 12d of annual rent, due from the nuns for lands of him in Litlington. The nuns thereafter to hold their land in free alms. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Roger de Huntingsfield, Sir Peter de Danelie, William Traylli (or Caylli), William, clerk of Litlington, John, his brother, Richard de Boclekesham, Alan, son of William, Robert de Sugeres (or Fugeres), Hugh, son of Bruce, William Sali et multis aliis.

Le Moyne family


Rose le Moyne, widow of Alexander, to the nuns all her rights of dower in 12 acres of arable land and 12d annual rent in Litlington, that she claimed before the Royal Justiciar at Westminster. Consideration: 1 mark. Witnesses: Master (Magister) Nicholas de Merston, official of Huntingdon, Dean of Huntingdon, Ciprian de ___, (one missing), Thomas de Crempesham, George de Crempesham, Peter deWanet', clerk, who wrote the charter.

Moine, Rosia le

Terrar of the nuns' land in Litlington

Description of 37 acres 1/2 rood owned by St Radegund Priory in Litlington. Boundaries are given with the names of owners of adjoining lands: the names of the nuns' tenants are written between the lines. There seem to be four tenants: Gibbes, Foster, Roke and Howkyn.

Radegund, Nuns of St

Gift with warranty

Helewissa de Witsunit to her daughter Matilda (Maud), in free marriage, half of a messuage in Little Habiton (Abington); lands, services, meadows, pasture, feedings, etc., homage and services of Gilbert de Clii, Geoffrey at church (ad ecclesiam), William de Bret, Ralph, son of Hamelin. To be held by the service of 1 part of 1 knight's fee. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Peter de Tani, Sir Geoffrey de Schalaris (Scales), Sir Ralph de Bonis', William, son of Hamelin, Nicholas Travaile, Walter Travaile, Robert cum terra, John, son of Richard, Roger clerk of Habitone (Abington) et multis aliis.

Witsunit, Helewissa de

Lease (indenture)

  • JCMR/Add./Add. Deeds 1-83/Add. Deeds 63-70/Add. Deeds 65
  • Item
  • 29 September 1434 ("Dat' apud' Cantebr' in festo sancti Michaelis Archangelis Anno Regni Regis Henrici Sexti post conquestum Anglie terciodecimo".)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Agnes Seyntclowe, prioress of St Radegund, to Simon Thurgor of Abi(ng)ton, land in pastures, meadows, feedings etc., and a quit rent of 8 lb of cummin from the tenement formerly of Robert Pogeys. Term: 20 years. Rent: 40s. Lessee covenants: to pay all outgoings; to do all repairs; to manure, to sow corn in season, not to make any changes or allow any to be made; not to underlet. Nuns can enter and distrain if rent not paid within 3 days when it is due. Witnesses: John Knapton, mayor of Cambridge, Richard Wythe, William Spencer, bailiff, et aliis.

Seyntelowe, Agnes (fl 1415-1457) Prioress of St Radegund

Lease (indenture)

  • JCMR/Add./Add. Deeds 1-83/Add. Deeds 63-70/Add. Deeds 66
  • Item
  • 29 September 1473 ("Dat' apud Cantabr' predicti in festo Sancti Michaelis Archangelis Anno Regni Regis Edwardi Quarti post conquestum Anglie terciodecimo".)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Prioress Elizabeth Walton to Thomas Thorgor, all lands, tenements, pastures, feedings etc. and a quit rent of 8 lb of cummin from the tenement formerly of Robert Pogeys in Abington. Term: 40 years. Rent: 40s, 2 capons and 1 oz saffron. Covenant: Lessee to pay all outgoings; to repair, maintain, etc.; to manure etc.; not to underlet. Lessor has right to enter and distrain if rent not paid within 3 days when it is due. Witnesses: John Croft, mayor of Cambridge, Thomas Huning, John Ward', Thomas Elbyn, Thomas Roger', bailiffs, et aliis.

Walton, Elizabeth (fl 1468-1479) Prioress of St Radegund

Gift with warranty

  • JCMR/Add./Add. Deeds 1-83/Add. Deeds 63-70/Add. Deeds 70
  • Item
  • 4 April 1419 ("Dat' Cantebrigg die sancti Ambrosij episcopi Anno Regni Regis Henrici quinti post conquestum Anglie septimo".)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

John Cley of Little Walden to the nuns, for the salvation of his soul and those of all his ancestors a tenement in Little Walden. The tenement is lying between lands formerly of Rachmald Wygthman, which he held from the Botylers (from the east), of the same Rachmald, which he held from the Countess of Herford (Hereford or Hertford?) from the west; from the south abutting on land of Raymond, from the north abutting on the highway. Thiese lands he inherited from his brother, Rachimald Wygthman. Witnesses: John Grenlane, mayor of Cambridge, John Warwyk, Henry Toplyse, John Cappe, bailiffs, John Bylney et aliis.

Walden, John Cley of Little


Nicholas le Moyne (Monachus) de Selford (Shelford) in response to the petition of his father and with the consent of his heirs confirms to the nuns of St Mary and St Radegund of Cambridge 55 acres of land which his father gave them, also 1 1/2 acres of meadow and 1 acre of land for building barns. The five acres of land which they have asked for he will give. He gives this land for the souls of King Henry and his heirs and for the souls of his own father and mother and for the remission of his sins and those of his heirs. To hold as King Henry gave it to le Moyne's father and his heirs. Witnesses: Jonathan, priest, Nicholas and Jocelin, priests, Peter, clerk of Shelford, Hervey, son of Warin, John, his son, Norman.

