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Crocheman, Walter (13c)
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Confirmation and quitclaim with warranty

William de Nonancurt to the nuns the 32 1/2 acres held of him by William Sweteye and Hugh de Ragenhyll, and assigned by the same William Sweteye and the executors of Hugh de Ragenhyll to the nuns. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Walter de Havekeston, chaplain, Sir William, chaplain, Sir John, chaplain, Nicholas Childman, Walter Crocheman, Robert Wymund, clerk, Evir, scribe (or scrivener - scriptor) et aliis.

Nonacurt, William de

Counterpart of gift by nuns to William Athelard

Prioress Letitia and the nuns give to William Athelard a messuage with buildings lying between the land of the Hospital of St John and the land of William Pie. William Athelard has sworn fealty to them. Rent: 4s 6d. Witnesses: Adam son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Thomas son of Joachim (25), Ralph son of Henry, Michael Malherbe, Robert de St Edmund's, Reginald de Fordham, William Pilate, Walter Crocheman, John Athelard, William Pye, William Godsho et aliis.

Letitia (fl 1213-1230) Prioress of St Radegund

Exchange of rent (indenture)

Robert, son of Anger le Rus, to Prioress Custancia and the nuns a quit rent of 3s out of a messuage formerly belonging to Henry Spilmen in the Cornmarket, lying between the land of John Atgate and the land of Nicholas outside the market. Saving to the donor a rent of 4d from this messuage and the escheat if it should fall vacant. Consideration: the nuns release to John de Sausitone a rent of 3s due to them from Ralph de Banc for a virgate of land in Pampesworth. Witnesses: Richard, son of Laurence, mayor of Cambridge, Roger Warin, William Goldring, William, son of Ivo, John Martin, bailiffs, William Tuyllet, Robert Hubert, Walter Chrocheman, Enest Mercer (Mercator), William Elyot, Nicholas ultra forum (beyond the market), Robert de Maddingele et aliis.

Rus, Anger le

Gift for life (indenture)

Prioress Mabilia and the nuns to Richard de Fulburne, son of Robert, baker, and Allice, his wife, a tenement between the land of the Friars Minor and the land formerly belonging to Anger le Rus. Rent: 12s; term: joint lives in survivorship. Witnesses: Richard, son of Laurence, Robert Hubert, William Tuylett, Stephen le Kuver, Walter Crocheman, Ernest Merce (Mercator), Ralph, son of Ralph, Robert, his brother, Henry Page et aliis.

Mabilia, Prioress

Gift in free alms with warranty

Warin Grim (son of Absalon) to the nuns 2 acres in Cambridge fields between the land of William le Fater and Bernard Shepherd (pastor). Witnesses: Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, Peter, chaplain, Bartholomew Noble, Eustace, son of Hervey, Robert de St Edmunds, John de Berton, Ralph Wombe, Walter Chrocheman et multis aliis.

Grim, Warin

Gift in free marriage

Henry, son of Hugh, to Symon, son of Henry, a shop in Cambridge market, which he holds of John de Berton, lying between a shop of the same Symon and a shop of William, son of Henry. Rent: to John de Berton 2s; gersuma: 3 marks. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) John, son of Hugh, chaplain, Master (magister) Alan de Say, John de Berton, John Potekin, John Alvivechild, Bartholomew le Noble, Stephen and Henry de Hanckeston, Walter Crocheman, Richard Tailor (cissor), Simon, son of Ailberic, et aliis.

Henry, son of Hugh

Gift in free marriage

William Pilate to Reginald, son of Reginald de Fordham, in marriage with his daughter Margery, a messuage in the parish of St Edward, lying between the land of Geoffrey Man and that of Ernest Pageles, which messuage he holds of Gilbert de Stanton at a rent of 16d per annum. Also 5 roods in Trumpington Meadow and 1/2 acre in Cambridge fields, that he holds of Henry de Trumpington, lying between the meadows of John de Ri and John, son of Robert, which land he bought of Alice of Newenham, and for which he owes 4 1/2 d per annum rent service to Henry de Trumpington, and service to the King. Also 1/2 acre in Cambridge fields, lying between the land of Eustace, son of Hervey, and the land of Margaret Vivien, abutting on Smalemadwe and on the land of Godfrey Astin. Rent: 1/2 d to William de Newenham. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Everard de Trumpington, Richard Hargar, John le Rus, Thomas Tuilet, Master (Magister) Bartholomew, son of Ralph, Robert of St Edmund's, Nicholas Wombe, Walter Crocheman, Robert Hubert, Walter Tuilet, Nicholas Childman, Peter Wulward (183), John Gogging, son of Michael, et aliis.