Le Moyne family

Gift for life with warranty (counterpart)

Prioress Letitia and the nuns to John, son of William le Moyne, all their land which Richard, reeve of Shelford, holds for his life together with the meadowland, viz.: at Dune, 1 acre between land of the bishop and land of St Radegund's; 2 acres on the Hill between land of St Radegund's and land of Henry le Hey; 2 acres across Wytewell between land of the bishop and land of St Radegund's; 2 acres of meadow between meadowland of John le Moyne at Lacheford and meadowland of John Sevare. Term: for life. Rent: 2s. Warranty: to the said John for life, after his death the land to return to the nuns. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Baldewin de F(re)vile, Sir Everard de Trumpington, Sir John de Cailli, Sir Geoffrey de Banks, Sir Alan de Bassingburn, Sir Phillip de Stanton, Henry de Colne, sheriff of Cambridge, John de Selford (Shelford), son of Reginald, William de Cailli, et aliis.

Letitia (fl 1213-1230) Prioress of St Radegund

Gift with warranty

Matilda, widow of Robert le Butiller, for the salvation of her soul and for the souls of her ancestors, to the nuns the half messuage in Habiton (Abington) which she received of her mother, Helewissa de Wyston, on her marriage, with all appurtenances, in free alms. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Peter de Thanay, Sir Richard, his son, Sir Geoffrey de Scalariis (Scales), Sir Alexander, his son, Sir Baldewin de Frivile, Sir Walter of chapel (de Capell'), Sir Geoffrey, his brother, Sir Alan de Bassingburne, Sir Everard de Trumpington, Baldewin de Rosey, Richard Sewale, Philip Rikespaud et aliis.

Butiller, Matilda le

Gift with warranty

John de Rocheford to the nuns of St Radegund homage and services owed to him by Roger, chaplain of Burrwell and his heirs for the tenement of Lecherosecroft in Berden for the salvation of his soul and that of his wife Matilda and of the soul of his daughter Beatrix, who is buried there, that is at the light before the altar of St Radegund. Witnesses: Baldwin de Felsted, William de Rocheford, Geoffrey de Rocheford, Eustace de Rocheford, William, chaplain of Norhanton (Norhampton?), Simon Petitconscil et multis aliis.

Rocheford, John de

Confirmation of gifts with warranty

Martin Chamberlain (Camararius) to the nuns a messuage in Stevinton, called Hokerhellescroft, which they have by gift of Beatrix, his mother, and 9 acres of the open fields of Stevinton, which Matilda (Maud) Chamberlain had from the said Beatrix and gave to the nuns, in free alms, for the salvation of his soul and those of his ancestors and descendants. Witnesses: Walter, parson of Wilburham, Henry Chaplain of Beatrix Chamberlain, Martin's mother, Robert, chaplain of Wibisse (Wimbish), Adam de Stokes, Robert, chaplain of Berkelau, Sir (Dominus) William de Knapwell, Sir Walter de Capellis, Sir William Russel, Sir Henry de Capellis, Sir William Burre et multis aliis.

Chamberlain, Martin

Gift with warranty

William Compere to Agnes, widow of Nicholas le Moyne of Shelford and her assigns 3 acres of land in Shelford and 1/2 acre of meadowland, viz: 1 acre lying on the (H)evereshowe road next land of John Wik. 1 acre abutting on Portway between lands of John le Moyne. 1 acre at Chalpet lying next land of the said John le Moyne. 1/2 acre of meadow lying next to meadowland of the Bishop of Ely at the entry to Rademadue. Rent: 12d, gersuma 20s. Witnesses: Ralph de Hoylond, John de Marins, John le Moyne, John de Shelford, Richard, clerk of Stapelford, Wichtle Gous, Peter de Buf, Robert Quassare, John at church (ad ecclesiam), William Lunerade, John Brond, Peter, son of Stephan de Stapelford, William, clerk, scribe of this charter, et multis aliis.

Compere, William

Gift with warranty

Agnes, widow of Nicholas le Moyne of Shelford to her son Nicholas 4 acres and 3 roods of land and 1/2 acre of meadow in Shelford that she had from William de Cumper (Compere). 2 roods lie next to William's courtyard, between his house and the house of Hugh Viellator, abutting on the road; 5 roods lie outside the court in a croft (74); 1 acre lies at the road to Evershowe, next land of John Will; 1 acre abuts on Port way at land of John le Moyne; 1 acre at Chaplet, lying next land of the said John; 1/2 acre meadow lies next meadow of the Bishop of Ely, at the entry ro Rademadwe (73). Rent: 2s. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) John le Moyne, John de Shelford, John de Marinis, John Brond, Robert Trussehare, William Luverade, Stephan Clerk et multis aliis.

Le Moyne family

Gift with warranty

Bartholomew Trussehare of Shelford to Nicholas le Moyne of Shelford for his services 4 acres of land and 1 acre of meadow in Shelford, viz.: 2 acres lying between the land of Sir Parson (of Shelford) and the land of William Selvestre and abutting on land of William Semer and Gilbert Crisp. 2 acres under Grenehow abutting on land of the Bishop (of Ely) and land of Sir John le Moyne; 1/2 acre of meadow lying at Portmelne between meadowland of the Bishop (of Ely) and land of Andrew Brond; 1/2 acre of meadow at Aldework between land of the Bishop (of Ely) and land of Andrew Brond, with liberty of fold as his ancestors had. Rent: 3d; gersuma: 6 marks and 12d. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) John le Moyne, Master (Magister) Adam de Shelford, John, son of John le Moyne de Shelford, John de Kayly de Trumpington, Henry de Henechech, Henry de Kayly de Trumpington, Richard Haregar, Andrew Brond, John Godefrey, Leo Dunning, William Lunell et aliis.

Trussehare, Bartholomew

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