Pilate, William (13c)

Gift of a rent in free alms

Cecilia de Wynepole to the nuns annual rent of 6s 7d, viz.: 4s out of a messuage held of her by Serlo le Wanuter in St Benet's parish lying between the land of John Gogging and the land of Alan Weaver (Textor); 2s 7d out of a messuage held of her by John Goggyng lying next the aforesaid messuage towards Trumpington Gate. Rent charge: to St. Benet's church 4d and a wax candle; hagabel: 2d. Witnesses: Thomas Tuylet, Robert de St Edmunds, William Tuylet, Robert Hubert, Anger le Russ, John de Berton, Nicholas Childman, John Gogging, Walter Crocheman, William Pilat, Michael Bernard et multis aliis.

Wynepol, Cecilia de

Gift with warranty

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 22...29, 50-78/57c
  • Item
  • 1246-1249 (Prioress Milisentia is mentioned in Pedes Finium under 1246 and 1249. Roger of Abington was seneschal of Bishop Hugh of Northwold (1229-1254).)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Prioress Milisentia and the nuns to Alan Dalles of Barnwell, a messuage with houses built on it, lying between a messuage of Walter le Porter and a messuage of Geoffrey Cook. Rent: 4s., to be paid in two parts: 2s. on Hokeday and 2s. on St Michael's Day. Witnesses: Roger de Abinton, seneschal of Bishop of Ely, Robert de St Edmunds, Walter Crocheman, Philip, clerk, Walter le Porter, William Sweteye, Hugh de Ragenhille, Geoffrey de Toft, clerk, William Tele, Geoffrey Scolice, William of Ely, clerk, John Laane, Adam Weriel, William Page, Oliver de Weghall et multis Aliis.

Milisentia (d c 1250) Prioress of St Radegund

Gift with warranty

Cecilia de Wynepol to the nuns her rights in all the land in St Benet's parish held of her by John Goggyng and also in that which Serlo le Wanter holds of her. Witnesses: Thomas Tuylet, Robert de St Edmunds, William Tuylet, Michael Bernard, Michael Malherbe, (Nicolas?) Childman, John de Berton, Anger le Rus, Robert Hubert, William (Crocheman?), William Pilate, (John?) Goggyng, William Godhso et aliis.

Wynepol, Cecilia de

Gift with warranty (indenture)

Prioress Constantia (Custancia in the document) and the nuns to Robert, son of Ralph le Chapeler, a messuage formerly held of them by his father, Ralph, in the parish of Holy Trinity, outside the King's Ditch, near Grenecroft, lying between the land formerly of William le Felterer and the land of Barnwell Priory, extending from the highway to the Nuns' Croft. Condition: Not to alienate to Jews or house of religion. Rent: 12d. Witnesses: Sir Walter de Hauckestone, chaplain, William, chaplain, Henry Page, Richard Godfrey, Thomas Arnive, Abraham le Chapeler, Walter Crocheman, Hugh Tranch, Reginald At Cross (ad Crucem) et aliis.

Constantia (fl temp. Edward I) Prioress of St Radegund

Gift with warranty (indenture)

Prioress Milesentia and the nuns to William Tuylet land with right of putting up stalls formerly held of them by Henry Hubert, between the land formerly of Peter de Newnham, the priest, and the land of Richard Morin; breadth 9ft, length 18ft. Rent: 2s. Witnesses: Thomas Tuylett, Robert Hubert, Robert de St Edmunds, Richard, son of Ivo, Nicholas Childman, John Gogging, Reginald Serwynd, Walter Crocheman, Walter le Porter, Adam Carpenter et multis aliis.

Milisentia (d c 1250) Prioress of St Radegund

Gift with warranty (Indenture)

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 22...29, 50-78/57b
  • Item
  • 1246-1249 (Prioress Milisentia is mentioned in Pedes Finium under 1246 and 1249. Roger of Abington was seneschal of Bishop Hugh of Northwold (1229-1254).)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Prioress Milisentia and the nuns to Geoffrey Cook (Galfridus Cocus) a messuage between a messuage of William Sueteye and one of Hugh Ragenhill on the one side and a messuage of Alan Dalles of Barnwell on the other not to be assigned to any house of religion other than the Priory of St Radegund. Rent: 3s. Witnesses: Roger de Habitun (Abington), seneschal of Bishop of Ely, Robert de St Edmunds, Walter Crocheman, Philip, clerk of Bishop of Ely, Walter le Porter, William Sueteye, Hugh de Ragenhille, Geoffrey de Barnwell, clerk, William, clerk, of Barnwell, William Tele of Barnwell et multis Aliis.

Milisentia (d c 1250) Prioress of St Radegund

Gift with warranty (indenture)

Prioress Dera and the nuns to Thomas de Depham, clerk, a messuage in St Michael's parish, lately held of them by William Parcheminer, opposite the messuage of Walter Chrocheman, abutting to the east on the highway (Trinity St.) leading from St John's hospital to Trumpington gate. Rent: 3s. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Robert de St Edmunds, chief bailiff, Ernest Mercer, Michael Bernard, Richard Vinitor, Richard Bateman, Hervey, son of John Goging, Roger de Ely, Robert le Furmager, Roger de Fulburnee, John Yvo de Wilberham, Henry Nadun, et aliis.

Dera (fl 1249) Prioress of St Radegund

Gift with warranty (indenture)

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 230-238/235
  • Item
  • 1210-1230 ("Letitia was Prioress at the time of Bishop Eustace's composition respecting All Saints' Church and St. John's Hospital, which was not later than 1213; she occurs in Pedes Finium, 1228" (Gray, p.30).)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Prioress Letitia and the nuns to Richard Shipwritte land in St Michael's parish between land of Ralph, son of Henry, and land of Simon Spicer, extending from the lane to the land which William, son of Richard, holds of them. Gersuma: 4s; rent: 2s. Witnesses: Thomas Tuilet, Ralph, son of Henry, Ailgar de Well, Richard and William, sons of Yvo, Thomas de la Bruere, Hervey and Nicholas, sons of Ralph, Walter Crocheman, Simon Spicer, William Godscho, William de Hibernia (of Ireland) et aliis.

Letitia (fl 1213-1230) Prioress of St Radegund

Gift with warranty to Richard, son of Walter Crocheman

Prioress Amicia de Driffeld and the nuns give to Richard, son of Walter Crocheman, a tenement between Pilates Lane and land of said Richard Crocheman, abutting on the highway and land of Thomas de Luchefeld. Rent: 6d; consideration: 1 mark. Witnesses: Bartholomew Gogging, Mayor of Cambridge, John Martyn, Richard Laurenz, William Tuylett, William, his son, John Portehors, Henry de Bertun, William Elyot, Hervey Dyer, John Palefreyer, Gerard Attepond, Robert Sarend, John, vicar of All Saints, Thomas, our clerk, Henry, our servant et aliis.

Driffeld, Amitia de (fl temp. Edward I) Prioress of St Radegund

Grant for life (indenture)

Prioress Dera and the chapter, to Eleanor, widow of Simon Godelote, a house in the Parish of St Andrew the Great, three shops, and all the land the convent had of the said Simon, to hold of them. Term: for the life of the said Eleanor. Rent: for the messuage 2s 6d; for the shops in the market 4s 6d; for the land of Alice, daughter of John Esflet, in Milne Street 1 pair of gloves value 1/2d; for the land at Fartewell, services to the chief lord 1d and a pair of gloves value 1/2d; for the land in Smalemade 1d etc (see 381). Witnesses: Roger de Wikes, John le Rus, Robert de St Edmunds, William Tuyllet, Henry de Berton, Walter Crocheman, William de Neu[n]ham et aliis.

Dera (fl 1249) Prioress of St Radegund

Grant of a rent

John Aerard to the nuns for the use of their infirmary the rent of 6d, which he bought from Robert of St Edmunds proceeding out of the messuage, mentioned in 133a, formerly of Stephen, son of Adelelin, in Willeghes. Witnesses: Adam, son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Thomas Tuilet, Ralph, son of Henry, Richard , son of Yvo, Reginald Fordham, Reginald, his son, Walter Crocheman, William Pie, William Pilat, William of Ireland (de Hybernia) et aliis.

Aelard, John

Grant of a rent in free alms

William Sueteye to the nuns for his soul and those of his ancestors an annual rent of 8s out of the above land for the maintenance of a land in the nuns' choir. Anathema if rent unpaid or land extinguished. Witnesses: John Russ, Eustace, son of Hervey, Robert de St Edmund, Thomas Tuylet, William Tuylet, Stephan de Hauckeston, Michael Bernard, William Pilat, Robert Crocheman, Walter Crocheman, Walter le Porter et aliis.

Sueteye, William

Grant of a rent in free alms (indenture)

John, son of Geoffrey Godard, with the consent of Eva, his wife, to the nuns a rent of 2s out of land lying between the land of Andrew de Middleton and the river bank, abutting on the land of Algar de Well and that of John le (Oste), and if he die childless, the reversion of the land to the nuns, except for a small room next the land of the aforesaid Andrew. Also a rent which Richard de Tredde paid him viz. 4d. Witnesses: Thomas Tuilet, Robert de St Edmund's, Eustace, son of Hervey, Master (Magister) Bartholomew, son of Ralph, Nicholas, son of Ralph, Walter Crocheman, John Goging, John Potekin, John Alvevechild, William Tui(let?), Robert Hubert, Childman, Nicholas, his son, John de Berton et aliis.

John and Eva Godard

Grant of a rent of 8s.

William de Bestone, clerk, to the nuns, a rent of 8s out of 2 messuages outside Barnwell gates. Gersuma: 5 marks. Witnesses: Richard son of Laurence, Head Bailiff, Roger Warin, Thomas Plote, Peter de Welles, Henry Tinctor, bailiffs, Nicholas Childman, Walter Crocheman, Paulinus Wombe, William Elyot, Robert Edward, William Godson, William Molendinar[ius] (Miller), Alan de Teversham, Robert Wymund, clerk, et aliis.

Bestone, William de Bestone

Grant of a rent on the property mentioned in 100a

Matilda, widow of Alan Edward of Cambridge, with the consent of her son, Peter, to Roger de Herdwic, servant of the nuns of St Radegund, an annual quit rent of 4s out of a tenement held of her by Fulk le Haneper, outside the Ditch and near Garewycscruche. Roger de Herdwic can assign or bequeath and can distrain on Fulk's tenement if the rent is unpaid. Gersuma: 25s 4d; rent: 1/4 lb. cumin. Witnesses: Anger le R[us], Nicholas Childman, Robert Hubert, William Tuylett, Paulinus Wombe, Walter Crocheman, Ralph Chapeler (Capellaris), John Alvevechild, Symon Spicer (Spiciarius), Ernest Mercer (Mercator) et aliis.

Matilda, widow of Alan Edward

Release and Quitclaim

Matilda, widow of Alan Edward of Cambridge, to Prioress Constance and the nuns the land mentioned in 100a-b, between land formerly of Ralph the Deaf and that of Henry de Berwue. Gersuma: 1 besant. Witnesses: Walter de Hauckestone, chaplain, Walter Crocheman, Henry Page, Ralph, his son, Robert, his brother, Richard Godefrey, Paulinus Wombe, Reginald Cross et aliis.

Matilda, widow of Alan Edward

Release and Quitclaim

Geoffrey, son of Thomas de Littlebery, clerk, to the nuns, 1 acre (121a,b) which he bought of Peter, son of Master Warner (le Rising?). Consideration: The nuns release him from the rent of 2s 6d (121b), and from a rent of 4s due from him for a piece of land extending to the great street (Magna Strata, St Andrew's Street) and the land of Adam de Ditton. Witnesses: Nicholas Childman, Robert de St Edmunds, William Tuylet, Robert Hubert, Symon Pistor (Baker), Stephen le Cuper, Walter Crocheman, Paulinus Wombe, Adam Carpentarius (Carpenter) et aliis.

Geoffrey, son of Thomas de Littlebery